A Queen

Chapter 1,242 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Chapter 1242

The whole hall seemed to be quiet, and many people came in outside...

When Dai Li walked to the dazzling food area, he felt that there were a lot of scary eyes around him, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Is it possible that someone's good looks are valuable in Sifang World? Can I not pay the bill?

But in the end, she just raised her eyebrows. She quickly looked at these foods, and the more she looked at them, the corners of her lips became twitching. The cheapest piece of pastry costs twenty spirit crystals...packs of snacks and souvenirs are all rushing around. There are hundreds, thousands... tens of thousands.

If she hadn't received a large amount of spiritual crystals from Xie and Kun's family, she still wouldn't be able to afford the ten pastries here...

By the way, excluding some treasures, the Xie Kun family brought her 300 million spiritual crystals before. After Wanbaozhai purchased a large amount of resources and used them in the Vatican, she only had 5 million spiritual crystals left on her body. , at first I thought traveling around the world was enough... Damn it, I really want to ask Li Qing and the others to spit out all this money for me!

"The poor can't afford to be hurt...my assets are only enough to buy a counter of food." Daili glanced at it and roughly calculated the total food price in this food area...

There are thousands of kinds of food on one counter, with a total value of tens of millions. As far as the eye can see, there are so many counters, with a total value of hundreds of billions of spiritual crystals.

However, there are so many people moving here every day, so it is no wonder that so much food is needed. At this moment, Dai Li saw many creatures of different shapes eating in the hall.

There are beasts that walk independently, and there are also alien species with human heads and horses, and most of them are humans.

Most beasts and alien species have huge appetites. As soon as Dai Li turned his head, he saw a five-meter-long millipede using hundreds of hands to grab hundreds of cabinets... Take it, take it, take it with all its strength...

The baskets he pushed in front of him were filled with food, and there were several baskets next to them that were already full.

The estimated value is already hundreds of millions of spiritual crystals.

Rich man, this is it.

Dai Li silently lamented his lack of money, while reaching out to choose food...

We are beautiful women with small appetites, and we don’t want to see these beasts...

Suddenly, when she was picking up a bag of dried fruits, her other hand grabbed it and was about to grab it on the back of her hand...

Dai Li moved his hand to the side,

Grabbed another bag of dried fruits. That hand grabbed the original package of dried fruits. The voice was somewhat resentful.

"Hey, beauty, I'm shopping. You pick what you like. I'll pay for it."

Chubby. Wearing a golden robe. He wears special golden magic accessories on his neck and rings, his eyes are narrowed to a slit, and his mouth can be opened wide enough to hold a pot.

Dai Li glanced at the fat man who had a wretched expression but tried to pretend to be elegant. He didn’t say anything, just grabbed a few bags of dried fruits and left..

"Hey, beauty!"

The fat man was about to catch up when he saw a group of people blocking Dai Li.

A group of similarly well-dressed and arrogant young people.

"Let me go, you guys, this is the beauty I saw first!"

"Go away, fat man! This woman belongs to us! Look at you like a pig!"

When the two groups of people were cursing each other, Dai Li noticed that both groups were wearing a badge on the cuffs of their robes.

Their strength is average, only at the monarch level, but they are not very old, under a hundred years old, and they all seem to have a good background.

Daili was too lazy to argue with these juniors, so he just chose things for himself..

Finally, someone felt that Dai Li was ignoring them. One of the young men stepped forward to block Dai Li's path and reached out to grab her wrist...


With a cold shout, before Dai Li could take action, he saw the young man being kicked out by an afterimage...


It just hit the ground and slid out...

Uh-huh, the king-level pure power failed to leave any trace on this floor...

The floor is good and the man has good control over his power.

Daili's eyes flashed.

"Girl, how are you? Are you not scared?"

Wang Ji, who took action, glared coldly at the young man on the ground, then turned to Dai Li and asked softly.

Dai Li turned around, looked at the other party, and smiled slightly: "Not yet, thank you for your help."

His posture was elegant and generous, and he was calm and composed. Coupled with his aggressive face and special temperament, if he was still smiling... the young man who had just made the move was stunned.

"Fuck! He's from Crouching Tiger Academy!"

The king level is not intimidating, but this young man is very young. He is a king level under the age of 100. Coupled with the name of Wolong Academy, many people who were dining here looked over. Coupled with Dai Li, he is undoubtedly a hero who saves the beauty. plot.

Perhaps due to the strength of this Wolong Academy disciple, the group of young people all retreated a bit...but some of them were still a little unwilling to do so.

"Zhao Zhengcheng, why are you joining in the fun! Is it your turn to meddle in other people's business?"

"You, Crouching Tiger Academy, are in charge of our Hidden Dragon Academy's affairs. Don't regret it when the time comes!"

"You can't take this woman away!"

The clamor suddenly stopped, because the door opened, and a man walked in. When he saw the scene in front of him, he frowned, and then walked over as if there was no one else around.

"Those who knew thought you were greedy, and those who didn't know thought you were going to have a baby..."

Gong Zangxue, who was walking lazily, looked at the basket in front of Dai Li and said, "Did you buy it?"

"No, I still need you."

"Me?" Gong Zangxue was stunned.

