A Queen

Chapter 1,235 Demon Realm, Penglai

Chapter 1235

"No, you have always understood that we have always looked down on you two..." Duan Ze's words were meaningless, but Chun Shisanniang curled the corner of her mouth and flicked her hand, and an image appeared.

Two dark heads biting their little ears, plotting plans, hooking up, smiling coldly, and then separated...

Needless to say, Dai Li looked at Chun Shisanniang and saw this woman grinding her fingernails and smiling very charmingly.

"I'm still here, and I dare to commit such a crime. Do I really think that my secret agent from Zangfeng Palace is seeking death? My heart is fat enough, but my brain is too scumbag..."

Needless to say, Dai Li was stunned and did not look at the two people who were brutally dragged down.

"Okay, we'll set off back to the Demon Palace in four days... Zi Li, you can have a good rest during these times..."

That tone is as gentle as you want it to be.

Dai Li smiled, "Okay," and stood up. She suddenly turned around and asked, "By the way, I don't know where the Demon Palace is located."

Everyone present looked embarrassed and looked at Dai Li.

Chun Shisanniang pinched her orchid fingers and lifted her fingers away from her eyebrows, "You can even ask such silly questions, naughty!"

Daili: "..."

I really don’t know, okay? I’m not a tsundere. .

"Devil's Domain" Bai Jin, who passed by Daili's side, replied in a friendly manner.

Gong Zangxue who also passed by: "Idiot"



When the meeting was about to disperse, Chun Shisanniang warmly invited Dai Li to go drinking together.

Daili never refuses a woman's invitation, so...

Gong Zangxue and Bai Jin also followed for some reason.

Then the four women... went to drink flower wine.

What is flower wine?

Haha, you know.

In the attic of Tianxiang Tower where the aroma was fragrant and the wine was flowing, Dai Li saw a person.


Well...and Yuan Qi.

"Four beautiful beauties visiting the courtyard, this world is really interesting..." Liu* came up to him directly.

Dai Li also smiled and responded: "A perverted gay took a eunuch to visit the hospital, and I was drunk too."

Eunuch Yuan Qi's expression was ignored, but Liu* didn't take it seriously and smiled: "You are really like Little Pepper as always. I thought you were willing to be alone in a room with me and ask me some questions."

"my pleasure"

Then the two men stayed in a room alone.

"Sure enough, as your strength improves, your courage becomes stronger." Liu * seemed quite curious that Dai Li actually agreed to follow.

"I think it's because you are a man and I am a woman." Dai Li drank tea calmly.

"Haha" Liu* smiled, extremely wanton...

Dai Li didn't need to ask, he already took the initiative and said: "The rest of the dead people in Feng King's group have ordinary identities, but the missing one is called Feng Yuanyi, and he is the confirmed young master of the Feng King clan... You can think that His identity and existence are the same as Qing Yi... In terms of his name, he is Feng Yi."

Luan Yi, Feng Yi and Dai Li nodded, "Who did it?"

It was neither a demon palace nor a demon realm, she was sure of this.

"I don't know..." Liu* held the luminous cup between two fingers and raised her head slightly. The wine flowed down from the cup and fell into her mouth, her Adam's apple relaxed...

Fatal Attraction.

Daili looked on expressionlessly.

"Haha, you are really hard-hearted, are you not tempted at all?" Liu*'s eyes were as charming as silk.

"Looks uglier than me, so tempting"


After all, he was shamelessly defeated by someone, but could not refute the other person's words. Liu* smiled; "You are going to the Demon Realm, right?"


"The Demon Realm... is not easy to be confused. Be careful and protect your pretty face.

Don’t let some lecherous demon take over... Jie Jie, those guys from the Demon Realm are masters who always force themselves on someone they like..."

"You speak as if you are not this kind of person." Dai Li chuckled and changed the subject: "What is Penglai?"

"Penglai...Do you understand Penglai Wonderland?"

"don't know"

Liu* smiled without showing her teeth: "I know you don't understand" you illiterate!

After taking a sip of wine, Liu * said lazily: "Large group domain, you know this word, but it is different from small group domain and medium group domain. Large group domain can actually be regarded as a whole. From the plane From a two-dimensional perspective, a large group domain is the Sifang Territory. From within a large group domain, they call this Sifang Territory Sifang Heaven and Earth.

Sifangtiandi is an area surrounded by the southeast, southeast and northwest seas. It is far different from our places and even Fenchuan. It is divided into four directions, including Siam, Anzhu, Donghuang, etc., but In addition to these large-scale areas, there are other special areas.”

After a short pause, Liu * poured another glass of wine and squinted his eyes: "Demon Domain, Monster Domain, Penglai, Zombie Domain, these are all independent river basins outside of large group domains. You can think of them as some powerful and like-minded people. A comprehensive force united by powerful forces, the Demon Palace is considered a single organization and belongs to the Demon Realm, and the Demon Imperial City also belongs to the Demon Realm. Penglai has an extraordinary status in the immortal world, so it is called a fairyland, and it is Penglai Wonderland."

