A Queen

Chapter 1920 Qishan Road, Section 9, One Hundred and Eight Purgatory! (Shao Siming Xianpa + three)

Chapter 1220

Rotten wood cannot be carved.

"Okay, you have gained a lot of benefits this time. Go back and recuperate. We will return to the Demon Palace after a while. Let's go."

Duan Ze waved his hand, and a group of people were about to leave. .


There was a roaring sound from behind!

"Oh my God!"

"what is that!"


"Chibi is missing!"

What? Everyone turned around and saw that the huge Red Cliff that originally stood in the Red Cliff Plain had dissipated into blue smoke.


The most special session of the Qishan Road Assessment finally came to an end at the cost of the disappearance of Chibi, leaving behind various legends and doubts.

There is also a higher level of vibration secretly.

At that time, Dai Li, who was as surprised as many people watching that scene, actually had this thought in his heart.

——Chibi is mine. (This is the key point why Jun Nanshen has been absent-minded, dear! You all underestimate her too much. Will she be the kind of person who is absent-minded for the sake of beautiful women? I just want to tell you... yes!)


That night, after the grand banquet inside the Demon Palace, Dai Li returned to his residence.

As soon as she entered the house, she felt the five auras lurking near her residence.

Her soul has reached the imperial level, so it is not difficult to sense their existence.

"I actually sent five emperor-level guardians... It seems that the Demon Palace really values ​​me." I'm not overly happy, but mostly sad.

After all, this world belongs to the strong, and also belongs to the geniuses whom the strong value.

As long as you have value. This world can give you a place.

"what I want.

. It's not just that." Dai Li stood in front of the window, looked at the magnificent and gorgeous Demon Palace, curled his lips, and closed the window.

After entering the house, go directly to the training room.

Sitting cross-legged, she took out the chibi statue and... . The piece of jade in his hand is the shrunken Red Cliff.

She still remembered that she passed the last ring - the seventh ring - in three minutes, came to the front of the red cliff, and touched the red cliff with her hand. . Chibi entered her body.

Only then did I know that the Chibi in this Chibi battlefield was the real core of Chibi. You can control the big red cliff standing on the red cliff plain.

"Obviously I passed through the seventh ring. I got Chibi, but Chiling never mentioned it. Obviously no one would have thought that I could pass through the seventh ring... It seems that this Chibi is not a trivial matter, and we can't let others know about it. I got it...but what is the use of it?"

Dai Li played with the square jade in his hand. Neither soul thoughts nor drops of blood can make it react in any way. It looks just like an ordinary jade.

Left and right are good things. It's okay if you can't see through it now, just leave it alone.

Dai Li immediately collected the jade, and then looked at the red cliff statue standing in front of him.

"Qishan Road entrance...go in"

Qishan Road. It really gave her too much curiosity, so she worked hard to get the first place, just for the sake of climbing Qishan Road...

Let’s see what secrets there are in Naqishan Road and what benefits she can get. .

Of course, the latter is the point!

Dai Li pressed his palm on Qishan Road and closed his eyes.


Her person was enveloped by the light emitted from the red cliff statue, and was quickly pulled into the statue...


Qishan Road, a legend, is it a road? Or a mountain?

No, not at all. After entering Qishan Road, the goddess Jun will tell you that the so-called Qishan Road...

It's actually a road on the mountain. (Do you feel a little cold?)

"Hey, I'm not very creative. I thought it would be unexpected..." Dai Li looked at the tall but ordinary mountain in front of him. It was lush and green. There was a bluestone path in front of him, leading to the top. .

This is Qishan Road~~

The surrounding area is deserted, just dry and blood-stained plains.

Dai Li touched her chin and stepped onto the stairs. As soon as she stepped on it, her expression became distorted.

"Crack! It's gravity again!!"

But it's okay. . The gravity wasn't too strong, so it was quite relaxing for her. . So she stepped on with her second foot.

Then. .

"This is Qishan Road. Qishan Road is divided into nine sections, each section has 108 levels. It is the ninth level of 108 purgatory. If you don't climb a purgatory, it will be a training. Those who pass the level will be rewarded and have three chances of resurrection. After everyone dies, you will leave Qishan Road. Qishan Road ranks first in this assessment and has performed well. Your rewards have been placed at the end of each section of the final purgatory."

This sound was so majestic that it echoed in the huge Qishan Road. Dai Li had just finished digesting it when he heard it.

"Now, do you want to enter the first section of purgatory?"

"Is it okay not to enter?"

"Yes, but the time you don't enter before each level of purgatory is only one day."

"One day? Forget it, come in!"

“You still need to choose the difficulty level.”

"..." Why did he feel like he was playing a game trial tower copy? Dai Li complained silently in his heart and asked: "What's the difficulty level?"

"Ordinary level, King level, King level, Emperor level, there are four types in total"

“What’s the difference?”

"Difficulty levels are different. King level is 10 times that of ordinary level, King level is 100 times, and Emperor level is 1000 times."

Royal level 1000 times? Dai Li estimated that he was not at the emperor level, but at the peak of the king level. This was a difficult choice. .

"Reward gap?"

"Yes, the reward of the emperor level is the highest, ten times that of the king level. If you challenge beyond the level, it is a hundred times."

