A Queen

Chapter 1,243 Three years of hard training, newspapers, youth

Chapter 1243

The Immortal Realm seems to be the area over there with the Immortal Clan...

Dai Li smiled slightly: "No, I will definitely go to the Immortal Realm."


After watching for a while, Dai Li received his room key and returned to the room...

The world in Sifang is so tyrannical, so it’s impossible not to seize the time to improve your strength.


Daili's cultivation has always been very planned. Although it is not a data flow, planning in advance is inevitable.

She listed the cultivation directions in front of her.

1. The Great Wilderness Legacy Technique, this one is the most difficult, but the effect is definitely the greatest, there is no doubt that, and the jade jade leaves behind a lot of inherited knowledge.

2. There is room for improvement in the body's dual blood soul, pupil technique and thousand machine technique. Ten thousand bottles of spiritual blood accumulated after spending a lot of spiritual crystals can be absorbed. There are nine transformations of the transmutation king's blood. You can consider practicing the third transformation.

3. The first clone, the stage needs to be improved, and there is still room for utilization of the spirit. The Thunder Mystery and the fifth-level thunder method, Five Elements Shattering Finger, require more study and study than the various innate abilities of the main body. Who makes the thunder method follow the right path? The law is profound.

4. The Pojun realm is already at an absolute level, and it was broken through not long ago. It is absolutely difficult to break through. It is better to consider improving the mastery realm.

5. I used to focus on martial arts scrolls, but I haven’t fully understood them yet, and I haven’t studied the Chen Gongjunji scrolls and Tianchen scrolls seriously... The most important thing is that Tianchen scrolls are missing one scroll, and that scroll...

Combining the five types of things, Dai Li feels that he will be very busy, very busy, very busy in the past three years...

However, she still has 10,000 Daqishan Crystals in her hand. Although this is a good thing, she has absorbed too much before, and her potential has been greatly activated, but it has not yet settled down. Next, she has two choices. One is to use these potentials to increase her strength to deal with the dangers in the Sifang World. The other is to continue to absorb the Qishan Crystal and continue to increase her potential...

Dai Li decisively chose the first option.

Are you kidding? Of course, saving your life is more important. Otherwise, no matter how talented you are. If your strength fails to keep up, it would be very sad to die.

Qishan Crystal can only be absorbed in a completely safe situation.

For example, after returning to the Demon Palace...

Dai Li decided very easily. It’s just that Qishan Crystal was not included in the training goals.

The Scorpion who had obtained Daili's Five Thousand Qishan Crystals contacted Daili once and asked for a lot of food and another Five Thousand Qishan Crystals, and fell into seclusion again. Daili did not ask how it was doing to break through. . But from the consumption of the Five Thousand Qishan Crystals, it can be seen that this guy's progress is absolutely terrifying. The Five Thousand Qishan Crystals are just gone?

"We can't let that kid be better than me when he comes out of seclusion...work hard!"

Dai Li closed his eyes. A long training began.


Time is like running water, passing by slowly, but if you are not careful, it will be a year, if you are not careful again, it will be a year. Just two years, then...

Three years have passed.

The room was spotless, bright and luxurious. Everywhere is exquisite and comfortable, when Dai Li opens his eyes. The liquid lightning and blood flow flowing on the body slowly seep into the body along opposite trajectories.

"Huh, it's still difficult to get started with the Great Wilderness Legacy Technique. I can't understand it at all. It's really difficult..."

Dai Li had a sad face, but fortunately she had made considerable progress in other aspects, especially the inherited knowledge in the jade bi, which gave her a solid foundation and filled in some gaps in her Taoism. As for Thousand Machines Attack and Killing Technique, Tong The benefits of magic and even mystical skills are also very terrifying.

But she also discovered something...

--not enough time.

"Practice is timeless. When you reach a high level of cultivation, every year is nothing."

Dai Li looked out the window. He could see the blue sky and white clouds, the sun, moon and stars in one hour. Here was the four-dimensional world that accommodated all changes.

"Two mysterious breakthroughs to the extraordinary level, the third transformation of the king's blood, the second finger of the thunder method has some inspiration, but there is no opportunity, and the blood energy and Yuanli have improved, the pupil technique and the Thousand Machine Killing Technique have also been understood, and again I have digested one-tenth of the inherited knowledge of Yubi...forget it, I have achieved three of the five goals, and I have basically reached the standard. Let's get out of seclusion."

The difficulty of high-level training has been reflected in the past three years. The fifth-level thunder method is very profound and mysterious, and without the help of the special environment on Qishan Road, Daili can only agree with this result. Of course, she also knows this The speed of cultivation is already very fast, so one can't force it too much.

So she pretended to be out of seclusion.

When Dai Li left the room, it happened to be the dawn. The twilight was beginning to show, and the sky turned white. She walked through the corridor and came to the deck.

Perhaps it was because of the early morning, or maybe it was the three-year long journey that made everyone feel numb. They had long lost the curiosity and enthusiasm they had when they first boarded the ship, so there were very few people on the deck at the moment, maybe a few. The two monks said that maybe some people want to practice in the dim light of the morning...

