A Queen

Chapter 1,245 Skin-Eating Lizard

Chapter 1245

"It's a Skin-Eating Lizard! You have a Skin-Eating Lizard!" The captain of the Immortal Army shouted sternly, his voice still loud, but trembling faintly.

Or maybe it's because of fear.

At this moment, everyone present was shocked and desperate!

The Skin-devouring Lizard is a very rare thing, but it is not a spiritual beast that is mainly targeted at killing, but a spiritual species with special talents. As for its effects, you can refer to what the old man in the cave said before.

It can be said that with the Skin Devouring Lizard, this pointed skeleton can completely escape after slaughtering the entire ancient dragon boat and looting it, and it is impossible for the Taiyan Immortal Army or the forces behind the people on the boat to find out who did it.

This is the reason why the other party is so unscrupulous. Of course, I have to say that the other party is also a lawless and ruthless master, and he is very courageous! Most of the passengers on an ancient dragon boat were wealthy, had a good background, and carried a huge amount of wealth. People like Dai Li were among the poor.

This act is worth hundreds of years of ordinary calamity! No wonder the Skull Pirates are so crazy

Now that they have Skink, they have nothing to worry about

"Haha, young men, go ahead and kill these nobles who are usually superior!"

"Kill them!"


As if they were demonized, these pirates accelerated their killing like crazy. Duan Ze and Chun Shisanniang could only curse in secret and then look at each other.


They all shot at the old man with the pointed skull! But the old man also forced four fusion masters behind him!

Upon seeing this, Gong Zangxue sacrificed his divine bow!

One arrow penetrated the space, Peng! One of the defensive armors in the combined stage was broken!

The sharp skull's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he laughed: "Ha, what a great bow, it's mine!"

But just then. Suddenly some pirates screamed.

It's too dense, this scream.

Many people looked over subconsciously.

Five hundred thousand dragon scale flying swords,

Rotating at the peak speed of a first-level emperor, the Thousand Machine Sword Network formed by the cutting force!

Those below the imperial level are like killing ants, killing them all!

Whether it is the peak of the king level or the ultimate king level, they are all like tofu. Once they are involved, they will be cut into minced meat.

The sight was terrifying. And there seemed to be a figure in the sword net.

"Damn it. He's the pinnacle swordsman!"

"Could it be Kendo Xiao Qianjian?"

It is said that such a group killing technique is very rogue and invincible, and even the combined stage or the Mahayana stage may not be able to afford it.

So far, no one, including Chun Shisanniang and other well-informed little giants, has seen such a move.


The soul ability is not good! Neither the total amount of souls nor the control ability can be tolerated by ordinary people.

Most top swordsmen can control thousands of physical flying swords without distraction. One mind can be used for all purposes, but Dai Li is so outrageous and completely unscientific!

The rogue sword network slaughtered wildly, killing thirty to forty thousand pirates in the blink of an eye. It provoked the pirates so much that they had to force them back again and again.

too strong! This group of sword-killing nets!

"Who is the strong man inside!"

"I don't know, he must be at the peak of the emperor level! Otherwise, how can he control such a huge sword net!"

Although the peak of the emperor level is strong. But it is still a bit difficult to kill a large group of kings like killing chickens, because they can run and escape, unless you have a large-scale blockade group killing method. Only then can you kill the group instantly.

However, it is difficult to learn this kind of mass killing technique well. I don't understand it well enough, and I can't learn the existing secret techniques. Therefore, strong people may not necessarily be able to kill in groups.

Regardless of the horror of others, ten emperors on the pirate side have forced their way into the sword net. Trying to directly kill Dai Li who was controlling the sword net!

And after they penetrated, Dai Li's fingertips in the deep core clicked, clatter! The huge sword net that originally rotated as a sphere suddenly twisted and opened up, turning into a diamond-shaped sword array that spiraled and crisscrossed, blocking ten emperors, like ten small square arrays.

Someone finally saw Dai Li's true appearance, but the reaction in the next second was,

What does she want to do!


Clone out!

With the shadow of Xuan'ao extraordinary level and the shadow of martial arts, he was in front of a first-level emperor level in an instant.

Point your finger to the center of your eyebrow.

Taishan Thunder Zhenzhi!

fall from the sky!

On the other side, the main body took out a sword, bang!

Just kill one!

The speed was too fast, two emperors died in two squares, and before everyone could blink, the emperors in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth squares were also dead!

The six weakest ones are dead!

In the blink of an eye, six died! It's just a breathing time, just one finger and one sword!

"Damn! This person is very strong!"

The remaining four emperors were horrified and all sacrificed their clones.


When the thunder clone points out a finger with one hand and presses the thunder formation with the other hand, the four mysteries of the four-way thunder wheel enter the body!

Shadow, paralysis, death, evil!

All four mysteries are at the extraordinary level!


A person and his clone were killed instantly!

The other person was the strongest and turned around in horror~~


The eyebrows are a little red.

