A Queen

Chapter 1,246 Invincible at the same level, an illusion?

Chapter 1246


Run away!

Suddenly one hundred thousand pirates fled desperately!

While there is still a chance that my soul aura has not been recorded...

Jian Gu did not expect that in the blink of an eye, everything about him would be reversed by a woman who was very weak in his eyes!

Pupil Master, there is such a powerful Pupil Master hidden on this ancient dragon boat!

"Damn it!"

The sharp skull just wanted to take action...

Chun Shisanniang and Duan Ze were so comfortable that they threatened them!

The momentum is great!

The same goes for the Immortal Army! Because the pirates' momentum has been lost! Then their momentum will naturally win!


The sharp skull was surrounded and dealt with, but Dai Li still welcomed a hundred emperors in front of him!

Well, these people are the superior strength of the pirate group. They still hate the generation that destroyed everything, and now they are coming to kill them en masse!

So many emperors! However, Dai Li discovered that there were only a few of them at the second level, and Gong Zangxue was indeed right. There was a huge gap among the emperors. Although there were many at the first level, very few broke through to the second level, and even fewer were at the third level. The pyramid was sharply reduced.

But these more than a hundred emperors are also terrifying.


A large group of attacking groups flew towards me. At first glance, they looked like countless beams of rainbow streamers...

Dye the sky into brilliant purples and reds.

Dai Li was suddenly startled, staring at the lights in front of him...

In a state of confusion, boom boom boom!

Got hit directly!


Directly hit thousands of meters away,

The attack hit space and created a hole in space!

I originally thought that Dai Li could avoid Duan Ze and others, and their faces turned green!

what happened!

How could she not escape!

With the combination of pupil skills and speed, even the second level emperor can't do anything to her! Why can't you avoid it?

The shock lasted only a moment...


The light suddenly became distorted as it was swallowed up!


The light was blown away!

Dai Li grabbed the edge of the crack behind him. There was a faint drop of blood at the corner of his mouth, but his face was calm.

She's not dead! Not dead! And it was only a minor injury! ! !

Those are huge thunder-light blood sword wings unfolded, full of metal texture, but full of blood and raging

The enchanting coldness and the raging dragon pattern of thunder are both stunning and scary.

Amazing is the intuitive reaction, scary is seeing it block the joint attack of hundreds of emperors.

That is the ultimate in imperial defense at the same level!

It's like a myth!

The sword wings were swishing and turning slowly. It’s like a myth is circulating. Hundreds of emperors were frightened.

How to fight this?


She suddenly sacrificed her clone.

Another clone!

Didn’t that clone’s duration just expire?

Why did it appear again after a while!

Before he could react, the clone had already raised his hand, pointing his index finger at the hundred emperors. There is an inexplicable smell...

horrible. Very scary!

"Not good!" Someone was sensitive, and when he reacted, his body was about to fly...


There is already light at the fingertips.

The colorful light comes from the majestic power of life. To annihilate life.

It was a colorful dragon.

The second finger is a colorful red dragon.

The wood type thunder dragon was sacrificed with one hundred thousand thunder yuan.

There are countless flowers on it. Grass, flowers are flying and dancing, and grass is growing. shuttle..

Puff puff!

Each and every emperor was covered, swallowed, and pierced! Rhizome insertion. Absorb life force~~

In a moment, twenty emperors turned into powder. In addition, the emperor of the blockbuster was seriously injured!

Hum, before I can escape, the main body's eye of reincarnation sweeps across again...

Phew, twenty more emperors...


"Her group attack is so powerful! She's crazy, Lei Xiu still resorts to group attack!"

"Quickly separate!"

The remaining sixty emperors quickly separated, stretched the front, and attacked irregularly!

He has a lot of experience. To deal with a pervert like Dai Li who is very good at pupil skills and group killings, the only thing he can do is fight and assassinate!

A frontal attack that is too tidy is courting death!

Whoosh, whoosh, one by one, the emperors hid their figures. Daili stood on the same spot, with wings behind his back, Thousand Machine Sword Net around him, and a statue of a pure-blood king above his head. He faced sixty first-level emperors who had switched to assassination attack mode. class!

Pressure, yes! Not small!

Daili suppressed all contempt and quietly...

Just three breaths.


A sword stabbed her from behind!

Big Hundred Swords!

This emperor knows how to wield a hundred swords!

With a swipe, he turned his wrist, and Dai Li stabbed the back with his backhand!

From bottom to top...pierce the opponent's heart, but he sideways the opponent's sword, swipes his wrist, and tears it apart! The sword blade cut across his heart and cut out his shoulder. With a kick, the body was kicked away. The sword did not retreat and moved forward!

Central Plains is a little red!


Kill another one!

He tilted his neck, and a pair of crossed daggers cut across his neck... When he put his hands together, the long sword turned into a pair of daggers, clanging!


Face to face, push hard!


This man was knocked away!

A flick of the arm!

A dagger flew out and hit the center of the eyebrow!

The other dagger is everything!

Cut throat!

Dragon Claw punches out again!

Martial Arts Kill!

Big Hundred Sword? Perfect mystery? Top swordsmanship? Frost?

