A Queen

Chapter 1,236 One day before departure

That kind of transformation comes from both the soul and the body. A person's dignity does not lie in her background and status, but in herself. That kind of transformation comes from the dignity of the soul or the strength of the soul and the nobility of character...

She didn't ask how strong he was specifically. Strength or weakness was temporary, and he could only look forward to the future.

Anyway, she felt relieved about these two people.

The two of them felt more at ease with her, because as soon as they came out of seclusion, they heard someone's small universe exploded and directly provoked the Kunxie family.

Fishing, drinking, and eating meat... This must be the most relaxing and comfortable time for everyone in these years. The sky is cloudy and the blue waves are rippling calmly...

Daili suddenly felt like his heart had completely calmed down.

But now, this group of them was really messy and lying on the huge green lawn next to the lake regardless of their status and image.

Daili closed his eyes: "Hey, I'm leaving tomorrow. What will happen to you in the future?"

Ye Ziqing: "Travel far away..."

Yun Duanxue: "Do you want me to accompany you? Ziqing..."

Fu Qingyi: "Are you alone? I'm not as happy as you...I have to go back to Qinghuanghai..."

Famous Sword: "Travel far with the sword"

Yu Ji: "I promise to go to Yanyu Chonglou with Uncle Ming"

Shang Biere: "I will go to the Peach Blossom Spring... that is the Peach Blossom Spring in the Sifang World."

Qin Ji: "I would like to go with the young master, but it is not the right time."

Chu Xiuling: "I...should be able to spend some time alone, I'm too weak."

Lou Lanting: "Go and touch the corpses everywhere"

Tang Junyi: "The man upstairs, can you stop being so heavy-handed! The whole building is crooked!"

Daili: "Let me finish! My cousin on the first floor, are you sure you don't want to go with me?

That girl on the second floor, as my fiancée, is it appropriate for you to seduce my cousin like this?

The girl on the third floor, remember to dress up in men's clothing, remember to close the window when taking a shower, and she is not allowed to flirt with men or women.

That girl on the fourth floor can play the piano, sing, and dance, but she must not dance like a phoenix.

That girl on the fifth floor, be good~~

That handsome guy on the sixth floor, please be safe and walk well...remember to leave some means to protect Miss Qin.

We have to talk about that pervert on the seventh floor later.

That girl on the eighth floor, you said a human word for the first time. By the way, Jingyuan, where are you and the little devil? "

Jing Jing raised her head to look at the sky. Hearing the words, she turned her face, looked at Dai Li quietly, and smiled: "Guess"

Ouch, you seductive little devil!

I won’t guess!

Dai Li rolled his eyes and looked at the young lady not far away.

Ghost Sword Worry: "Go to Sifang Tiandi"

This answer was really perfunctory. Linjiang Xue snorted: "Gui boy, you are the youngest here, don't be perfunctory with your brothers and sisters... But before, you said you would be frank and lenient after the Qishan Road assessment... "

Yes, everyone reacted to these words.

They all looked at this kid.

Especially Dai Li, his eyes are like those of a wolf...

Gui Jianchou twitched the corner of his mouth, closed his eyes, and said: "More than three years ago, I met a strong man at the border of the South China Sea. He was from Sifang Tiandi. He accepted me as his disciple... and that's it."

Typical official announcement tone.

Gui Que: "No, you told me you would come to Fenchuan. Why did you go to the South China Sea? The South China Sea is completely different from the Beihai."

Linjiang Xue: "I guess he got lost, but he can go in the wrong direction in both north and south directions. The brains of your sect are indeed the same."

Gui Que: "Sure enough, the lady is still smart."

Dai Li: "In short, it's like a road idiot who went in the wrong direction. As a result, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse, met an equally blind or very beautiful wretched uncle, and was abducted and sold to a very, very big place..."

Gui Jianchou: "..."

That’s why I don’t want to talk to these people!



When we parted in the evening,

No one showed any reluctance to leave, and everyone looked relaxed and natural. After leaving, Daili and Ye Ziqing were left alone standing by the lake.

Ye Ziqing finally said that.

Ranked first in the Qishan assessment, Ye Ranqiu...and those fatal three hundred years.

It was impossible for Dai Li not to be frightened, but contrary to Ye Ziqing's expectation, the little cousin quickly calmed down, "You mean...there is something wrong with my mother?"

Ye Ziqing glanced at her silently, almost rolling his eyes: "Don't be disrespectful to my aunt."

"Um, okay, three hundred years... Do you think everyone in the Ye family is lying to us? If they are lying, then there are only two possibilities. One, the actual ages of your father and mother's generation in the Ye family are different. It has been tampered with. Secondly, my mother and your father are not actually siblings..."

Regarding the Ye family, Ye Ziqing definitely knows much better than someone who has crossed over halfway, and being in it, with Ye Ziqing's IQ, if there are any clues, he should have discovered it early.

"Neither of the two," Ye Ziqing said with certainty. Taking her IQ and EQ as her confidence, she was very sure that it was neither of the two.

"That would be interesting... Could it be that my mother can travel through time and space, traveling for more than a hundred years?" Dai Li was suddenly stunned as he said this, with doubts in his eyes.

