A Queen

Chapter 1,223 When one person appears, I am defeated

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Chapter 1223

The piano master uncle who never entertained other people in the study room in the past... actually knew how to place a coffee table.

Su Li paused and didn't ask any more questions.

"How is Guiwan?"

"I left Qishan Road a month ago and am currently practicing hard."

"Well...I guess she also got some Qishan crystals. You can let her focus on the soul with the Qishan crystals."

Qin Zhige took down two books from the bookshelf, and with a flick of his hand, the books floated in front of Su Li.

"Your talent lies in harp music and specializes in skills. Her talent lies in piano music and specializes in soul training. Take these two manuscripts back and read them so that she can awaken her soul as soon as possible."


Su Li smiled and carefully held two books. He glanced away and saw that there were many more orchids on the flower bed outside.


Xiangxi Palace saw Luan Qingyi.


"Well, defeated, ninth section, first purgatory"

"You couldn't even pass the first level! Fortunately, Qinghuanghai treated you as a little ancestor."

"If I'm not wrong, you should have lost in the sixth paragraph."

"...Who made that speed road so perverted! It's simply not human!"

"You're wearing too much equipment, it's heavy!"

Being choked by Duan Qingyi's words, Xiangxi Palace rolled his eyes and asked again: "Then what is in the first purgatory?"

"200 King Level Peak"


Xiangxi Palace laughed loudly, as if she had passed the ninth section of 108 purgatory.

Qing Yi quietly watched her finish laughing.

While drinking tea...

After a while, Xiangxi Palace stopped smiling and asked Qing Yi if she knew about the perversions of the seventh and eighth dans... She twisted her expression and then asked: "It seems that there are only nine dans in total. Can you enter the ninth dan?" Duan is already a pervert, but are there others?"

"I entered late. Three people had already entered the ninth section before me."

"Oh, historically?"

"No, it's just among the thirty of us." Duan Qingyi glanced at Xiangxi Palace and said calmly: "So you understand how bad you are because you died in the sixth section?"

Damn it, I want to break up with you!

"Of the three... Najun must be one of them perverts. There is also... Qianshan Muxue! It must be her! Who is the other one?"

"Ruthless" Luan Qingyi said firmly.

Xiangxi Palace was shocked.

And the other end. Ji Wuwu lazily played with the judge's pen in his hand. Next to him was Fat Tou Tuo, who was eating and drinking freely. Opposite him was an afterimage.

"That Qianshan Muxue is scary. I guess she can definitely enter 108 Purgatory and pass." Ji Qingwu said slowly while looking across.

"Why, have you ever fought with her?"

"No, I just saw her kill a lot of emperors from a distance... I only broke through to the emperor recently. I can't compare with her yet."

"Then don't provoke her unless her purpose conflicts with ours."

"Are you coming?"

"decide as things go"

Afterimage like. Ji Wuqing raised his hand, and the special communicator showing the afterimage fell into his palm.

He turned around and patted Fat Tou Tuo.

"Fat man, get ready, business is about to come."


In the courtyard. Huang's expression was strange, "You mean...you were defeated in 108 Purgatory?"

"Yeah" Qianshan Muxue sat, leaning against the pillar. Holding a wine glass in one hand.

"What is in purgatory? It can defeat you. You are the one who entered it..."

"A person" turned his finger slightly. The wine glass was swaying gently, and the reddish wine light was rippling. .

Qianshan Muxue smiled faintly.

"As soon as she appeared, I was defeated."

Huang didn't know what he meant, but he felt that Qianshan Muxue's smile was a little strange, and then his eyes flashed, "It seems that you are not feeling depressed even after losing, and you seem to be in a good mood."

"I find it strange too." Qianshan Muxue turned her head and looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

"It seems like it's not that important anymore...if you lose, you lose."

Huang shrugged and stopped asking. He was just curious, "You have all been defeated, and the others are about the same...the only one...that woman doesn't know what to do."

For Dai Li, who had a strong aura, an aggressive face, and a force that surpassed his own, Huang really couldn't call the other girl the way he did a few years ago...

It sounds creepy.

"Her?" Qianshan Muxue shook her wine glass.

"I'm more curious about who she will meet in the final purgatory."


108 Purgatory, Dai Li looked at everything in front of him with an extremely embarrassed expression.

"What does this mean?"

"Your opponent!"

"Fart! She..."

"She is your opponent"

Dai Li looked at the man in front of him. . She was still beautiful, calm and composed, with a faint smile on her lips, elegant and slightly playful, looking sideways at her. .

It seemed that she was brought into the quiet courtyard at a glance. The orchids beside her were elegant, and she smiled with the wind.

"Back, A Li"

Leaves dye autumn...

Dai Li's eyes instantly became dull, and then his heart felt cold. The other party's hand had already passed through her chest, and she was close to her face, whispering softly: "A Li, long time no see..."


Dai Li appeared on the ninth section of the 108 Purgatory Stairs. He looked a little dazed and sat down on the stairs.

This time the spirit of Qishan did not appear.

