A Queen

Chapter 1,221 I’m optimistic about you

Chapter 1221

Dai Li knew how powerful the transformation effects of these two breakthroughs were on her in all aspects, but it was not as strong as this.

Dai Li, who was ecstatic and suspicious, immediately took out the second Zhongqishan Crystal. .


Absorbed again!

Quickly, the third piece. . To the sixth piece!

It was quickly absorbed by her!

Feel the huge Qishan crystal in your body that can penetrate into the depths of your flesh, bones, and soul. .

Dai Li's eyes narrowed, "The speed of absorbing the Zhongqishan Crystal is nearly five hundred times faster... It should not only be due to my own progress... It must also be related to the Qishan Road space... No wonder the Qishan Crystal will be rewarded, and set up Going through this terrible purgatory, I am afraid that after being tempered, the speed of absorbing the Qishan Crystal will be increased... Only in this way can the people who come in make great progress!"

What progress can be more powerful than absorbing Qishan Crystal to stimulate potential?

No wonder those who came out after entering Qishan Road later improved by leaps and bounds!

Dai Li was so excited that he took out the Daqishan Crystal.

She now has 24 Daqishan Crystals... to what extent can her potential be activated?

The Daqishan Crystal is infinitely more powerful than the Zhongqishan Crystal. The energy intensity alone is vastly different.

If it takes Dai Li three seconds to absorb a Zhongqishan Crystal, then it would take an hour for the Daqishan Crystal!

Two hours later, Dai Li had absorbed three Daqishan crystals.

It was supposed to last three hours, but the absorption effect seems to have come out, so it was cut down to one hour.

At this moment, Daili no longer absorbs, but fully digests these crystal energies.


The flesh and blood cells crazily absorb these crystal energies, and then transform crazily!

Dai Li could feel that his body was being transformed every minute, and most of the crystal energy was taken away by the dual blood core and the random clone that fused the fifth piece of thunder origin.

Blood dual core and clone,

This is Dai Li's most powerful method at the moment. Naturally, it needs to be cultivated well, so I won’t stop it, and as time goes by...

One day expired.

Dai Li stood up, eyes flashing, and entered the 51st Purgatory directly!

Ten minutes later, the 51st Purgatory emerged intact!

No. 52,……. In the end 80 purgatory! He came out again covered in blood and seriously injured!

Absorb 3 more pills!

Come in again!

The 90th Purgatory! Almost dying!

then. . 3 are no longer useful. Absorb 5!

Come in again!

What goes around comes around. There is a constant cycle of serious injury, dying, and recovery. . Dai Li was no longer sure how much he was injured. How many times had the body been pierced and how much blood had been shed. .

Anyway, she was in a daze at this moment, going back and forth crazily...

The Daqishan Crystal has also been consumed.

At this moment, the 108th Purgatory. .

"Break it for me!!!"

Blood flowed all over his body. Dai Li and his clone, who had a ferocious knife mark on their faces, waved a sickle with one hand and a finger with the other. .

A towering demon statue opposite was shattered to pieces!

The impact of the shattering light knocked Daili away directly. . Hitting the barrier. .


The bones are broken!

He lay on the ground for two hours. Someone stood up holding his waist. .

Dragging Qianji slowly towards the end of purgatory.

Looking at the Daqishan crystals piled up on the stone platform in front of him, Dai Li smiled.

"Very good, 50 pieces of Daqishan crystal"

Her Qishan Crystal has been completely consumed by the crazy absorption before. Now. . Got 50 yuan, fourth paragraph. . Keep going!

One day later, Dai Li, who had been able to absorb 24 Daqishan crystals 24 hours a day, entered the fourth stage of the first purgatory.

As soon as you enter, you will be suspicious. Hey, why hasn’t the space intensity changed? Nothing is enhanced. .

Suddenly his expression changed.

Because there were overwhelming ice arrows and thousands of flaming flying swords, and countless spiked vines shot out from the ground!

It's like there are hundreds of king-level teams attacking in groups.

Damn it, you are going to shoot me into a sieve!

"Here comes the shield!"


Dai Li's whole body was suddenly blocked by the martial arts shield!

It is impossible to attack, because these dense group attacks are simply uninterrupted, coming from this purgatory itself... There is no chance of explosion.

Daili could only defend himself like this. .

Until ten minutes later.

"The fourth section of Qishan Road, and even the defensive road, every time you survive the attack, you will pass."

This was Qishan Lu's message from his mind. When Dai Li heard this, his face turned pale.

What the hell?

The road to defense! !

The first purgatory along the way is so abnormal. .


I want to live and die!

On the stairs of the 30th Purgatory in the fourth section, clatter, a "corpse" was thrown on the stairs. Blood flowed from countless holes in her body, rushing down... and spreading across many stairs.

I don't know how long it took, but the corpse opened its eyes, turned over, and looked at the bright blue sky above its head.

Slowly raise your middle finger!

"Qishan Road, it's only the 30th purgatory and you're going to launch a group attack of a thousand kings and you still have to hold on for one minute! It's your uncle's fault!"

