A Queen

Chapter 1,233 The Wind King is coming! Moye!

Chapter 1233

The integration stage and the soul impact of the emperor...

The people in the Demon Palace were actually frightened at that time. They felt that Jun Zili would definitely die...

And at that time...

"You're such a scumbag from the Wind King, you're so embarrassed to ambush and assassinate a junior!"

Flowers flying all over the sky, purple, red, pink and white!

Colorful, very flashy and vulgar, but...

The countless flowers directly wrapped the giant face.


Chun Shisanniang appeared stepping on thousands of flowers flying in the sky, with a murderous look on her face!

The giant face twisted into a man!

"It was your Demon Palace who first deceived me, the Wind King! But Chun Shisanniang, this gentleman will die today!"

"Death, not necessarily!" Chun Shisanniang sneered.


After the soul's coercion swept away...

Daili was still floating in the air, and the eyes of reincarnation were a little wilted and slowly dissipated. But when she opened her eyes, the reincarnation light in her pupils was faint. .

After taking a deep look at the man, his body suddenly flashed...


Feng Shaoling, who was looking down, was stepped directly into the pit!

Dust and smoke billowed.

His limbs were rotten with blood and flesh, and he was dying.

"Bold! Jun Zili!!!" The combined Qi Nu of the Wind King clan was so angry!

It's crazy!

Dai Li stepped on Feng Shaoling's chest and turned to look at Chun Thirteenth Niang: "Thirteenth Niang, we agreed before that the Feng King family has a great business and I can't afford to offend him. This time I will suffer the loss of being dumb, but He bullied me repeatedly, and I just can’t bear this tone anymore..."

Have you endured it? Many people were embarrassed.

"Then don't bear it anymore..." Chun Shisanniang snorted coldly: "I can't bear it anymore. I have never seen such a mean person..."

"I thought our A-Li's skin was already thick enough, but you people from the Feng King clan are so shameless from childhood to old age!"

Never had the Wind King been so humiliated before. He was filled with murderous intent, and the dark blue light on his body also crazily opened up the thousands of flowers...

"Although your Demon Palace is strong, my Feng King clan is one of the seven clans and is not made of clay. Spring Thirteenth Mother, I advise you to hand over Jun Zili, otherwise... my young master Feng King will be in trouble soon. Come before the meeting, when my Wind King’s army arrives, you really won’t be able to leave!”


The people of the Demon Palace are threatened...

The people who threaten the Demon Palace are the Wind King clan!

This is undoubtedly a very high-level fight! Emperor Ming and others all looked at it with wide eyes...

Is it a fight to the death, or is it just talking nonsense?

Anyway, it is impossible to hand over Junzili. The Demon Palace would not have dragged such a monster out to die if he was not stupid.

Emperor Ming calmed down and waited to see the Demon Palace fight with the Wind King, and then they would become fishermen in the mist and rain...

Suddenly a person floated behind him.

Interjected directly.

"I don't think you can fight anymore."

Everyone in the Demon Palace and the Wind King looked at this man...it's red again!

Red clothes are a demonic barrier, a demonic barrier! Anyway, people like Xie Ru already had a very ominous premonition.

The graceful and charming Liu* smiled with her orchid fingers raised, and said quietly: "Because I just got the news that at the Beihai port, a group of people were ambushed just after they were teleported over... The King-level Emperor Many levels have been lost. By the way, a handsome guy with good looks and a very noble and cool temperament was kidnapped... I ran over non-stop to watch the fun and heard the onlookers talking about those who were killed. The person who lost it seems to have said that he is from the Wind King clan..."

After saying that, he blinked and smiled charmingly at the powerful fusion of the Wind King clan: "Sir, are you satisfied with my answer?"

Demon? The kind of demon Daili is an evil demon,

This man's demon is an extremely perverted and twisted demon!

I heard... he likes men?

How many people were trembling.

And those who paid close attention to these words...how many people were shocked.

Including Emperor Ming and the people in the Demon Palace... were all shocked.

"Oh, you Wind King's people...the army? We were ambushed? How pitiful..." Spring Thirteenth Mother also curled her orchid fingers and twisted her embroidered handkerchief and smiled charmingly, "Are we still going to fight? If we don't fight, we will I'm just going to pack up and go to Beihai to offer condolences to your people... It's a bit of a friendship, right~~"

What does it mean to rub salt into the wound?

The combined powerhouses of the Wind King clan were confused and more frightened.

Who is the so-called noble and cool handsome guy?

Feng Yuanyi, that is the young master of their Feng King clan!

Ten thousand Feng Shaoling can't compare!

Therefore, the master who was originally going to kill Jun Zili and rescue Feng Shaoling became anxious, uneasy, his eyes flickered, and finally said coldly to Liu*: "Nonsense, how can our Feng King clan be defeated? ...Shaoling, let’s go!”

As soon as he grabbed his palm, Feng Shaoling, who was stepping on Dai Li's feet, was sucked away by the huge force...

However, this man was obviously anxious and resigned, and he didn't even care about killing Daili.