She finally understood why no one in history could break through the ninth stage of 108 purgatory.

Because of it. . Represents inner demons.

If you are a human, if you are a monster, if you are a demon.

There are always people who miss you.

No matter how ruthless a person is, there will always be someone in the past, even if there is ruthlessness after love and sorrow, that is the person who makes you feel sad. . In fact, it is also an inner demon.

Resentment, love, hate, anger, unless you forget.

You can ignore it, you can look down upon it, or you can kill it. . How many people in this world can do this?

Dai Li sat there for a long, long time. .

No longer ask whether Qianshan Muxue has passed the level, nor does it matter what other people did, let alone how those people performed in history.

She closed her eyes and sat. .

When the day was over, she got up. Re-enter 108 Purgatory.

"The Spirit of Qishan" Dai Li called softly.

"Zai" The spirit of Qishan appeared, looked at Dai Li, and whispered in a low voice, almost bewitching: "This is not actually a real person... Kill her, and you can break through 108 Purgatory... Why don't you take action?"

"She's not real, is she?"

"Kill her alone and you can enter the top of Qishan Road. You can..."

Daili suddenly turned to look at it. "Are you done?"

Qishan Spirit was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, he saw those extremely cold eyes...

Soul Eye Technique!

"You're crazy!"

It screams!

"Crazy sister! Force me to kill my mother! You can't even lie!"

"How can I, Dai Li, be a puppet for you to control!"

"It's just the spirit of Qishan. So what if I kill it!"


Soul annihilation!

108 Purgatory twist....

The spirit of Qishan screams like crazy...

The generation is covered by the light it emits.

At this moment, in a courtyard in Fenchuan, Ye Ziqing heard Xu speaking in a low, gentle voice.

"Ziqing, do you know which class the golden class is?"

"I don't know"

"It was just the previous one... it was held every three hundred years. Three hundred years have passed." Xu's voice was a little deep and long.

Three hundred years doesn't seem to be a particularly long time to Xu.

But not short either.

"Do you know who the top ten are?"

Ye Ziqing's movement of pouring the tea slowed down slightly. Look at Xu.

"I, Xu, am the tenth of the year." Xu's words made Ye Ziqing frown.

Xu is so powerful... but he is only tenth?

It took only three hundred years to reach the top position in Fenchuan, but this level of talent ranked tenth?

Ye Ziqing was surprised. There was also an inexplicable and strange feeling: "Master, you wouldn't tell me this for no reason."

"I just want to tell you who was number one that year."

"Who?" Ye Ziqing picked up the tea cup.

"Her name is Ye Ranqiu"

With a snap, the tea cup fell down.

"...My little aunt is far less than 300 years old." Ye Ziqing didn't care about the water stains splashed from the teacup, but just stared at Xu.

His face does not change color. Just sipping tea gently: "These are not important, I only know that when she competed. She was only 35 years old, no one was her enemy... Ziqing, you may not know, she is completely different from the dark horse of this year , she has dominated the crowd from the beginning...that is a brilliance that no one can annihilate."

"Although your cousin is strong and has unparalleled talent, compared with her back then, she is still inferior~~ But one thing is the same, that is, they are both good at soul arts."

After a pause, Xu whispered, "Besides, they are both stunningly beautiful."

Ye Ziqing endured the shock in her heart and listened to Xu's words. She could tell that Xu seemed to have different emotions towards her little aunt.

But 300 years...how is that possible! Could it be that Ye Ranqiu is actually more than 300 years old?

This is impossible! Could it be that everyone in the Ye family is making up a lie?

Deceived everyone...including her generation, including Daili?

This incident made Ye Ziqing feel confused. The biggest trouble was that she didn't know whether to tell Dai Li about it or how to say it.


On Qishan Road, the entire mountain was extremely ethereal and quiet at this moment, and a person appeared on the 108th Purgatory Staircase in the ninth section.

"Sure enough, it came out." Dai Li twisted his wrist and looked around, not looking at his own embarrassment. He just stayed silent for a while, then turned and looked up.

The last step is already at your feet, and the top of it is the top of Qishan Road.

Step out without hesitation.

When we reached the top, there was a platform, a stone platform, and two chairs, one of which was already occupied.

Dai Li paused, then continued to walk over and look at this person.

That face... was a Sekirei's face that had shrunk a lot.

"Chi Ling?" After a moment of relaxation, Dai Li added, "Maybe I should also call you the Spirit of Qishan."

Chi Ling looked at Sui Ran and smiled slightly: "This is up to you, sit down."

Dai Li sat down directly.

"Ninth Section 108 Purgatory, you are the only one who can break it" Chi Ling said looking at Dai Li.

The voice was muffled, a little solemn and low.

"No one is bold enough to attack the Qishan Spirit. Your plan is a bit ruthless," Dai Li curled his lips.

Chi Ling shook his head, "It wasn't my design. I'm just a spirit. I was born along the Qishan Road. I don't know how to break 108 Purgatory. I thought I had to kill the last person to break it... It turns out. Only when you are like this can you pass the level" (To be continued)


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