A Queen

Chapter 1,234 Demon Realm, Penglai!

Chapter 1234

After all, we are not one of our own.


The soul spear reached the center of Yi Ye*'s eyebrows in the blink of an eye!


Distortion, nothingness.

The space seemed to be folded, and a transparent and strange stream of light spread out...



One pierces through the eyebrows of the strong Wind King, and one pierces through Xie Yan's eyebrows.


There was a little white light between the eyebrows of the two strong men in the Fusion stage, and there was no movement for a moment, just floating there as if frozen.

like a statue.

No one reacted for a while until the black mask said, "Penglai Liushuang, I thought someone valued this little girl and set a barrier on her. It turned out to be you."

Buzz~~A snow-white mask appeared.

"Why, you are allowed to choose geniuses in the Demon Realm, but I am not allowed to choose people in Penglai?"

The black mask did not refute, but simply said: "Good taste."

"Of course, maybe it won't be long before she can surpass the one you picked."

“Just think about it”

The snow-white mask is a woman, Penglai Liushuang, Emperor Ming and others changed their faces again... but it made Dai Li and others roll their eyes. These big guys, they can't even tell you what Penglai is, even though they are shocked and stunned. Damn, who is Liushuang Moye...!

Penglai Liushuang didn't say much, and didn't care about other people at all. He just said to Yiye*: "The mortal world is over, please come with me."

"Yeah" Yiye* nodded, but hesitated for a moment and looked at Dai Li.

Liushuang seemed to feel something, "Are you reluctant to leave this girl? It would be nice if you could take her to Penglai with you."

Is it really good to poach someone in person like this?

Duan Ze and others became nervous...

Yiye* shook his head and chuckled, Chao Daili said: "I'm leaving..."

"Well, bye" Dai Li also smiled.

Goodbye is not a farewell, but a promise to see you tomorrow.

Yiye* seemed to understand, and nodded with a smile: "Goodbye..."

As soon as the stream of light faded, the snow-white mask disappeared, and Yiye* also disappeared with it.

As for why she was valued by Liushuang, and the strong black mask man seemed to recognize her talent... Others didn't know, and the black mask didn't leave anything behind, and left without even asking for a divorce.

Kun Pan, Xie Yan, and the Wind King...the three combined died in such a strange way. People like Emperor Ming were frightened to see it, and they felt that this turn of events seemed to mean something...

Many eyes fell on Dai Li.

So, now...

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Dai Li waved his hand and calmly picked up the two masters in the integration stage and put them away, then glanced at them, buzz!

The Eye of Samsara expands and sweeps...

Scanned across, more like a scanner...


Xie Ru, Kun Yan and other survivors were wiped out instantly.

No one was left behind, and she kept her word.

Take a breath and be clean.

Waved his hand again: "Clean up, then go for a walk around Xie's house, it's time to go home for dinner."

The huge Vatican army started mopping up with great madness...

The others didn't know what to say, but they knew no one could stop her.

Even Emperor Ming and the others can't!

There are three thousand people on Qishan Road, and no one can block her way!

Hu Yanjue? Yun Yiyi?

She is who she is, Jun Zili!

She is not the strongest genius! But the strong one!

The strong man has risen!

From a distance, some experts watching the battle finally had the opportunity to comment on this matter. They all said a lot, but one of them seemed to say something.

"Junzi Li, a genius from heaven, is as bright as the moon in our large community."

The strange thing is...these are so arrogant to the extreme,

People who dismiss all areas other than large group areas... no one refutes.

But the Demon Realm, Penglai... has become a taboo in their hearts that they are suspicious of and dare not say anything about.

Of course, the name Yiye* also became popular.

Then there is Nanlin.

it is rising,

At the top of a tall tower on the east side, Yan Lu watched from a distance. He had not made a sound for a long time. He had been watching since before, but it is estimated that not many people knew when he came.

Maybe he came when he sensed the momentum of Dai Li's smashing the scene, or maybe he was nearby...

"Her eyes..."

The silent and abstinent male god finally said something thoughtfully.

Who to tell?

Dongguo Ziyi whispered, seemingly respectfully: "Do I need to tell Master Mo?"

"No need, I'll see you again tomorrow," Yanlu said lightly, turned around and disappeared into a stream of light.

Ming Taihe, who had been keeping quiet not far away, came up and said curiously: "Why do I think he has a good relationship with Mo Yao... Does this mean Mo Yao's identity..."

"The Yan family is not in the east of us, but in the world of Sifang. As for Mo Yao..." Dongguo Ziyi thought thoughtfully: "It seems that he is not just a disciple of Xuantian Sect."

"In comparison, I'm more curious about the identity of that person over there." Ming Taihe pursed his lips, and Dong Guo Ziyi looked over.

What he saw was Wanqi Jianhan's calm and peaceful posture, but he looked like a powerful sword.


The boss of the Freedom Alliance.

Not a casual cultivator?


