A Queen

Chapter 1,215 Exposed

Chapter 1215

After muttering, he suddenly laughed: "But this time our aunt... uh, on behalf of the young master... no, it's her who is in trouble anyway, and Wanqi Jianhan is..."

"No buts," the iron-masked man fiddled with the pen on his fingertips.

His cold eyes stared straight into the big screen.

"Some things... have inertia."


Wanqi Jianhan and Daili both disappeared into the teleportation array.

Linghu Bai and others were left seriously injured, as well as the fifth ring space that was razed to the ground and covered with devastation.

Everyone's hearts suddenly felt empty.

Until Sekirei's voice came.

"The winner of the fifth ring will be decided. Two people will advance in the sixth ring. There are still seven minutes left."

No other emotions were revealed, only an extremely cold voice. Everyone could not understand what Sekirei meant, but their hearts tightened because of those seven minutes.

Seven minutes is not enough for one fight!

Not to mention there is a seventh ring.

It seems there is no chance.

Everyone could only smile bitterly and secretly decide the strength of the Qishan Road test. There is no doubt that Wanqi Jianhan, who has exploded to the third level of strength, is the final winner, and Junzili and Qianshan Muxue don't know yet. Let’s look at the final points evaluation...

Anyway..it seems to be coming to an end!


The sixth ring.

The space is semi-solidified.

When Dai Li came in, he felt as if he couldn't move a single glance. The blue sky, white clouds and earth were all forbidden, because there was no wind, no floating air, only solid space.

It's hard to breathe.

Seeing a still space, Daili took a shallow breath. Looking up, he saw Wanqi Jianhan who was also teleported a thousand meters away.

The space in the sixth ring is even smaller. It is a very simple grassland. The grass is withered and stained with large areas of blood, like a bloody wasteland.

Face to face... Wanqi Jianhan suddenly said: "Qianshan Muxue is the most mysterious one, and the one I am least sure about. But it seems that fate is more in favor of me... and you... are the one I am most interested in." a rival"

Dai Li glanced at him. "Should I thank you for your kindness?"

"Maybe" Wanqi Jianhan smiled half-heartedly, "I want to see your true...strength more."

There is a pause in the last sentence.

"To each other..." Dai Li stopped his smile and his eyes wandered.

I was extremely wary of this person. Mainly because this person gave him the feeling... very dangerous.

The solidified space also became free, because it was directly opened by the momentum of the two people...

Undoubtedly, Wanqi Jianhan's momentum was much stronger than that of Dai Li.

The lethality of County 999 represents that he is close to the third level of king level. And Dai Li... is still in the middle of the second level.

Differs greatly.

The difference in the strongest attack is almost 500 counties.

But there must be a fight!


Wanqi Jianhan moved! To be precise, the sword moved.

As soon as the sword came out. The sword energy is flowing, but it is different from before. It is...

"This sword energy is..."

On the big screen, the breath of the sword swept across Dai Li's eyebrows.

"The eight extremes of the sword. The sword of destruction." The words spoken solemnly by the famous sword made Jing Jingyuan and others' expressions change.

Even among the eight extremes of swordsmanship, the Destruction Sword is among the top three swordsmanship... extremely terrifying. Wanqi Jianhan was already at the third level of the king level before. If the Destruction Sword is exposed again...how strong must it be? ,

Is this the time to kill Jun Zili instantly?

"Swordsmen never like to fight for a long time. One sword will determine the outcome..." Wanqi Jianhan raised his sword. Go down slowly.

"Jun Zili, your world...is in my hands."


The sword comes out!

One sword, it's ice purgatory!

County 999?

No, the threshold for the second level of king level... collapsed! triple!

1100 County!


The ice purgatory has passed, and the sky is completely cold.

The big screen seemed to be frozen, and the sixth ring space completely turned into an ice purgatory.

What is the sword of destruction? It is destruction!

Just destruction!


Everything will be destroyed under my sword!

Whether you are a human or a monster, be destroyed!

that moment.

In the icy ice purgatory, everyone saw the gentleman standing at his fingertips, with thousands of opportunities at his fingertips.

Dragon scales are everywhere, sweep them away!

The Thousand Machine Sword, which looked like a dragon's tail, swept over the Destruction Sword.


Sword to sword!

Qianji is no less than half weaker than the Destruction Sword!

But one moment of attack, the next moment it broke crisply!


Jun Zili was blasted away...

The gap was too big. Many people frowned, as expected they were no match.

However... Jun Zili, who flew out, had a calm attitude. Amid the force of the purgatory ice sword, he jumped over in the air and hung in the air. His left hand pressed on the ground, his waist was slightly bent, and his right hand was on his abdomen.


Countless icy lights eroded the blood light and flew around. Wanqi Jianhan had already reached a little above her.

Close at hand, the Destruction Sword was burning with Destruction Sword Qi. He jumped up, holding the sword in both hands, and stabbed down with extremely cold and cruel force!

"Destroy it!"


Sword, thrust down!

Dai Li, who lives below, has his legs frozen by the ice of purgatory, his palms are also frozen, and half of his body is covered in frost.

The eyebrows are charming.

"I don't like people getting close to me...especially men"

One sentence.

