A Queen

Chapter 1,248 Blood Hell Demon Luo

Chapter 1248

The color is as red as blood, it blooms coquettishly and boldly, but is also subtly restrained and suppressed, like fire in the ice.

This is a beautiful scenery that astonishes everyone in the Neutral Zone Square. It is magical and pure.

"Ah, the Blood Hell Demon Luo, or the Blood Hell Demon Luo connected to the Ice Flame Pond, who is so generous?" Chun Shisanniang was surprised. The other people who had recognized her were not only surprised, but simply frightened.

"It is indeed very beautiful..." Dai Li looked at the Blood Hell Demon Luo, "It also looks very unusual. The aura is scary and rare?"

"Nonsense! This is fairy planting. Legend has it that demon seeds can only be born in the most spiritual place in the world, and they are cultivated by immortals for thousands of years to germinate, grow for thousands of years, and bloom for another thousand years. From then on, as long as the person cultivating the spirit will not If it falls, it will always be charming and unrequited, it is a demon."

Chun Shisanniang seemed to be very emotional indeed, and added: "But this thing is also very strange. If it does not recognize its owner, it is very fragile. As long as it leaves the person who nurtured it, it will fall in a short time, unless it is Only with a treasure like the Ice Flame Pond can one cultivate vitality, but it will definitely not last more than half a month, and legend has it that only the Blood Prison and Siam can have demons..."

Dai Li understood that there were only two possibilities. One, this airship would bring Yao Luo here from the Blood Prison or Siam within half a month.

Second, there are immortals on the flying boat.

No matter which possibility it is, it is very unlikely.

That's why people like Chun Shisanniang are so frightened.

"Siam seems to be far away from the Demon Realm. Even the ancient dragon boat has to fly for nearly ten years, let alone the Blood Prison. I would rather believe that there are immortals on that boat, but I don't know who is so rich. He actually gave away the demon Luo. ..”

"How do you know it's a gift?"

"Nonsense, if you don't tell me, no one has recognized the owner of this thing, otherwise it would not have been entrusted by those eighteen emperor-level separated bodies. Without recognizing the owner, it was sent all the way, obviously it was for someone on our ship. .." Dai Li said lazily, then paused. "That ship..."

"Xianzhou" Chun Shisanniang smiled lowly.

"Immortal boat? Immortal weapon?" Dai Li asked.

"Hmm. Otherwise, why do you think it was sent from Siam to the Demon Realm in half a month? There are no immortals on the ship, otherwise everyone here would have to kneel down."

"I'm more curious about who was given such a noble flower..."

The male servant and the eighteen-year-old beauty had already arrived in front of the ancient dragon boat.

Because he recognized what level of treasure this demon Luo was. They were also worried about the opponent's momentum. Everyone present could imagine the huge background of the opponent, so no one said anything, even the fairy army.

Until the male servant asked: "I wonder who is Miss Jun?"

Jun... girl?

The people on the boat didn’t know how many times they heard Miss Jun in the past few days. Miss Jun, please listen now. They all looked in the same direction!

That place was a group of people in the Demon Palace. A certain Miss Jun was leaning against the railing in a casual posture, with her back to everyone. She beamed at Chun Shisanniang, Gong Zangxue and others: "My fair lady. Gentlemen are so kind. This You are right, but how do you know the other person is not sending a man... These days, true love is invincible..."

Then she got hit in the head by "True Love."


It was a very solemn scene. After Dai Li repeated the sentence, he was sure that he had heard correctly from the strange expressions of Gong Zangxue and others. Turning around, he saw the manservant and the eighteen-year-old beauty already on his shoulders.

When the male servant saw Dai Li's face, he showed an expression like this, no wonder he was like this, and then said respectfully: "Miss Jun, are you Jun Zili?"


Dai Li looked at the other party suspiciously. She, who always prided herself on her invincible reflexes, also had a bit of a Spartan mood.

"But I think there is probably another gentleman on this boat...or maybe you are on the wrong boat."

The manservant smiled slightly and said, "I don't think so."

Then he turned sideways and bent his waist slightly, making way for Dai Li.

A young man, leaning on a cane, walked slowly, unhurriedly, and the sound of the cane tapping on the ship's deck was very clear.

When I walked over, no one dared to stop me. Most of them just gave way obediently or unconsciously.

I have never thought that a person's nobility can reach this level, making people unnaturally surrender to their dignity.

Until he walked two meters away from Dai Li.

Smiling at her: "I think it's worthy of a girl, so I asked someone to bring it here... I hope you like it."

Can this sentence be understood in this way? ——It is enough to match you, just like me.

It, Blood Hell Demon Luo, who am I?

Most of the female cultivators in the audience were drunk, and so were the male cultivators. Is this something done by rich people? It’s clearly something only wealthy gods can do!

Speaking of which, being admired by others is not just a matter of one or two people. As early as 500 years ago on Earth, people chasing her could circle around England. Now in this world, there are very few people chasing her. She is probably too prolific in killing people. Because of this, she has become accustomed to the days of being admired but not confessed, but!