Or there may be some senior masters who are profound and accustomed to getting up early.

Fish and dragons are mixed together, and the strong are hiding.

Dai Li walked to the deck, picked a chair and sat down. He took out a glass of milk and drank it slowly while looking at the scenery.

Maybe she is also the scenery in other people's eyes.

The appearance is really stunning, but there are many people with stunning appearance in the world. However, such a casual and demonic temperament and posture are rare in the world.

"Girl, I wonder if I can sit down?"

This was not the first time that Daili had been approached. He turned around and saw a polite young man, and said without comment: "It's up to you."

"Thank you." The young man sat down, his posture was elegant and gentle, his lips were red and his teeth were white, his eyebrows were handsome, and he had a very restrained and life-threatening nobility.

On the inside, he wears a slightly tight white shirt and white trousers. He has a very slender figure. On the outside, he wears a regular and elegant, but vaguely luxurious moon silver-white trench coat. There are faint flowing silver lines on the embroidered silk, which looks like a flower but not a flower, like an animal but not an animal.

Dai Li also noticed that he was holding a rather simple cold silver cane in his hand, with a dragon head, slender and silvery.

After the man sat down, he put his cane aside and Chaodaili smiled: "I'm sorry."

Dai Li shook his head and said he didn't care.

Then a servant was well-trained and served breakfast. Daili noticed that the other person's hand was very beautiful, slender and fair, with just the right joints and flesh, and more importantly... a ring on his finger.

Very extraordinary.

An extraordinary magic weapon, definitely!

Did I hook up with a rich, handsome man with extraordinary temperament?

However, Dai Li just felt sad in his heart and didn't pay much attention to the other party. There was an old man on the boat pushing a strange car. It was empty, with nothing in it. No, there was something there, but a gray-white whirlpool.

"Beautiful girl, would you like to read the newspaper?"

Read newspapers?

"Newspaper?" Dai Li asked in surprise. Although the old man didn't know the word newspaper, he seemed to understand its meaning. He smiled, with wrinkles on his face: "Yes, newspaper, this word Not bad...Three years of traveling, what happened outside can you see in it...either?"

"Good" information is exactly what Daili needs.

"Then put your hand in...and take a portion."

When Dai Li heard this, he put his hand in, hooked his fingers, and pulled out a scroll, "How much?"

Before she took the money, someone had already handed it to the old man.

He looked at the young master opposite Dai Li and said, "Sir, one portion only costs 10,000 spiritual crystals, and you gave me 20,000."

"I want two copies." The young man's expression was very shallow, and he had an incompatible and luxurious temperament.

After that, he took out a portion directly from the car. Chaodaili smiled slightly and said, "It is my honor to serve the lady."

Hmm, he is a very polite young man.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows, called to the servant on the boat, paid the bill for the food on the table, looked at the surprised young man, and smiled: "It's a pity that I'm not a lady."

After that, she just lowered her head and read the newspaper.

He ignored the young man again.

The young man narrowed his eyes, smiled silently, and ignored himself to read the newspaper.

This newspaper is very interesting. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary newspaper. It contains text records, but with a click of a finger, real images will appear. It is like a field report, recording everything that happened in the world.

One of them made Daili feel very happy.

Although the Feng King clan tried their best to deny it after the Beihai battle, they still leaked the news of the defeat, which led to enthusiastic reactions from all parties. The Feng King clan's reputation plummeted. In anger, the clan sent many experts to investigate Beihai, but it turned out that They knew nothing about the enemy, because the island had been completely destroyed, leaving no trace. The most annoying thing was that the masters of their Wind King clan went on a rampage in Beihai the night before. They wanted to find the enemy, but instead they angered the Beihai Monster Clan. , the Beigong royal family was furious and gave the order just ten days ago: Either get back here now! Either I send someone to take your bodies back!

The seven tyrannical clans can be called the most tyrannical system in the world, but there are seven clans in the seven clans, and each clan has its own branches. The connection among them has been indifferent since the war that year, and the Qi clan is the most powerful. Weak, and the Wind King is the weakest of the weakest. Will other tribes care? As long as it is not a serious crime that insults the entire seven clans or destroys the Wind King, the other clans will not pay attention at all!

And what about Beihai?

Sihai was originally the overlord in the Sifang World, and Beihai was one of them. Beigong was so strong that even the Ti clan, one of the seven clans, had the right to speak, let alone the Wind King clan.

So Feng Wang could only feel aggrieved and withdrew from Beihai. Then the newspaper reported it, and the whole world couldn't help but laugh. It also analyzed that the Qing Emperor had attacked and suppressed Feng Wang in various aspects in the past three years, causing Feng Wang to The overall strength has dropped by more than half, and it can no longer compete with Qinghuang Hai. At this point, the countless years of evenly matched situation between Qinghuang and Feng Wang has come to an end.

"Family wars and conspiracies often turn the world upside down overnight. No one knows who will be on the top of glory tomorrow."

Here are the final comments on this report. (To be continued)


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