A Queen

Chapter 1,205 Ring 5, King 10!

Chapter 1205

The original appearance of an ordinary young man now has the face of a woman, and is beautiful. The man's Tsing Yi adds a bit of indistinguishable charm to her.

She stood in it and didn't stay long. With one step, she stepped out and came to a man.

The man in red clothes was as handsome as a demon, and he was even more demonic than that gentleman.

The clouds offer sacrifices to the lotus, and the demonic lotus burns the heart.


Fierce fighting is inherently beneficial to a person's cultivation, and there are many people who fight to the extreme and achieve breakthroughs.

Of course, not everyone can have such a good fortune... Xie Ruo obviously doesn't have these sweet potatoes.


"Why do I feel that there is something important that Sekirei hasn't said?"

"He didn't say who the ten people in the fifth ring were! It turned out that the five people... no, six people!"

"Who are they?"

I reported my name before, but now I don’t report it anymore...what a bitch!


In the fifth ring, when Dai Li stepped into this space, he felt that he was instantly enveloped by the powerful force of space, as if he had suddenly entered the depths of the ocean. There was a lot of pressure coming from all directions and pushing him.

She had just entered the fifth ring. She originally wanted to find someone, but she didn't expect...

There were nine people directly in front of me!

in different directions.

And when they suddenly saw the light flashing in the teleportation array, and then the appearance of Dai Li who was clean and unstained by some smoke and dust, the expressions of Linghu Bai and others were very exciting.

It's not like they were shocked or anything like that, it was just...all kinds of things, but they were not within the limits of what they would normally think of.

It's only been two or three minutes now, minus the teleportation and some delays. This Jun Zili undoubtedly killed Yun Yiyi within a minute.

One minute..Yun Yiyi?


It's really amazing as always." Such a leisurely laugh came from a face that was very unfamiliar to the audience in Chibi Plain.

He looks good, but his appearance is far inferior to that of gods and goddesses such as Ming Jian or Gui Jianchou. He is dressed in a green shirt, has a gentle and refreshing temperament, and has a smile on his face. Like a spring breeze.

A true gentle man. Well, it also has a bit of a bookish medicinal scent...

People in Loulanting and Nanlin were embarrassed.

"The one from Daxia..."

"It's from Daxia again!"

The people of Nanlin were so shocked. Others changed this shock to...

"The hell it's from Nanlin again!"

"The one in Nanlin!"

"It seems that the group of people in the cloud are also from Daxia. I saw them talking to Dai Li before..." Tang Junyi and others were no longer able to complain. To put it bluntly, it is no wonder that the inexplicably powerful immortal wanted to deal with Daxia. Maybe Daxia is really a treasure place, otherwise how could there be so many monsters.

Daxia is just a big place. It's not even one tenth of Fenchuan's, and the spiritual energy is not even one ten millionth of Fenchuan's.

The results of it...

"Great Xia is like this... so what about our Southern Forest?" Jiang Chuan and others thought of Jingjingyuan, Famous Sword, Ghost Sword Chou, etc...

"No wonder Dai Li said that we must protect Nanlin. I'm afraid that the fate of us people has been involved with Nanlin, Nanlin, and Daxia. Regardless of each other, we must all rise. Otherwise, we will perish!"

Everyone suddenly had great confidence and ambition in Nanlin!

Who would have thought that Nanlin Club, which was underestimated even in the regional competition, would counterattack. Not only did more than half of the candidates enter the 3,000 assessment, but now... nearly ten people are in the top thirty!

The leaves are clear, the clouds are quiet and far away, the famous sword, Chu Xiuling, and Ghost Sword Chou are all amazing!

Qianshan dusk snow, Junzili, Loulanting, even the top ten!

What kind of achievement is this?

When Jiangchuan and others were waiting for the people from Qishan Pavilion to compile these data... what were the expressions of the people in the world.

Ha ha!

The people in Nanlin were secretly happy. The atmosphere in the fifth ring...

Not very good.

From the top ten, only the top two can be decided.

And these ten people are obviously king-level.

Battle of Ten Kings!


Thousands of mountains are snowing at dusk, Linghu is white, Wanqi's sword is cold, Tsing Yi is gathered together, ruthless, Lou Lanting, Dai Li, Mo Yao, Banquet Rules, Hu Yanjue.

Here are the ten kings in the fifth ring.

Regardless of where they come from, the people watching the battle haven't thought about it that much yet. They just want to know who is the strongest among these ten!

Dai Li glanced at him. Fortunately, most people knew him, including Hu Yanjue.

There is only one Wanqi Jianhan.

He was a very tall young man, nearly 1.9 meters tall. He was slightly skinny. He was as cold and sharp as a sword. He had short black hair with a faint purple light at the end. His skin was slightly bronze, and his facial features were very tough, like those from the Western Regions. He is tall and bold, with sharp edges and corners, and extremely clear outlines.

In the West, he is a god that all painters and sculptors worship crazily, but in Daili's view, this person is more like a devil.

The devil with a sharp edge has no popularity at all.

"Jun Zili, did you kill Yun Yiyi?" Dai Li, who was observing the beautiful man, was brought back to his senses by Hu Yanjue's sudden voice.

"Yeah" Dai Li answered simply.

