A Queen

Chapter 1,241 4-Party Neutral Zone

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Chapter 1241

One knock would shake the heaven and the earth.

Two knocks, kill the battlefield!

Three knocks to capture the soul!

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, and the originally gentle music suddenly sped up...

The violent rhythm directly brings up the whole music!

North-South impact!


Emperor Ming and others had already seen the sea surface rising and rising, countless birds flying in the sky, and even peach blossoms, plum blossoms, and other flowers from Fenchuan area floating there...

Until the last note.

The contemporary violin picks up the last note and stretches...


There was a clear sound of sword playing from the depths of the North Sea, the end!

Whoa whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The waves that were originally within a hundred miles and were hundreds of meters high were instantly shattered.

Countless dripping water.

The blue sea tide makes music. Such a high and magnificent song does not seem like a song of farewell, but gives people more hope and vitality.

To the south... Emperor Ming and others looked quietly.

Dai Li curled his lips and smiled, put down the violin, turned towards the south, expanded his lung capacity, and said: "When I become successful, I will come back to support you..."

This sound echoed in the sea, perhaps through heaven and earth, and reached Fenchuan...

On a cliff on a distant island, Ye Ziqing pressed the strings of the piano, with a slight curvature of the corners of his mouth, smiling silently.

Jing Jingyuan threw the drum stick in his hand, caught it, and smiled.

Mingjian calmly put away his qin and looked at Qin Ji beside him, "The soul of the qin is like this, why don't you practice the qin?"

"I play the piano,

I like it, and the young master likes it, but he kills people in order to become stronger. It’s not good to concentrate on practicing the piano again.” Qin Ji smiled.

Ming Jian nodded, Dai Li has always had a good eye... Qin Ji is like this, it can be seen.

"But that sword sound just now." Ning Jing looked far into the depths of the North Sea.

At this moment, deep in the North Sea, Huang looked at Qianshan Muxue, who was twisting the blade of the sword with one finger.

"It's a special farewell like this."

"This is not a farewell..." Qianshan Muxue stood up from the big stone. Look into the distance.

"The blue sea is surging. Goodbye from all directions... It's a promise."

Promise... The most beautiful thing in life is the promise.

At this moment, the Demon Palace Flying Boat and so on. Finally covered by the light of the teleportation array, buzz~~


Enter the journey to the Sifang world.

At the border of Fenchuan, Tang Shubai was sitting cross-legged on the cliff by the sea, looking at the teleportation array wide open in the distance. Silently, two old men in gray came behind them.

He didn't even look at these two people. He just stood up slowly, flicked the fallen leaves floating on his clothes with his fingertips, and smiled.

Teacher, you still don't recognize me.

It seems that I am not good enough.

Next time... it won't be like this.


Teleport is turned on. Dai Li saw the scene in front of her eyes flashing into countless silver-white streams of light. She was surprised when she saw that the surrounding area of ​​the flying boat had been wrapped in a light film. There is also a conjoined rune pattern array on the light film, which looks very high-end. Anyway, she looked at it with the eyes of reincarnation and could feel the powerful power contained in it.

It can't be broken even in the combined stage.

"This kind of shuttle space is the most terrifying. Without the protection of the formation light film, all of us will be washed away," Chun Shisanniang explained to Dai Li at the side.

Dai Li nodded and glanced around, seeing many casual cultivators traveling with various flying boats and magic weapons. Of course, they were also protected by formations.

"These people are not weak at all," Dai Li said with emotion.

"Most of the people who can go to Sifang World are not too bad, otherwise they would be seeking death. Did you know that Sifang World is full of monarchs?"

The king level is everywhere, so what about the king level and the emperor level?

"How many people are there in Sifang Tiandi?" Dai Li prefers to use data to understand everything.

"Don't talk about trillions. Who has calculated it... Anyway, the territory of Sifang Tiandi is ten thousand times larger than all the territories outside Sifang Tiandi. Although the population is not as dense as outside, there are many races and the base is also very huge..." Chun Shi Sanniang's tone was very nonchalant, but Dai Li twitched his eyes.

Damn it, there are so many creatures in the four directions?

It can be imagined that the environment in Sifang World must be much higher-level. Even Fenchuan will be reduced to scum in seconds. In this way, how efficient is the birth of a king-level emperor under such a huge base?

How many masters have accumulated among them?

No wonder there are so many powerful people in all directions...

"By the way, what I just talked about was just some of the floating population in the city on the surface of our human race..." Chun Shisanniang silently added.


Dai Li rolled his eyes and hummed: "Don't even think about attacking me... I know how to neither be arrogant nor discouraged. I won't become arrogant and domineering as soon as I get over it."

"Wrong, I hope you will be arrogant and domineering..." Chun Shisanniang suddenly hugged Dai Li's slender waist, "So domineering, so annoying, I like it so much~"


About an hour later, Duan Ze suddenly shouted: "We are about to leave the tunnel, pay attention to protection, don't be backlashed by the strength of the separated space."

Everyone became awe-struck upon hearing this, and even Dai Li did not dare to be careless. After the flying boat directly approached the opening of the light...


