A Queen

Chapter 1,230 The giant is coming! Confrontation!

Chapter 1230

I can only laugh.

Yan Qi took a deep breath: "Because she is Jun Zili."

Junzili is always unexpected.

With one million people plus oneself, most of them are at the first level of emperor in seconds. It is not difficult to kill the Kun family and the Xie family.

Especially after most of the top experts from both companies were asked to leave...

"It seems that it has been planned for a long time." Xiangxi Palace and others finally understood why they felt so inconsistent.

Demon Palace...Junzili~~hehe~~

And after Dai Li slaughtered the last emperor, the Kunxie family was undoubtedly defeated!

Others had no intention of fighting anymore, and some had already cried and surrendered... Kun Lie's head was stepped on by Chu Xiuling, and his whole body was trembling...

Feng Shaoling's throat was dry, and she secretly glanced at Jin Kuili, who was not far away with a pale face. She felt guilty and was ready to evacuate.


"Junzili!!! I will kill you!!"

The angry roar, thousands of miles away, came from afar, deafening and deafening, like the sound of thunder from heavenly drums.

When the first echo sounded, the roaring person in the distance was already close at hand.

Comes furious.

Dai Li could see the old man's open hand suddenly stamping towards her, a palm that covered the sky!

It’s coming from hundreds of miles away!

The integration period, this is the integration period...

However, this is not the first time that Daili has faced the power of the Fusion Stage, not to mention that her soul strength has surpassed the emperor level. For such power...


The big palm covering the sky was forcefully inserted by a burning flame spear!

Just insert it into the sky in front of Dai Li... less than ten meters away!

Plug into the ground.

A huge palm print, a spear that lifts up to the sky.

Strong air pressure swept up...

Someone was motionless, looking so calmly...

"Kun Pan, I didn't let you come back to kill her. I just wanted you to see how your Kun family was destroyed."

This sound came curling up, and you knew who it was by listening to the voice.

One step at a time, figures appeared in the sky.


The giants of the major forces have appeared!

That is, a group of people invited to the Hongmen Banquet...

Emperor Ming, the Jiuge giant, Duan Ze and others. Of course, the protagonists are Kun Pan and Xie Yan, the two combined masters.

As we were eating, drinking and talking, we suddenly realized that our family was being destroyed. That feeling...

At that time, these two masters overturned the table and took off...

Then Emperor Ming and others quickly flew up to watch the show...

Just when they saw the miserable situation of the Kun family in front of them... Emperor Ming and others couldn't help but twitch their lips.

Did the Demon Palace send an army over?

It doesn't seem to be the case... Those swarms of ant-like soldiers are clearly...

Everyone looked at Daili in unison.

Her people?

This population is reproducing fast enough!

The frightened Emperor Ming and others did not speak, but looked back and forth...

Kun Pan and Xie Yan were furious, and the several first-level emperor-level masters they brought with them were also on the verge of rage, because they were all members of the Kun and Xie families, and the people who were slaughtered were naturally of their bloodline.

"Where's Kun Kai! Where are they all dead! How dare you allow a little beast like Junzi Li to insult our Kun family like this!" Kun Pan was stared at by Duan Ze and didn't make a move for a moment. But seeing the Kun family that was almost razed to ruins, my heart felt like a knife.

Kun Yan, who was in a state of embarrassment and had his legs broken, cried out: "Ancestor, they were killed!"

"Who killed it!!"

"She!" Seeing the return of his ancestor, Kun Yan felt confident and immediately pointed his finger at Dai Li!


Kunpanhu stared at Daili, it was her!

"What about the others?"

Kun Yan was stunned... and then said: "She killed them all!"

Kunpan's breath suffocated.

There was no reaction for a moment, but Xie Yan looked at some corpses below and asked Xie Ru: "Where are the royal masters of my Xie family?"

Xie Ru also pointed at Daili with his finger.

It's her, it's her, it's her!

The expressions of the two masters in the combined stage...

The expressions of Emperor Ming's big bosses... After receiving some transmissions, their ever-changing expressions solidified.

After Duan Ze and the other bosses of the Demon Palace were stunned, their hearts were in turmoil, and their appearance was very cool. For example, Duan Ze snorted: "How can I, the genius of the Demon Palace, be comparable to your Xie Kun family! Don't talk about how many emperors you are. , even a dozen emperors can be killed!"

Haha, some people who have been watching for a long time want to say, in fact, there are only a dozen emperor-level quotas, a total of 18 emperor-level quotas...

Li Qing wanted to laugh. Counting the two unlucky guys who were ambushing him in advance, there were 20 emperors~~

"Duan Ze, you Demon Palace is too bullying! What did our Kunxie family do to deserve this humiliation from you! If you don't tell me clearly today, I will kill this gentleman!"

I don’t believe you don’t know! Dai Li glanced at the two old men coldly, and said slowly and concisely: "To put it simply, Kun Lie from the Kun family, Xie Ru from the Xie family, and three idiots named Feng Shaoling joined forces to plan a plan. It was a plan to lure me out with a fake invitation, then ambush and kill me, but it failed, and then I came and went and hosted your wedding by the way..."