The impact of the destruction of the Kunxie family on Daili seems to be insignificant, but the impact on the entire Fenchuan is huge, and will even be transmitted back to large group areas. After all, there are many misty rain buildings and large group areas here. People are here. As this matter comes to an end, these people will undoubtedly go back to the large group area, so like infected bodies carrying viruses, they will quickly deliver these messages.

Of course, what does this have to do with generational separation?

On this night with a thin moon and stars, the Kunshei House was brightly lit, and millions of people from the Vatican and the Demon Palace surrounded the place.

Inside, Dai Li, Xiao Bai and others were walking into the secret passage in the mountain behind the Kun family's ancestral house.

"The cunning rabbit still has three caves. That Kun Pan only keeps part of his belongings, but the other large sums are hidden in the mountain. He seems to be afraid of death." Dai Li was walking in the tunnel, and Li Qing and others were walking in front. Light a bonfire on the wall.

"No matter how much business you run, it will be useless if you don't train the descendants of the family well." Fan Li obviously has no good impression of the Kun family.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that they have followed Dai Li all the way to start from scratch. They are very disdainful of young masters who come from a wealthy family but have little achievements and can only rely on family power.

Dai Li smiled when he heard this, "So... family education is very important."

"For example, you, Cousin Ye, and Miss Lun, all of them are great!" Li Qing added.

Daili: "..."

Xiao Bai glanced at Dai Li and seemed to silently agree.

After a while, the treasure house in the Kun family's ancestral house was destroyed by the magic palace masters.

Magnificent and magnificent, all kinds of treasures...

Scrape, scrape, scrape...

Dai Li was looking at the mural on the wall, and Xiao Bai seemed to be looking at it too.

"The Demon Palace sent you to do the counting with me. You are quite leisurely."

"It's just a formality... these treasures will belong to you," Xiao Bai said lightly.

The generation is separated but the smile is silent.

Later it turned out that Xiao Bai was indeed an old member of the Demon Palace, and he was very clear about the Demon Palace's handling style.

Although the Xie Kun family's family assets are huge, it is difficult to estimate the total assets using the concept of generation and separation. It can only be said that... there are one billion spiritual crystals.

Daili didn't pay attention until the next day when she was called by Duan Ze.

There were also many deputy palace masters, Nie Yongshang, Xiao Bai, Huo Jiangli, Che Yuankai... By the way, there were five people in a row, and there was Murong Qiushui.

Dai Li glanced at Murong Qiushui and said, "He's out..."

Murong Qiu Shui's expression felt awkward, she pursed her lips and lowered her head: "Yes, Miss Jun."

Well...what a big change in attitude.

Dai Li felt sad, but he lazily walked in front of him and was about to take his place...

"Jun Zili, sit over here."

Duan Ze pointed to the only empty seat in the room, next to Chun Shisanniang and Gong Zangxue, next to Bai Jin.

Dai Li's eyes flashed, and he sat down directly under the complicated looks of Che Yuankai and others.

With her strength, talent, and the powerful Vatican under her command, she is enough to take this position.

She felt at ease.

Duan Ze was very satisfied with Dai Li's calmness and confidence, so he said: "I called you here today to announce the results of the Xie Kun family's handling yesterday... You all know the rest, which is the treasure income of the Xie Kun family. The division needs to be announced”

There was no need to report before, but today it was strange. Many people looked at Daili.

Duan Ze didn't show off, and said directly: "The Xie family's treasure is divided into two, Junzi Li gets one, I get one from the Demon Palace, the Kun family's treasure is divided into three, the bow that hides blood is one, the Demon Palace's one is, and there is one This is what a gentleman gets from leaving.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the deputy palace masters present changed slightly, but they were still there. However, the younger generation did not have much patience, so the palace master Zha couldn't help but said: "A gentleman can only gain so much by himself. .”

"Yeah, isn't it..." Che Yuankai was also a little unwilling, because according to the rules of the Demon Palace, these treasures should be divided up among the people present. The more generations there are, the less they will... One thing was going down, and he was naturally feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm just announcing, not asking whether you agree or not, because this is the intention of the palace masters... But if you two are really dissatisfied, I can make an exception and explain it to you." Duan Ze looked at the two people with a somewhat confused look. Deep and strange, but said with a smile...

"Nine times out of ten, the Kun family and the Xie family were destroyed by Jun Zili and her troops. This is obvious to all, so I won't go into details. That Kun Pan was killed by Gong Zang's blood, and the benefits were obtained by her, and then Xie Yan He was killed by the strong man behind Yiye*,...according to the relationship between them, Junzili ranked first, plus the involvement of the Demonic Black Leaf Demon General...If you two don't understand, then I don't either. I have nothing to say...The Demon Palace never breeds stupid people.”

The latter sentence was harsh. Deputy Hall Zha and Che Yuankai looked unnatural at that time. The former said bitterly: "The hall master is right, we understand." R1152

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