Because Chun Shisanniang is too strong, plus Duan Ze is here, and Gong Zangxue just killed Kunba tyrannically, together, he is undoubtedly weak alone, and the Demon Palace is actually more domineering and more confident than the Feng King clan Some, if you include that moment of shadow stone, the Wind King clan has lost all face, so let’s go!

Feng Shaoling was caught in the palm of his hand, and the man turned around and left!


A black spiral chain shuttled through the space, directly tying Feng Shaoling at a speed that made Chun Shisanniang and others change their faces...

And the spiral chain spreads a strange and terrifying magic light...

"Ah!" The wind whirlpool created by the master of the Wind King clan was instantly shattered, and Feng Shaoling was forcefully pulled out...

"Who is it!!!" The wind king roared, but suddenly he saw a black mask condensed in the sky at the source of the chain.

It was a completely weird pure black mask, neither big nor small, floating in the sky, like a pure transparent ghost wearing a mask.

Permeated with a strange dark atmosphere...

In the strangeness, the black mask made a sound,

"Go back and tell Ancestor Feng that since Junzili is a member of the Demon Palace, he belongs to my Demon Realm. Kill her alone and slaughter ten thousand people in your own clan, Lord Feng."

Not to mention that the strong Wind King was shocked and horrified, even the people in the Demon Palace like Chun Shisanniang were also suspicious.

Demon Realm, Jun Zili, when did this guy get involved with people from the Demon Realm again? Many people looked to the left. Dai Li himself was also confused. Looking at the black mask, many people flashed in his heart...

Finally one person was locked in.

Could it be him?

"Demon Realm...Demon Realm..." The Wind King expert was frightened. He couldn't understand how a junior from Daili could provoke someone from such a terrifying place as Demon Realm to come out and intervene...

Biting his lip, he suppressed his anger and said: "Master of Demon Realm, I didn't hurt him just now, but I planned to take the third son of my Fengwang family back. Why did you behave just now?"

If you don't want him to hurt Jun Zili, that's fine. He obviously planned to leave just now!

The black mask didn't respond to him, but just flicked the black chain!

The frightened Feng Shaoling was thrown directly to Dai Li's feet.

"Jun Zili, this is the first gift for you...welcome to join the Demon Palace"

Generation and separation; "..."

Um... Although you gave this gift without blinking an eye, the way you gave it was so domineering that I couldn't help it.

The wind king's face turned green, and Emperor Ming and others were shocked. Damn it, what kind of pervert is this from the Demon Realm? It's too... unscrupulous!

"Your Excellency!" The strong Wind King was furious... "I don't know who you are from the Demon Realm, so I can admire your majesty!"

This means forcing the other party to show up...

"Devil's Ink Leaf"

When the black mask uttered such a sentence, the wind king's black face instantly suffocated, and his breathing trembled...

Ink leaves.

Chun Shisanniang, Duan Ze and others were also shocked.

"It's him!" Emperor Ming and others' expressions changed unusually, and they were truly fearful in the eyes of juniors like Hu Yanjue who were completely ignorant.

Who could make even powerful men like Emperor Ming, who already held high positions and held huge power, be so afraid?

Obviously, the strong Wind King was also afraid.

Gritting his teeth, he glanced at Feng Shaoling again... He didn't dare to force it. The name Mo Ye represented endless killing and the glory at the top, but if he let it go...

Not to mention that the Feng King family has lost face, even he himself will lose face...

"Jun Zili, although the Third Young Master is a little sorry for you, it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. I hope you will think twice."

When he talked to Dai Li like this, his attitude was much better than before.

What's more, Dai Li is a junior, so his posture has been lowered, but it is still a bit threatening.

Dai Li looked at Feng Shaoling in front of him, and then at the strong Wind King. He pondered for a moment very seriously, then stretched out his hand and helped him up gently.

She didn't say anything, she was telling others with her actions...

Her hand gently touched Feng Shaoling's face.

"Tell me, am I really beautiful?"

What is this sense of instant vision when the princess stepmother asks the magic mirror?

The others were stunned, and Feng Shaoling was also in a daze, as if he was bewitched, staring blankly at Dai Li's mesmerizing face...

"Yes, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen..."

"very good"

Then Daili's fingers clasped his face.


In one second, it was reduced to ashes, and its soul was destroyed as well.

Everyone was silent and heard this man say: "Even if you die in my hands, you have earned it."

"Junzili..." The wind king powerhouse did not expect Daili to really dare... to actually dare... Just when he was about to have a seizure, he felt several qi machines locked...

Damn it!

After all, Feng Shaoling is already dead, so...

The strong Wind King took a deep look at Dai Li, then turned around~

The moment he turned around, Daili's eyes of reincarnation trembled, and his heart suddenly jumped! not good!


A terrifying spear formed from the soul stabbed...Jun Zili? No!

It’s a leaf*!

Everything is ruined in the hands of this damn woman. If I can't kill Jun Zili, then I will kill you to vent my anger! ....

No matter how fast or sensitive the generation is, it can't compare to the soul attack speed of a master in the integration stage~!

Attack as you say!

Faster than one second!

That's too late!

No one had time, because Chun Shisanniang and others had focused on Dai Li before, and of course they didn't pay much attention to Yiye*. R1152

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