A Queen

Chapter 1222 Chapter 9 One Hundred and Eight Purgatory! Three people!

Chapter 1222

"you say"

"I remember that there was a person thousands of years ago. He understood three mysteries: shield, imperial, and wall. They were all defensive mysteries, and he understood them to the extraordinary level."

hiss! Dai Li gasped, numb, this person is a pervert!

"Furthermore, his bloodline is still that of a volcano giant, and his physique is very powerful. Coupled with such a mysterious defense, no one in that session of assessment could break his defense. In the end, he was ranked first, and in terms of speed, he has a speed of three thousand years. There was also one person who had mastered the extraordinary mysteries and belonged to the Flying Wing Demon Clan, with the highest speed! However, these two are not considered the best among the one hundred thousand candidates, they can only be ranked in the top fifty... tens of thousands of years have passed. , countless assessments, hundreds of thousands of candidates... They are elites selected from generations of trillions of creatures in countless territories outside the large group areas. It is not surprising that a monster will appear in thousands of years."

Hearing this, Dai Li suppressed his shock and nodded. Indeed, among a group of pigs, there could still be Marshal Zhu Bajie, let alone among trillions of living beings.

only. . She is still weak. .

I felt a little bit proud when I won first place before. . Dai Li pressed his temple: "It seems that I am not particularly good, I still need to work hard."

"Of course you need to work hard. This eighth paragraph is your chance to work hard."


"The eighth paragraph...the road to enlightenment, you go."

After saying that, Daili was sent directly to the eighth stage of the road to enlightenment.

As soon as she disappeared, the spirit of Qishan muttered: "Those people are all two or three hundred years old, but you are only 25 years old, the youngest... You even said that you are not particularly good, pervert! But this time Among the 30 people, there are quite a few people with great backgrounds... It’s not impossible that they can be compared with this Jun Zili... and they even chose the imperial level..."

"There is another girl who seems to have the same bloodline as the previous best first place... interesting"

The eighth section, the road to enlightenment, is much gentler than some previous purgatory, how gentle it is.

"In the 10th Purgatory, understand this volume of thunder arcana within an hour, or you will perish!"

"In the 15th Purgatory, give me two hours to fully understand these ten volumes of martial arts secrets, or else you will perish!"

"The 50th Purgatory,..."

All kinds of misfortunes!

Brain cells die over and over again. . Her mind was filled with all kinds of arcana and mysteries. It was okay at first and it was relatively easy. She often passed it in less than an hour, but starting from the 50th purgatory...


The arcane secrets here are comparable to the secret scrolls of martial arts, etc., and so on. . Even deeper!

Some need to be understood thoroughly, some need to be remembered within a certain period of time, some need to be continued, and some need to be edited. .

You must meet the requirements to pass, exceed the time or fail to meet the requirements. .

Fall, fall, fall!

All kinds of disasters!

Tossing and turning leads to death!

It's like walking on a tightrope every time...

Time is passing by like this...


Two months later.

A person appeared on the eighth section of the 108 Purgatory Stairs. Daili stood on the stairs and looked at the endless stairs below. . She fell silent.

"It seems that your gains are not small." The spirit of Qishan appeared again and looked at Daili who seemed to be a different person compared to two months ago. In fact, it was also wondering how many benefits Daili had received and how he had changed. How much, anyway...

"Passed the eighth paragraph in two months... Your score is still ranked first, but there is someone who is almost the same as you."

"Is it someone in history? Or this time..." Dai Li looked at Qishan Spirit, not as competitive as he was two months ago. . Too much calmness.

Qishan Spirit looked at her curiously and smiled: "This time... It seems that you also know something about your companions... I shouldn't have said it originally, but you are an exception.

Just make an exception once. . That person’s name is Qianshan Muxue”

is her.

Dai Li was surprised, but he also smiled, "I thought he was wearing Tsing Yi."

In terms of understanding, Qing Yi should be the strongest.

"Luo Qingyi is also very strong, second only to the two of you, and on par with the strongest in history. Fortunately, her Mingyue Bodhi talent and realm of understanding have not yet improved. If they have improved... you and Qianshan Muxue It’s dangerous...”

The spirit of Qishan seems to attach great importance to understanding, "It's hard to say about understanding. It depends on which aspect. Some people are extremely talented in the wood element, but others are average. Duan Qingyi has strong understanding in all aspects, that is, The one who is most suitable for integrating the ways of ancient seals, Qianshan Muxue is terrible, and the one who specializes in swordsmanship is almost the same... well, let's not mention them... To be honest, you are extremely talented in thunder magic and martial arts, especially Thunder method is similar to putting green clothes on the Dharma Seal Formation, and thousands of mountains and snow on the sword... But... I can't see through you. In terms of martial arts, you are not as good as Jing Jingyuan, but your understanding..."

"What?" Daili's eyes flashed.

"Fusion" Qishan Spirit still said it.

