A Queen

Chapter 1,214 The clone joins the battle!

Chapter 1214

Some people have noticed that the three people are in the same position at this moment, but they form a triangle, probably in the middle.

There are two transmission positions on the left and right.

The three of them said nothing because there was no need to say anything anymore...

How much time is left?

fifteen minutes!

Just fifteen minutes! ! !

On the surface, Dai Li and Qianshan Wuxue don't have a good relationship. Naturally, they would not talk about joining forces to kill Wanqi Jianhan. In fact, they are not such people.

Maybe... deep down, they also want to fight each other.

Dai Li and Qianshan Muxue looked at each other, tacitly understanding each other, but when Dai Li tapped the hilt of his sword with his fingertips.

Brush, brush, brush!

The three of them turned into streams of light and shot towards the two teleportation arrays on the left and right!

But... Dai Li and Wanqi Jianhan are on the right!

It is indeed absolutely unlucky!


Crazy speed!

Seeing that the two of them arrived in front of the teleportation position almost at the same time, they also saw that the two of them were about to fight...

call out!

The teleportation slot is gone!

"Ah! He can run!" Dai Li almost wanted to vomit blood! No wonder none of Qianshan Muxue and the others took action before. It turns out that this thing can run!

And the speed is even faster than their previous strongest speed!

That is, it is faster than the peak speed of Linghu Bai and others, which is simply unbearable! No wonder they don't even hit him, spanking is useless! Damn, I can't catch up with the teleportation array!

call out! Dai Li turned around in the blink of an eye and followed the teleportation position, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that the teleportation formation that Qianshan Muxue was chasing was also flying towards them!

Qianshan Duixue is just opposite,

Wanqi Jianhan is by your side...

The two transmission bits are relatively fast...

That's speed in a straight line!

Three people. Two transmission bits, then the result is...


Someone saw the speed of generational separation... suddenly skyrocketed!

Mo Yao vaguely saw a glimmer of light behind the man, and the outline seemed to be... wings?

Then the speed is so Spartan.

Lou Lanting: This guy is crazy. He has such speed. He even beat us up before! Just kill it in one second!

Shocked and complaining about the continuity, the light and shadow directly approached Wanqi Jianhan and Qianshan Muxue, brazenly approaching a teleportation array of the high-speed Biao Fei...


Wanqi Jianhan sacrificed a sword! Qianshan Muxue also used a sword...

One sword versus one sword. Facing the generation ahead...

cut! ! !

Too fast. Mo Yao and others didn't know how strong these two swords were. They only knew that when the two swords struck together... the space barrier of the fifth ring... trembled!

Their defenses... shattered!

Seriously injured!

Peng~! !

The fifth ring trembled violently!

Jun Zili's figure turned into thousands of twisted fragments.

Qianshan Muxue and Wanqi Jianhan... seem to overlap!

No, it’s three people overlapping!

Fight in the light and shadow!

Qian Ji and Liuli Jian faced off!

Keng! ! ! Thousands of machines trembled. There was a gap on it, and the tip of the glass... was pierced between Dai Li's eyebrows!

Wanqi Jianhan's sword is divided into two parts, one part towards Qianshan Muxue and the other part towards Chaodaili.

But in front of him there was also a dragon claw and sword shadow...

Three people attack each other!

Phew~~it’s empty!

Qianshan Muxue and Wanqi Jianhan both saw the afterimage of their wings. Shocked.

One breath..the dust never settles!

A teleportation position is full of light!

Crazy blooming!

Someone got in! Started!

Short hair, clogs. Who is that?

"It's Junzili who went in! Damn it!"

"What's her speed..."

The whole audience was shocked, the wind was messy, and the teleportation array was in chaos.

"Oh my god, we finally came in!" Dai Li looked outside with lingering fear. I saw Wanqi Jianhan and Qianshan Muxue.

It seems...the swords of these two people just now had 800 counties!

Grass mud horse! Directly 100 counties better than Ling Qingyi!

Dai Lidan felt pain, and while the light was activated... he took a deep look at the two people outside.

Whether it is Qianshan Muxue or Wanqi Jianhan, they will both be her strong enemies.

He is still the kind of rival who is extremely unsure...

Take a deep breath. The teleportation array had been activated, and she looked outside...

Peripheral...Qianshan Muxue, who was dressed in white and snowy, turned her sword slightly. Look at Wanqi Jianhan.

Fierce fighting, fighting? Do you live or die?

The teleportation bit is just ahead.

That was the second second after Daili entered the first second.

Qianshan Muxue and Wanqi Jianhan both moved their swords, but at that moment, Daili suddenly frowned because she felt Qianshan Muxue's soul... fluctuated~!

boom! ! !

800 counties? No, it’s County 999! ! !


The barrier of the fifth ring cracked!

Dai Li even felt the shaking of the teleportation array, and in that fatal light, the glazed sword and the icy cold sword intercepted...


Suddenly most of the power of the Glazed Sword was lost, and it broke and shattered in an instant...

Wow! Countless colored glazes are flying!

The cold sword cuts down...the forest is covered in ice for thousands of miles!

The twilight snow on thousands of mountains... directly becomes transparent and disappears!

Quiet, the whole place was quiet, and then there was a roar.

