A Queen

Chapter 1,229 The general trend is the general trend! Invincible!

Chapter 1229

Compared with Daili?

Just one word!


After three emperor-level seconds, the scene was instantly suppressed! Feng Shaoling and Xie Ruan had blood in their hearts, and their faces were whiter than white paint.

The former was pulled by his subordinates to leave quickly, but leaving like this would be a guilty conscience, not to mention that the Feng King family was behind him, and he felt that if Junzili did this, the Kunxie family would definitely join forces to kill her, so... he stayed. !

On the other side, Jin Kuili saw Dai Li's ugly expression after defeating three emperors in seconds, but he didn't leave either.

Who is the Jinkui clan afraid of? They walked completely sideways in Fenchuan!

So in the sight of hundreds of thousands of people, Goddess Jun blew a whistle!

"Leave the king level to me, no one below the king level will be left behind!"

hold head high!

The vampires are going crazy!

Look, the boss is an existence that can reach the emperor level in seconds! What else is there to be afraid of!

Kill kill kill!

The bloodthirsty clan, which was already bloodthirsty and crazy, now went crazy several times, roaring towards the two people from the aristocratic families below...

Today is the wedding, which is an important day. To ensure safety, the two major families have also transferred many people back to the Ma Lai Kun family. What is the result?

No matter how powerful the two great families are, they may have as many as 300,000 people, but they are not as crazy as the Blood Clan.

One distraction vampire can resist five Xie family distractions!

The higher the level, the more resistance there is, just like Junzili can achieve three emperor levels per second!

This is the quality gap!

Sadly... there are still a lot of them!

The contemporary Li mobilized the Thousand Machine Sword Network and implicated all the kings and emperors of the Xie Jiakun family...

Jie finally didn't hold back, waved his hand, and 700,000 people roared out!

Millions of people!

"Jun Zili! You are crazy! Our Kun family will not let you go!"

"Then we have to wait until your ancestors come back."

"I don't need my ancestors, I can kill you!!"

There are actually not many emperors in the Xie Jiakun family. After all, Fenchuan is not a large group area. How can there be so many emperors? After the two ancestors of the first level emperor peak and the integration stage were invited to the Hongmen Banquet by the Demon Palace, the two families remained Seventeen or eight emperor-level people.

All one weight.

There is a big gap in the imperial level. The Xie family, who is as powerful as the Kun family, is actually just the same after Dai Li was promoted to the imperial level.

Just two integration stages can make her fearful. She is not afraid of other emperors, as long as they are not too strong at the second level or above.

Because the defense and speed are too strong, I can't even run away if I can't fight, not to mention the pupil technique!


But others didn't know that Dai Li was so crazy that he used Thousand Machine Sword Net to capture 15 emperors in one breath. Yun Yiyi and others were frightened when they saw it!

The 15-level emperor was not a fool, he immediately opened his mouth!

He didn't run out, but he roared at nearly a hundred kings.

"Go out and kill all her people!"

"There is no king among those people! Kill them! Quick!"

Otherwise, both families will be slaughtered by millions of troops. Even if Jun Zili can be killed in the end, the two families will still be defeated!

Wow, the king level of the blockbuster rushed out!

Dai Li was still thinking about expanding the Thousand Machine Sword Network to trap them again, but in the end...

A sword cuts across space.

White sword and black cloud.

One sword stabbed seven or eight kings to death!

The kings have changed their faces!

"Ye Ziqing!!!"

Ye Yeqing, who was fluttering in white clothes, held a sword in one hand, her long sleeves slightly raised, and her sword was ruthless. Her expression was dull. When she raised her eyebrows and looked at it, she said faintly: "Do you really think I'm here to drink wedding wine today?"

Wrong, I just came to help my cousin kill people.

The ruthless sword at the pinnacle of king level will kill you... like a dog!

"Sister Ziqing, how about leaving me half?"

When the bright moon Bodhi appears,

Luan Qingyi's move is already certain.

Ye Ziqing glanced at her and smiled: "Didn't you already kill me?"

Killing six of them with one seal is still at the peak of king level.

"My cousin has already taken action, we Nanlin people can't just watch." Chu Xiuling pressed the table with one hand and suddenly lifted the table!

The overlord body comes out! Here comes the gun!

I'll shoot you to death!

"I'm so anxious... I haven't even had a sip of wine... Hey, Lou Lanting, please give me more of your poison..."

Lou Lanting smiled while dispensing the poison, "Don't be in a hurry, come one by one... I have prepared a lot... that can poison the entire Fenchuan people~~"

It doesn't matter if we are not strong enough, we are poisonous! !

Poison them!

How powerful is Lou Lanting's poison?

Dai Li really didn't want to tell these people that this guy was a descendant of Southern Xinjiang and had two inheritances of witchcraft and Gu...

And this person is also a bitch. A year ago he was fighting to the death with her, and a year later he was colluding with Nan Lin and his gang.

Obviously there is only one reason - they are all from Nanlin!

"I don't need poison." Gui Jianchou rejected Lou Lanting's poison, pulled out his sword, and killed a king in one blow.

Lou Lanting: "..."

This kind of low-key and perverted young lady is the most annoying. I feel like I have seen another Junzili.

Nanlin broke out! Each one looks like an animal! They were pushing the bodies of the two families madly like a bulldozer...

Hundreds of thousands of people outside watched it drunkenly.