The same blue sky and white clouds, but from time to time huge whirlpool exits appear on the white clouds, and brilliant and gorgeous airships fly out, as well as flying giant beasts. As far as the eye can see, there are dense and huge buildings in the ring around the left and right, among which the towering There are nine giant black towers. How big are they?

In terms of height...a hundred thousand feet in the air!

The body of the tower is in the shape of a twisted flame, with a sharp tip and black as a mirror, but if you look at it for a long time, you can seem to see clusters of burning black flames, which makes people feel heart-stopping.

"Where is this?" Dai Li asked after putting aside his palpitations.

"The neutral zone at the entrance to Beihai, Sifangtiandi, look below."

Dai Li looked down and saw that below was a huge square with an area of ​​10,000 miles. The ground of the square was paved with black mirror-like stones, separated by stripes and curves, and painted into a giant pattern of two crossed swords and a shield.

The sword represents destruction and attack, and the shield. Represents defense.

Having both attack and defense... does it mean invincible checks and balances?

Dai Li could see that there were a lot of people coming and going in the neutral zone square where a large number of flying boats and giant beasts were docked. It was just because the square was too big that it didn't appear dense. But if they were lower down, they could feel the super prosperity inside.

"There are at least millions of people here right now..." Dai Li curled his lips, and the world in all directions...

It's really strong.


"Is that the army?"

The men in black formed straight black lines to defend the surrounding area, like a rectangular square array.

"That's the Neutral Immortal Army. They're the people under the Supreme command who control the Neutral Zone in the North Sea."

This time it was Duan Ze who spoke up. He came to Dai Li and said with a smile: "The neutral zone on the Beihai side is honored by Dayan Supreme, and this immortal army is also named after Dayan. It is known as Dayan Immortal Army."

"Is Supreme Dayan an immortal? Otherwise, how could he be called an immortal army?"

"No, Supreme is the title of the peak master in the Mahayana period, and it is also the glory bestowed by immortals in the four directions. The highest masters in the territory are all immortals. So they are collectively called the Immortal Army. You can also think of the masters above the neutral zone of the Four Directions. "It's a fairy"

Duan Ze waved his hand after explaining: "Let's get off the boat. We are going to the Demon Realm. The journey is too far and my airship cannot fly across the realm. It is too troublesome to transfer the teleportation array one after another, so we can only take the neutral ancient dragon boat. "Devil's Realm"

Dai Li had already heard Chun Shisanniang say before that the territory of the four directions was too vast. There are countless dangers involved, and there is a high possibility of death even in the combined stage.

Although the Demon Palace is powerful. At the moment, they are just a small team from the Demon Palace. Although they are giants in Fenchuan, they are not top-notch in the world. The most important thing is that they are not all members of the Demon Palace in Fenchuan.

It was only later that Dai Li discovered that many of the deputy palace masters and Demon Palace people had not come. After listening to Duan Ze's explanation, he found out that they were staying in Fenchuan for a while. It seemed that they had some special tasks in the southern territory.

What kind of special mission is it? He must be trying to spy on the Feng King clan.

Dai Li didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now he felt that although they were led by three strong men, Duan Ze, Gong Zangxue and Chun Shisanniang, the thousand of them were not absolutely safe in Sifang World.

If you go to the Demon Realm alone, you will die. You can ask the Demon Palace to send someone to pick you up, but the delay in going back and forth will be too long. It is better to take the neutral ancient dragon boat to the Demon Realm directly.

Speaking of the neutral ancient dragon boat, it must be mentioned. This thing is similar to the official luxury military ship. It belongs to the Dayan "government" in the neutral zone. It is protected by the Dayan Immortal Army and is used for public long-distance travel. The strongest means.

It is also the most advanced public transportation facility in the Neutral Zone.

So... the ferry fare is very expensive.

When Dai Li found out that her shipping fee was one hundred thousand spiritual crystals, his heart suddenly stopped.

"One hundred thousand at the emperor level, three hundred thousand at the integration stage, one thousand at the king level, the ones below are cheaper...it only costs 150,000 spiritual crystals when packed in," Chun Shisanniang said calmly.

Huo Jiangli and others behind him shed tears silently, thanking us for being so cheap.

“But it all depends on how many rooms you buy...”

At this moment, Dai Li and others had left the flying boat and landed in the square. Duan Ze took a few people to buy tickets. Chun Shisanniang took Yu Linglong for a stroll, and Dai Li and others came to the public waiting area. ..

——Buy something to eat.

Daili is not hungry, but I heard that cross-regional travel is very time-consuming, and a few years is considered short, so it is necessary to buy some snacks and delicious food to pass the time on the road.

——There isn’t much food left in her storage ring.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that she was frightened by the shipping fee before, and when she thought about the unreasonably expensive food on planes, trains and other means of transportation, she was naturally very foresight and rushed directly to the public area to buy food...

Little did she know that she had become the belief of the disciples of the Lower Five Halls, and whatever she did had the value of being imitated and followed.

So many people are ready to make a move...

Although Huo Jiangli said that buying and eating was too stupid and completely inconsistent with the status of the elite disciples of the Demon Palace, so they looked on coldly. Others were also hesitant, but someone didn't care about them at all and stepped on them. Wearing wooden clogs and a soft and elegant thin windbreaker, he walked through the corridor with crisp steps and walked into the bright and clean hall. (To be continued)


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