A Queen

Chapter 1,239 Fierce battle deep in the North Sea!

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It seems that the examinees of this class, like the previous ones, cannot escape the fate of traveling around the world, but this is also the choice of every monk. After all, water flows to lower places and people move to higher places. Living in a small place is indeed a good idea. Means nothing.

It’s just...the point is Mo Yao!

Many people immediately thought of the stunning face under the veil, and then all looked at Dai Li.

Someone... once tore off the other person's veil in a very rogue way regardless of the person's wishes...

We meet on a narrow road!

Looking at each other silently, Dai Li smiled.

"It's Miss Mo... I still think you look better without a veil."

Stick to the rogue path to the end!

Mo Yao's eyes flashed and he said calmly: "In front of you, women probably have to cover their faces."

It's lukewarm, as always, and he who doesn't hear it is not kind.

"That's true..." Dai Li nodded, suddenly his body flashed, and he stretched out his hand to grab her face...

Everyone was startled, even Gong Zangxue frowned.

Mo Yao remained motionless, looking at the hand... afterimage.

The main body is still in place.

Dai Li smiled: "You have indeed made a breakthrough."

You can even see through my afterimage.

"Nothing compared to you...your strength is a disaster to others"

Mo Yao frowned and took a deep look at Dai Li: "Especially your eyes."


It's somewhat similar to when she used her soul skill.

Dai Li naturally knew how terrifying her Eye of Reincarnation was. If she sacrificed all her soul power, she could reach the peak of the Emperor's level in seconds with the Eye of Reincarnation alone.

However, this Mo Yao posed a great threat to her.

Especially after she opened the Eye of Reincarnation, she felt a breath of energy in this girl. When he woke up, he was just surprised and suddenly tried to test it.

Smiling, she said: "Thank you for the compliment, please be polite. Your face is also a disaster for other people...really don't think about taking off the veil? That tattoo is very beautiful..."

To expose someone's wounds or lift someone's skirt... is too rogue.

Mo Yao pursed his lips: "See you in the future, I will thank you for your compliment today..."

She seemed certain that they would meet again.

Does this mean an invitation to fight? Still making an appointment?

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and suddenly turned his eyes. It fell on Yanlu: "Where is the male favorite you promised? Are you planning to leave with another woman?"

Chun Shisanniang already smiled. Great, the foreign policy ace is at it.

Hook one is one!

Yan Lu obviously didn't expect that Dai Li would come to him violently and forcefully after his attempt to hook up with Mo Yao.

But the abstinent male god is abstinent. He said calmly: "I keep my word. Today?"

"No, there are too many people here, and the reputation is not good. Please give me your contact information or address. I will summon you when I am empty someday."


Yan Lu was speechless, but still said: "Soul Domain Banquet Court"

Dai Li glanced at Mo Yao. "You are not together"


"What about her?"

A typical drunkard doesn't care about drinking, and... he's too naked.

Goddess, is this really okay with you?

But I always feel...

"A goddess is a goddess. Even when we strike up a conversation, she is so domineering and thoughtful..."

Many people sighed with regret. Mo Yao obviously has a stronger endurance, perhaps because he has been fooled by a gangster once, so he has immunity. Looking at this scene, I only raised my head slightly every day. The dark pupils flickered.

Neither cold nor hot, just smiling but not smiling.

"Soul Domain Mo Palace, if you dare to come, I will wait for you."


Does this mean covenant?

"Devil Palace? It turns out we are from the same family." Dai Li seemed to have lost track of his duties for a moment, and turned to look at Chun Shisanniang, meaning...we are all from the Demon Palace?

Being uneducated is terrible! Gong Zangxue and others couldn't help but complain, but Mo Gong...

As expected, Chun Shisanniang had her concubine's consciousness, and she quickly pinched the orchid with her fingers and smiled sweetly: "It's not the Demon Palace, it's the Mo Palace, over there in the Soul Realm... I can tell by your expression that you definitely don't know, it doesn't matter, you just need to know As long as you didn’t make a mistake in hooking up, that’s fine~~”

"Then I'll be relieved." Someone nodded with a smile.

A pair of shameless weirdos.

Ascetic aristocrats like Mo Yao and Yan Lu would definitely not be able to bear such a team-up between a brothel madam and a female village bandit, so they flew directly to the Beihai Teleportation Formation.

At this moment, the people in the Demon Palace and the Misty Rain Tower are also planning to leave...



The intense light came from the depths of the North Sea, like a bright firework flashing in the day, which instantly stimulated the eardrums and eyedrums of everyone here, and their souls were shaken!

There is a fierce battle!

Let's all look to the north...

Dai Li's eyes flickered, locking firmly on the north.

Has it started?

My hands are itchy and I really want to go there...

"Can't help it anymore?" came a quiet and bright voice. When Dai Li looked back, he saw a faint smile on his face, with light and gentle eyebrows drawn into Qing Yi.

He glanced back and saw that he was hiding from the people waiting for Qing Huanghai.

It seems that he has just arrived and plans to go to Sifang Tiandi at this time.

No, they are not going, but going back.

Dai Li smiled at Luan Qingyi: "Well, my hands are a little itchy, maybe it's because I haven't had a fight for a long time."

The people next to me were filled with guilt when I said this. Who was the person who massacred hundreds of thousands of people from the Xie Kun family a few days ago! !

