A Queen

Chapter 1,227 Ambush! Ambush!

Chapter 1227

"There is insufficient evidence. The Kun family only needs to say that someone took this opportunity to deliberately pretend to be a Kun family member and follow the invitation. I think there will definitely not be anyone from the Kun family among the people who ambushed the boss. There is no evidence. If the Demon Palace continues Annoyed, after all, this is Fenchuan, and most of the masters of the Demon Palace are not here, so there is no possibility of taking action against the Kun family."

After a pause, Fan Li looked at Dai Li: "Actually, the most important thing is how important you are, boss, in the eyes of the Demon Palace people."

"If you have already arrived at the Third Hall and been recognized and granted status by the Third Hall, these people would not dare to move. But right now... you have not yet gone to the Third Hall, nor have you appeared in the large group area. The impact of being killed will be minimal. Even if the Demon Palace is annoyed, they will not feel too humiliated, and the possibility of an outbreak will be small."

These generations are naturally clear. "Although individuals like Feng Shaoling are not strong enough and their brains are a bit scummy, the three cobblers combined are still somewhat capable. They must have designed it..."

Li Qing: "Boss, are you going or not?"

"Go." Dai Li stood up and smiled slightly.

"If you haven't done anything for too long... your bones will become stiff."


Who is the ghost who killed the 3000 King level peak!

And on the other side.

A person was kneeling behind Qianshan Muxue.

"Sir, we have received news that Feng Yuanyi from the Feng King clan has led people to Fenchuan. It seems that he is going to take Feng Shaoling's two descendants back to the clan."

Huang sneered: "Who are Feng Shaoling and Feng Wenlun, worthy of Feng Yuanyi's intervention?" Feng Yuanyi, that is the next head of the Feng King clan, an absolute Feng King genius.

"Three hundred years old, at the peak of the imperial level, Feng Yuanyi is a treasure in the eyes of the Feng King clan, and Feng Shaoling is trash in his eyes." Huang's words were very straightforward, but it revealed that Feng Yuanyi would never miss the chance. Come to Fenchuan for no reason.

"Feng Yuanyi..." Qianshan Muxue muttered softly, "This person has always been ambitious and has decent talent, but he has a fatal flaw... he is too jealous."

Pressing the handrail lightly with his palm, Qianshan Muxue smiled faintly; "He is here to kill the threat."

"That woman?" Huang smiled.

"Not only me, Wanqi Jianhan...maybe it is also his goal to win over Qing Yi."

"That's really bad. Are the Qinghuanghai people crazy? It seems that the Qinghuanghai people don't know he's coming... Maybe they didn't expect the Wind King clan to be so crazy." Huang continued to laugh.

"Yeah..." Qianshan Muxue narrowed her eyes. .

It's a bit bad indeed.

At Xu's residence, Ye Ziqing put the invitation aside. Xu took a look at it and smiled: "The Kun family is really thoughtful, and they even invited you."

"Master, don't you have one too?"

"Haha, I won't go there...the four major families...just the Xu family is fine."

Xu was holding the fishing rod and was about to go fishing. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at Ye Ziqing: "You want to go there?"

"Hmm..." Ye Ziqing nodded and picked up the sword hanging on the wall. His originally cold and ruthless eyebrows suddenly softened a bit, and a faint smile appeared.

"If the ruthless sword doesn't kill people, it wouldn't be ruthless."

The sword is ruthless...The sword is ruthless, but people are sentimental.

This is the true way of ruthless revenge.

If you are ruthless, you will not take revenge; only if you are sentimental, you will take revenge.

Xu smiled, picked up the fishing rod and left slowly humming a tune.

Love is where the human soul lies.

Without the soul, people are just zombies.


Fenchuan is particularly lively today. It seems that the grand event on Qishan Road a year ago has been replaced by the grand wedding of Xie and Kun's family.

Countless monks have gained some benefits from this, because the Xie and Kun families have set up banquets, and the long street extending from the huge square of the Kun family manor has been set up with banquets. There are huge crowds of people, and it is extremely lively and lively.

The luxury heritage of the Maison is unmistakable.

And in the direction between Taishou Cave and Kun Family...

A stream of light is flying.

Neither fast nor slow, seems lazy.

Indeed, she was going to attend a wedding. The time hadn't come yet anyway, so why was she in a hurry, so she flew slowly.


brush! A hole opened in the sky!

Imperial level!

A royal assassin!

It was torn out from the air, and the sword in his hand was no more than five meters away from Dai Li!

Five meters! It's even close to the Jun level, let alone the Emperor level!

The sword is already moving away from the eyebrows!

The sword light condenses the cold air, and the space becomes cold...

The middle-aged man who had been ejaculated now had a murderous intent on his eyebrows, and his face was cold...

Even the man and the sword are as if they are one body. A sword from heaven can kill with one strike!

Clang! ! !

The light trembles! ! ! Severe tremor~~~

His expression was stunned.

The sword was actually blocked!

This gentleman is far from...

Blocking a sword in front of him, with the blade touching the tip of the ice-cold sword, Dai Li looked at this man: "It's a majestic level, but the sword's power is not as good as that of Wanqi Jianhan, it's really bad."

"But even though it is an emperor level, it is only the lowest level of the emperor level...it seems you are not very serious."

This kind of contempt radiates from the bones, which makes people feel heartbroken!

Damn it!

"Shameless talk!"

The big man's eyes narrowed, and an afterimage suddenly appeared on his body!


