A Queen

Chapter 1,224 Seeking Humiliation

Chapter 1224

"Perhaps what Qishan Road is looking for is not someone who sticks to the rules and will be manipulated at will."

"Or maybe its ultimate purpose is just to select a person who has superior talents and is top-notch in all aspects, but also has the nature of an absolute overlord."

Dai Li was stunned, looked at him, thought for a moment, and said, "You made me a little embarrassed by your praise."

"Did not see it"


Chi Ling chuckled, "Actually, I've already guessed that Qishan Road has taken a fancy to you since you got the jade. This Qishan Road assessment is also to verify whether you are qualified. Now... it can be considered a success."

"Your tone sounds like you want to leave someone alone before you die."

"sort of"

Chi Ling knocked on the stone platform: "Take out Chibi and put it in this groove. You will know everything and get what you deserve, and my... mission is over."

After Chiling finished speaking, he disappeared, leaving Daili sitting there alone.

"Red Cliff..." Dai Li took out the Red Cliff and compared it with the grooves on the stone platform.

Pressed down.

Perfectly embedded.

Then the whole chibi lit up!

A ray of light was shot out, and the image was reflected.

3D or 4D? Anyway, it was a completely three-dimensional image, as if countless people were standing in front of the stone platform.

These people were all wearing ancient black trench coats, and each of them looked gloomy, but full of the eternity of vicissitudes of life.

Behind is a desolate and vast world.

"We were born to protect the Great Wilderness, for the Southern Border. In the great catastrophe of the day after tomorrow, the Great Wilderness was destroyed. Our Southern Border clan had no choice but to retreat to the south, guarding the remains of the Great Wilderness and hiding in the world. At that time, there were seven tribes, and the gods and souls were the strongest. , the god was ambitious, and later he had evil plans. He wanted to seize the soul of the great wilderness and massacre our southern Xinjiang clan. The situation was chaotic at that time. The seven clans intervened and the fairy clan intervened, leading to a shocking battle. Before the war, the strong men of our southern Xinjiang teamed up to conquer us. The treasure of Xinjiang, Chibi, is hidden in the road of Qishan. It will be preserved for future generations to make incense, and then... you will be there."

It’s you~~

Dai Li looked at the old man pointing his finger at him, and felt a little confused. The main reason was that this man immediately reported a shocking secret as soon as he appeared, and he couldn't tolerate her rejection.

This is to rush the ducks to the shelves, let me go!

Dai Li pursed his lips and asked, "I know a little about your seven tribes, but what I want to know most now is whether Nanlin is the core of Southern Xinjiang?"


"What about Daxia?"

"The land of my true spirit in southern Xinjiang"

"What's so special?"

"Are you originally from Daxia? Don't you know?" the old man asked back!

Dai Li rolled his eyes, I came here through clothing! I don’t know!

"I don't know"

"Since Daxia is the land of our southern border, there are many bloodlines left behind, and when the seven tribes participated in the war, the blood and bone tribes helped our southern border. Occasionally, our southern border was defeated, and the blood and bone tribes suffered Implicated, the blood was weakened, and the bones were destroyed...but the blood of the royal family in the Bone Clan back then was still hidden in Daxia by our southern border."

"This is a shocking secret. Aren't you afraid that I will tell it?" Dai Li touched his chin.

"If you tell me, the gods will kill you, and you won't be able to keep the treasures of Southern Xinjiang. No one who is not stupid will do this."

"Okay, do you want me to be the enemy of the Gods? Even if I have your Southern Xinjiang heritage, I am still no match for the Gods. After all, your two extremely powerful races, the Blood and Bones of the Southern Xinjiang United, have been wiped out..."

"You are destined to be enemies of the gods." The old man looked at Dai Li deeply.

This tone is a bit clumsy. The look in his eyes was also a bit baffling.

Dai Li's heart skipped a beat, "Just because I'm a vampire?"

"Part of the reason," the old man said calmly, "As for what will happen in the future, no one can say for sure."

"I already have a grudge against the Immortal Clan, and the strongest God Clan... haha~~"

I'm not Saint Seiya,

Not Uzumaki Naruto either! Not even Luffy!

"The immortals are the minions of the gods. If you provoke them, it's just right."

It happens to be your sister!

Daili really wants to throw up his sleeves and leave!

But I haven't gotten the treasure yet, so...

Dai Li's buttocks were glued to the chair, he looked at the old man and said, "We'll talk about this later. The most important thing right now is... I'm still very weak."

Not long ago, I killed all the assessors sharply and told the people who reached 3000 King's Peak... that I am weak.

The old man nodded.

“It’s very weak”

Spray you with salt soda! I’m just being polite! You’re being polite!

"So we need to practice hard... Our residual image can't last long. It's time to leave the treasure of Southern Xinjiang to you..."

That’s what I’ve been waiting for!

Dai Li finally had some good feelings for these people.

After that, the old man pointed at the jade: "Actually, the treasure has been in your hands for a long time."


Dai Li subconsciously looked at Chibi, "That's it? I couldn't use it at that time."

After a pause, Dai Li asked: "Your southern border is so powerful, don't you have any treasures left?"

You might as well pick some between your teeth and give it to me~~

"What is inheritance? The inheritance on the stream of consciousness is the most important. Treasures are just things outside the body. If I really give you a treasure, it will be an insult to your talent."

