A Queen

Chapter 1,226 I’m getting married, but you don’t want to come

Chapter 1226

And a certain instigator was lazily walking out of the gate of the Demon Palace.

The moment she went out.

Lots of messages to send back!

It's all the same message.

——Junzili has come out of seclusion!

Finally out of seclusion!

How many people gritted their teeth at that moment?


Dai Li did not rush to find Ye Ziqing and the others because she heard that these people were in retreat, so she came to an ancient teahouse.

As soon as she walked in, the originally lively place suddenly became quiet.

Regardless of whether they are king-level experts or elite geniuses ranked among the top 100 in the Qishan assessment, they are all on pins and needles at this moment.

They looked at Dai Li in surprise and joy, but quickly turned their gazes away, not daring to look directly at him.

Someone is singing a ditty above, bah, bah, bah, a Jiangnan tune.

Dai Li chose a seat and listened for a while before a fat man next to him said, "Boss, what's so good about this piece of music?"

"So you have no artistic sentiment," Dai Li said lazily, and then added: "Don't you realize that this girl is pretty?"

Don't be too frivolous in your tone.

Li Qing's heart was filled with emotion. At first glance, the boss, whom he hadn't seen for a year, still had this feeling - our goddess has finally evolved completely. She has the aura of a male god, the temperament of a goddess, and her skills are at the MAX.

Only then did I realize that it was a complete abnormality!

The thin man opposite smiled: "Boss, you seem to have made great progress."

"Hmm, you have made great progress, although you are still very weak." Dai Li glanced at the two of them, "You are the fat one... you can not lose weight but become fat after transforming into a vampire... You are definitely a weirdo among the vampires."

Vampire genes have the ability to improve their appearance, not only for immortality, but especially for women, who have the greatest change, but for men...

Li Qing, who is developing more and more like a pig, is indeed a weirdo.

"But my cultivation speed is faster than Fan Li's"

Fan Li and Dai Li: "The essence is still a pig"

Li Qing: "..."

I really want to flip the table.

The two people quickly reported the changes this year to Dai Li, "According to the plan, the number has been expanded to one million people, with an elite group of 300,000 and a core group of 10,000. The average combat power of the core group has reached the distraction level."

Fan Li paused after saying this and looked at Dai Li: "More than a year ago, it was only the Grandmaster level, but during the Qishan Road assessment, it seemed that the group evolved once because of you, and then a month ago, there was another collective evolution. After evolving once, 10,000 people directly entered the primary level of distraction. Even Li Qing and I reached the sky in one step, and Jie even reached the king level. Boss... you are very awesome."

Dai Li was satisfied and gave him a look that said something.

This is why vampires are perverted.

Fan Li didn't dare to look into her eyes, so he coughed and continued: "But as you predicted before, boss, a lot of people are already paying attention to us, so we hid the main army and dispersed it more than a year ago. Come on, Jie is out now with three brigades of 300,000 people."

Are all the elite groups out?

"What is the strength of the 700,000 people?"

"On the surface, they are ordinary Nascent Souls, but in fact they are all at the Grand Master level."

"very good"

Dai Li took a sip of wine, thinking, and slowly tapped his fingers on the table. Li Qing and Li Qing didn't say much. After a while, she said: "It's not enough. I will go to the Demon Palace in ten days, and I will be there soon." The large group domain needs to be more powerful.”

She is so harsh on herself, so naturally she won't be too kind to the people under her command.

With a flick of his hand, a ring fell on the table.

"Here are 10,000 Xiaoqishan crystals. Let Jie come back and distribute them."

Li Qing and Fan Li breathed heavily, this is Qishan Jing! Ten thousand dollars back!

Oh my god!

The two of them nodded in unison: "Yes"

The three of them didn't stay much.

In fact, some people have already noticed Dai Li. After all, this person is too conspicuous, and Jun Zili has many people under his command. The fat man and the thin man are undoubtedly her people.

It's just that many people didn't expect that she would expose herself so openly.

Although she didn't know what they were talking about and what she gave to the two of them, no one dared to provoke her...

From a distance, at a corner, Ming Taihe looked at the three people, turned to Dongguo Ziyi and said: "She is so confident when exposed like this..."

Dongguo Ziyi smiled: "That's why it's scary."

Ming Taihe was no longer as arrogant as before. He just pondered for a while and nodded: "Anyway, I am definitely not her opponent. Maybe the two of them can still fight. After all, Qishan Road is full of opportunities, and it may not be impossible for things to change. "

This time Dongguo Ziyi did not refute, because Ming Taihe was talking about those two people.

"By the way, do you feel...her eyes~~"

"It looks like Mo Yao when his soul was sacrificed," Dongguo Ziyi completed his words.

"Yes! I feel terrible when I look at it, and I dare not look at him."

"That would be even more terrifying," Dongguo Ziyi thought thoughtfully.


After talking about drinking and eating, the three of them naturally wanted to leave. Suddenly... the street outside was very lively.

Dai Li, who had already stood up, walked over to take a look.

