A Queen

Chapter 1,237 That Night (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu Xianpa + 4)

"But I don't know if there is anything that needs attention in the Demon Realm. Is there anything I want to tell you?"

"Don't mess with good-looking women. If you really get into trouble, I won't help you." The uncle said with a very cold face.

"Um...what if someone provokes me? It seems unlikely that someone will be better looking than me."

"...." My uncle was choked for a while and then vomited,

"Kill him!"

"What if I can't do it?"

"Find me"


Dai Li suddenly understood how Ye Ranqiu Ye Yunkai and Ye Ziqing had such cold-hearted, arrogant and pretentious personalities.

It’s all hereditary in the family! (You are the most pretentious girl)

As for popularizing basic knowledge about life in the Demon Realm, the aloof and elegant Lord Moye will never be condescending. Speaking of which, he would be heartbroken if he said a few words to his little niece, so his purpose was just to talk to him. Just meet this little niece and have a cup of tea...

He planned to leave, but his niece was not happy.

"Um, uncle, I have to ask one more thing."


"Does our Ye family have an affair with the Soul Clan?"


Mo Ye suddenly frowned and stared at Dai Li, his eyes flashing darkly, but he didn't answer Dai Li directly.

Obviously thinking about something...

It seemed like it hit the core. Dai Li secretly thought about it. While drinking tea, he took a sip. The person opposite said: "More than one leg, your mother has a very good relationship with her."

Bang, the cup in Dai Li's hand fell over.

"So you mean that my mother has a special relationship with the leader of the Soul Clan? And then I was actually adopted? To cover up the relationship between them?"


It took Ye Ranjiang a long time to digest the powerful amount of information displayed by Dai Li's complex reflex arc, and finally his face was ashen.

"What nonsense! Both of them have men!"

After saying that, I saw this little niece's expression, which I knew...

Damn it! Got cheated!

Dai Li crossed his arms across his chest, glanced sideways at his dark-faced brother-in-law, and said, "So the person who took part in the Qishan assessment last time was actually the one who was said to have precognitive abilities and knew the name of my mother who was not yet born and used her name. The leader of the soul clan who takes part in the assessment."

Will using a comma kill you?

"Yeah" General Ye Ran responded and glanced at Dai Li, "That woman is scary, but she does have a very good relationship with your mother. As for her affairs with the Soul Clan, it's not something you can ask more about. The hatred of the Ye family I’ll put it on hold for now and wait until you reach the Mahayana stage.”

"Oh" Dai Li responded happily.

Also very perfunctory.

Ye Ran frowned...very tightly, and finally drank a large cup of tea and stood up...



"You haven't paid yet"


The cool-looking uncle walked away with a dark face, but the little niece touched her chin and suddenly chuckled.

"I regret it... I am really just like my mother and cousin. They seem cold and strong, but they are also easy to be soft-hearted..."

Of course, I am not soft-hearted towards everyone, mainly because I am so charming that someone would be so satisfied that they would drink up the tea in the cup and then go downstairs...

No need to pay~~ It’s so cool!

Suddenly, I saw a young man leaning on a pillar in front of the hall door downstairs.

She looks good, but compared to the peak beauty of Yan Lu and Gui Jianchou, she is still far behind, but her temperament is very unusual.

When they first met, Dai Li just took a look at it. Because she didn't have the habit of opening the Eye of Reincarnation to look at people's naked bodies all the time, she was relying entirely on her instinctive reaction to think that this person was a little strange...

But it was only a glance, passing by this person.

She seemed to feel the other party glance at her.

Well, I kept watching.

But who can make a good parent? There were too many people looking at her, and some of them became calm.


Late at night, Dai Li finished his training and was still thinking about the Soul Clan and the God Clan when he was bathing in the bath... After thinking about it, he still strengthened his suspicions that coincided with Ye Ziqing's before.

"If the relationship between the Soul Clan and the Ye family is so good that the leader of the Soul Clan knew my mother's name in advance and used her name to participate in the assessment, then there would be no reason why the Soul Clan would not intervene in the war. .”

Dai Li was full of doubts, hoping that the Soul Clan would be on the side of him and others, and also felt that the undercurrent behind it might be more complicated...

It seems that Ye Ran will also have a lot of taboos to hide from her.

"Hey, we can only talk about it after we go to Sifang Tiandi."

Dai Li shook his head, got up from the bath, wrapped himself in a bath towel, wiped his hair and walked out...

Suddenly she stopped and looked at the person sitting on the cushion in her bedroom.

With his back to her, facing the window, bathed in the falling moonlight, the contours of his back were almost perfect.

The ink flowing smoke is like a layer of fog.

She was also like a mist.

Dai Li stared at the other person silently, the glimmer in his eyes getting brighter and brighter, until the other person slowly turned his face.

His eyes were gleaming, a bit caressing.

Looking at her, he said quietly.


Daili's hand suddenly shook.

Only then did he realize that the water on his hair had soaked his bare shoulders.


"Why are you here? I thought you left with Huang." Dai Li sat on the chair, Qianshan Muxue stood behind her, holding a big towel in her hand, helping her wipe her hair.