The first time I was confessed to was by a man I had only met once and whose name I didn’t even know. He gave me a pool of flowers that could only be grown by the legendary super overlord who traveled thousands of miles with an immortal weapon and had eighteen beauties holding them. Son..

This jump was too big. Even if someone was so nervous, she would be slow for three seconds. However, three seconds later, she raised her eyebrows and smiled: "I don't know who you are, but the flowers are nice. I'll accept your kindness." ...It’s just that I would rather you give me these eighteen beauties instead of such expensive beauties.”

The eighteen beauties were stunned when they heard this, and some of them looked at the young man in embarrassment and fear...

The young man was surprised when he heard the thank you, but he gently touched the cane's faucet with his finger and smiled: "If you like, you can take it away too."

take? There seems to be no difference between people and flowers for him.

Dai Li glanced at him and said, "It's hard to deny kindness, but it's even harder to repay it. I don't like to owe people."

"My fair lady, a gentleman likes to be generous. I want something, so the girl doesn't have to bear the burden."

Even if Dai Li deliberately ignores it, others can only be sure that the other party is so direct.

This is a matter between gentlemen and ladies.


The people in the Demon Palace silently swallowed another mouthful of blood.

Young Master, have you ever seen her dress up as a man and woman to tease young men and beautiful women?

Dai Li said lightly: "I seem to have said before that I am not a lady, so... a gentleman should not ask for anything."

She didn't want to get her hands dirty with such a complicated person.

The young man finally stopped talking and just looked at her with a smile, and Dai Li also noticed that the Yao Luo dragged by the eighteen beautiful women behind him... began to dim.

The manservant said sternly: "The demon has begun to decline...it can last for five days. If we want to send it back to Siam, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Yes, it's too late.

So the young man smiled, frowned, and looked at him: "What's your name?"

"Yin Shang"

"I remember." Dai Li walked over, and a drop of blood fell into the demon pond...for a moment. The entire Yaoluo Ice Flame Pool was put away. She looked at Yin Shang with tears in her eyes.

"Yin Shang, I owe you a pool of demons."


Dai Li accepted Yao Luo. Ignoring the looks of others, he followed the group of people from the Demon Palace. At this moment, the people in the Demon Palace didn't talk much and never mentioned what happened before. Gong Zangxue glanced at her and asked, "How do you feel?"


Someone raised an eyebrow. He curled his lips and smiled evilly.

“I finally feel like a woman.”


Why do I feel so tired talking to this person...

And as soon as they left, Yin Shang also got off the ancient dragon boat. Under the gaze of others...

A crowd of people poured out of the harbor. He was so respectful that he bent down and watched the young man walking slowly with a cane.

That is overwhelming power, but also absolute indifference. From beginning to end, he never even glanced at these people.

After a while, a young man quickly shuttled through the huge harbor. He seemed a little absent-minded, not sure whether he was thinking about what happened before or was frightened by something...

He was afraid, so he went faster and faster...



A long sword appeared out of thin air and stabbed his leg from above, folding it to the ground, that is, nailing it to the ground. The young man endured the pain and looked forward... There was a leg on his back. , it was a middle-aged man, stepping on him with an expressionless face.

The cane clicked in the narrow alley.

He saw someone who terrified him to the core.

White clothes with silver patterns, silver cane...

She stopped in front of him, looked down at him, and said in a cold voice: "You ran so fast just after getting off the boat, but what's the rush?"

"Yin Shang, Yin Shang, you are Yin Shang of the Yin family..." The young man on the ground spat out this sentence through his teeth. Looking up from his angle, he could see the man who was on the ancient dragon boat without hesitation. The infatuated and elegant young man who spent a huge amount of money and manpower to please a woman, his expressionless face at the moment... those eyes were heart-stoppingly heart-rending.

Looking at him was like looking at a piece of dust.

"So you recognize me..."

"The Yin family of Siam, who in the world doesn't know..."

"Why don't you say that you are a descendant of the Huangfu family that was destroyed by the Yin family..."

Yin Shang tapped the ground with the head of his cane, his voice became colder and seemed to contain a touch of teasing.

"You know!!!" The young man couldn't believe it, "You knew me when we were on the Gulong boat~!!!"

After a flash of thought, he suddenly realized: "You arranged that man with the pointed skull too! In order to kill everyone! Including me!"

"You're not stupid..." Yin Shang raised his eyebrows and lowered his head slightly to look down at him. His tone was extremely unpleasant and frightening.

"It's a pity that something unexpected happened..."

"You didn't expect the people from the Demon Palace to show up... let alone that woman..." The young man was suddenly startled. If this was the case, why did Yin Shang treat that woman so well before...

"She was indeed an accident. If it hadn't been for her... you would have died long ago."

Yin Shang's face was indifferent, his back slowly straightened, and he just glanced at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded.

The young man seemed to sense it and roared angrily: "Yin Shang, you are cruel and ruthless. If you kill me, Huangfu, there will be retribution in the future!! You will definitely..."

Hiss~~~The middle-aged man behind him stepped hard.

In the blink of an eye, the body and soul are annihilated, leaving only the storage ring and belt. (To be continued)

ps: Ouch, this is the first time a wealthy CEO has confessed like this~~I finally feel that my daughter is a woman...


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