A Queen

Chapter 1,238 Real farewell, fake greetings

The night was quiet, and the two of them were silent.

quite a while.

"...Suddenly I was so moved that I pledged myself to him."

"I didn't say anything about the bento, right?"


Okay, Qianshan Muxue suddenly retracted her hand and put the towel aside, "It's done."

In fact, Dai Li really wanted to say that I can obviously dry it in a second, but you have to wipe it yourself, which makes you so pretentious and shy...

"Thank you," Dai Li said with a smile, "That's why you come tonight..."

"One last look at you"


I'm not dead yet!

Feeling a little heartbroken, Dai Li snorted, raised his chin, and said, "Really? I thought my beloved concubine was here to sleep with me."

With her chin raised and her tone full of imperial tortoise-like air, Qian Sanmuxue calmly lowered her eyes, looking down at a 60-degree angle, and landed on the ditch slightly exposed under someone's bath towel.

"It looks like you are the one who is sleeping with me."


Damn it, who can tell me that this person with such sharp eyes and sinister words, who is full of the evil, charming and arrogant aura of a CEO, is not actually Qianshan Muxue!

But Liu Hongxiu!

Dai Li stood up quickly, pulled the towel up to cover the ditch, and then exposed his long legs...

Silent, very silent.

Qianshan Muxue finally laughed: "I really want to sleep with you..."

I don’t know who I’m talking about.


Daili was already drunk.

And in this late night, a group of people came to the Beihai port in a smear campaign.

"Little Lord,

Are we really leaving like this? asked Jin Quinn.

Jin Kuili's expression was gloomy, "Yeah" and he didn't say much else.

Jin Kui'en sighed in his heart. The young master's plan with Xie Ru and those unlucky guys to endanger Jun Zili failed this time. Coupled with the fact that the gentleman was unexpectedly abnormal, and with the intervention of the Demon Palace and the Demon Realm, even the Wind King clan could only retreat, let alone them...

The young master may feel very uncomfortable.

After all, who would have thought that there is such a pervert outside the world who can completely crush the always arrogant young master.

And...even the others can overpower him.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow.


The Jinkui clan left in such a mighty manner, but they didn't notice that...

Four black shadows emerged from under the sea.

One of them is wearing a gorgeous long dress.

The moonlight fell on his face... it was a phoenix.

"Haha, Qianshan was indeed right...it was this sweet potato that did it," Huang said lazily. The three people next to her were no less beautiful than her. One of the men... was as charming and vulgar as Liu Hongxiu, but he was not that charming demon, but as cold as a lotus and as supreme as a demon.

see him. Many people will have this feeling - for eternity, there will be magic and splendor in the prosperous times.

Cloud Sacrifice Lotus is such a demon lotus.

"Since it's him and he won't kill him, is he trying to catch a big fish in the long run?" Yun Yiyi said calmly.

Huang glanced at him. Smiling slightly: "It's just the Jinkui clan, and they are just shrimps in Siam. But if you touch him, it will easily attract a swarm of sharks..."

Yun Duanxue smiled: "But he called his name, including you and me."

That list of beauties shocked the entire Fenchuan. It is estimated that it has spread to all directions by now.

"I feel like I'm going to be famous," Miss Yun said with a smile.

"Your fiancé is already famous," Yun Jilian said lazily.

Yun Duanxue smiled: "I thought she was my sister-in-law."

"Shang Dynasty Song Club will fight with me"

At your fingertips, a fiery red lotus blossoms in the void, extremely beautiful in the dark night.

"But maybe when he comes back... he'll really have to fight hard."

After all, that woman... is too easy to sway.

"By the way. Where is Qianshan Muxue?"

"I don't know. I stayed out all night. I guess I went to the house of the person you two said you couldn't distinguish between your sister-in-law and your fiancé."

In silence, Yun Yiyi suddenly looked towards the bottom of the sea in the distance, "There is someone"

"It's just a fish" Whoosh!

The fire lotus popped out.

Buzz~~ Baili Red Lotus burned, and the fish demon was burned to death.

Looking at the extremely beautiful Fire Lotus from a distance, Huang's eyes inadvertently drifted over Yun Jilian's lazy and charming profile, and couldn't help but secretly think, no wonder Qianshan said that the Yunhai clan will rise, because the demon lotus was born...

With such a fire talent, even she, who was born as a demon phoenix, felt palpitated.

"Siren, I'm not yours," Yun Duanxue asked Huang.

Huang shook his head, "No, it should belong to the North Sea Siren force... Why are you waiting here?"

Do you know everything about them, or is it just an accident? Let's wait for the Jin Kui family...

"North Palace"

Yun Ji Lian faintly uttered a sentence that shocked the three of them.

I all remembered one thing...

Beigong, Prince.

But it was just suspicion. Several people did not take this matter into their hearts. The most important thing for them now should be another thing.

The people of the Wind King are coming!

"According to the scouting report, there will be a lot of troops from the family coming to King Feng, and there will be a lot of integration period. They will arrive within three days."

