A Queen

Chapter 1,216 Independent clone, 5th ring, 6th ring!

Chapter 1216


Wanqi Jianhan's original relaxation was indeed gone, his face was expressionless, and under his deep eyes, there was ice flowing in the darkness.

"I will let you understand... no matter how extraordinary you are, you are still just a woman after all."

This is the real king of destruction!

The blade of the sword turned, buzz~~

Both the man and the sword disappeared!

Arriving in the sky in front of Daili in an instant!

Sword slash!

Thousands of swords are destroyed, the world of swords!

Destruction sword intent! Perfect level two! !

1500 counties!



Like heavy rain, like thunder, like ice...

Shooting down in one burst!

With a thought from Dai Li, the wings behind his back detached into thousands of sword feathers and regrouped directly forward!

Quack, quack, embedded reorganization!

Giant wings!


-You-you-xiao-said-updated-newest-quickest-- The metallic luster circulates... Countless sword feathers circulate at high speed... Above them is the power of thunder and blood energy! .

This is an absolutely agile mechanical sword wing, bang bang bang!


But Wanqi Jianhan has already appeared behind her!

The true meaning of kendo... the shadow of kendo!


Shadow of martial arts!


Dai Li avoided the sword and struck the opponent with his backhand! Martial arts attack and kill!

Sword attack!



The two of them retreated and flew out at the same time... their bodies flashed, and the afterimage passed by again!


The wasteland was swept by the two people's afterimages, directly cutting two ravines...

In a blink of an eye, boom!


Ang~~~The statue of the pure-blooded king rises, showing his power and mocking! Double power!

What a terrifying Colossus!

It was able to increase the power of Junzili Qibaijun from the beginning, and now it even has special powers! abnormal!

Wanqi Jianhan was frightened, but his face didn't show it. When the power of the king's statue came...boom!

Open up!

Destruction sword intent! Perfect three poles!

Abnormal, perfect three-pole sword intent, much more powerful than Xuanyou...

The power was directly cut off!

Wanqi Jianhan suddenly crossed his arms, and the Destruction Sword Qi on the Destruction Sword surged...

That's...the breath of the realm!

The realm of swords!

Destroy the Sword Realm!

"Absolute destruction!" Dai Li frowned. The body bounced back instantly, but it couldn't match the speed of this sword!


A sword struck her...

Martial Arts Shield~! ! !

Shield broken!

Break the military field and open!


Boom, the Destruction Sword was blocked, but only for a moment...


Dai Li was directly torn apart...

Wan Qi Jianhan sneered: "Shadow!"

Dodge, the sword directly blocked the momentary shadow extending in the sky, and slashed!


speed! The shadow suddenly disappeared...Shadow Xuanao! Perfect level two!

Instantly flashed behind Wanqi Jianhan...the pure-blooded king! trample!

boom! The pure-blood king raised his paw...

Brazenly trampled!

1800 County, boom! ! !

The Destruction Sword Realm is cracked...

But at that moment, Wanqi Jianhan's sword came again...

The true meaning of swordsmanship!

The light of the sword! ! !

boom! When the Destruction Sword Realm was shattered, the martial arts shield in front of Dai Li was also shattered, and the sword wings were pierced...


Dai Li was thrown away by a sword and hit the barrier, bang! !

A ferocious streak of blood spattered from the dragon claw in front of him. The blood was smeared on the wall, and in the distance... Wanqi Jianhan was also blasted directly into the ground.

After standing up from the pit, there were a lot of blood stains on his body.

Both sides suffer.

The combat power soared to 1800 counties with one sword strike.

In just five breaths, they had already fought for hundreds of rounds.

"This is...the peak battle on Qishan Road," Xu Yidao muttered to himself.

Xu Liu took a deep breath and realized now that he had far overestimated himself before. This world is too bright because there are so many evildoers!

The average strength of the three thousand assessors is less than the monarch level...that is, less than 1 county.


This is the gap.

The difference between dragons and insects.

Among the dragons, there are also true dragons and sub-dragons.

There is no doubt that these two people are real dragons.

Triple king level powerhouse!

In the sky and in the pit, there is a pair of eyes, as if they have a tacit understanding...


Clone out!

The clone of Daili's thunder suddenly came down from the sky, and in the pit, the clone of Wanqi Jianhan... was a complete ice body!

A man who was originally extremely handsome is now completely cold. That is shockingly beautiful and absolutely dangerous!

When Biao flew up from the bottom, the clone's coercion, demeanor and raised sword told everyone every minute...

He is strong!

A sword came out...the Ice Sword Intent...the perfect three poles!

I go!

Everyone in Nanlin wants to curse!


The thunder clone that rushed down from the sky was already facing him!

Dragon Claw, Square Formation Wheel, Three Mysteries, as always?


There is a fourth kind of mystery being generated.

Everyone saw streaks of blood or black power appearing in the sixth ring space, being pulled out of the air...

The spiral shape was sucked into the palm of the pressed dragon claw, and merged into the three mysteries...

what is that?

The clone holding the dragon's claw transformed into a thunderbolt!

Already facing the Ice Sword!

boom! ! !

