A Queen

Chapter 1,228: Get married, steal the bride, or play a game?)

Chapter 1228

But anyway, most people benefit from it. This delicious food is a rare treasure. You can't eat it anywhere, but you have eaten it every day for the past five days. Especially today, it has reached a new level...

While some people were eating, they did not forget to observe the people in the second-class seats.

Zhongli returned late, Xiangxi Palace, Yun Yiyi, etc. I don’t know how these people have progressed...

Maybe it's not what it used to be.

In the second-class seats, Xiangxi Palace saw Kun Yan who came to toast.

He looked human-like, but his eyes were unclean. Xiangxi Palace responded lazily for a few words, and suddenly asked, "Kun Yan, none of the old men from your Kun family are here."

Kun Yan suddenly heard a sudden question from the always arrogant Xiangxi Palace, and felt happy. He smiled and said, "It's also a coincidence that my grandfather and the others all went to attend the powerful council held in the Demon Palace. Although the eldest brother's wedding was also It’s important, but after all, it’s the junior’s business, so it’s unlikely that they would come forward.”

It's just that the scene was too big this time, so people like Xiangxi Palace thought that those fusion masters would show up.

When Kun Yan thought about how much his family valued Kun Lie this time, he felt very unwilling and unhappy.

Why should he get all the benefits? Even though Qishan Road was not doing well, he was able to marry such a beautiful wife and sit in such glory...


Xiangxi Palace didn't bother to pay attention to this person's little mood, smiled, and drank, but he was suspicious in his heart, Demon Palace?

Something feels wrong.

Zhongli Guiwan and others also felt that something was wrong, but after all, it was other people's business, so they didn't care, just eating, drinking, and making scenes...

But in the end, I feel a little bit sad.

"Yiye*, I've seen it... what a pity" Zhongli Guiwan said to Su Li.

"It's a pity... I thought there was a turn for the better." Suli recalled the shocking glimpse of Yiye* more than a year ago and shook his head.

It seems that he still can't stand the pressure of his family.

What a pity.

But she didn't expect that Ye Ziqing and Qing Yi would also come.

Does the Kun family have such a reputation?

And...even Young Master Jin Kui from Siam is here, which is really weird.

"Come out, come out!"

"It's the groom and the bride!"

Kun Lie, who was dressed in a bright red groom's uniform, was still no less arrogant and cold, but he also had a bit more hearty handsomeness. His face was red and he was full of ambition, and he walked out holding the handsome Yi Ye*.

The graceful bride, wearing a bright red wedding dress and a red hijab, appeared in front of everyone with Kun Lie...

It seemed that many people in Xiangxi Palace were sighing while applauding.

It's a pity that the good cabbage was lost to the pig.

Isn't it?

Kun Lie was indeed very satisfied. He felt that the humiliation he felt more than a year ago had faded away in an instant. His eyes drifted past and he saw several tables of people from Nanlin... and then thinking about that person's protection of Nanlin, he seemed to He was healed instantly.

Holding the hand of the woman next to her, although she was born in a humble background and her strength was unwavering, she was at least beautiful. The most important thing was... she knew Jun Zili.

Junzili... Humph!

Kun Lie's eyes drifted, and he met the eyes of Feng Shaoling and Xie Rui who were sitting at the other table. The two people were smiling and raising their wine glasses towards him.

very good.

It seems to have succeeded.

Kun Lie smiled, and under the eyes of everyone, he saluted and kowtowed to the bride...

"It's done!"

The head butler of the Kun family announced with a smile.

The whole audience cheered...

Beautiful daytime neon fireworks are shot into the sky, and large firecrackers crackle...

Ye Ziqing and Qing Yi were expressionless, drinking quietly...


All the sound of firecrackers suddenly suffocated, and the neon fireworks remained.

Countless people who were having fun just now,

Watching the distant sky cut through a stream of light, a stream of red and red light.

It's roaring, and the evil spirit is obvious.

And it's fast...

From the end of the street where the banquet was laid out to the sky above the main square.

Full of blood.

Then a meal.

One person stands at the front.

Standing on his wooden clogs, with his hands behind his back, he looked down at all of them.

"It's done, it seems I'm late."

Jun Zili, she is here.

But he said he was late.

Everyone smelled a strong murderous aura, and they all fell silent. Those below the emperor level did not have the strength and capital.

Those above the imperial level don't have enough background and status, and they don't want to wade into this muddy water.

Unless you are from the Kun family and Xie family, or from the Xu family and Ran family...

The former was suddenly nervous and angry, and the latter was in the presence of the old god.

Kun Lie's expression changed rapidly. He glanced at Feng Shaoling and Feng Shaoling, who had the same expression, and his heart went up and down...

After three breaths, he still managed to smile, "Miss Jun... you're here."

He can't say that I didn't actually give you an invitation, so why are you here?

This is a slap in the face, a slap in the face of the Demon Palace, so I can't say it, but I can't admit that I gave the invitation to the other party, otherwise the other party will definitely touch their Kun family if they pursue it.


Kun Lie had never been so polite before, which made Xiangxi Palace and others want to laugh, but also felt strange.

In fact, many details today seem very strange.

