A Queen

Chapter 1,244 Enemy attack! Pointed Skull Pirates! (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu Xianpa + five)

Chapter 1244

Dai Li was convinced, and he felt more and more that even though the Wind King was so powerful, he couldn't slack off.

However, she only paid a little attention to the Wind King. Compared with the behemoths like the Gods or Fairies, the Wind King was obviously not enough, so she continued to read other reports, and she was surprised at them.

"A devil's palace battle that takes place every five hundred years?" It was rare to see something related to the thigh he was holding, so Dai Li naturally paid more attention to it, and only after reading it did he understand.

The Demon Palace is one of the top forces in the Demon Realm, and its every move also represents major events in the Demon Realm. The Demon Palace War is a competition within the Demon Palace, in order to select elites who are strong enough to be entrusted with important tasks and eliminated. Those who are lagging behind... are elected every five hundred years. This time is not very long, but it is not short either. It can just carry out a large-scale internal blood exchange, and also gives the younger generation of elites the opportunity to rise to the top...

It can be regarded as the more official and formal battle among the many battles in the Demon Palace.

Both young and old will participate, only the strong and the weak, no respect for the old or the young.

"It's interesting..." Dai Li looked at the time, um... one month later?

We're running out of time, and I don't know if they can make it back.

Just when I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard...

"It's her! Teacher! It's her..."

"Good guy, you really did let me find her!"

The voice was too pointed, as if the other party was pointing at her, and both Dai Li and the young man opposite turned to look.

Well, they seem to be from Hidden Tiger Academy... At this moment, those young people were surrounded by a cold-faced man who was not much older than them and walked towards them.

The cold-faced man soon saw Dai Li. His eyes flashed with surprise, but immediately turned cold.

"You are the one who bullied our Hidden Dragon Academy?"

Dai Li looked at him, and with his long legs crossed on one side, Shi Shiran looked at him lazily, "You are indeed a student. His professional skill is reporting to the teacher, right?"

Such a casual and frivolous tone made the people nearby burst out laughing.

Those young people were all embarrassed and angry. The cold-faced man narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't change the topic... I, Hidden Dragon Academy, are not as knowledgeable as you country bumpkins who think you are so great when you first come to Sifang World." It's better to admit your mistake and follow us..."

Well...it seems that what she encountered was not just a chat.

It seems that my uncle is right, the world is in chaos, and the academy is like a gang of hooligans.

By the way, which group of well-known colleges does Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon come from?

The thoughts of generation are somewhat empty. The cold-faced man couldn't help it anymore. Just reach out and grab it...

The young man frowned...


Suddenly a stream of light cut with sharp edges, shooting from a distance. It was thousands of miles away just now, but in the blink of an eye it was right in front of you...

Directly bombarded the hull...


The protective light film is passively activated. Blocked the blow. But the hull still made a loud rumble and trembled slightly.

So slightly. But it woke up everyone who was practicing in seclusion on the entire ship.

"Enemy attack!!!"

A dull and loud communication sound came from the mouth of the people watching from the high tower, and suddenly, the strong men on the large ship had gathered out.

Beyond the reach of the eyes. You can see that the direction where the attack just came from is now full of darkness.

"It's a pirate ship!"

"That flag is..."

A sharp thorn poked into the black skull, which was the opponent's flag.

Ten of the people present changed their expressions, and a noble and graceful lady screamed: "It's the Skeleton Pirates!"

The word "pointed skull" is very famous among the monks who travel around the world. Of course, this fame is based on the flying boat groups that have been swallowed up by the opponent.

The opponent's strength is directly proportional to its bloody history.

At present, thousands of flying boats hundreds of times smaller than the ancient dragon boats are floating in the distance, with great momentum and momentum.

The strong man on the ancient dragon boat, the captain of the immortal army, directly made a cold voice: "Go away, we are the ancient dragon boat, sharp skull, you are seeking death~!"

Very few pirate ships dare to target the official ancient dragon boat. After all, it belongs to the Immortal above. Even if the Immortal has little chance of standing up for this ancient dragon boat, its majesty is still there. There are Supreme and a large number of Immortal troops below. If you mess with one, it will be a disaster. As long as they are not brainless, most pirate ships will not do such stupid things, so they are not nervous about leaving these people.

The fleet with the sharp skull became quiet for a moment after the captain of the immortal army of the ancient dragon boat gave a sharp shout.

Then a low, cold and evil voice came out: "Oh, I'm so scared...but who would know..."

This was so strange to say. The people in Gulongzhou were just surprised when Dai Li heard the voice transmission from Gong Zangxue, Chun Shisanniang and Duan Ze.

"Be careful! They are taking action..."

as expected!

Buzz~~Black shadows flew in one after another, whistling, making a vicious and arrogant whistling sound.

"Haha, there's another fat sheep!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Leave no one behind!"

Are you crazy? This pointed skull actually attacked the people of the ancient dragon boat! ! !