The clones ambush! ! !

Still using the sword!

But it is weaker than the main body...

Wow~~~The powerful Pojun Field opened up, and the big man and the clone popped out in an instant. What a powerful Pojun Field!

The big man's eyes were horrified, but he suddenly sent out a thought...

"Come up!"


A huge vine rushed up from beneath the ground!

Vine whip!


Dai Li turned sideways to avoid this blow!

Snap! A ferocious hole has been ripped open in the sky.

Compared with the King level, the power of the King level is really far behind, not only the direct lethality, but also the difficulty of this move is not comparable to that of the King level.

Of course, Dai Li was at the peak of the king level before. Although the emperor was stronger than her, he might not be able to kill her easily. After all, this person was very abnormal in all aspects, far beyond the average king level peak. When they just met and fought, that big man couldn't He just knew that this person was difficult to deal with.

So.. luckily there is a second person!

Tearing and twisting, the vines turned into an old man in green robes. The old man grinned and his body flashed with distraction!

Two emperors, two clones!

The two clones joined forces to surround and kill, with thousands of miles of ice sealing and hundreds of miles of green vines stabbing them!

"go to hell!!!"

Pojun Field suddenly distorted, and its aura suddenly became more than twenty times stronger!

Absolutely breaking the military realm!

Oh my God! this person..

Although the big man had just been blocked by a sword and had an idea in his mind, he still felt horrified when he actually saw it!

26 years old, royal level!

Even if it was the peak of the king level a year ago, even if there are many opportunities on Qishan Road, this breakthrough is too fast!

The Pojun Field is absolutely too abnormal, in a complete state of killing. The attacks from the close man and the old man were directly distorted by the Pojun Field. From a distance, it looks like a bright distorted kaleidoscope scene...

Dai Li flipped his wrist and unleashed 50,000 blood energy, crazy blood, and explosive blood!

Cut diagonally from bottom to top!

Kill Pojun!

boom! !

First, the clone of the big man was suddenly killed!

Thousands of opportunities are approaching the main body of the Han Dynasty!

"I'm coming! Divine General Wanmu!" The old man roared, and joined his clones from behind Daili...

The mystery of wood, the mystery of vines, the mystery of axe!

Triple mysteries!


Thousands of vines formed a huge tree god general, holding a green giant ax in his hand, and slashed down from behind!

go to hell!

The big man who was frightened by the sword was overjoyed when he saw the giant wooden god general, but he didn't see Dai Li retreat to resist the god general. The sword... cut it down as usual!

Jiangchuan Undead Dragon!


While shouting crazily, the big man saw a bolt of thunder shooting out from behind her.

The thunder clone faced the giant wooden god general!

Fifty thousand Lei Yuan, one finger from Mount Tai Thunder Town!

Meteoric mystery!

Extraordinary level!


The giant wood god will perish!

The old man saw the meteorite thunder that was rapidly expanding, but he couldn't move at all...

Take a breath.

The big man and the old man were floating in the air.

It was a silent body.

With a sonorous sound, Qian Ji was sheathed, and the expressionless thunder clone flew into Dai Li's body.

Li Qing and Fan Li were thrown out by Dai Li's sleeves, and they smiled when they saw the two corpses.

"I think Feng Shaoling and those idiots would never have thought that the boss could be two emperors in a second as soon as he came out of seclusion. Jie Jie~~~ That's right!"

"I want to know more about those people's expressions~~"

The two of them didn't have a good impression of Xie Ru and others who had been targeting Daili. However, Daili had been in seclusion for a year, and they were not opponents of the forces behind them, so they could only stand still.

Now I can finally vent my anger.

Dai Li was calm, "I was at the peak of the king level a year ago. It's not surprising to reach the emperor level a year later. It's not surprising to be able to kill the emperor level."

Why does this logic sound so strange?

Li Qing and the other two rolled their eyes, "It's not surprising, that's good for you!"

"Are you scared yet?"


"very good"

As he said that, Dai Li looked somewhere, where a stream of light flew towards him, and it was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

When Li Qing and Li Qing saw it, they saw it was a jade-bone dragon.

It fell on Dai Li's raised arm.


The Jade Bone Dragon made a sound, holding a piece of paper under its claws. Dai Li picked it up, took a look at it, and smiled.

"It's not polite to come back without reciprocating. Now...we should go give gifts."


In front of Fenchuan Kun's house, the seats in the large square are also divided into three, six or nine levels. The highest level is undoubtedly the seats where the top leaders of the major forces are located, followed by Hu Yanjue and other high-ranking geniuses.

"I counted, and nearly half of the top 100 examiners have been invited. Even people like Hu Yanjue, who have always been proud and arrogant, are here. The Kun family and the Xie family are quite proud."

"Yeah, I thought none of these people would come, such as Zhongli Guiwan and others... I didn't expect that these two families have such a deep background."

"It's not surprising. After all, they are two aristocratic families that have been in Fenchuan for so many years. Jiuge will give some face to them and use their elites to show off. Moreover, after the Qishan assessment, these elites will also leave Fenchuan to pursue their career. Yes, one more connection means one more life, so most people won’t refuse, right? People who haven’t seen Qishan Pavilion are here too!”

In fact, many people find it strange that the Kun family held such a grand wedding this time. Although Kun Lie is the first heir of the Kun family, he performed relatively poorly in the Qishan Road assessment, and suddenly started to make grand arrangements, which is a bit strange. Feeling proud and proud. R1152

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