Dai Li wanted to cry. Her defense was already abnormal, but she almost died in the 30th purgatory. . This is a rhythm that will drive people to death. .

Why didn't any of those Qishan Road examiners say that Qishan Road was so perverted? .

"My uncle is not here." A voice suddenly came from the sky, and Dai Li got an alert.

"Your physique is already the most powerful among the 30 selected this time, but you chose the King level difficulty, which is naturally much more terrifying."

"Nonsense, do those people still choose the monarch level?"

"Twenty of the thirty people chose the King level"

"How is that possible! Those people are all king-level, and they are all very ambitious. It would be polite not to choose the emperor-level, so how could they choose the king-level!"

"I told them that most of the previous inductees are king-level, but most of them stop at the first level. The outstanding ones are in the second level, and the top-notch ones are only in the third level. Comprehensive rewards and interests are considered. Choose the king-level difficulty. The benefits are greater”

So said. . As long as you are not a pig-brained person or someone who is super confident, you will not choose the king level.

Daili: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"It's very simple... I like you."


Dai Li silently held his chest and lowered his head: "Go away, I don't want to see you."

The voice of Qishan Spirit disappeared as expected.

At this point, Daili could only continue. In fact, she understood that even if the spirit of Qishan told her, she would not choose the monarch level.

King level? I am the pinnacle of king level! Choose the King level? What a joke!

The goddess Jun, who was arrogant to the core, sneered and got up from the ground. Silently recover from injuries. While frantically absorbing the Daqishan crystal.

Only this time she rotated and used most of the Qishan crystal energy on her flesh and blood body.

I'll just focus on defense! See if you can still pass the level!

Half a month later, the fourth chapter is cleared! 100 Qishan Crystal rewards.

The fifth section was a test of strength. Someone smashed 50 Daqishan crystals on the dragon bone, claws and body!

One month later. Clearance! Still 100 Qishan Crystal rewards!

The sixth paragraph, speed test! Compared to defense and strength...the speed test is abnormal.

It was only the 10th Purgatory Generation and he was killed.

Not dying or seriously injured, but being killed instantly.

Dai Li didn't expect that she would be killed instantly at his best speed, but he wasn't upset either. Maybe it's because the blow was too great and he has calmed down.

Then he silently smashed 100 Qishan crystals down... There was nothing he could do. She couldn't afford to die. She had already died once and had only two chances to be resurrected. If she died two more times, she would be out! She still wants to climb to the top of the ninth dan!

A month and a half later. Passed the sixth chapter! Another 100 Qishan Crystal reward.

Paragraph 7. . The path of the soul.

Soul...this is Daili's most powerful talent.

I rushed straight into the 100th purgatory, and then passed every level with caution and caution. .

In three days, the seventh stage of soul purgatory was cleared. When Dang Dangli saw the 1,000 Daqishan crystals placed on the stone platform, his expression was very strange.

I worked so hard to get through 3 levels and was rewarded with 300 Daqishan Crystals. As a result, the easiest level to pass was given directly to 1,000 yuan~~

Daili didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. .

Anyway, it's a good thing. The Qishan Crystals were consumed immediately after being earned. Without these 1,000 Qishan Crystals, her inventory would only be 20 yuan.

Now 1020.

And the last two paragraphs.

"I thought it was impossible for me to reach the top before, but now that I think about it..." Dai Li picked up a piece of Qishan Crystal.

"I will not give up"

Standing on the stairs, she looked towards the top. . That is the top of Qishan Road, a place shrouded in clouds and mist.

Paragraph 8.

"Congratulations, you have reached the eighth section. Since the opening of Qishan Road, a total of 100,000 candidates have entered Qishan Road. Less than a hundred people can pass the seventh section of the Soul Road. Among them, the soul genius with the shortest time can even It took me a month to pass, but you...three days! Very good, really good!"

It was rare for the Spirit of Qishan to speak such a long speech. Dai Li raised his eyebrows as he listened: "Are you talking about the King level difficulty?"

"All difficulties included"

Haha, it sounds like I am indeed quite remarkable. Daili touched his chin, "What about my other grades?"

"You can't be considered top-notch individually. After all, there are special talents in defense, strength, and speed. Among them, most of them are monsters and demons. But your comprehensive ability is considered the top among these historical geniuses. , there are very few people who can compete with you..."

"Does that mean there is still more?" Dai Li is very competitive. He doesn't have much sense of honor for his soul being the first, but he is more concerned about his inferiority.

The spirit of Qishan seemed to smile: "You are really competitive, but that's why you can hold on until now... The reason why you are weaker than them is not because you are weak, but because you are too young... I ask you, your How many types of mysteries are there?”

"Four kinds, shadow, paralysis, meteor, evil"

"That's right. Except for one Shadow Mystic who is a perfect level two, which can increase speed, the rest are auxiliary and attack-enhancing. For defense, the body's strength has no help at all. Do you know those who are top-notch in defense and strength? What are the trump cards of previous geniuses?” (To be continued)

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