"Seeking humiliation"


The old man and the others were probably suffocated by Dai Li's hooligan aura, which was seriously unbecoming of a male god or goddess. After a moment of silence, the old man said calmly with a serious face: "Chibi was given to me by the ancestor of the Great Wilderness back then. The Southern Xinjiang clan contains part of the essence of the Great Wilderness that he gave us. Ordinary people cannot learn it. Even my Southern Xinjiang clan can only learn it from the first generation ancestor of Southern Xinjiang. If you want to learn it, you can only get it. It’s recognized, but it’s unclear how much it will teach you the Tao of the Wilderness.”

So what you're saying is that there's a good chance I won't be able to learn?

Damn it~~

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't pass on to you. There are still some secrets in it that were burned into it before we died..."

"Is this a consolation prize?"

The old men were so irritated by Dai Li's disgusting tone that they rolled their eyes.

But since it is the largest legacy left by the Great Wilderness Ancestor in the history of the world, it must be a top-notch treasure.

Dai Li pondered that the ancestor of the Great Wilderness should be as important as Pangu in the history of earth mythology.

So when she thought of this, she stopped worrying.

But she still had questions.

"I want to ask you, Southern Xinjiang has really perished? Not a single descendant is left? What happened to the Ye family in Daxia?"

"Ye family? Which Ye?"

"Ye's Ye..." Dai Li thought for a moment and told the story about the time when the Immortal Clan sent people to kill the Ye family.

Anyway, it's a grasshopper on a rope. The Ye family and Nanjiang should be considered the same group.

When the old man heard this, he suddenly looked at Dai Li with strange eyes... "Are you from the Ye family?"


"you are not"

Dai Li was stopped for a moment, his eyes flickered, staring at the old man: "How do you know I'm not?"

"The Ye family's bloodline is not like yours... that Ye Ziqing is, but I can tell you that the Ye family in Daxia is the guardian clan of the Soul Clan, but no one knows it on the surface, and the person in power of the Soul Clan back then had The Ye family is particularly fond of it, and even predicted that the Ye family would give birth to twins, one of whom would be extremely talented, even superior to the core elites of the seven clans."

Daili's breath suddenly tightened, twins? Leaves stained with autumn!

It turns out that the Ye family is related to the Soul Clan!

The Ye family lives in Daxia, the core of southern Xinjiang...

"Then the Soul Clan is also considered to be on your side?"

It doesn't make sense. The Gods were enemies back then, and the Soul Clan was on par with the Gods. If they leaned towards the southern border and had extremely powerful bones and blood, they shouldn't be defeated!

"Not really. The Soul Clan did not directly participate in the war. Moreover, this clan has always been mysterious and has a small number of people. It is not an enemy of the God Clan. As for whether it will participate in the war, perhaps only our ancestors know... It is a pity that the ancestor died that year... "

There are only a few people in the Soul Clan. I heard Ye Ranjiang say this about Dai Li. Now that I hear it again, I feel a little disappointed, because it means that the God Clan is undoubtedly the absolute overlord who dominates this world.

"As for your previous question... asking me if all of Southern Xinjiang has fallen... I can only tell you, no."


The old man seemed a little gloomy, "There are two tribes in southern Xinjiang, witches and Gu"

Wu Gu, Dai Li suddenly thought of someone...his face turned dark.

Damn it, that body-touching man! !

"What about the Bone Clan? What is the Royal Clan like?" Although Dai Li did not directly agree to become the enemy of the God Clan, she actually had a premonition of becoming the enemy of the God Clan as early as when she got the blood and knew the secrets of the seven clans. .

After all, she is a vampire, although she doesn't know where her bloodline comes from.

Now that we are mentally prepared to become enemies, we naturally have to make some plans. Forming gangs is inevitable.

"The royal family among the Bone Clan... is the Thirty Thousand Sword Clan. The people in this clan are born with sword bones and are born with swordsmanship. This clan is very strong, really very strong. If the seven clans did not split up and fight against enemies, they would still be intact. Yes, among the hundreds of clans under his command, including the royal family, the Thirty Thousand Sword Clan can also rank fourth."

The fourth generation of the Thirty Thousand Sword Clan. Daili's eyes were a little deeper. (Girls, what did you think of?)

As if there were many clues running through it, Dai Li finally understood something and then smiled.

"Very good, I understand, thank you, old man"

Old man?

The old man glanced at Dai Li silently.

"Are you done asking?"


"Then turn around and look..."

Dai Li subconsciously turned around and looked... Well, there was nothing.

Suddenly...she suddenly turned her head and saw all the afterimages turning into light and flying into the red cliff...

Very beautiful, but also...

"We will use our last thoughts to activate Chibi, which can only last for a while. If you infiltrate your soul, it will be up to you whether you can be recognized by it and grant you the way of the wilderness..."

Such a tired and weak voice reached Dai Li's ears, and after a while, it all seeped into Red Cliff. Dai Li's heart felt numb. For the first time, he didn't complain, but took a deep breath and poured all his soul into Red Cliff.


She wants control.


Covered by the soul world, it was a momentary battle, just like she penetrated the seventh section of 108 purgatory in one breath.


When the red cliff directly turned into countless liquid threads that penetrated crazily from the skin of Dai Li's body, the remaining souls of southern Xinjiang were also disappearing. R1152

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