"Come, of course you have to come...you didn't give me an invitation?" Dai Li held an invitation between the index and middle fingers of her right hand. She smiled: "That's why I'm here, so I have to give you a gift."

"No, no need, just come." Kun Lie smiled dryly. The Kun family members had already come out, their smiles were weak, but they were also good-natured.

"Are you looking down on me? Do you think I'm not qualified to give gifts alone?" Dai Li looked at Kun Lie.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized.

Really looking for trouble.

Xie Ru in the seat below clenched his fists unconsciously, did she notice? impossible! How did she escape the ambush? Did someone save her? No, it was clear that the person from the Demon Palace had sent word... that the emperor who was guarding her did not go out with her...

So.what's going on!

Before Xie Ru and Feng Shaoling could think it through, they saw the man above him suddenly said: "What if there are so many people?"

Snap, she snapped her fingers.


The 300,000-strong army was so overwhelming that the blood was red!

The blood energy surges and can cover the sky. The originally clear blue sky... now leaves only blood-red shadows for the hundreds of thousands of guests below!

not good! This madman!

Kun Lie's face turned pale, and one of the Kun family elders shouted angrily: "Jun Zili, what are you doing! This is too much! Don't think that my Kun family is easy to bully! You..."

The sound stopped suddenly because Qianji had been unsheathed and the tip of the sword was facing him.

"I never bully people..I only kill people."


A beam of sword light, extinction!

The king-level elder died, and there was a big pit in front of the Kun family's main house!

Shocked, everyone was shocked and did not react for a moment.

Next second, brush!

A cold light drifted across... Brush!

Cut on the plaque of the Kun family’s main house,


The plaque fell... and hit the ground.

That's an invitation.

Broken the Kun family plaque.

"If you dare to use a fake invitation to trick me into ambushing me, you have to think about the consequences of a failed ambush..."

Tian Tian's Dai Li finally lost his smile and glanced at him: "Every injustice has its own owner, and every debt has its own owner. I will not kill anyone who has nothing to do with the Kun family except the Xie family."


Hundreds of thousands of people walked away in the blink of an eye!

Not even the older generation of emperors will be left behind!

Including people like King Yan, they can run faster than anyone else!

Damn it, I can’t do it unless I leave, this is the evil star going crazy, and with the backing of the Demon Palace, no one can stop it!

As soon as the person left, Dai Lifei fell...

"Little ones, the party has begun..."


Three hundred thousand Vatican vampires roared down!

Including Li Qing, Fan Li and Jie...

Like a group of extremely hungry vultures!

Vicious and perverse... cruel!

Only now did the guests feel the breath of these vampires...


"It's all a distraction!"

Three hundred thousand distractions! ! !

The expressions of some of the 3,000 assessors who were not yet at the state of distraction...

I am also an examiner at Qishan Road. I can’t compare to anyone who has 300,000 troops under his command...

Is this the difference?

No, the real gap was when Jun Zili was surrounded by three emperors from the Xie family and the Kun family.

"Jun Zili, you are seeking death!"

"Even if the Demon Palace protects you, you will definitely die today!"

"Kill her!!!"

The Xie Kun family is actually a little crazy. The main reason is that they have not yet raised the existence of Dai Li to the stage of family safety. In their minds, Dai Li is still a threat with great potential, so it is wiser to kill it in advance. , the plan was pretty perfect...even though it failed in the end, failure is failure, so we can only clean up the tail.

But they never thought that this guy would fight back that day!

Moreover, this counterattack is too cruel, too merciless, and too overbearing!

There is no way out at all!

Looks like a fool!

You go to the Demon Palace to complain, and then we bicker with each other, isn't it okay?

Why did he just come over and kill him!

The time interval is less than an hour!

My balls hurt!

Loss of face!

However, things must turn against each other, and the emperors of the Xie and Kun families also wanted to take advantage of this and kill Dai Li in an honest way!

So, three emperors came... - surrounded her!

"Low-level, low-level, low-level, not even in the middle of the first level!" Dai Li glanced at him and narrowed his eyes. The strength of the first level of the imperial level is probably between 3,000 counties and 10,000 counties. The strength gap is huge, let alone the second level.

Before the three of them took action, it was like lightning!

Clone out!

Point your right hand at Mount Tai Thunder Town!

Press the square wheel with your left hand!

Thunder kill kill kill!

The main body sacrifices the sword, and the statue of the pure-blood king rises!

Thousand Machines No. 23 - Nirvana and Unity!

Seconds seconds! ! !

The moment Dang Dangli made the first move, the expressions of Hu Yanjue and others present changed.

Speed, strength, defense, soul, everything, Dai Li was already more than ten times better than them a year ago... What about now?

hundred times? A thousand times?

It's hard to breathe.

Hu Yanjue couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought about how complacent he was when he just came out of seclusion and the opportunities he had control over.

Huan Xiao thought about reaching the peak of the King level within ten years and catching up with her, but in one year...she had already surpassed the King level and started...slaying the Emperor?

Who is stronger, an Ant King or a Dragon King?

The emperor level of the Xie Jiakun family is indeed very ordinary. When they were young, their talent capital potential was far inferior to that of people like Hu Yanjue. When they reach the emperor level... the gap is even greater! R1152

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