"Oh my god, the second level is at its peak, approaching the third level!"

"The same goes for Qiansha Muxue, but she lost!"

"So strong, so strong!"

Defeated, Qianshan Muxue was defeated, defeated at the second sword, most people were in shock and shouting, but they didn't know the shock and suspicion in the hearts of people like Dai Li and Mo Yao.

After all, I stayed here in person, and saw with my own eyes the shattering of the glazed sword and the annihilation of Qianshan Duxue.

The sword is broken!

But it was not broken because of the cold sword, but...it was broken by myself!

"Qianshan..." Dai Li's heart was on fire, something must have happened to this woman!

Duan Qingyi, who had come out of the state of enlightenment, frowned, wondering what happened.

In the Red Cliff Plains.

"Not good!" Huang suddenly turned livid, and his body turned into a huge demonic phoenix... and flew out brazenly. And a group of masters behind them also revealed their real bodies one after another, wow!

The power of the monster clan... swept across the entire audience. In everyone's astonishment, this large group of kings flew directly into the eastern sky... The speed was completely crazy, and the monster energy was soaring!

"It's a demon clan!"

"Who is Huang from the Western Demon Clan? Is he from the Demon Realm?"

"It seems something happened..."

The people in Nanlin felt vaguely uneasy, Shang Biejie frowned, and suddenly turned into a stream of light...

Shoot out!

Only now did someone realize that he was coming over... Shang Biejie... he doesn't seem to be weak!

"That woman... how is that possible!" Feng Shaoling was stunned.

And in the far east. It is also a small North Sea island outside the boundary of Fenchuan.

There is a large clean stone on the beach. There is a woman sitting on it.

On the beach... there are a lot of corpses.

When Huang and others appeared, they saw the blood-red beach that was completely soaked in blood, and people sitting on the rocks.

A woman in white covered her chest and bent down. He spat out a mouthful of blood and raised his head. The corners of his mouth were bright red, which made his pale and perfect cheeks look a little coquettish.

Huang exhaled: "You actually killed them all?"

"As you can see"

Everyone behind Huang took a deep breath.

Among these people... there must be some who are emperor-level.

"How did they find you so quickly..." Huang frowned. There was uncertainty in his eyes.

"A little slower than expected..."

Qianshan Muxue stood up and stood on the stone. Looking out over the distant sea.

"But it's a lot stronger, otherwise I wouldn't have forced my clone to collapse."

"In the Qishan Road test, you were able to reach the top three with just your clone... I'm afraid no one can be as arrogant as you... Those people wouldn't have thought of this, otherwise I'm afraid they would rush directly to Fenchuan to kill you."

Huang's tone couldn't be told whether it was exclamation or teasing, or something else. There are also some regrets: "It's a pity that they came during the battle with Wanqi Jianhan...otherwise you would have been the first."

The first place to participate with a clone... The always picky and arrogant Sekirei will probably vomit blood.

"Not necessarily." Qianshan Muxue shook her head.

"Oh, do you still want to get rid of that guy?" Huang crossed her arms and said, "Her talent is no less than yours. In terms of speed of progress... she is about the same as you. Give her some time and she can catch up. I don’t need you to give in.”

"It's really not necessary..." Qianshan Muxue gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. Narrowing his eyes and smiling softly: "You still underestimate her."


Huang was stunned.

"You mean...she is not weaker than your clone, let alone that Wanqi Jianhan?"

Qianshan Muxue did not answer directly, she just looked in the direction of Fenchuan, lowered her eyes and smiled: "This session... is very interesting... there are too many unexpected people... For example, I am not the only one who uses clones to participate in the battle, but I His purpose is not to be number one, and neither is he...because they both have identities that are difficult to see, which is a pity."


Huang was silent, and then after a while he uttered: "It's that person."

She already had an idea of ​​who it was.

The person who followed Qing Yi into a fight...but never revealed his clone.

Because it is a clone itself.


Qianshan Muxue didn't say much, she just looked at a stream of light in the distance and smiled.

"Someone is here...an old friend"

Shang Farewell... It seems that the progress is much faster than she imagined...

After awakening against the heavens, the body of Duhe...the world can no longer contain her brilliance.


In the Red Cliff Plains, among the crowd, the fat-headed and big-eared Fat Tutuo bit the pig's trotters and smiled lowly at the man with the iron mask next to him: "I guess no one here will guess who you are..."

"Don't use your limited IQ to guess other people." The man in the iron mask said in a very cold and hoarse voice, and his tone of voice was also very slow.

"Tch...but it's strange that Qianshan Muxue lost. The Lord clearly said that she was the strongest, so why..."

"This man has always been mysterious and unpredictable. Suspicions are in vain. You should use your extra energy to eat." The man in the iron mask played with a pen in his hand... his eyes glanced at the fat man.

"Three years of hard work to stimulate your bloodline, your progress will only be so much... If you don't work hard, don't blame the Lord for kicking you down..."


Fat Toutuo's expression immediately fell, he rolled his eyes and muttered: Do you think I am you... His talent is extremely perverted, and he also likes to practice hard... In three years, he went directly from the king level to the peak of the king level. One step away from the imperial level, abnormal! (To be continued)



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