The streets were very lively because there were dragon and lion dances and a large number of dancers and other street performances. Lanterns and colorful decorations were hung, as if they were celebrating something.

"It's quite interesting, it looks like a folk celebration." Dai Li leaned against the window and looked at it, feeling somewhat interesting.

Perhaps Fenchuan is too serious in daily life, not like a place on earth, but now it suddenly seems strange to have such fireworks.

Others obviously felt the same way. People with high cultivation level and noble status all ran to the window to look.

While watching and discussing, it seemed that the Kun family and the Xie family were mentioned.

"Wedding?" Dai Li asked suddenly, which shocked the two young men next to him who were discussing very cautiously. One of them greeted him and said, "Yes, Miss Jun, the Kun family and the Xie family were They got married. It was originally said that they would get married after Qishan Road, but then Kun Lie went into seclusion, so it was postponed. Now that Kun Lie has left seclusion, he is about to get married... He is the one with the Xie family... what is his name? Coming?"

"One leaf*" added another.

One leaf*! Li Qing and Fan Li changed their faces slightly and looked at Dai Li...

"Today?" Daili asked with a calm expression, but no emotion could be heard.

"No, it's five days later. These five days are the pre-wedding banquet. The Kun family and the Xie family will join forces to celebrate the Five Days of Fenchuan... After all, they are a big family, and some old traditions will still be observed... I heard that it will be held in five days There were a lot of guests at the banquet, so not many people left Fenchuan these days. I guess they received the invitation."

Regarding Daili, these two people obviously knew everything and talked about it.

After hearing this, Dai Li smiled at the two of them and said, "Thank you very much."

He flicked his sleeves and left.

Li Qing followed behind.

"Um...where is the Vatican headquarters?"

"The Taishou Cave is still accepting people now."

"are you going?"


You'd be an idiot not to go! Because those who joined before... have already achieved two breakthroughs in just one year!

What's more, the boss is such a master!


After arriving at Taishou Cave, Daili began to relax. Others thought she was taking a break after retreating, but they didn't know that in this leisurely time, the main body was running wildly to form a perfect dual core formed by two blood souls, and the clone was also absorbing the spirit. Yuanli, the physique of the great prince is changing, so is his clone.

How long does it take to make the leap from persistence to independence?

"The two souls need to be fused, the clone needs to absorb the spirit to advance to the imperial level of the main body, the transformation of the pupil technique needs to be studied, the transformation of the king's blood, and the mysteries, etc., plus the extremely profound way of the wilderness that is impossible to enter, there are many things to do. !”

Dai Li, who studied the mysteries and realms in tranquility, gave five thousand Zhongqishan crystals to Demon Scorpion, letting him absorb the transformation...

What she wants is absolute power!

Even in the emperor level...she has to be the strongest in the shortest time!

Li Qing and Li Qing were very concerned about the matter of Yiye*, but the person concerned seemed to have a very cold reaction and never mentioned it, so the two of them could only quietly send their subordinates to keep an eye on it and collect information...

The day before the wedding.

Fan Li came over with an invitation.

"The invitation just sent from the Kun family is for you, boss."

Dai Li took it over, glanced at it, threw it aside, and smiled: "I'm still thinking that my cousin and the others have all received the invitations. If I'm not invited, I won't be able to save my face."

Fan Li's expression twisted: "Boss, the bride is a girl..."

It doesn't matter that the groom is the ferocious Kun Lie. As long as Kun Lie often had fun in the past and played with countless female cultivators, if someone as elegant and noble as Yiye fell into his hands...

According to the boss's past behavior, any pretty girl would have the mentality of a hen protecting her chicks. Why is it so different this time?

"It's her, I know..." Daili Anran drank tea, "She told me that she would solve everything by herself... I believe her, but I didn't expect that she would delay it until the wedding."

Fan Li frowned, "Boss, are you going or not?"

Before Dai Li could answer, blood light escaped, and Li Qing appeared with a rippling smile, while holding up a letter in his hand, "Let me just say that Miss Yiye doesn't want to marry that scumbag named Kun. You even sent a letter to the boss before the wedding!"

Dai Li glanced away, and the letter flew automatically, fell into his hand, and opened it with a clatter.

——Seeing the letter is like me:

Li, I think you have received an invitation from the Kun family, but as far as I know, the Kun family did not leave your name on the banquet list of the two families, and Kun Lie has been dating Xie Ruo, Feng Shaoling and others these days. Secretly, it seems that they are plotting to use a fake invitation to invite you to Kun's house, and to ambush and kill you on the way, so don't come, I will solve everything.

One leaf*,

After reading it, Dai Li closed his eyes and handed the letter to Li Qing and Li Qing. He picked up the invitation, looked at the mark on it, and smiled: "It is indeed a fake. There is no soul mark of the Kun family."

Li Qing replied: "She told you to leave~~"

The point! Fat man!

Being glanced at by Dai Li coldly, Li Qing immediately trembled in his legs and said angrily: "These people are indeed evil-minded, but the Kun family is a bit stupid. Even if it is a fake invitation, as long as something happens to you, boss, the Demon Palace will still cause trouble for them. Ah" R1152

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