The emperors of the Xie Kun family were also dumbfounded. What are these people, Nima Nanlin, trying to do?

We provoked you!

In great rage, the five emperors wanted to rush out...


Thousand Machine Sword Net opens.

Three hundred thousand flying swords.

There is one more layer that will definitely destroy the military field.

Absolute interception.

The group of emperors turned around and saw Dai Li smiling.

"Sorry, you are mine!"


The statue of the pure-blood king rises!

There was a split in the forehead!


One eye.

Eye Technique!

Um, isn't there two?

Why is it a...

It was a pair of dark purple pupils, like magic pupils!

It was very huge, with blood and fire burning around it.

Everyone in the audience was frightened by this eye.

"Hmph, even if it's a pupil technique, we are at the imperial level and our souls are so powerful, yet we're still afraid that you can't do the pupil technique!"

An emperor screamed and took the lead in throwing a flame spear towards the demon pupil!


Suddenly, Dai Li glanced at...

The magic pupil also swept away...

Didn't these people realize that this was not the original Eye of Setsuna? What a stupid human being~~

Daili reluctantly used his 16th Eye Technique.


Sweeping past.

Boundless sadness, mourning because of death.

The spear melted and disappeared, and the emperor... turned into blue smoke.

Curly, green smoke.

One, two, three...


Soul screams...

Fifteen emperors, 7 died!

The sorrow of death is endless and covers the entire scene.

There were 8 other people who were extremely horrified, vomiting blood, and their souls were seriously injured!

They are very strong, and their physical attacks are between the first level. There may be masters of the first level who can reach 5000 counties, but... in the face of such a pupil technique.

——No power to bind a chicken!


All eight people were frightened!

The first reaction is to run!

But Daili's first reaction was to kill!


The main body is holding Qianji,... and spreading its wings behind its back! The realm of control is open! A tenfold improvement across the board!

Pounce forward and kill one with one stab! 3500 counties!

With a flick of his wrist, he slashed the other to death with a sickle!

Close your hands, double daggers on the left and right, and activate the assassination state!

Shadows are lurking!

Puff puff!

Several afterimages and assassinations in one second!

All are one-hit kills!

Who caused their souls to be seriously injured!

Chopping melons, slicing vegetables, and killing ferociously!

Emperor-level corpses fell one after another, and Jie and others rushed over to take them...

On the other side, the three strongest emperors finally escaped and swallowed a large amount of soul-repairing elixirs. They were separated by thousands of meters...

"Junzili, Junzili, Junzili!"

Resentment, extreme resentment!

After all, they were members of their own family. Instead of escaping, these three people directly summoned their clones and attacked from a distance!

As long as they avoid the pupil technique, this gentleman is no match for them!

I was too careless before!

The three people and three clones were all in a state of madness, and they all used their killing moves...

At the same time, Dai Li, who was in the huge sword formation, raised his eyebrows, and with a crash, the sword formation retracted instantly...

The moment six emperor-level combat forces attacked from three directions, clatter!

Streaming light flying!

Towards these attacks....

A moment of light and shadow can actually cut through physical attacks.

That was a scene that stunned everyone. Even Ye Ziqing and Qing Yi were stunned...

The expressions on the faces of the elders of the Fourth Pavilion, Yu Li and others from Qishan Pavilion...


All attacks are cut!


Face to face, less than a hundred meters away.

Clone out!

Shadow Xuanao! Extraordinary level!

Thunder Finger poked an emperor's forehead with one finger, poof! head shot!

A dragon claw crushes the clone...Boom! Explode directly! The space and the clone become fans together!

In a flash...the second person has died!

speed! The speed of the main body... far exceeds that of the first-level emperor, and even makes the second-level emperor change his face! Perhaps there is a big gap between their strength and the first level. They can reach the first level in minutes and seconds, but speed is a very critical point. If the speed of the first level is too fast, they will be helpless.

If you add the extraordinary first-level Yingxuanya... Daili is undoubtedly the most difficult first-level emperor level!

It won’t even take a second to kill you!

I'll kill you with one finger!

The combat power of the clone is outrageous.

What about the subject?

Boom boom boom!

When the strongest emperor blasted her with an attack power of 4000 counties... the sword, wings and shield were intact.

Perfect defense? Are all the 4,000 counties protected?

The double daggers rotate... and the blood is crazy, so what if 60,000 blood can be sacrificed.

An additional 10,000 instinctive energy is a small case for the average emperor. After all, the emperor's body energy is at least 100,000 Yun as the minimum standard. A mere 60,000 blood energy... what does it count? What is it?

The pure-blooded king is like a majesty, mocking and trampling on him!

After the clone was blasted out, the main body's neck was crossed with double daggers...

Cut throat!


In other words, 3500 County attacked, but it cut open the neck of the strongest emperor of the Kun family, whose strength was almost in the middle of the first level.

When the neck was cut off, the head flew up...

"The actual attack is not as good, but the power of the body is terrifying. Her hands are dragon claws... Plus the weapon is more powerful than the purple gold peak weapon... It's really abnormal." Some emperors were also horrified when watching the battle.

The second level of bitter smile, the first level of fear.

King Yan touched his chin and said slowly: "I originally thought she was fighting her last battle and had to rely on the Demon Palace for relief, but I didn't expect that she killed 15 emperors in the blink of an eye." R1152

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