A Queen

Chapter 1,225 Coming out of seclusion

Chapter 1225

It seemed that the old man said in a weak and groggy voice: "Control? That's it..."

Dai Li did not hear these words, because the Chibi that had penetrated her body had been reorganized and appeared above the sea of ​​her soul, but the body was much, much larger, just like the size it was located on the Chibi Plain.

Towering and majestic.

After the reorganization, it seemed that three more parts came out. Well, it was like reinstalling a TV, but there were three more screws.

Daili was curious and took a look with his soul.

The two crystals are half the size of a head, one is blue and translucent, and the other is blood red and also translucent.

The third one is a ring, which also contains small mountains of crystals, large and small, worth no less than 30,000 yuan.

One second of dementia, two seconds of daze, three seconds of ecstasy!

"Oh, I'll go, I'll go! Old men, thank you for your humiliation!!"

What are those two pieces?

One of the pieces of generation is already there, it is the blood soul!

Another piece... the memory of the real dragon told her.

This is courage!

With Chibi in hand, the two souls have succeeded! I have the world!

By the way, there are also thirty thousand Qishan crystals!

After ten seconds of joy, Dai Li calmed down, silently took out the clone, put the second blood into the main body, put the spirit into the clone, and then shared the soul with the wild red cliff.

The thought comes in.


Soul, enter the boundless wild world.

The highest extreme avenue in the world...she touched it.

And she will definitely not let people around her win, nor will she let the people in Nanlin follow the old path of these powerful people in Southern Xinjiang.


When Dai Li opened her eyes, the whole world was pure. There was no dust or fallen leaves on her body. There were only lazy white clouds floating in the sky. That day was as clear as a mirror, and she could be reflected when she raised her head. out of her face.

Peaceful and pure.

After standing quietly for a while, Daili slowly exhaled.

The road to becoming a strong person in Qishan is already at her feet.

If Yun knows, if Yun sees it, then he knows this person...

No longer the king.


The Demon Palace has not been very quiet recently, because Xiao Bai and others have been leaving seclusion one after another, which means that the bosses of the Demon Palace have to put forward their return journey. However, one person has not yet come out, and the others cannot move.

If this person was Che Yuankai, Duan Ze and others would have left long ago, but she was not.

She is Jun Zili.

"Hey, she hasn't come out of seclusion yet, but what trouble has she encountered?" A deputy palace master was a little worried."

"Don't be so clumsy, what dangers can there be in entering Qishan Road? At most, if you fail, you will come out, and even if you come out, you may not come out. Instead, you will continue to retreat." A female deputy palace master said quietly, while taking a stack of information at hand. Yang Yang said, "Didn't you read the news above? People like Zhongli Guiwan and Wanqi Jianhan are all in retreat! The more benefits they get, the longer they stay in retreat... Although it is not comprehensive, the gentlemen in our family Li will obviously get the greatest benefit, why don't you allow her to stay in seclusion for a longer period of time?"

This was indeed true, and everyone was very happy to hear it.

Oops, the number one on Qishan Road is our Demon Palace people... Although the Demon Palace does not lack such an honor, in the past they have only sent people from the Fifth Palace there, and they have never had such dazzling results, and Taking Jun Zili out alone to see... he is indeed an evil talent.

"The palace masters have already sent the summons. Junzili is the main one in everything." Another palace master touched his chin, "These are extraordinary words. People who were recruited because of their outstanding performance have never been treated like this... no. You know what the attitude of Shangsandian is..."

"We'll find out when we get back to the Demon Palace."

Although a group of people expressed some concern about Daili not being released from seclusion,

In fact, I'm not too worried. No one has died on Qishan Road or anything like that.

And it’s not like Daili came out so late.

In fact, the people who came out early to walk around and fight and fight all kinds of arrogance were the lower-ranked assessors, but among the 30 people selected, there was almost no movement.

Definitely digesting the gains.

All we can do is wait...


A plume of black smoke fell in the open space outside, turning into a human form and kneeling on the ground.

"Sir, Junzili has been released from seclusion."

Out of seclusion!

Everyone looked happy!

"Quick, let her come over...forget it, let's go there!"

"Uh... Master Thirteen has passed. I'll let you know. I'll set off back to the Demon Palace in ten days."

Hey~~Everyone’s expressions fell. Damn it, it’s that perverted woman again.


Chun Shisanniang and Yu Linglong were stunned when they saw Dai Li.

It’s not that I’ve never seen beauties, nor that I’ve never seen the breathtakingly beautiful Jun Zili, but...

Chun Shisanniang was the first to come to her senses, shook the beauty fan in her hand, walked gracefully to the front of Dai Li's residence, and looked at Dai Li standing on the stairs.

"It's only been a year since I last saw you. You've changed a lot."

In response to Chun Shisanniang's direct and suspicious eyes, Dai Li just pursed his lips lightly and walked down the stairs, his clogs clicking loudly.

"It's not like I've never looked in the mirror. Why have I changed so much? Are you kidding me?"

