A Queen

Chapter 1,247 Make a fortune!

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Chapter 1247

What about the goddess master style you promised? Why are you collecting the corpses? Are you as virtuous as Lou Lanting in Nanlin?

Although they slandered, everyone in the Demon Palace was smiling, especially the senior management. Chun Shisanniang had already made it very clear and said to Gong Zangxue: "I think the wisest thing in my life is to join hands with her to open a brothel." !”


Can you shut up?

After the aftermath paused, on the deck, the people from the Immortal Army came over and thanked the people from the Demon Palace. Naturally, the people from the Demon Palace made a diplomatic move, and then the captain of the Immortal Army looked at Dai Li and gestured with his hands: " Girl, you are amazing, thanks to you this time.”

Daili's reaction was: "Can I get a free ferry ticket?"

The members of the Immortal Army were stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Okay, you can avoid it... But, girl, would you consider joining our Taiyan Immortal Army? With your talent, you can be sent directly to our headquarters. Even if you are valued by the Supreme, it is not impossible to be accepted as his disciple..."

Before Dai Li could answer, the senior officials of the Demon Palace, who had just been friendly and diplomatic, rolled their eyes, "Hey, you are poaching in front of our Demon Palace, couldn't you see that such an outstanding person is our Demon Palace?" From the palace?"

Forehead? The people from the Immortal Army reacted now, but they also smiled: "That depends on personal wishes. Is this really from your Demon Palace? She doesn't have the mark of the Third Palace on her body..."

"Of course not, because he is a genius who has just entered the family..." Duan Ze smiled meaningfully. The people in the Xian Army were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Dai Li suspiciously. After a while, they were frightened and subconsciously asked: "Girl, You have to be old..."

"A woman's age is a secret." Dai Li glanced at the captain faintly. Then turn around...

As soon as she turned around, she saw her original position not far away... The young man was still sitting, seemingly unchanged. He was also looking at her at the moment, and he raised his glass to signal her.

What a strange person...and too dangerous.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned his gaze quietly, but was stunned for a moment.

That person is.

A young man leaning on the boat in the corner. Didn't she meet him under that restaurant?

Why are you here?


Dai Li felt more and more that this journey was a bit sinister, so he turned around and asked, "How long until we reach the Demon Realm?"

"It's almost here, it will be there in ten days."

Ten days...


Dai Li nodded. Then he went to talk to Gong Zangxue and others.

That night, Dai Li was counting the loot in his room. In this kind of battle, personal gains do not need to be turned over. The Xianjun doesn't care about you, not to mention that the people in the Xianjun now see Dai Li's attitude. No matter who sees her, Miss Jun is very polite and friendly. Some of the more cheerful ones just call her "Goddess Jun"...

This moment made the top management of the Demon Palace very nervous. They always felt that the treasure they had dug was about to be poached away again...

Sure enough, it is still a face-swiping world~~ Dai Li sighed. Then she counted the loot. Half an hour later, she threw a mountain of treasure directly to Li Qing and others in Xiuli Qiankun. The rest is one billion spiritual crystals.

In total, she holds more than a thousand corpse storage rings, many and some few. The assets of the king level are less than one million, but the gap between the emperor level is huge. There is one richest person with 100 million spiritual crystals. It should be the Wind Sword. The total of one billion spiritual crystals is not too terrible. .

"Jie Jie, if the Xie Kun family knew that some of the pirate groups in Sifang World have more wealth than their family, they would probably vomit blood... They only have a total assets of 5.6 billion... Oh, that's not right!"

Dai Li suddenly came to his senses, damn, she seemed to have been stupid for once!

"The overall wealth of these two families shouldn't be in the treasure cave. It should be..." Dai Li waved his hand and immediately picked out two corpses from a large number of corpses in the storage ring. They were Xie Yan's followers. The corpse of the strong man in the integration stage of the Wang clan was killed by the strong man from Penglai.

She coveted their essence and blood during the integration period, so she took the opportunity to put it away... There were many things going on at the time, so she forgot that these two people also had storage rings.

"I want to see how much assets you have." Dai Li was so poor that he immediately picked up the dead man's ring and took it off to have a look.

The storage ring of the powerful Wind King fusion indeed contains a lot of assets.

"Jie Jie, two billion spiritual crystals! The assets during the integration period are really huge, but the Wind Sword only has 100 million spiritual crystals. It's not very rich in this integration period... The Wind King clan is really stingy."

Dai Li spurns the Feng King clan all the time.

"Look at Xie Yan's...I estimate it's one billion. After all, we're not in Sifang World, so it should be..."

Dai Li was stunned.

He looked at Xie Yan's storage ring in disbelief.

"Just ten million?"


After a long silence, Dai Li immediately used the Eye of Reincarnation to scan Xie Yan's body, and suddenly sneered: "This person is really... disgusting."

The real treasure storage device turned out to be the socks he was wearing!

So talented!

Dai Li used his blood power to control his bloody hands, took off this guy's socks, and then directly broke through the socks' defense...


Two rings drop.

