A Queen

Chapter 1,231 Bride, bride! (pink, pink)

Chapter 1231

Feng Shaoling: "Of course, if I join forces with him, even the Demon Palace can't do anything to us... But he is quite interested in beauties. After the matter is completed, he will choose a few of the beauties in Nanlin to take back... .By the way, Kun Lie, your little wife is pretty..."

Kun Lie: "It's just a chess piece. If he likes her, I will give her to him on the night of the wedding and let him be the groom."

Feng Shaoling: "Haha, cool! Then your wedding must be bigger...invite more people, otherwise it will embarrass him."

Kunlie smiled: "Okay"

Then the image freezes with three people laughing...

The whole place was quiet.

After a while, Xiangxi Palace laughed: "I didn't expect that I would also be appointed. Thank you three for your support."

Fu Ruoshui: "You're not the only one... I've named more than a dozen people~~We're pretty far behind~~"

Xiangxi Palace: "Yes, we are humble and humble, and we will be ruined if we are ruined. I didn't expect that their vision is quite high. The young master of Qinhuang Pavilion and Princess Wanxue want to catch all the elites of Wang Pavilion... ..”

Fu Ruoshui: "Yes, there are also demon clan ones...the taste is really strong."

The two of them had a few conversations back and forth. The Zhongli beauty or other beauties who happened to be present when they were called had cold expressions on their faces. They didn't know anything in their minds, but they definitely had no good impressions of these three people.

Even the other monks despised them, because the words of these three people were too vulgar. Not to mention that they were not in line with the elegance of a member of a big family, but they were countless times more vulgar than ordinary monks.

Who doesn’t know how beautiful those beauties are, and who doesn’t want to marry one and go home! But why do you say it like this, with dirty intentions, and in the same tone as a brothel customer talking about a brothel girl? That is wrong, a big mistake!

The bosses of Qinhuang Pavilion and Jiangwang Pavilion were laughing at each other. If they were not angry, they would be fooling them! I originally thought that if the trouble in the Demon Palace wasn't too much, they would help Fenchuan, who was also from the same place, to help...

Now..go to hell with you! I'm going to step on your feet even more!

The faces of Feng Shaoling and the three others were pale.

The faces of Kun Pan and Xie Yan were as colorful as if they were mixed with paint.

"Who! Deliberately perjured and slandered!" Xie Yan's mind was spinning quickly, and he was about to smash the image into pieces with a slap of his palm.

The image flickered and disappeared.

The stone fell on the white and soft palm.

Only then did everyone see the person who had appeared at some point and was leaning on the pillar of the main room...

Wearing a fiery red wedding dress, with beautiful hair, she leaned against a pillar and looked up at the sky.

She held the image stone in her palm.

This person is...

"It's you! Yiye*!" Kunlie was the first to roar out!

How could it be her! ! !

But think about it, who else could it be if it wasn't her?

The person closest to the Kun family and the Xie family, the person who could know the whereabouts of him and Xie Ruo, and no one would suspect their comings and goings... If the motive was included, she was the only one, right?

"One leaf*!!!" Xie Ru gritted his teeth, wanting to rush over and bite her to death.

However, Yiye* was very calm, very calm. He didn't even look at the two of them. He just played with the photo stone in his hand and glanced at Duan Ze and others.

"Is this evidence?"

Count it, of course it counts, it’s not just evidence, it can directly isolate the Kun family and Xie family!

Duan Ze and others actually didn't know Yiye* at all, but they were so smart that they immediately understood that Yiye* might not get along with these two families at all.

"Yiye*... you are confused. You are already the daughter-in-law of my Kun family. You can't do stupid things. Give it to me quickly." Kun Pan said to Yiye* in a low voice.

Xie Yan also showed a kind smile, "*, you are the blood of my Xie family, you can't be stupid...Repent quickly,

I can forget about it”

"Yes, Yiye*, you are already my wife. This is an unchangeable fact. You..." Before Kun Lie could say anything, he was killed by a sentence from above.

"The person who previously said that he would give his wife away on the wedding night has the nerve to say this now. Is it because he is out of his mind or is he thinking someone else is out of his mind?"


Kun Lie was very angry and glared at Dai Li.

"This is a family matter of my Kun family, it's not your turn to worry about it!"

Look at this confident look!

Dai Li smiled uninhibitedly and wildly, "When the road is rough, draw your sword to help. For a good-looking girl, my sister kills not the heart, but the kidneys!"

There were many beauties present: "...."

Why does this sound so... gangster?

"What's more...*ah...do you think it's my turn?" Dai Li looked at Yiye* with a faint smile on his face and gentle eyebrows.

She has a vaguely seductive feeling, but she is extremely serious, and she is full of British aristocracy and oriental elegance. (In fact, it is the temperament of the Qinglong Gang and the urban-rural fringe area),

After asking this question, everyone thought that the two of them were having an affair, not to mention Yiye* was smiling charmingly.

"As long as you want"

As long as you want...Chu Xiuling is holding his forehead, here comes another one! ! !