"No rush," Qianshan Muxue said lightly, her hand movements were very gentle, her gaze dropped, sliding over Dai Li's bare chest, and her delicate and beautiful brows wrinkled slightly.

"Oh, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I don't know when we'll see each other again..." Dai Li sighed softly, and suddenly he said something naturally and thoughtfully.

"Qianshan, your real name is Sanqian Muxue, right?"

"Yeah." Qianshan Muxue didn't seem surprised at all. She just moved for a moment, and then her voice became colder and distant.

"You just know?"

Dai Li pouted: "I knew it on Qishan Road, Sanqian Muxue... Qianshan Muxue... I'd better call you Qianshan, get used to it."

"As you wish"

Qianshan Muxue was too calm, which made Daili feel very unfulfilled: "Why do I feel that you know a lot of my secrets, but I don't seem to know anything about you."

"What else do you want to know?"

"Your measurements"


Qianshan Muxue couldn't help but laugh after all. This guy... couldn't he be more serious?

"Then I will tell you something you want to know but have no way of knowing."


Bang, after being given a chestnut tap on the back of the head, Dai Li heard Qianshan Muxue say: "I killed the Wind King's people."


"Feng Yuanyi is at my place"

"...Um..." Dai Li prolonged his voice and said, "Didn't you kill him?"

"You can't kill him, you have to smelt him... to get the energy out of him."


Vigor, Dai Li couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this: "The courage of the Wind King clan?"

"Well, there are nine souls in the Qi vein. There are three souls in Qinghuanghai, and two souls in Wind King. The whereabouts of the remaining four souls are unknown...and one soul in Wind King is in Feng Yuanyi."

Dai Li is secretly possessed, and one of the four souls is in me... "Do you want that piece of Qi from Feng Yuanyi? Have you got it now?"

"It's coming soon, but I'm not one of the Qi veins. Although the Qi is of great use to me, it can't be used 100%. It's used in exchange."

Soul is a treasure left over from the Great Wilderness. Daili has absorbed blood and spirit, but it does not mean that she is 100% a vampire, because anyone can absorb this thing, including those from other seven clans, it just depends on her own quality. That's it. Can a pig absorb essence? Even if it is possible, it cannot be recognized for use, just as Dai Li, who has good capital from the beginning, cannot be recognized by blood, and the utilization rate of soul also varies from person to person.

Obviously, the people of the Qi clan have the highest utilization rate of energy, and Daili also has a very high utilization rate of blood... As for the utilization rate of energy, it seems to be not low.

This actually made Dai Li a little confused after hearing Qianshan Muxue's words.

She seemed special again.


Dai Li couldn't help but turned around and looked at Qianshan Muxue: "Exchanging bones?"


Qianshan Muxue smiled slightly: "Well, that person has the bones I need, and he needs courage."

That person?

"The one from Qinghuanghai... or the Yunhai clan?" The Yunhai clan... Daili has rarely heard of it.

"Hai Yun...it is said that a clan that has been exterminated still has three bloodlines."


"Yes, there are two in Daxia and one in Fenchuan. Did you guess that?" Qianshan Muxue's smile was a little playful.

"Yun Jilian, Yun Duanxue... Yun Yiyi? These three people are from the same clan! I really can't tell!"

Cunning Rabbit Sanku, who would have thought that the Yunhai clan had left their bloodline in Daxia and Fenchuan, and each of them was extremely talented...especially Yunji Lian, Dai Li still felt a little palpitated when he thought of him.

The person who can make good friends with Shang Chaoge is really not an ordinary person.

Thinking of the faces of these three people, Daili couldn't help but add: "Family inheritance determines everything, those faces look..."

"Don't complain about others...you and Ye Ziqing are not the same."

The same beautiful appearance and extraordinary temperament.

"That's true." Dai Li nodded, feeling very useful, "But I'm afraid the Feng King clan won't give up, right?"

"I never do anything I'm not sure about," Qianshan Muxue smiled, "You don't have to worry."

"I want to help"

"No need..." Qianshan Muxue rubbed her head and said softly: "I have everything under control. Do you want to be the exception?"

"Well, forget it, what's your relationship with Huang?"

"She is a branch of the Phoenix Clan of the Essence Lineage, and belongs to the Demon Phoenix Clan, but not many people know that...the Demon Phoenix Clan is actually the guardian clan of our 3,000 Royal Clan."

Dai Li was shocked. Damn it, Yaohuang was considered a relatively top clan in the Jing lineage. It turned out to be the Wei clan of the Bone clan. How powerful were the three thousand royal clan back then!

No wonder the old man from Southern Xinjiang attaches great importance to the words of the Bone Clan.

"You've told me so much, aren't you afraid that I'll tell others?"

Dai Li suddenly realized that Qianshan Muxue had told her some shocking secrets.

Qianshan Muxue was still wiping her hair. Hearing this, he looked at her and smiled lightly.

"You also said...everyone else is someone else...you to me, not someone else" R1152

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