"Yes, what do you want to eat?" Dai Li asked casually.

Gong Zangxue turned away his face: "Who is like you, who loves to eat these snacks..."

"Then you don't want it?"

you dare! The bow hid the blood as if nothing had happened... and said calmly: "Pastry"

"I know you are naughty.. You especially like to eat these fattening things.."

She was also very pretentious, even though she was the most greedy, she kept saying "I don't want it, I don't want it..." Dai Li gave Gong Damei a white look.

The two beauties were talking and laughing as if no one was around, but others couldn't bear it. A young man couldn't help but cursed again...


A group of people were grabbed and pulled by a twisted force. Thrown directly out the door.

The coercion of the combined stage crushed the entire audience, and many people's expressions changed.

Immortals do not come out, Mahayana dominates, and in the combined period below, everyone is a feudal official, princes and nobles, and little cabbage can be seen everywhere.

This group of students clearly angered a strong man.

Zhao Zhengcheng's face turned pale as he watched Gong Zangxue and the beautiful woman in white and red robe calmly pay the bill...

How calmly, the beautiful woman said to the woman in red: "I only have five million spiritual crystals, how dare you let me pay the bill myself?"

"Since you don't have much money, why did you just buy so much food?"

"Because you are here!"

"You mean you want me to pay?"

"...Of course. Which one of us will follow the other? Based on the fact that your father is probably my father..."


Then the strong man in red quickly paid and left.

The beautiful woman smiled very ripplingly...

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...is there such a college? A school?"

"They're just a bunch of suckling babies..."


The strongest disciple in the academy is only a king, not just a baby.

But who is that stunningly beautiful woman?


This episode was nothing to Dai Li and Gong Zangxue, so they didn't tell anyone else that Duan Ze and others had already returned when they returned.

The total amount was spent on 20 million spiritual crystals. Rooms are arranged according to personal status. People like Xiao Bai and others have rooms. Don't talk about generation and separation.

And the total value of the food Dai Li bought was three million spiritual crystals... Damn it, the money is not enough!

But luckily we have our big bow~~

When Gong Zangxue saw Dai Li delivering snacks to Chun Shisanniang, Yu Linglong and even Bai Jindu. That dark face...

I feel cheated.

"Let's go, the ancient dragon boat is about to set off..."

Zhongzhong ancient dragon boat, modern people can't help but be amazed when they see the huge dragon boat with a length of 10,000 meters.

"The ancient dragon boat can carry tens of millions of people, so it is naturally larger."

"Every ancient dragon boat is guarded by 10,000 immortal troops, and its combat power is evident."

As soon as his eyes drifted, he saw that there were tens of thousands of ancient dragon boats parked in this area, and there were even more other flying boats.

Like most of the other creatures, they were very envious and longing for the ancient dragon boat when they saw it. However, most of the creatures couldn't afford the huge shipping fee, so they could only lower their heads and sigh, and walked into the small flying boat...

Flying boats come and go, outlining the prosperity of the world.

"Let's go, we're the one over there..."

Dai Li followed Duan Ze and others into the ancient dragon boat. After boarding the boat, he saw that there were immortal armies with strong auras standing on the deck. The weakest ones were king-level.

The leading captain is an emperor.

Dai Li estimated that the opponent should be a second-level emperor...

Such is the strength of the soul.

Most of the people on board the ship at this moment were on the huge and spacious deck, looking around the neutral zone... not long after.

"Ancient Dragon Boat No. 356 is ready. Those who have not yet arrived have always arrived. We will set off in three minutes... No waiting after the expiration date!"

Three notifications were given in succession, and people came quickly and dared to come. Three minutes later, the ladder was put away.

The ancient dragon boat takes off...

It was still slow at first, but when it rose to an altitude of 1,000 meters...


At that speed... it flew directly into the distance.

The huge Sifang Heaven and Earth region was said to be in front of Dai Li's eyes, whether it was the Splendid Mountains and Rivers, the Thunder Star Region, or the Sea of ​​Fire and Sword Mountains, all kinds of terrifying and strange regions passed through her eyes...

"This speed is so fast, it's even comparable to my maximum flying speed." Dai Li said, but Gong Zangxue said calmly: "Then your speed is quite fast. Most emperors can't match the speed of the ancient dragon boat... .”

"Then how long does it take to fly to the Demon Realm?"

"Three years"


Three years of flying alone? Dai Li felt a little sore and could only complain that the Demon Realm was too far away...

"Then these people are all going to the Demon Realm?"


"Are they all demons? They don't look like it."

Dai Li looked around at the many monks and found that many of them did not look like demons.

"Who says that those who go to the Demon Realm must be people of the Demonic Way?" Gongzang gave her a bloody look, "For monks, these four directions are places where they can be sharpened. The Demon Realm is inherently dangerous, and many monks will go there to practice. Immortals go to the Demon Realm, and Demons go to the Immortal Realm. The more dangerous it is, the better the tempering effect will be... What's more, there are very few completely enclosed areas in the world. Most monks travel back and forth and mix. Only in this way can they prosper... Could it be that you You are from the Demon Realm, and you will not go to the Immortal Realm in the future?" (To be continued...)


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