The corpse softened and was immediately put away. Dai Li turned around, held the sword in his backhand, and swiped his finger. The Thousand Machine Sword Net whirling around him quickly moved over. Wherever he moved, corpses were everywhere? , no body! It’s all bloody foam!


"Run away!"

The pirates were scared to death, and even the other emperors were so frightened that they wished they could grow ten pairs of wings and escape!

"What a powerful first level emperor"

“Really awesome”

There are also people who have not done anything on the ancient dragon ship. They are probably some servants, ladies or children's family members. There are also some gentle young people, such as those college disciples. With their strength, if they go up there, they will simply be killed, and their life and death will not be the same. After the results of the fierce battle above.

And looking at such a fierce battle, the tragically beautiful beauty was obviously a highlight, and no one could overshadow her brilliance.

Five hundred thousand flying swords, each sword has an emperor level, and two or three breaths are ten first-level emperor levels!

——Too cruel!

I have never seen such extreme lethality, invincible at the same level, unparalleled under my command!

"Uh. That woman is not from before."

Several students from Hidden Dragon Academy are Spartans! The expression was horrified, and on the other side, their teacher also turned pale in astonishment.

He is also an emperor, a first-level emperor. The opponent wants to kill him like a dog?

Suddenly, he broke out in cold sweat, and another kind of malice arose.

Let this woman be killed by the pirates, or I will be the one to suffer!

"It's her!" Zhao Zhengcheng, who was not far away, was equally astonished.

"Why. Do you recognize this strong man?"

"Um. She is the one I mentioned who was bullied by the people from Hidden Dragon Academy."


You are joking?

People below were amazed, but the fighting in the sky had become fierce, and corpses were falling crazily. However, the pirates fell significantly faster than the fairy army!

Firstly, the quality of the fairy army is definitely not comparable to these pirates, and secondly, someone's sword net is really too abnormal!

It may be useless for peak combat, but it can massacre other combat forces.

"Kill that woman!" Jian Shou Ling gave an order!

Then hundreds of emperors escaped from the fierce battle, and the dynasty came to kill!

"It's finally here, but it's too late!" Dai Li suddenly smiled at Jian Skull and these pirate emperors.

A charming smile. Then~~

Buzz~~A huge pure-blood king statue appears! A huge Eye of Reincarnation appeared between the eyebrows and swept across.


The space originally covered by various attack streams was suddenly swept away like dust. become transparent

Transparent, transparent?

Everyone saw a patch of sky on the west side swept away by the pupil light, annihilating the cover, revealing a large group of lizards inside!

"It's the Skink!!!"

Everyone in the Immortal Army stared wide-eyed. The second reaction is to attack crazily!

The pointed skull changed its expression, "No!!!"

He had to stop the immortal army's attack at all costs!


The Eye of Reincarnation that Daili sacrificed has swept across the group of lizards.

The sorrow of reincarnation

The pirates who were swept away all weakened in an instant and died!

Mass killing!

No wonder she didn't use the exit pupil technique before. He just accidentally killed the enemy and went deep into the place where the Skin-eating Lizard was, and took the opportunity to take action when the skeleton didn't pay much attention to it...

One fatal move!

"It's really cruel." Gong Zangxue curled his lips. There was a smile in his eyes.

Well done.

"It's a pupil magician...so powerful"

"I bet a load of cucumbers that she must be of very noble birth."

This is no nonsense!

With such a look and such a temperament, could he be from a silk mother?

Among the people on these boats, a young man stood inside, his eyes flickering, his hands clenched into fists, "If I also have such strength and talent, if I also have..."

Not far away, the young man sitting on the chair glanced at him lightly, then turned his face and looked at the sky.

There was a middle-aged man behind him, his lower lip moved, as if he was saying something.

The young man listened, looked up at the sky, and seemed to be thinking... Suddenly he raised his hand and waved it slightly to signal that he didn't want to.


With a wave of her hand, Dai Li put away all the lizard corpses. She turned around and smiled at the pirates: "Pirates, now you can consider packing up and leaving! Or continue to fight, kill as many as you can, and then leave. ! But one step later, you will face pursuit from all sides... Maybe your faces have been burned and then sent out... I don't mind using my pupil technique to burn your soul breath to help others."

Threat, naked threat!

He spoke slowly. He was dressed in pure black, with fluttering red robes. His tall and tall figure was thin and standing alone, with a faint smile on his face. He had everything under control, and his strategizing aura was unmistakable. Duan Ze suddenly Only then did he realize that he had still underestimated this new talent in the Demon Palace.

Cultivating evil talents? This is clearly the talent of a commanding leader!

Xiao Bai and others finally smiled bitterly, this is the gap.

Incomparable, so incomparable!

All the pirates' expressions changed and they became panicked.

The Taiyan Immortal Army’s pursuit? The chase in the Demon Palace? Many big nobles join forces to hunt down?

What the heck, their soul aura has been burned into them. This makes it difficult for them to move forward. Unless they are permanently exiled in a no-man's land, they will be wanted as soon as they enter the city!

Desperate, so desperate! (To be continued)

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