"Aren't you going?" Duan Qingyi used the message this time.

"You know?" Dai Li's eyes flashed, and then Duan Qingyi smiled lowly, "No one knows more about the Feng King than Qing Huanghai."

Also, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in every battle, just like the Wind King's spying on all aspects of Qing Huanghai.

Dai Li smiled: "She told me not to go, so I won't go."

Are you so obedient?

"It seems that you are very relieved about her." Duan Qingyi also smiled.

"Well, she's very strong and she's progressing too fast," Dai Li couldn't help but sigh.

"It's very scary." Qingyi Liaoliao looked towards the north, "She absorbed at least three bones."

Three pieces! Dai Li was shocked. She had two pieces of blood and her cultivation speed was at least a hundred times faster than before. If Qianshan Muxue fused three pieces. That training speed...

Mainly due to the power of the Bone Clan, plus her status as a royal member of the Thirty Thousand Sword Clan, her background is not comparable to that of someone like Dai Li whose father is unknown and living outside.

Well, the most important thing is that the Bone Clan has almost perished. It is estimated that all the Bone Clan’s heritage will be inherited by Qiansha Muxue, or waiting to be inherited...

No wonder Qianshan Muxue, who was not much older than her, was much stronger than her.

And she was so confident that she didn't have to go there.

Daili touched his chin. Secretly attached. Fortunately, I got part of the Great Wilderness's inheritance, well, even though I haven't started yet.

But the fierce battle seemed to be getting more and more intense. Emperor Ming and others were curious, but did not go over to take a look.

The main reason is that they have juniors with them, so if they leave here, they are afraid that if something happens, it will be too late. What's more, the intensity of this fierce battle is obviously terrifying.

"At least it's a fierce battle between royal-level groups."

"There should be some combination."

"Is it the Wind King?"

The things that Liu Hongxiu mentioned before at Kun's house were recalled by everyone again, and some casual cultivators who didn't take it seriously felt a little bit in their hearts at this moment.

Could it be that the Feng King was really tricked by an unknown force? Now is a large army coming for revenge?

Daili waited for a fierce battle over there thousands of miles away. Only the faint light and the attacking airflow scattered across the sea surface could be seen.

Thousands of miles away, such a strong air current can spread. You can imagine how terrifying a real fierce battle can be!


At that time, it was in the direction of the depths of the North Sea.

It was a fierce battle indeed. The extremely ferocious fierce battle was hundreds of times more powerful than the one between Dai Li and Xie Kun!

As far as the eye can see... Emperor level, Emperor level, Emperor level... But there are 50,000 King level, but there are hundreds of Emperor level! .

certainly. This is the single side, that is, the people of the Wind King clan.

Opposite party.

The demon under Huang's command. Thousands! All transformed into their original bodies!

One by one, they spread their ferocious wings and roared!

Sound attack!

Fire attack!

This is a gorgeous red!

And the cold black!

The fierce and uninhabited demonic path comes from behind Wu Wu and Fat Tou Tuo!

There were a lot of people, at least five or six thousand!

And Huang finally saw the ruthless strength...

The peak of the emperor level... is only one step away from integration!

It's very perverted. I'm afraid such a person would use his avatar to fight, otherwise it would be impossible to lose.

They are all snake spirits, Huang muttered in his heart, and when he turned his eyes, he saw three people on the other side of the sea of ​​clouds...

The eyebrows trembled!

Damn it! This Cloud Sacrifice Lotus is...

boom! ! !

A violent impact exploded, it was the blooming fire lotus!

Fusion period!

The five combined members of the Wind King clan are besieging Yun Jilian!

Five vs one!

Unable to completely suppress it!

But it is balanced!


Huang's brows trembled, but she heard the stern voice of one of the Feng King old men: "A bunch of damn bastards, they actually joined forces to attack our Feng King clan. Please be wise and return the young master of our clan to us quickly, otherwise we will kill you without mercy!"

Yun Jilian smiled, as if the flower branches were trembling, but in fact, it gave people a very cold and evil feeling.

"A bunch of idiots started fighting, but they still acted like they were prologues. No wonder Feng King has fallen so far, and the gap between him and Qinghuang Hai is getting bigger and bigger."

Most nobles are arrogant and shameless. Although they know that Qinghuanghai is superior to the Wind King, they don't admit it themselves, let alone allow others to say it!

"I don't know what's good or bad! Brother, don't talk nonsense to him. He's going to kill everyone. Don't waste time rescuing Yi'er!"

The people of the Feng King clan know very well that Fengyun Yi is not dead yet, and these people are coming with strange intentions. Do they know that Fengyun Yi has...

"It doesn't matter if Fengyun Yi is given to you!" Yun Jilian suddenly smiled.

"However, we have to show his courage first."

In a word, the people of the Wind King clan were horrified!

"You! How do you know!!!"

Using Qi on Feng Yuanyi is something that even Feng Shaoling and other core family members don't know about. Only family members above the integration stage know something about it, but these people in front of them actually know it!

"Why do I know..." Yun Jilian's smile can make people enchanted.

"Because that spirit belongs to my family!"

Wave your hand!

White in the clouds!

The snow is as white as snow, and the white robes are like snow and ice!

There are auspicious clouds in Crescent White Mountain, and the auspicious clouds are glowing with the color of swimming ice.

This is the symbol of the Yun family, and it also means...Master Yun! (To be continued)


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