Hu Yanjue glanced at him lightly and turned his face: "It seems that he is not afraid anymore."

What does this mean?

Having despised Yun Yiyi, he also trampled on her.

It is said that Hu Yanjue is the most domineering person in the Four Pavilions... This is indeed true.

But this person is also qualified to be domineering.

Dai Li smiled: "It's really nothing to be afraid of."

These words also have some profound meaning.

Yun Yiyi was beaten by me, so what about you, who was almost on par with him before?

Hearing this, Hu Yanjue frowned, pursed his lips, and lowered his eyes expressionlessly. He didn't know what he was thinking, but these people in front of him...

Dai Li did the math, damn, most of them were facial paralysis plus ice cubes!

Or maybe it was the taciturn veiled girl and the smiling corpse-touching man, but a girl like Luan Qingyi who never talked to strangers was actually quite enthusiastic!

Dai Li murmured in his heart that lonely people tend to be excellent, and excellent people are more lonely. This sentence is indeed the truth...

Am I an exception?

"As the last person to arrive, I have to ask...are you planning to remain silent until death? Whoever can't help but speak will lose?"

Daili's words made Qianshan Muxue smile slightly, "Then Mr. Jun, do you have any good ideas?"

Let you be your master! Pretending to be a stranger is addictive, right?

"If there is no fight, then guessing or drawing lots, the women will compete with each other to see who has a good-looking face or figure!"


Everyone looked over and Lou Lanting smiled: "What about the man? Who can pee further?"

There was obviously some amusement in that look.

Daili: "..."

I know that this bitch who likes to touch people's corpses at night is full of voluptuousness.

It was still the Qing Yi who dispelled Lou Lanting's slightly dangerous temptation. She said: "Chi Ling said before that once the ten people arrive, the carry transmission position of the sixth ring will be opened."

Does that mean these people were waiting in vain? No wonder there was no fight. It turns out that the teleportation position here hasn't appeared yet, so I don't want to waste my energy.

Dai Li felt relieved. She had been worried that she had arrived too late and missed it.

look around. Hey, this place looks a bit like a red cliff forest. It's just that there are no red cliff fruits, only huge stalagmite peaks.

Their location is in the central area.

The fifth ring is not big, and is a hundred times smaller than the fourth ring. Calculate the length of space. Just a thousand miles.

Very small.

But the space intensity is more than a thousand times that of the fourth ring.

The ten people were silent, the old god was there and they didn't say anything. But everyone may be wondering about the strength of others and who they have to deal with next...

A moment. Dai Li's eyes met Yan Lu's.

Do you still remember that agreement?

of course I remember.

Looking at each other...


Dai Li and Mo Yao both raised their eyes.

The telepathic power of the soul master...


On the left and right sides... the ripples of the air sword spread out.

Chao Qianshan Muxue glanced at Qing Yi, and Dai Li suddenly moved!



Dai Li chose the right side!

Almost at the same time...Mo Yao, she is also on the right!

In fact, it’s not that much different. At first glance, it’s just one second of light and shadow. Ten people, in the blink of an eye, nine streams of light shoot out, flying to the left and right!

Left: Thousands of mountains are covered with snow at dusk, Linghu is white, wearing green clothes, ruthless

Right: Loulanting, Daili, Moyao, Yanlu, Huyanjue

Middle: There is still Wanqi Jianhan who has not moved.

There is a radiant teleportation array at each end on the left and right. This is obviously the Chu and Han Dynasty. Although it is not a melee between ten people, when the five streams of light from the five people on the right shoot over...

How many of the hundreds of thousands of people watching the game didn't breathe hard?

"Hu Yanjue is the fastest! He is indeed the strongest."

Hu Yanjue was actually the number one candidate by default from the beginning. Although he was not 100% sure, at least 60-70% of people thought he was the strongest. After all, who knew Qianshan Muxue, Loulanting, Junzili in the first place? These people, even Mo Yao and Yan Lu are actually not well known.

What now?

With Dai Li's sword drying the clouds, Yi Yi rises against the sky, with Wanqi Jianhan and Qianshan Muxue hiding deeply, and with the mysterious Mo Yao and Yan Lu finally taking action...

There is even more weird Lou Lan Ting making a strange appearance...

Everything is developing in an unknown direction. Fortunately, Hu Yanjue still seems to have an absolute advantage.

However, Shang Biere said softly: "Hurry is not a good thing..."


Yanlu, he forced out a lightsaber from his fingertips, slashed!


The giant general field appears!

It’s the king’s field!

The primary king field is similar to the one Ye Ziqing used before, except that one is pure black and the other is dark gold.

Keng~~~ The lightsaber of nearly two hundred counties struck the outer shell of the king's field, striking out a dazzling light.

"You want to kill me, you're dreaming!" Hu Yanjue has the king's field in hand, and he has the advantage. At this moment, with all his strength...

He seemed to have an advantage in terms of speed, and with a flip of his hand, he struck a fierce sword at Yan Lu who was approaching from behind.

A sword was used to sacrifice a statue of the general king. The general king had an angry look on his face, and when he opened his mouth, he spit out a beam of light.

The light of the general!

The power of two hundred and fifty counties!

But when the light reached ten meters in front of Yanlu, Yanlu stretched out his hand, grasped and twisted it with the power of spiral. (To be continued)


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