But what's even worse is that the strongest combat power on their ancient dragon boat is only the 10,000 immortal troops. How can they be the opponent of the other party!

It was too late for Dai Li to be surprised. The pirates were killing each other without batting an eyelid, flying towards them and launching a tyrannical attack from thousands of meters away!

There are king-level and emperor-level ones!


Most of the people on the boat reacted, Dundundun! defense! The fastest one is to dodge directly...

The speed of Dai Li was very fast. He would hide whenever he could, and naturally he would not forcefully defend himself. He stood on the railing on one side of his body. He turned his head and saw that the 500,000-strong spike-skull pirate group was roaring towards them.

There are at least 500,000 people in a pirate group. This pirate group is not very large, but it is not small either. Most of these 500,000 people are at the monarch level, and there are also 100,000 at the king level. There are thousands of emperors, and their aura is naturally powerful.

Dai Li was so intrusive, even if he didn't take any action, he was greeted with laughter from many pirates just standing on the railing.

"Ha, there's a big beauty here! She's mine!"

"Get out of here, you kid, take her back and be the leader's wife!"

"Hey, it's not our turn in the end!"

Because they were concerned about someone's beauty, these pirates did not kill him, but wanted to capture him alive...

Not far away, Gong Zangxue and the others saw it. But no one came to help.

crazy. With eye skills, that person's escape methods are definitely comparable to those in the combined stage, okay? These lecherous ghosts...

Dai Li rolled his eyes, and the dozen or so incoming kings were mysteriously shattered.

But the battle was raging. Not many people pay attention to what's going on here...

In contrast. The combat power of the pirate group is comparable to that of the people on this ancient dragon boat. Including the Immortal Army, they are much stronger.

At this moment, Dai Li looked over and saw that the pirate group's 500,000-strong army was joining forces!

"No, they want to form a group attack!"

Buzz! The immortal army responded quickly. Form a rectangular formation and confront the huge pirate army in front.

Buzz buzz~~

The group formation attacks were formed almost at the same time...

Such tyranny can kill the combined stage instantly. Daili's heart skipped a beat, and the next second, he saw two beams of light coming from the front of both sides...

Instant collision!

boom! ! !

The space surged like a stormy sea, and the entire ancient dragon boat shook violently, as if it was about to be capsized. The people on the boat were in various embarrassments, some were directly killed by the impact, and some were seriously injured...

Dai Li noticed that many disciples of Hidden Dragon Academy were directly shocked to death... Ouch, so pitiful...

Have a good death!

And those 500,000 pirates... rushed down brazenly!

"Damn it! Pointed Skull, you will pay the price! Our Taiyan Immortal Army will not let you go..."

The people of the Immortal Army roared angrily, and even the passengers roared angrily when the pirate tilted down...

Who would have thought that a pirate ship would dare to attack an ancient dragon boat...

But no matter what the reason is, they are probably going to be in trouble today...

There are too many people on the other side and they are too strong!


"Run away!!"

Some people have fled away at all costs...

But the people from the pirate ship were already roaring in pursuit. Although the total number exceeded the people from the pirate ship, in terms of average strength, they were far from their opponents.

As long as the hunter is strong enough, it doesn't matter how many prey he has...



One person was slaughtered, but there were also people on the ship who fought back and slaughtered each other!

Gong Zangxue, Duan Ze and other people were originally standing on the inside of the deck and did not take action directly. Now after the people from the pirate ship rushed down, Duan Ze calmly waved his hand: "Don't stay too far away, take action!"


The people in the Demon Palace burst out with demonic energy one by one! He fought back with a ferocious aura that was even more terrifying than that of the man with the pointed skull!

Coupled with the cooperation of two or three combined stages, the combat power was so frightening that tens of thousands of pirates were swept away in the blink of an eye, and an empty area was swept out, scaring the pirates so much that they did not dare to approach.

A figure appeared in the sky, an old man dressed in black, with a very ugly face, like a lizard, and many disgusting green scales on the back of his hands.

"People from the Demon Palace!" The old man's face darkened.

The captain of the Immortal Army smiled and said, "Old thief with sharp skulls, the trick you've taken this time is quite big. The Demon Palace is not easy to mess with..."

Compared to official organizations like Taiyan, the Demon Palace is a completely arrogant and domineering master. The current Demon Palace team is not an ordinary Demon Palace member, and Jian Skull has to consider attacking the Demon Palace if he wants to kill him.

The expression of the pointed skull was indeed condensed, and he seemed to be silent. This made many people feel hopeful, but they blinked.

"Haha, so what about the Demon Palace! I told you, your Taiyan Immortal Army won't know..."

At this moment, the pointed-skull old man stroked his beard and smiled: "Don't you realize that this space is blocked? The soul is blocked, and all communications cannot be transmitted? And after you die, your soul breath will be swallowed up. No traces will be left, even the great Supreme One will not be able to find any traces, unless a greater immortal takes action, but will the immortal take action for you?" (To be continued...)


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