"Your talents are merging. Whether it's physical or spiritual, your ability to accept everything is very fast, and you are extremely explosive. Therefore, your fighting talents are very strong, and your future limits are also elusive... I can only say, You have the highest potential”

When Dai Li heard this, he narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Thank you for the compliment... Then, can I ask how many people have entered the ninth dan now?"

"three people"

"Three out of thirty people?"


“What are the benefits of passing the ninth paragraph?”

"I don't know... no one has ever passed the ninth section in history, because no one can pass the 108 purgatory of the ninth section."

"How many people in history have entered the ninth stage?"

"Including the three of you, there are nine people in total. One of them was only one step away and failed in the end."

"The first place in the golden class?"


"Very good, send me to the ninth dan."

The ninth section of Qishan Road - the road of the strong.

What is a strong person?

Simply strong in defense? Strong speed? Strong? neither!

The strong one who can defeat the enemy is the strong one!

Section 9, Section 1 Purgatory.

100 king level peak team.

The team, which is composed of warriors, mages, and soul masters, seems to have continued the style of the first three chapters, focusing entirely on fighting.

Dai Li took a deep breath and unleashed his power...

Sweep with one sword!

Three seconds later.

2nd Purgatory.

In the darkness, the spirit of Qishan was shocked, "Why so fast! This gentleman is away from..."

2nd, 3rd, 4th….

Crazy breakthrough!

After the Eighth Path to Enlightenment, how strong is Jun Zili? No one knows, because the only one who sees all this is the spirit of Qishan!

Ten days!

Chapter 107 Purgatory!

The peak team of 3000 kings!

The peak of 3000 kings! I still remember that a few months ago, she had to run for her life when facing the top 100 kings. . It took a long time to grind each other to death. . He was also seriously injured and dying.

What now?

Dai Li took a deep breath: "3000 and 100..."

"Jun Zili, I need to remind you that... one of the three people in your session... was defeated!"


"Faced with 500 emperors in the 50th Purgatory, perished"


After being silent for a second, Dai Li said softly: "Do you mean to tell me that you can reach 500 king level, but I... can only reach 3000 king level?"


After a pause, Qishan Spirit continued: "And the other person, Qianshan Muxue, is in 107 Purgatory like you. Facing a 3000-level emperor, she has already taken action."

"Very well, you are really annoying."

Dai Li said lazily, stepped forward, and rushed towards the 3,000 king-level ones!

Thousands of mountains. . 3000 Emperor Level, you are so strong, how can I do it if I don’t work hard~~

Kill kill kill!


In a gorgeous manor in Fenchuan, masters of the demon race gathered together. Huang was sitting on a gorgeous soft couch, sipping wine and occasionally looking at the secluded courtyard on the east side, a little carelessly. .

"My lord, Lord Qianshan has been in seclusion for a long time. Has he not come out from Qishan Road yet?"

The king-level peak demon clan followed Huang's gaze and looked over with some doubts.

"The later she comes out, the better... It means that she has climbed higher on Qishan Road... Maybe she has reached the ninth section... I didn't expect that I can only climb to the seventh section... My soul is not good." Huang is a demon clan, In terms of defensive power and speed, it has a much advantage over the human race, so it is not difficult to pass the sixth stage, but the seventh stage alone...

Sure enough, countless people were stuck.

"There are very few talented people in the Soul Path. Most of the previous Qishan Road candidates were blocked here, but I think Miss Jun should have passed," an old demon clan man said in a low voice.

"If she fails to pass, then these thirty people will be almost wiped out... In terms of soul talent, only Mo Yao can barely compete with her..." Huang curled his lips, "I'm sure that person is at least I can reach the eighth stage... but I don’t know what the test of the eighth stage is. My soul can only be classified as the seventh stage. The eighth stage is probably much more difficult.”

"Anyway, most of the forces have not left this year. They are probably waiting for these assessors to come out. But they have started to come out one after another in the past few months... I think it will come soon."

"It's fast... Everyone has made great progress. I heard that some people are not convinced and are starting to challenge each other again..."

After saying that, Huang smiled, drank wine, and looked towards another courtyard not far away.

"But when it comes to the speed of progress... I'm even more curious about how terrifying the only surviving body in the world is."

The rest of the demon clan stopped talking, thinking of the fresh and elegant woman who inadvertently made them fearful. .

The body that survives disaster, the body that God wanted to destroy, but it survived.

No one can guarantee her future.

Suddenly, Huang and all the demons looked towards the gate of the courtyard where Qianshan Muxue was. . opened!

Thousands of mountains of dusk snow appeared in front of me.


"As you can see"

"What paragraph are you at?"


"How much purgatory?"


"Then what?"

Then what?

In Fenchuan Qinhuang Pavilion, Su Li saw Qin Zhige.

"Uncle Master" Su Li saluted.

Qin Zhige turned to look at her with a smile on his face: "Sit"

Suli smiled and answered yes, and walked up. Suli noticed that there were some coffee tables placed in the empty space of this huge study. R1152

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