A Queen

Chapter 1,213 The Realm of Enlightenment! (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu Xianpa + 2)

Chapter 1213

If he dies, he will be a troublesome existence even in the underworld.

Of course, there are very few such existences in the world, and most of them are mostly reduced to ashes, not even ghosts.

Is there one right in front of you?

Daili's interest and curiosity about Qingqing became more and more intense, and she felt more and more that this Qishan Road assessment was more complicated than she initially imagined.

At first, she, like everyone else, felt that the most likely winner of this assessment was Hu Yanjue.

As a result, she instantly called Yanjue, but how many people can call Yanjue instantly?

Yan Lu, Mo Yao, and even Lou Lan Ting all seem to have such strength, not to mention Wan Qi Jian Han who is waiting in the middle, and Ling Hu Bai who was directly defeated by Qianshan Muxue with a sword but remained hidden. ...

Then, there were the two people in front of them.

"Mingyue Bodhi... Tiansha Lone Star?" Dai Li murmured softly.

The sky has been cut apart by the sword of Yin evil, like a pair of sharp scissors cutting the sky.

The sharp edge was approaching Qing Yi.

In fact, it has already arrived.

There is a bright moon in the bright moon and Bodhi, and there is also a Bodhi.

The bright moon shines, Bodhi cleanses away the dust...

Wow! The light spread and rushed toward the sharp-edged Yin Evil Sword like a mist!


Instantly weakened half of the evil force!

Go ahead, this effect is so perverted! You must know that the king's field is powerless with top-level energy such as Yinshali, let alone weakening it, but this Mingyue Bodhi is...

Everyone, including Daili, was surprised. Qianshan Muxue raised her eyebrows: "Very interesting restraint..."

Restraint, indeed perfect restraint!

Luan Qingyi stood under the bright moon Bodhi, after the Yin evil sword was weakened. He pressed his fingertips, but did not take action directly.

Instead, look ruthlessly into the distance.

what is that?

Under that man's expressionless face, the evil power surged with terror!

One point for left and right hands.

One is sinister and the other is sinister.

Red light and black light condensed in the palm, and the red light and black light condensed on the long sword.

It's still the Yin Sword, but the Yin Sword and the Evil Sword are separated. But that aura of power... made everyone change their expressions unconsciously.

The two mysteries are poured into it.

The mystery...the mystery of Yin. Perfect level three! ! !

The mystery of evil! Perfect level three!

Both Yin and Sha belong to the top level of mysteries, and their lethality is extremely terrifying. They are still perfect level three!

When these two mysteries appeared. The world instantly became dark, and everything in sight was filled with ferocious Yinsha light. The same was true on the big screen. All you could see was the bright moon Bodhi high in the sky and Wuqing surrounded by the Yinsha force.

There are also Daili and others below.

The extremely clean Ming Yue Bodhi faces the terrifying and cold Yin Sha. how?

The Yin Sword and the Evil Sword are rising!

Cross, one sword!


Dai Li felt his soul tremble at that moment.

And Mo Yao also changed his face slightly.


Not defense. But retreat!

The cross black and red sword light instantly occupied the entire fifth ring space, and then...



The space was swept away, all filled with sinister sword light, pressing towards Luo Qingyi on the left like a huge wave.

At that time, Shili was resisting the evil spirits. He also paid attention to Luan Qingyi, after all, he was worried that something might happen to the girl, but suddenly he saw that Luan Qingyi was motionless. But the bright moon Bodhi suddenly shrank rapidly and turned into a little blue light. It falls on the fingertips, and the fingertips twist the little green light... and point it between the eyebrows.

The eyebrows are white with a little blue light.


With Luan Qingyi as the core, there is a huge green light seal.

Seven-ring green light seal!

Seven layers of superimposed seals....

That aura of power... reached 700 counties! !

boom! ! ! Sweeping!

Mo Yao and others, who had a defensive shield in front of them and retreated 10,000 meters, saw the fifth ring space that was completely flat.

ruins? Warship? banner? Everything was gone, only the dust floating up and down and the flat surface of the ground.

Yin evil spirits, or green light, are all floating in the sky. The retreating people take a closer look, and in the misty sky, there is a little blue light between the eyebrows of Qingyi. It is not as enchanting as cinnabar, but it is full of absolute spirituality and wisdom. Her There seemed to be a hazy transparent light shield around her body, isolating her from all the dust and purifying the world for her.

It was intoxicating and ethereal.

"County 700..." With a flick of his sleeves, the dust and smoke in front of him faded, and Mo Yao suddenly smiled, "The Qinghuang clan... is amazing."

Although the soul and the entity are two different concepts, it is difficult to directly compare them, and her battle with Luo Qingyi may not determine the outcome, but the combat power of 700 counties is enough to push Luo Qingyi to the second level of the king level.

Strong, too strong!

But she’s great, so maybe someone else is not bad either.

Yan Lu, Mo Yao, Ling Hu Bai and even Lou Lan Ting all had slightly strange expressions.

They avoided it, but some people didn't.

Jun Zili is still in his original position, standing still, and the same is true for the dusk snow in Qianshan Mountain. His white clothes are not stained by a speck of smoke and dust, and later there will be the cold sword of Wanqi.