"Then I'd better choose the king level"

Daili still killed her greed. Although she was good in all aspects and had confidence, the gap between her and the emperor was still too big. It was better to be a little self-aware.

"Okay, the King-level Qishan Road Purgatory is open!"


Daili entered the first purgatory. .

Sea of ​​fire!

With one breath, she escaped from the first purgatory and went directly to the second...

All in seconds!

The speed of passing seconds ends at the 108th purgatory of the first segment.

According to Dai Li's own number, it is a108 purgatory.

The Sea of ​​Fire and the Mountain of Swords unite with Purgatory.

break! Generation and separation run directly through this purgatory. When I arrived at the end of Purgatory, I was shocked to see nine crystals placed on the table.

"Hey, three Daqishan crystals!"

Dai Li's eyes widened, such a reward for the first paragraph! I go!

Quickly putting away three pieces of Qishan Crystal, Daili's heart beat violently. It turned out that the reward for the first level was the Qishan Crystal. She felt extremely regretful at that time because this thing was so useful and it was the top treasure on the Qishan Road. Just give it away. Presumably, it also has the purpose of stimulating the examinee's talent to the maximum extent. But the Qishan Crystal she got was really not comparable to that of Hu Yanjue. If Jiang Wangge wasn't stronger, she would have wanted to block the road and rob Hu Yanjue.

What now. . The reward for the first section of Qishan Road is nine pieces of Qishan Crystal. .

"Very good...luckily I got the first place." Dai Li thought about how her first level was 3 Daqishan crystals. Others may not have such gains. .

"Forget it. It's wisest to rush to the top of Qishan Road as soon as possible~"

Dai Li was so happy that he put 12 Daqishan crystals together. Look at the 6 Zhongqishan crystals next to them. Grinning and smiling.

Soon, she escaped from the first section of 108 purgatory. Entering the second section, as soon as you enter, you will find that the intensity has increased tenfold, basically reaching the middle stage of the king level. .

But fortunately, she is at the peak of the king level. .

The second paragraph, 107 Purgatory, pass!

In the second section, 108 Purgatory, Dai Li looked at the tens of thousands of red-clothed swordsmen holding swords in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

A thousand opportunities and a hook. .

Jiangchuan Undead Dragon!

boom! ! !


A minute later, she came to the stone platform and looked at the 12 Daqishan crystals in front of her with a strange expression.

"It's Qishan Crystal again... but the second stage of clearance takes nearly half an hour, which is much slower than the first stage..."

The third paragraph! The 1st Purgatory!


Daili directly felt some pressure on his body, at a high-level king level!

In front of him are a hundred king-level high-level Senluo evil ghosts.

The shape was terrifying, cold and bloody, and when he saw her, he was like a wolf seeing flesh. .

"It's really scary. The strength of this purgatory space is comparable to the sixth ring of Chibi Battlefield..." Dai Li curled his lips, holding his sword and entered the group of Senluo evil ghosts.

Kill kill kill!

There is no limit to group killing!

By the time we reach the 50th purgatory, the pressure of generational separation has come!

250 king-level peak Senluo evil spirits!

"I go!"

Dai Li was running around like crazy in the small purgatory, beating the evil ghosts while hanging. He was very embarrassed, but he could always kill a few every once in a while. .

after an hour.

She escaped from the 50th Purgatory and refused to enter the 51st Purgatory. She sat on the steps, covering her mouth with her palms, and a large amount of hot blood flowed from her fingers, dripping on the bluestone.

"It's so perverted. It's only the 50th purgatory in the third stage and it's 250 peak king levels... Damn it!"

Dai Li couldn't help but curse, but suddenly noticed the dark red marks on the bluestone beneath his feet. . It was quite thick, so she dug it with Qianji. . A large piece of blood was dug out.

"It seems to be all blood... Could it be that someone broke in here before and bled..." Dai Li looked at the stairs below and found that there were a lot of blood stains on the stairs starting from the second section. left by the assessor.

"Qishan Road...the place that all geniuses dream about...the last treasure after the fall of Southern Xinjiang..."

Dai Li thought of Southern Xinjiang, Nanlin, and Daxia. . He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It seems to be related to the Ye family... Then we can't be lazy."

She sat cross-legged on the steps and began to recover from her injuries.

An hour later, the injury recovered.

Forehead. . This speed is a bit unbelievable. It would take others years, but it took her an hour. .

After opening his eyes, Dai Li hooked his fingertips and suddenly took out a piece of Zhongqishan Crystal.

"I don't believe that the rewards on Qishan Road are all Qishan Crystals and there is no other meaning... Hum, anyway, each level has one day..."

Thinking about it, she squeezed Qishan Jing tightly.

Take a puff. .


It'll be gone after a while!

Dai Li was stunned, staring blankly at the Qishan Crystal that had disappeared from the palm of his hand.

Was that an illusion just now? But Qishan Jing is really missing.

"Why do I absorb so much faster!! Is it because I broke through the Great Prince? Fusion of the fifth piece of thunder origin?" (To be continued...)

ps: This is an additional update from Shao Si Ming Chen Yu. Thank you also for Qianshan Fengyunguo and Orange Slightly Astringent Heshi Bi.


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