I'll go, it's quite a big deal.

"Then what does Penglai Liushuang mean?"

"Penglai is still the Demon Realm, where strong people gather, and the Immortals are the top group. They are the ruling class, but the Immortals have always ignored the secular world. They either guard one side or have a clan. However, the internal order of Penglai and the Demon Realm still needs people to maintain it. , the immortals have set up some immortal generals or demon generals to hold this position. Immortal generals, in the Mahayana period, below the immortals and above tens of thousands of people, are all the most powerful people who shake the world. Only they can do it in their own way. The name is preceded by the title of Penglai or Demon Realm. Liushuang is her codename, and she is Penglai's Liushuang Immortal General. The same is true for Mo Ye. Both of them are famous and powerful people in the Sifang World."

As Liu* spoke, he seemed to recall something: "I'm not very familiar with Liushuang, but I've heard some things about Mo Ye... He once had a battle in Mo Ye Liuhe, and killed three people in one battle. A Mahayana, forcing the other three Mahayana to reincarnate, and destroyed a demon city, a black leaf sword, stained the blood of millions of people... That was his famous battle, and then he became a demon royal family One of the Mo Generals who accepts his fate...is called the Mo Ye Demon General"

"It's really... domineering and revealing." Dai Li touched his chin thoughtfully. .

After saying that, Liu* suddenly smiled half-heartedly: "No matter how domineering you are, I will still fall in love with you."

"Then... who makes me good-looking?" Someone raised his eyebrows slightly, then flipped his short hair and smiled.

Elegant and arrogant.

"Haha" Liu* smiled like a fairy, with clusters of flowers blooming around him.

Dai Li really doesn't want to stay with this kind of snake spirit disease for too long. For fear of being infected, I just want to get up and leave. Liu*, who was suddenly pressed over, used his body to stop him.

Only then did I realize that this person who was more charming than a woman... was actually a man.

"What, you want to change your appetite?" Dai Li raised his eyebrows.

"I've said so much, and you're going to leave so easily?"

"Is it possible that I want to have a one-night romance with you? I'm afraid you won't be able to get rid of your kidneys by then~~" Dai Li chuckled.

"Well... when you grow up like you... it's good to change your appetite occasionally." Liu* also smiled.

"Come on, the first time I saw you, I knew that you exude a strong gay Longyang spirit from the inside out."

"That's such a pity. It was too late for you to see me for the first time. I also loved a woman before..." Liu* said and suddenly stopped talking. He quickly retracted his hand and stood by the window, with a gloomy look on his face. Terrible, the eyes are extremely cold...

Um...this snake spirit disease! Are there any other psychological shadows?

A woman..?

Dai Li glanced at the other party, ignored him, and slipped away.

When closing the door, I suddenly remembered what Ling Longling once said.

Liu*, the love is deep and the life is long.


Dai Li, who had obtained the huge property of the Kunxie family, did not keep the property as a hidden rich woman, but went directly to Wanbaozhai to conduct various raids!

This made the Xiangxi Palace couldn't help but murmur that this guy was deliberately trying to mess with the Xie Kun family, and it wasn't the passive defense she was talking about...

Of course, Daili just replied to this person's speculation: Am I that kind of person?

You have never been human.

This has been the unanimous evaluation of her by countless evaluators, including Xiangxi Palace.

In one year, from the peak of the king level to the peak of the first level emperor...it's so perverted and intoxicating!

After sweeping up the treasures, those who joined the Vatican became drunk.

As soon as I joined, I distributed resources three times... This treatment is comparable to that of Jiuge elites!

To be honest, most of the people who joined the Vatican were casual cultivators. At the beginning, their purpose was to covet the vampire's bloodline ability and a certain person's incredible appearance. However, as time went by, a certain person became so domineering that he killed two people in one day. The Fenchuan family is proof of that, and in addition to being domineering... they are also bold and bold!

Regarding these resources, I really don’t blink an eye, and I give them as much as I can. It’s so generous!

It was also because of this that even many children of Fenchuan's aristocratic families and famous powerful people came here to join the Vatican. As a result, the number of Vatican troops immediately increased from 700,000 after the war to 1.5 million.

However, the Vatican's internal elimination and mortality rate are also extremely high, because the training is too harsh. Any scum who wants to fish in troubled waters will show their true colors within a few days, and will be killed before being embraced for the first time, or they will be killed. expulsion..

Taking the elite route is Daili's order.

Li Qing and others naturally executed it perfectly without hesitation...


The day before going to the Demon Palace, Dai Li saw Ye Ziqing again at Xu's place, Luan Qingyi, Ming Jian, Jing Jingyuan, Shang Bieliang, Yu Ji and others were all there.

Wow, it should be said that everyone from Nanlin is here.

The body-touching man from Lou Lanting is here... let alone others.

Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan just came out of seclusion today. When they met, Dai Li knew that these two people had transformed. R1152

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