There is a colossus in the sky.

Double dragon wings, unicorn body, dragon scales all over... occupying half of the sky! The semi-solidified ice space cracked instantly.

Crush them all!

It is blood, it is pure blood, it is a king, it is a pure blood king!

Statue of a pure blood king.

At this moment, the pure-blood king opened his eyes, and in an instant, the reflection of the heaven and earth turned into one image, and everything was dust.

How long does it take to see Setsuna? How long will it take to get a glimpse?

In fact, you don’t have to worry about how long it takes, because once you see it, it lasts forever.

When everyone looked at it at this moment, it felt like it was like a blink of an eye.

It was as if time and space had been stretched infinitely in this eye, and the years had elapsed. Silenced soul.

A man becomes a woman.

The stunning young master turned into...a world-famous enchantment.

This world-famous enchantment has wings that can amaze the world, and eyes that can turn the world upside down.

The short hair is clear and the corners of the mouth are quirked.

A smile.

The fifteenth moment...the evil of the moment!

The Queen of the Demon Palace... turned into a demon! !

Whether it's a demon or a monster, the soul and the breath of the body...are suddenly counterattacking!


Ice Purgatory was reversed into Blood Purgatory!

A sweep of the eye of the moment... weakening, shocking. Devour!


Wanqi Jianhan's expression changed instantly!

The stunning beauty below had already hooked her fingertips. Qianji pulled out brazenly!

Jiangchuan Undead Dragon!

500 counties?

The statue of the pure-blood king appears! The evil comes out in an instant!

A sudden increase of 700 counties! 1200 counties!


Wanqi Jianhan was hit by a sword and flew away...

Squeeze the space, boom! ! !

It crashed into the space barrier.

Bang bang bang!

Overlapping oscillations.

Buzzing, buzzing, shaking everyone's heart.

Once upon a time. Knocking hard.

"It's her!!!" The expressions on Kim Kuili and Kim Kuien's faces were hard to describe.

The expressions of Xie Ru and these people...

The people from the Four Pavilions are still people.

Anyway, all kinds of stunned.

It felt like they had always admired a high-ranking queen, but one day they suddenly saw a big man with his feet peeling off his mask while eating spicy hotpot.

Become a queen in one second.

Of course, Jun Zili is not a big man who picks his feet. But another superior male god,

She teases her again. No matter how frivolous your words are, no matter how indifferent you are, no matter how perverse you are, no matter how lustful you are...

He is also a male god.

The so-called male god. The appearance must be superb, the inside must be pure, and the authority must be strong.

Must be the best among all men. Both appearance and strength.

It just so happens that Junzili meets these conditions.

But the male god and the goddess... turned out to be just a thought.

On the big screen. That woman...isn't she the Queen of the Demon Palace who is so domineering and can kill three thousand examiners with just one face, even Mo Yao and Zhong Li Guiwan were suppressed...

How many women have become bent in an instant, and how many men have become straight in an instant when they thought they were bent?

I just stared at the big screen, speechless and dumbfounded.

Zhongli Guiwan stared at it for a while, then looked away after a while, and moved his fingers slightly, feeling like he wanted to play the piano...

Su Li bit his lower lip slightly, and suddenly thought of his uncle who never indulged in worldly fireworks... Only a woman like this could make him make an exception.

"Sister, she is actually a girl! How can she be a girl! This is the brother-in-law we promised! Sister! I even told my father that you have had several affairs with her, and he was very satisfied with it. He asked me to help you to make her her Take it! What to do now! Will you marry her or will she?" Xue Qiange went crazy!

Snow Fish: "..."

Can I kill my sister?

Fu Ruoshui: "You're crazy. If a woman looks like this, why should anyone survive?"

Xiangxi Palace: "Suddenly I thought it would be good for her to dress up as a man...at least it wouldn't be an eyesore."

It's really annoying for a woman to be so beautiful!

"Woman..." Tai Shiyuan's expression was very strange, very strange.

Perhaps more eccentric than the people in Nanlin, Yuan Qi or Hu Yanjue.

But one thing is true.

When she looks like this...even if she has been chopped down and killed many times...it seems like she doesn't hate her that much anymore.

My balls hurt!

It’s really a world of face-grabbing.

Emperor Ming and others: Suddenly I felt like I had given birth early.


With a snap, Wanqi Jianhan came out of the barrier without a single scratch on his body, only a slightly torn robe. He grinned, looked at Daili in the distance, and smiled.

"I guessed it right, you are a woman"

Dai Li held Qian Ji and looked at him sideways, "I think it's not important."



Wan Qi Jianhan held down his sword: "Originally, I also hoped that you were not a woman...I can't use my sword against women."

This person's words are not overwhelming, but he doesn't have much emotion. How can someone who destroys the swordsmanship... be shy?

"Then think about it... If you don't draw your sword, the majestic king of the sword of destruction... will be defeated by a woman... The number one on Qishan Road is a woman..." Dai Li raised his eyebrows at him.

"You men are nothing more than that"

Domineering, unruly, sideways!

The female cultivators were shocked, and the male cultivators gasped...angry? No, it feels a bit like begging for a hug...(To be continued) R580

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