Chun Shisanniang didn't know what to say and sat in the courtyard with Dai Li. Yu Linglong beside her had just come to her senses and couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard Dai Li's words.

Is this called little change? The tone of voice has changed!

And with a dull look on her face, as she dragged her long sleeves slowly down the steps... Yu Linglong subconsciously held her chest.

When Duan Ze and others arrived, they happened to see two people sitting and drinking under the bright sunshine.

Needless to say, Chun Shisanniang is a natural beauty, but she has always been the only one to play with others, and others dare not touch her, even though she is smiling brightly now, and her collar slides down her collarbone, seducing everyone.

another person..

Still wearing clogs with short hair, legs crossed, her slender back leaning against the back of the chair, one hand supporting her head, fingers combing into her short black hair, the other hand holding a wine glass, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked, her eyebrows slightly blurred, her expression But dull.

Light and charming, and graceful in posture.

She seemed to be aware of their arrival and turned her head to look.

That look.

"her eyes"


Duan Ze and others were stunned for a moment, but Dai Li suddenly spoke up.

"Zang Xue, would you like a drink?"

Hiding blood?

When Duan Ze and others turned around, they saw Gong Zangxue standing on the roof of the palace behind them.

The red clothes are flying, and the black hair is flying.

From a distance of a thousand meters, Liao Liao looked down at Jun Zili with a strange expression. She didn't know whether it was because she saw Jun Zili's change or because of just that sound.

After a while, she appeared in front of Jun Zili.

He took the wine glass and poured himself a drink.

After drinking a drink, he looked at Daili and said, "Have your eyes mutated?"

The dark purple pupils seemed to have faint diamond-shaped blood-striped crystals flowing through them after looking at them for a long time, and they felt like they were changing all the time.

The eyes are very strange and very charming, like the ever-changing starry night sky, deep and desolate. After looking at it for a long time, I feel that this person is full of mystery, and I sink.

Mutate your sister!

Dai Li looked at her speechlessly and nodded, "Well, I've done too much eye exercises, and I've mutated."

Eh? Such a calm reaction?

Chun Shisanniang and Gong Zangxue looked at each other. Sure enough, their temperament and temperament had changed so much. This kind of temperament that could control the whole place inadvertently... seemed to be overwhelming in the face of these deputy palace masters.

Duan Ze and others all feel this way.

I originally wanted to ask Dai Li about his progress, but now that we have met, I can't ask him. It's like...

I saw the palace master and other giants.

As the deputy palace master, do you dare to ask the palace master how the results of his recent retreat have been?

Don’t dare!

Duan Ze felt weird and didn't know what to say for a while.

But I saw Chun Shisanniang saying: "Let's set off in ten days."

This is given a step down.

Duan Ze and others nodded immediately and left in unison.

When leaving...

"I'll go, why do I feel a little afraid of her!"

"I don't know! Weird!"

"Those eyes..."

These people are frightened and confused, but they are all sure...Junzili has made great progress, very great progress!

After drinking for a while, Chun Shisanniang didn't stay long and got up: "Ten days is enough for you. It's time to be gentle and gentle with the girls, and it's time to say goodbye... We have to leave when the ten days are up."


"Okay" Dai Li nodded, Chun Shisanniang patted her shoulder, smiled and left with Yu Linglong.

She always felt weird when Gong Zangxue looked at Daili.

"You have changed a lot"

"People always change." Dai Li took a sip of wine, holding the bottom of the glass with his slender fingers. He drank calmly, quietly, and exuded an inexplicable magnanimity.


Gong Zangxue finally frowned, drank a glass of wine, put down the glass, and poured another glass.

"I do not like"

Things have changed after all. If it was before, this person would be verbally frivolous and sarcastic, but now...

Too far away.

She pursed her lips and was about to drink again when her wrist was suddenly grabbed.

Turn around and look.

Dai Li was sitting, holding her hand with one hand, clasping it with his fingers, taking out the wine glass in her hand, slowly raising his slender and graceful neck, taking a sip, putting it down, moistening his lips with wine, and smiled lightly .

Gong Zangxue didn't know what happened to him at that time, and he was stunned.

Probably petrified.

He just stared blankly at the wine glass in Dai Li's hand for a long time before he said expressionlessly: "The wine glass... is mine."

"Oh... I'll give it back to you." Dai Li looked at her, then put the wine glass in her hand, pinched it with her fingers, and then...

He stood up and brushed Gong Zang's bloody face with one hand.


"I've been wanting to do this for a long time. Hey... it sure feels good. There's a lot of meat, tenderness, and smoothness. Eating too much is definitely good for you."

And then...she was gone, gone, gone.

Gong Zangxue sat for a long time before his face turned red and he gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, this bastard actually used eye magic on me!!!"

By the way, what kind of pupil technique was that just now?

Gong Zangxue's heart was filled with ups and downs, and he was embarrassed and unbearable, so he slapped him.


The entire courtyard collapsed. (There is a saying that goes well - you have to start a counterattack from the girls around you. Someone just captured a queen. Hey, the starting point is a bit high) R1152

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