When a person's speed, physique, strength and even the soul's capital in all aspects reach a peak, all the excellence of others will be scum!

Defense, you can't break it!

Speed, you can't catch up!

You can't bear the power!

Soul, you can't bear it!

Are you afraid of my thunder spell group attack and eye spell? Divide assassination?

Dai Li wanted to spit blood on these idiots. As a noble and senior top vampire, what I am best at is assassination and fighting alone, okay?

I really thought that my thunder technique could only be used in group attacks, and my pupil technique could only be used in group attacks, right?

I know pupil magic, pupil magic can see through the eyes... it can see your naked body, oh, no. It depends on your location!

Swordsmanship, eye skills, martial arts, all kinds of changes can be seen in one second!

So, in just twenty seconds, someone performed a peak killing technique for everyone in the audience! !

Thousands of swordsmanship are performed in turn, thousands of swords are ever-changing, killing at various distances. The clone's speed is invincible. Point one at a time on the periphery!

How fast is it? One body and one clone can drag out hundreds of remaining afterimages in a few seconds.

No less than twenty emperors were attacked, assassinated or counter-killed... and they were all killed in one blow.

okay. Stop fighting, I quit!

There were a few emperors who didn't dare to take action at all, and directly exposed their bodies without waiting for Dai Li to expose their hiding. Want to escape.

It's so fucking painful, this guy is simply invincible. There are no weaknesses in all aspects, so how can we fight!

And just when several emperors automatically showed their true bodies and wanted to escape, and Dai Li caught up with them...a sword pierced out of the space and aimed at her temple! Less than one decimeter away! On the tip of the sword is condensed the extraordinary level of stabbing sword intent!

and. Or Kendo Xiao Qian Jian...

Critical hit!

A critical attack from Eleven Thousand Counties!

Second level emperor~~~


Clang! This sword pierced the raised sword wing on Dai Li's left side!

The sword feather was directly pierced, broken, and the sword was inserted. Heading towards the temple.

What is the difference between the second level emperor level and the first level? A hundred combined first-level attacks can be blocked by this sword wing. But a second level emperor sword can pierce through.

This is the difference in attack strength.

This is also due to the powerful swordsmanship of the second level emperor.

When the sword pierced the sword wing, the person was already flying away from Dai Li's feet... The swordsman also followed the trend and came to kill him.

"You can't hide, just die!!!"

The sword is like flowing light, piercing...


With a sweep of the Eye of Reincarnation, the swordsman's soul swayed, but he was just dizzy for a moment. He was not seriously injured or dead at all!

He has a soul defense magic weapon!

Damn it!

The people in the Demon Palace were anxious, but~~

100,000 blood can explode!

Crazy, evil, in a state of control!


The sword wings suddenly rotated... The sword feathers were like swords!



In that dazed moment, the sword had been blocked!

And the moment he came to his senses.

Daili's sword has been thrust up!

not good!

This person was really strong and extremely sensitive. When he felt that Dai Liban's blood energy had suddenly increased a lot, he was greatly surprised and shot back!

A well-founded approach and retreat is the standard of a top swordsman!

However, Dai Li raised a sword, and the tip of the sword was pointed at his eyebrows. He had escaped ten thousand meters, but...

Buzz~~ A blood line shot out from the tip of the sword, hazy but direct, passing through the sky, thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.


The man's head suddenly exploded.

Everyone present was stunned, and so was the pointed skull.


"Fengjian is dead!"

"Lord Feng Jian was killed!"

If one hundred first-level emperors were killed by her, then the death of one second-level primary emperor seemed to mean that her danger had been elevated to a new level.

Continue the myth of invincibility at the same level?

The second level emperor looked disdainful, but no one dared to step forward.

Again, the defense is too strong, the speed is too fast, the soul is too weird, the overall difficulty level is too high, and it is too difficult to kill!

Unless you are in the triple emperor level or in the combined stage!

The problem is that none of them can escape!

Qie Feng Jian's death frightened many emperors, not to mention those below. When the Eye of Reincarnation glanced over Dai Li's head, birds and beasts suddenly dispersed...


"The boss..." In fact, a fusion couldn't bear it anymore. The situation was absolutely unfavorable. If they were forced to stay, what benefits would they gain?

"Damn it!" The old man with the pointed skull was unwilling to give up and gritted his teeth. He could imagine that if they ran away this time, they would be finished. There would never be another pirate group with the pointed skull in the future. This was a huge blow to him.

Gloomy glanced at Daili and said, "Let's go!"

After several fusion periods, he turned around and flew away. Upon seeing this, the other pirates immediately followed him, running faster than when they came!

As soon as the pirates left, the people in the ancient dragon boat breathed a sigh of relief. The family members and weak people on the boat were all weak and unsteady.

Dai Li stood in the sky and looked into the distance, her brows slightly pressed, she felt a little strange...

"What's wrong?" Gong Zangxue and others returned and asked when they saw that Dai Li's expression was not right.

"It's nothing, maybe it's my misunderstanding." Dai Li looked back, smiled at Gong Zangxue and the others, then sheathed Qian Ji and ran to collect the corpses happily...

The people in the Demon Palace had originally prepared a lot of words of praise and admiration, but when they saw what this man did... (To be continued)


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