"You bitch, I know you are a filthy and dirty person, and you actually fell in love with a gentleman! But no matter what, after we went to court and got married, you are already a member of my Kun family! It's okay to destroy my Kun family. You're not good for anything!" Kun Lie no longer had the high-spirited look of the young master before, only the madness of a prisoner who was embarrassed and frustrated.

He stared at Yiye* fiercely and wanted to pounce on him...but was restrained by Li Qing and others, so he could only stare...

However, the others were also silent, as if they had really gone to the church to get married. Kazuye*'s doing this... was also very detrimental to herself.

It's just that a disgusting scumbag like Kun Lie has to get divorced even if he gets married. Otherwise, would he really be taken over by that unknown man on his wedding night?

It's disgusting just thinking about it... well... it seems that being taken over by Kun Lie is quite disgusting.

"Go to the church and get married?" Kazuye* sighed softly: "Does the person wearing red clothes have to be the bride?"

Everyone followed her finger and saw the bride standing obediently in the corner with a red hijab on her head.

I'll choke you, you're beaten like that and you can still wear a red hijab!

The most calm bride in history!

But who is this?

The Kun family members were stunned...

Until Yiye* flicked his fingertips, and the red hijab floated...

Human-headed pig face.

It also barked twice with its big pig nose...

Everyone was blinded.

"Monster clan?"

"Pig demon?"

There were people from the Monster Clan present, so they explained: "It's not us Monster Clan... it's actually just a pig, an ordinary pig."

Don't accuse us demon clan unfairly...

Forget about pigs, just ordinary pigs!

In front of everyone, the bride's body flashed, and the bride's dress exploded, revealing the real fat head, big ears and fat pig body. She squinted her pig's nose and rushed to the chaotic food on the ground to eat. ...

People from the Kun family, people from the Xie family...their hearts are boundless.

A pig, a pig, a real pig.

The eldest son of their Kun family actually worshiped heaven and earth with a pig! ! !

It is obviously the handiwork of Kazuyo*!

"Didn't you realize that I didn't even invite my master... I didn't invite anyone?" Kazuyo*'s expression was a little blank. As a bride, she didn't invite anyone from her natal family. This is abnormal in itself, but Kunxie The two families were so conceited that they looked down on Yiye* from the bottom of their hearts, and then...

Fell into a pit.

This girl is cruel! Too cruel!

Dai Li was so handsome that he whistled and smiled brightly: "Well done!"

Nanlin’s family members all applauded...

"Yi Ye*~!!" Kun Lie seemed to want to roar his liver out...

Kun Pan has been captured with one palm! "Damn you bitch, die!!!"

The afterimage flashed, and the black shadow that passed by grabbed his arm and avoided it! ! !


The big palm that covered the sky hit the main house of the Kun family and exploded!

Dai Li could barely avoid it with Yi Ye*, but threw Yi Ye* out! He separated from her. As expected, Kunpan changed his direction and locked his murderous intention on her!

In the heat wave, Li Qing and others had been ejected. Kun Lie rushed towards Yiye* like crazy.

Yiye*, you bitch! Take your life! !

The young and old of the Kun family broke out, how could Duan Ze and others be left behind!

Xie Yan also took action brazenly...

"Duan Ze, you are only in the integration stage of your Demon Palace here, so don't be too arrogant!"

"Ha, I can do you all by myself!"

There are many masters of the Demon Palace, but not all of them are in Fenchuan. Most of the deputy palace masters are at the peak of the emperor level, but few are in the integration stage, and Duan Ze is one of them.

But one against two,...it's really dangerous!

Then Xie Yan entangled Duan Ze and Kun Pan chased Dai Li to kill him!

Moreover, the two masters of the Kun Family who were at the peak of the first level of the Royal Level were also gathering momentum at that time...

Emperor Ming was ready to take action because Yu Ji, and Yu Ji was not present today. She was in seclusion. If she came out and found out that Dai Li had been killed by the Kun family, and he happened to be there... that would be a disaster.

So Emperor Ming was ready to take action...but someone seemed to be faster than him!

boom! ! !

Kunpan's brazen attack was directly pierced by an arrow flying through the sky! ! !

Almost everyone turned to look...


A dragon, a very huge bone dragon flew from a distance in an instant. The jade bones were handsome, but they were unparalleled in dominance!

Standing on top of the dragon's head was a woman in red clothes, with black hair flying fiercely, holding a bow and arrow, and the surrounding air flowed around her, showing overwhelming domineering and ferociousness.

And sharp.

"Gong Zangxue~!!! You actually broke through the fusion!!" Kun Pan was shocked! Why aren't others shocked? Even Duan Ze and others were stunned.

I thought it would be Chun Shisanniang, but I didn't expect it was Gong Zangxue!

I didn't even expect that Gong Zangxue... the integration stage!

She was still at the peak of the imperial level before!

And she... how old is she?

Standing on a jade bone dragon, holding a divine bow in his hand, Gong Zangzhi paid no attention to the shock and disbelief of Kunpan and others. R1152

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