With their absolute strength, these three people are not afraid of joining Qing Yi to fight against the ruthless pinnacle.

And this battle...

In the distance, the ruthless floating sky, the clone and the main body are...

Seems safe and sound?

Could it be that the previous battle was a draw? This is too perverted!

Duan Qingyi took a breath, her face was a little pale, but she said slowly: "Three thousand assessors, you and the one in the middle are the only ones whose movements are unpredictable, which is difficult for me to see through, but I don't mind overturning them all and forcing them out." Your true strength... Now, continue."

Who says that Qing Yi is not arrogant? Not belligerent?

But all friends who are separated from each other always have something in common, otherwise it would not be enough to be recognized by her...that is excellence!

Being proud of being excellent, this pride is hidden in your bones.

It is unyielding!

Luan Qingyi is an unyielding person, and even because of her huge family background and status, her unyielding attitude is stronger than that of Ye Ziqing and others.

You have too much from the start, so you can't lose.


Keep fighting!

Wu Wuqing stared at Luan Qingyi, then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand. The evil swords turned into blue smoke and drifted out...

Hey, this is it?

"In the realm of understanding under the Mingyue Bodhi, the more we fight, the stronger we get... Unless I reach the third level of the king's level, I am far superior to your strength, and can kill you in an instant, otherwise I will become more and more defeated as I fight."

It seems like this is the first time Wu Qing has spoken? Anyway, this man had hardly spoken before, and Dai Li and others didn't pay any attention to him. Listen to this gentle and hoarse voice now. But it felt that it was very inconsistent with the terrifying evil force, because the voice was too low and lazy, and seemed harmless to humans and animals...

It actually sounds pretty good too. For voice control... quite fatal.

How many people were stunned by the ruthless words, how many people felt like they were hearing hallucinations, and how many people couldn't breathe.

Dai Li was stunned. Then laughed.

The realm of comprehension... isn't that the top realm that belongs to the same circle as the realm of control? The latter is about directly improving strength, but the former... can improve understanding!

In the state of understanding. A person's understanding will be greatly increased, whether it is daily practice or fighting, it is a very heaven-defying state.

Only then did Dai Li suddenly understand why Luan Qingyi's progress was no slower than hers. Such complex and terrifying seals were as easy to control as a small toy in her hands.

The original super high understanding is the foundation. The state of understanding is a big killer!

Lou Lanting smiled bitterly, what kind of person is this? Controlling. Comprehension, unexpectedly appeared one after another!

"If we compare it to the past few sessions, whether it's control, comprehension, evil spirits, or soul skills, etc., they are all considered the strongest abilities. As a result, they all appeared in this session..." Fu Chong narrowed his eyes and looked. To the people at Qishan Pavilion: "The most interesting thing is that it seems that the people at Qishan Pavilion didn't expect it at all..."

"Don't talk about these talents, the strength alone is enough to crush the previous ones... This is only the fifth ring, and they have all reached the second level king level. These Qingyi and Qingqing have the strength of 700 counties... Put it in In the past, except for the golden class, no matter which class it was in, it was enough to be the first place!"


Everyone discussed endlessly, but they all understood that Wu Wu had admitted defeat. Such a powerful Wu Wu... finally gave up.

Luan Qingyi didn't look happy, she just pursed her lips, glanced at Qingqing suspiciously, wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of her mouth, looked at Qianshan Muxue, and glanced at Wanqi Jianhan and Daili in the middle.

"There are only four of us left."

Qianshan Muxue nodded: "That's true."

Duan Qingyi: "I am no match for you."

You, including the three people in front of you.

Eh? You must know that at this moment, Luan Qingyi is already considered the strongest by most of the spectators.

The strength of 700 counties! It’s already the third level of king level! Isn't this better than the other three?

Absolutely impossible!

Otherwise, this session will be extraordinary!

"I have been seriously injured and cannot fight anymore," Duan Qingyi said calmly. After a pause, she added: "The most important thing is... I have an epiphany and a breakthrough."

This sentence is so lethal.

Qianshan Muxue's expression paused blankly, Wanqi Jianhan narrowed his eyes, Lou Lanting rolled his eyes...

Dai Li smiled: "Beauty in Tsing Yi, if I didn't have a good relationship with you, I would really like to give you a cart of cucumbers."

Duan Qingyi glanced at her, and said with a deep smile, "What, you still want to fight me to the death?"

"But I do want to see you fight with Qianshan girl..."

After she finished speaking, she flew down.

700 counties? I'm afraid he's not a rival to Qianshan Muxue.

As for Dai Li... he can withstand 700 county attacks, but he is not as strong as before.

And the Wanqi Jianhan...

He put on his green clothes and looked up at the sky. He frowned when he saw Wanqi Jianhan's sword.

This person made her feel a little scared.


Out of ten, three were left.

They can't be considered the top three, they can only be said to be the last three who survived.

The strength they showed was not as good as the two people who fought in the peak battle before, so hundreds of thousands of spectators were very interested in the next fight between these three people!

I don’t know if I can surpass Luan Qingyi, otherwise this assessment will end in an anticlimactic manner.

But because Luan Qingyi is so powerful, it would be extremely difficult to surpass him. (To be continued)

ps: Add another chapter today



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