The perfect three-pole ice sword intent was shattered!

The ice clone... was hacked directly into the ground!


A thousand-meter-deep pit in the ground.

The thunderous energy surges up, shadow, paralysis, meteorite are mysterious and majestic...but the strongest...

Or...the fourth kind of mystery.

The four mysteries are all perfect, not just abnormal, they are simply abnormal!

If this fourth mystery is still the mystery of evil... then...

Leaves people speechless.

"The mystery of evil... No wonder you have been lingering in front. You must be fighting with others. You can use the evil energy in this battlefield to understand the mystery of evil." Wanqi Jianhan said lightly.

"Yes... I wasted a lot of time, from understanding to being promoted to the perfect level... only a place like this and so many opponents can make me progress so quickly."

You mean... it took you more than two and a half hours to realize the first level of perfection...?

Understand, understand in seconds.

Many people who were used as target drills and were defeated tragically... all showed this expression——╮(╯_╰)╭.

It's not that I'm not annoyed or that I don't hate him, but when I see that calm and cheerful face... I feel Spartan.

Hey, hey, hey, what are you going to do to others? What are they going to do to you?

In the battle of clones, there is no doubt that Jun's clone instantly killed Wanqi Jianhan's clone.

It seems...that we have the upper hand!

After all, Junzi is now separated from her, and Wanqi Jianhan is alone...

one person?

Under the ground, there was a snap, and an afterimage rushed out boldly!


The thunder clone... was stabbed directly by a sword, and it was facing the sky, Kacha!

Ice freezes!

Throw it away!

The clone is shattered!

Dai Li looked in shock at the... ice clone that killed his clone.

"Your clone was clearly killed by me just now..." She suddenly frowned, suddenly realizing!

"You are not a continuous clone, but... an independent clone!"

Wan Qi Jianhan smiled; "It's...an independent clone."

An independent clone with 100% combat power. It is also the third level king level. Two third level king level?

And the most terrifying thing is...it can be summoned repeatedly unless the body dies!

As long as the continuous clone dies, you will not be able to summon it in a short period of time, because your original body state is not enough!

So...the biggest difference between Daili and Wanqi Jianhan is not the difference between the main bodies, nor the strength of the clones, but...

The difference between continuity and independence!

What a difference!

"It's not good!" This thought broke out in the hearts of almost all the people who were concerned about Dai Li, and it was also at that moment!

Wanqi Jianhan and his clone...joined forces!

The perfect three-pole Ice Sword Intention and Destruction Sword Intention, the main body and the independent clone merge into one strike!

How strong is it?

When that cross sword came, the power of 2300 counties... exploded!

Extremely scary!

The barriers in the sixth ring space trembled!

At that moment... Daili seemed to be at his wits' end.

It’s really beyond my power to use all my cards.

The opponent is too strong.

So strong that she gave everything she had... but failed to win!

That is defeat.



Covered by cross sword light, Dai Li was directly blasted out, bombarding the barrier...


The barrier was cut open!

Bang bang bang!

The space is shattered!

The sixth ring...broken!

In the fifth ring, Linghu Bai and others, who were still sitting quietly wondering about the outcome of the sixth ring, suddenly heard a loud trembling sound. They all looked at the barrier that separated the sixth ring in astonishment. That was. ..


not good!

retreat! ! !

Just as everyone was about to retreat, the barrier suddenly shattered!

It's like a piece of glass that has been completely defeated... Terrifying power... County 2300! The strongest one here is only 700 counties, which is almost the same, and the one who fights to the death is only 800 counties. As a result... more than three times the power is blasted out!

And the intensity in the sixth-ring space is different from that in the fifth-ring space. The intensity surged out and directly changed the expressions of everyone who was seriously injured!

Puff puff!

The group vomited blood!

When Luan Qingyi looked at Dai Li who was being intercepted and killed by the sword light, his face turned pale in an instant.

Generation away!

Of course, other people's reactions were not as sharp as hers. Probably their first reaction was - isn't this woman the Queen of the Demon Palace?

Second reaction... There should only be two people in the sixth ring! If Wanqi Jianhan is behind, then this person is... Junzili! ?

The expression on Mo Yao who had been teased... Linghu Bai was also speechless!

The sword light is annihilating.

Hula~~~The huge sword wings grow out unscrupulously... Blood energy on the left, thunder on the right.

Crazy resist these sword lights!

And Dai Li... rushed out!

Across the sky, she rushed towards a place...and called out in the distance.


Yanlu didn't have time to escape, but he saw this breathtakingly beautiful woman and rushed towards her!

Is this the rhythm of using people as human shields? Or do you want to drag people to death for their love?

Luan Qingyi opened her eyes wide, Lou Lanting was speechless and twitched her mouth, while the others...

Why do you think this person always takes an unusual path?

By the way, when did Yanlu have an affair with her?

Yanlu frowned, his neck was already wrapped by the other party's slender and delicate arms...

In front of him was an extremely terrifying sword light.

He was hugged around the neck.

The woman hugged him, pressed against his ear, and whispered: "Now, I want you to fulfill the promise between you and me...Give it to me..." R1152

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