It's so smooth and convenient...

Kun Pan and Xie Yan's eyes deepened, and the latter sneered: "Where is the evidence?"

Dai Li stuck the sword in the air with one hand, brushed his short hair with the other hand, and said lightly: "The people in the Demon Palace never need evidence."

At that moment, everyone here...no matter who they were, including the masters in the integration stage, felt a deep pain in their balls.

These days, we are not afraid of uneducated hooligans, but we are afraid of literate people being hooligans.

There is no doubt that Jun Zili is a cultural person with a very rogue style.

After saying this, everyone in the Demon Palace laughed. Duan Ze put his hands behind his back and smiled gently: "That's right. We in the Demon Palace don't need evidence, we just need to know... You two, Xie Kun, This younger generation in our family is indeed not very good. He has targeted Junzili a long time ago, but that was in the past. As young people, it is normal to have a fight, but..."

His face became gloomy, like that of June Tian, ​​which changed at a moment's notice: "Conspiracy and ambush are still too vulgar... You should have informed us of the Demon Palace earlier..."

"Everything is just made up by this Junzi Li. Who knows if she is just a little bitch? She remembers being bullied by my Kun family back then, and now she holds a grudge..."

Kun Pan gritted his teeth and refused to let go, and even hit him with a rake.

Dai Li suddenly interjected: "They have been bullying, but they have never succeeded, which I regret."


Even though people like Zhongli Guiwan and Xiangxi Palace were listening seriously, they couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

"Jun Zili! You are a junior who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. How can we allow you to speak while we speak?!" Kun Pan's eyes turned cold and he raised his hand to attack Dai Li! But Duan Ze blocked him again..

With a flash of eyes, Xie Yan suddenly looked at Feng Shaoling below, with a flash of eyes, he sent a message to Xie Ru...

Xie Ru came back to his senses, and Chaodaili roared: "Junzili, it doesn't matter if you wronged us. Your Demon Palace is strong. I, the Kunxie family, admit defeat, but you dare to bully a member of the Wind King clan like this! Do you really think that the Demon Palace is invincible?" And are you willing to protect you with all my strength?!"

As soon as this man roared, Feng Shaoling was exposed.

Everyone looked at each other, Feng Shaoling cursed Xie Ru inwardly in her heart, but her face was calm, and she walked out, Chao Daili said calmly: "You are right, our Feng King clan will not allow others to slander us easily. .Jun Zili, you are considered a number one person now, but at most you are a junior in the Demon Palace. If you act so arrogantly, are you not afraid of retribution in the future?"

Oh, you cursed me!

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and took a deep look at Feng Shaoling. Feng Shaoling, who had been feeling confident just now, suddenly felt a chill in his heart at this glance.

She was obviously extremely beautiful, but it made him feel as if he was looking at an evil ghost, or... he felt a sense of awe as he saw the ancestors of his family.

Duan Ze also frowned. Although the Wind King Clan and their Demon Palace were not afraid, they were, after all, a branch of one of the seven clans. A single move could affect the whole body. They, the Demon Palace, must not be too reckless unless they had evidence in hand... .

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound, and an image was released from below, expanded, and stood directly in the air.

Inside were Feng Shaoling, Xie Ru, and Kun Lie... The three of them were talking, their words full of hatred for Daili, and they kept swearing and swearing...

Hearing that, Ye Ziqing and Fu Qingyi looked very ugly, and then the three of them began to plan..., and it was clearly consistent with what Dai Li said, and they had even thought about how to escape.

In the end, these three people said something like this.

Xie Ru: "Third Young Master Feng, your family has a great business, so you won't be afraid if something happens, but the two of us cannot stand the people of the Demon Palace..."

Feng Shaoling: "Oh, if I weren't worried that she would be unable to get out after going to the Demon Palace and cause trouble, I could kill her on our side... but it would be best to kill her in Fenchuan... As for the danger, you two don't have to worry. The spy I pressed in the Demon Palace has already told me that the five emperors responsible for protecting her didn't go out with her... I guess that's all the protection she received from the Demon Palace... .Think about it, if she gains power, how will she deal with you with her vengeful temperament? What’s more... Don’t you want revenge? And think about it, after killing her, those despicable people in Nanlin will have no support. What will happen? By the way...there are a lot of beauties there..."

Xie Ru: "Indeed, no matter how powerful she is, she is only at the king level. This is not the territory of the Demon Palace. If she is killed, the Demon Palace will only suffer the loss of being dumb... As for beauty... Haha, is there anyone more beautiful than her? It would be best if we could completely destroy her... I really want to see how such arrogant her looks under our crotches..."

Feng Shaoling: "Yes, and the clear leaves... Thousands of mountains of dusk snow... Ink lines, Linghu white, clouds. Phoenix... Zhongli returns late, Xiangxi Palace... Snow fish, famous sword, quiet and far away, Fu Weoshui, Suli... These women are all arrogant, don't go to large group areas in the future, I will let them understand how powerful my Wind King clan is!"

Xie Ru: "It would be nice to get one of these women... By the way, will that young master really help us?" R1152

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