"Then let them come. After all, they are the strongest genius with the fusion of spirit, and they are still the young masters. They want to see people in life and death, but they want to see corpses. Although a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, it has fallen after all... "Yun Jilian chuckled...

"All three of us are ready."


People from three parties... Qianshan Muxue and Huang are on the same side, and the sea of ​​clouds is on the other side, but where is the other party?

Huang had already seen two people flashing through the teleportation array at the junction of Fenchuan.

One is thin, the other is fat.



When someone woke up drunk and woke up early the next morning, he saw his somewhat messy sheets and his baggy pajamas. (Those who think wrong should stand up for themselves, haha~)

Then there is the neatness and clarity on the other side.

As if the person who slept there last night was a dream.

Flicking up his short hair, Daili sat up and sighed: "If Qingyi and the others knew that such a serious person like Qianshan would actually sleep with him as a gift before leaving... they would be scared to death."

In fact, it should not be scary to death, but angry to death.

When Dai Li was washing up, Gong Zangxue had already come. Because she was leaving today and she was here to call someone.

As a result, I felt something strange as soon as I entered the door.

1. Two towels and two sets of toiletries.

2. Two sheets on the bed.

3. Breakfast is actually ready! And it is a very fresh and elegant porridge side dish... As far as she knows, someone's breakfast has always been milk and tomatoes...

4. Someone's aura. The youthful look on the face and eyes is obviously the result of last night's indulgence...

Not long after, the strong men of the Demon Palace who had already assembled saw two beauties flying towards them. One of them looked full of spring and aura, while the other one was covered with dark clouds and full of evil spirits.

What's going on is...

A group of people had doubts...could it be that the one with the bright face had just molested the other? Or another attempted indecent assault?

And the happy-looking man pulled Bai Jin in private: "Ah Gong's nightlife has been uncoordinated lately, isn't it? My aunt comes four times in a month? Or hasn't she come in ten months?"

Bai Jin: "..."


The people in the Demon Palace finally got up. The vast fleet of spaceships flew towards the junction of Fenchuan and Beihai. When so many people in Fenchuan looked up, they could see the overwhelming majesty.

That is a power they only dream of but cannot match.

"Look. Standing on the bow of the main ship is Jun Zili."

"There is also a bow that hides blood..."

"Eh... what a difference"

It is a foregone conclusion that Jun Zili will soar into the sky.

Through the junction entrance is the North Sea.

Beihai Port is very busy today. Because many people choose to leave Fenchuan during this period, the daily flow of people is tens of thousands, and people from the Demon Palace or the Misty Rain Tower actually have to leave through the teleportation array in Beihai.

So...face to face.

Dai Li saw Yu Ji beside Emperor Ming. Even though she smiled, Yu Ji didn't expect to meet Dai Li before leaving.

certainly. She was not the first person to greet Dai Li.

"Hey~~ My dear little Lili... not seeing each other for a few days is like three autumns~~."

Liu Hongxiu's appearance was definitely quite tragic. The rich gay background picture overshadowed the scene and immediately silenced the scene.

How many days have you not seen? When have you seen it? Don’t these two have a mortal feud?

Could it be that because Dai Li exposed her female body, she became best friends?

This world is so complicated and I can’t understand it.

The smile on Dai Li's face transformed into a more charming and brilliant one in a second...

"Yes, yes...are your kidneys okay?"

"It's okay, how's your waist?"

"It's okay, I can bend my waist 360 degrees, but it's a pity that I don't like picking up soap like you do."

So cordial and enthusiastic, the entire big screen was filled with flowers carried by these two people...

A perfect PK scene between two scheming bitches!

Zhongli Guiwan and Suli, who had also arrived at the teleportation array at Beihai Port and planned to leave, just listened silently...

It doesn’t matter if you listen more, you won’t be afraid of those little bitches in the future!

Others can no longer communicate with each other normally, so they can only talk to each other with smiles. For example, Emperor Ming and Duan Ze are Jiang Zi's...

I'm still thinking...picking up soap, what is that?

But it was clear that Liu Hongxiu was more vicious. She looked around and smiled: "Where are your girls? Why didn't they come to see you off..."

"None of them are here." Dai Li's face didn't change at all. He flipped up his short hair, looked in the direction of Fenchuan, and said calmly: "Everyone is too reluctant to leave me, and they are afraid of crying in front of me... so they don't come. ., but none of your sweethearts have come. They are all so strong and powerful that they can crush boulders with their chest hair. Are they afraid of crying? A husband and wife in one night pay a favor for a hundred days. You have more than a hundred couples."

Talking about bickering and scheming...someone can really use a cool and cool style to give you a seamless conversation.

Zhongli Guiwan and others were stunned, and Emperor Ming and others were also ashamed... Yuan Qi, who was next to Liu Hongxiu, quietly moved away to avoid being covered by the attack range...

Liu Hongxiu smiled and said lightly: "Look at the back."

Dai Li turned around and saw that the person with fluttering black robes and veiled face was not Mo Yao. There were also Yan Lu, Dong Guo Ziyi and others beside him.

If these people want to return to the Eastern Region, they have to go to the border of the East China Sea, but the other party is obviously going to the Sifang World. (To be continued)


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