Dai Li rolled his eyes and opened the ring. One was for hiding treasures. There were a lot of them, but the quality was not high. After all, they were from Fenchuan. The other one was from Fenchuan.

"Three billion spiritual crystals, this guy is really good at hiding them, Grandet."

While complaining, Dai Li pocketed the six billion spiritual crystals, and then hastily classified the other loot, throwing aside the unnecessary ones for Li Qing and the others to use, and putting away the others that might be useful.

As a result, she found that except for the two Spirit Sealing Cards, there was nothing else she could use.

Well, she is so unlike a cultivator. She doesn’t need equipment, doesn’t take pills, and doesn’t buy techniques... eh~~

Fortunately, there were five thousand-year-old spirit turtles in the Spirit-Sealing Tablets of the two combined stages, which was undoubtedly a big help to Dai Li who had long been impatient with Yunhu's spiritual power output, so she was very happy to have the five thousand-year-old spirit turtles extradited to her at the price. It's just...

"Hey, I'm so energetic"

Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then used his clone to sense the pulse of energy in his dantian.

He looked at the clone. Dai Li handed over the Spirit-Sealing Tablet, and the clone took it, and then sucked the Spirit-Sealing Tablet into his belly...

All the spirit beasts, including the five thousand-year-old spirit turtles, were all swallowed up by the spirit!

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge surge of energy.

After constant digestion...

One hundred thousand clouds turned into 120,000 clouds.

After Dai Li was stunned, he began to think deeply.

She seems to have very little understanding and use of these souls.


Ten days passed by in a flash, and Xiao Bai knocked on Daili's door and told her that the neutral zone of the Demonic Domain was coming.

Dai Li followed Xiao Bai to the deck. Along the way, many people paid attention to Dai Li and were polite and grateful. But few people dared to come forward to say thank you. The main reason is that Miss Jun's aura is too strong and her beauty is too hurtful, giving people a cold and glamorous feeling...

There are already a lot of people at this moment. Although many people died, there were still millions of people on the deck looking into the distance.

It is a vast and majestic territory, and it is powerful. Dangerous, full of opportunities!

this. It's the Demon Realm.

"Well, the Demon Realm looks like this!"

Dai Li, who was standing in front of the railing, was surprised and looked at the beautiful land in front of him, a little unresponsive.

"Otherwise, what do you think?"

"It shouldn't be corpses everywhere. People are generally ugly. There are no flowers or grass, birds don't poop, and it's pitch black everywhere. You need to carry a lantern when you walk... Is that like that..."

Everyone in the Demon Palace looked at Dai Li silently...with serious expressions.

Gong Zangxue sneered: "You are thinking too much...but since you think so, why do you still come?"

At that time, she was not happy for this lunatic to come to the Demon Palace!

What a disaster!

Someone who had various dislikes in the Demon Realm flipped up his short hair. Calm and composed: "Life is as lonely as snow, so I choose to light up your world."

All quiet.

Only Chun Shisanniang pinched the orchid finger and smiled happily, hugging Dai Li's waist, tender as water: "It's the same as my concubine~~ I have been working hard these years to light up the world of these people in the Demon Palace~~"

The people in the Demon Palace silently vomited blood and became blind!

"Being too good is also a disease, it needs to be cured..." Bai Jin quietly added.

"It's no use, I'm already terminally ill and there's no cure."


Bai Jin is also blind.


The ancient dragon boat finally descended...

Below is a huge airport, uh, no, a neutral seaport. Different from the neutral zone on the North Sea, the neutral zone here is obviously close to the sea, forming a huge seaport with cool sea breeze.

It also sets off the beautiful mountains and forests more and more.

That's why Dai Li was scared just now. Is this the devil's realm? Why is it more beautiful than Fenchuan!

And Dai Daili looked down, watching the ancient dragon boat slowly falling into an empty space in the harbor, and seeing the crowd of heads below...

Suddenly I heard someone exclaim: "Look, what is that?"

A flying boat quickly approached their ancient dragon boat. It was a flying boat that was even more luxurious than the ancient dragon boat, but it was not as big as the ancient dragon boat.

The flying boat came directly to the side of the ancient dragon boat and stopped five meters away.

The distance is already very close, and it seems to be approaching.

The Xianjun expressed their annoyance at this. Is there another one who wants to rob?

Probably not, this is such a neutral zone!

Not only the eyes of the people on the ancient dragon boat were glaring, but also the people who were walking in the square were also curious. The immortal army stationed here rushed in instantly, and they looked at this flying boat with majesty, as if it was coming from an unkind person.

One of the division commanders has already arrived in front of the airship.

When he took a closer look at the flying boat, the commander's expression became slightly unnatural.

This is..

When the people on the ancient dragon boat were surprised and others were confused, someone came out of the flying boat, a man dressed as a servant, followed by eighteen graceful and beautiful women. Those women were holding a large hanging ice piece with a diameter of ten meters. The ice in the pool is dark blue, the faint ice water swims like fish, and the cold air twists like flames. There are beautiful and evil flowers in the pool, which are in full bloom. (To be continued)


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