Any clues? Ye Ziqing was surprised, but did not ask directly until Dai Li told the situation between the Soul Clan and the Ye family in a more serious tone.

Ye Ziqing's expression also became solemn, "The Soul Clan... I didn't expect that my Ye family is the Wei Clan of the Soul Clan... What do you mean..."

"Maybe it's not traveling through time and space...but precognition...more maybe~~the person taking the assessment is not my mother."

But people from the Soul Clan!

The two looked at each other silently for a while, and then both decided on one thing.

——We have to look for traces of the Soul Clan in the future.

"However, the Soul Clan is on par with the God Clan, and even surpasses the God Clan in terms of natural talents and magical powers. It is very dangerous... take it easy." Dai Li patted Ye Qing's shoulder, "Experience is enough, but you are not allowed to go into danger alone. If you really want to do something bad, la Come with me"

"Okay" Ye Ziqing smiled, stretched out his hand, and gently hugged Dai Li. .

The two of them stopped talking, perhaps remembering the tranquility at this moment...

"I won't go see you off tomorrow"


Dai Li nodded, and if he didn't say goodbye, it wouldn't be a farewell, so that was fine.


Dai Li didn't know why, but he still asked.

"Cousin... if I... I said if... if I am not sure, maybe, probably, bad luck... not your cousin, what will happen to you?"

If people like Hu Yanjue, who had been hit hard by someone's domineering behavior, saw her uneasy look and guilty tone...

You will be scared.

Ye Ziqing also seemed to be stunned. He was silent for a while and smiled softly against Dai Li's shoulder.

"It should be what happens to you." Ye Ziqing's words seemed to have profound meaning. He let go of Dai Li and smiled half-heartedly: "If you are not in my family, there are many others who are in your family, right..."

After a pause, she lowered her eyes: "By then, my cousin... will really be alone... That's all. The dusk has set, so go ahead."

After saying that, she flicked her sleeves, turned around and walked towards the house...

If Dai Li's most powerful skill point is Shameless, then Ye Ziqing's weakest skill point is Grievance, but even if this skill point is the lowest level, as long as it is used, the effect will be...

The stunningly beautiful short-haired beauty at the back suddenly reacted after being silent for a while.

Ye Ziqing only heard an energetic sound coming from behind him.

"If I really am not, then I will marry you, cousin."


Mr. Xu, who was watering the flowers in the house, shook his hand and the whole kettle fell on the delicate flowers...

Cousin Ye stumbled at that moment and turned around to look at that damn little cousin, only to see this guy's eyebrows soaring that he added: "If no one wants you."

Cousin Ye's face turned red and blue at that time, and she seemed to be running away when she saw someone...

Haha, my cousin has become successful, and she will tease her...

The stream of light was even more dazzling than the flaming clouds at the end of the horizon.

But ten thousand meters or more away, Duan Qingyi and others stopped flying and looked into the distance...

The expression is wonderful.

There is a sad feeling of being cornered by the most unlikely person.

After leaving Xu's place, Dai Li was quite busy. Except for people like Li Qing who could wave their sleeves away, Qin Ji and Lan Zhiyan would stay in Fenchuan for a while. Needless to say, Dai Li and them were actually We all understand that they are all working hard for the future.

Everyone has their own path, no matter what the goal is in the future, they all want to be able to climb a peak together and see the scenery together in the future.

In addition to these people, Dai Li must meet one more person.

"Little uncle"

Dai Li shouted as soon as he saw the person, feeling much more convinced than before. Ye Ranjiang glanced at her, and his originally tense expression became uncontrollably loose at this moment.

My uncle... seemed to have directly poked a soft spot in his hard-as-iron heart.

"Why did you call me suddenly?" Ye Ranjiang gave Dai Li a strange look.

"Hold your thighs"


It was so direct that Ye Ran's expression froze, but he still let Dai Li pour the tea.

"Just because I am Mo Ye?"

"Of course, you are so strong, and I am about to go to Moye, why do you let your thick thighs go without repaying me? Besides, you helped me before. You must drink this cup of tea." Dai Li simply nodded again .

Um...why do I feel like I'm being forced into debt by the leader of the Qinglong Gang?

Ye Ran twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "It's impossible for you not to know that I have the intention of taking advantage of you."

"I know," Dai Li grinned, "But your goal is for your sister and for my mother. Our goals are the same, and I don't mind if the middle method is different."

Is she that pretentious?

Ye Ran was silent for a while, then frowned: "I told you, she is my sister."

"Oh, your sister"


After all, you can't compete with a certain talker verbally, not to mention that the other person has a good appearance and is still a niece...

General Mo Ye, who is famous in the Demon Realm, could only pretend that he had not seen or heard anything. He just drank tea lightly and said: "When you go to the Demon Realm, you must first cultivate your moral character and consolidate your cultivation..."

"Is someone bullying me?"

"Kill him"


Dai Li expressed that he really likes this little uncle Jin Yu's depraved appearance, or in other words, inconsistent, proud and hypocritical behavior. R1152

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