A Queen

Chapter 1,249 The Yin family of Siam, the Demon Palace and the Demon Palace!

Chapter 1249

The ring and belt flew away and fell into Yin Shang's hands.

"Huangfu's last person, about the secret of the Ancient Demon Suppressing Cave..." He only glanced at it and suddenly smiled.

"Looks like there are still some survivors."

As soon as he said this, the middle-aged man frowned: "Sir..."

"It doesn't matter..." Yin Shang put away the ring and belt: "If Huangfu's people are not stupid...then the Demon Suppressing Ancient Cave will not be able to hide for long..."

"That guy with the pointed skull..."


"Yes, after they escaped, our people followed them."

"Then kill him"

Just as he finished speaking, a dark figure flashed out from the left and knelt on the ground.

Shadow Charm Shasha's appearance cannot be clearly seen, and seems to be translucent.

"Sir, I have checked clearly. This is Miss Jun's information."

Yin Shang turned around and took the thin stack of paper. He didn't look at it here, but pressed it lightly with his palm and held it at his waist.



Seeing that Dai Li didn't seem to care about what happened before, Chun Shisanniang swayed on the magic palace treasure ship and smiled at Dai Li: "You can consider not saying anything, but you don't want to say anything. Everything will become gossip material for all of us here, and after entering the Demon Palace, more people will gossip!"

Dai Li glanced at her faintly: "What do you think if I say that I only saw him once on the boat?"

Chun Shisanniang was happy: "Then it will be more valuable for gossip."


Dai Li rolled his eyes and hummed: "That person is not simple."

"I see, I've given away all the demons, how can it be simple?" Dai Li didn't quite understand why Duan Ze, an old man, was so gossipy.

"The Yin family of Siam,

It should be this family..." Bai Jin is more sensible.

"Famous?" Dai Li asked back.

"The Yin family of Siam is the top nobleman of Siam. Well, it is a very ancient nobleman. This family has been around since the original period of the birth of Siam. Together with the Si and Jueluo families, they are called the three legs of Siam. Jade tripod means the three parties carve up the world..., but Yin Shang is rarely heard of. I don’t know what his status is in the Yin family."

Although it is not stated explicitly. But everyone felt that with his intimidating nobility and aura that made people surrender invisibly, he was at least a core disciple.

"She is a very naive person anyway, isn't she?" Chun Shisanniang was very happy to tease and tease Dai Li.

Daili also let her contact him generously. Leaning on the railing, he chuckled: "That's not what I said is simple... Believe it or not, when we were fighting with the bandits of Jian Skull, in the space mezzanine... there was a group of quite a few And there are very powerful people hiding.”

As soon as these words were said, Chun Shisanniang and others were stunned.

Although Daili is a casual person on weekdays. He talks a lot of nonsense, but he is never vague about this kind of thing. I don't even bother to lie.

Then, it is true.

If it is true, what is the purpose of this group of people's existence?

"Someone on the ship is being targeted... No wonder the bandits like the Skull dare to target the ancient dragon boat, as well as rare beasts like the Skin-eating Lizard. I'm afraid they were hired... and that group of people are the back-up. I just don’t know why but finally gave up.”

The people of the Demon Palace have always had no shortage of elite talents, let alone veterans like Chun Shisanniang. After thinking about it for a moment, it became clear, but it had nothing to do with their Demon Palace.

On the contrary, another thing is more important... something they didn't see during the integration period. Dai Li, an emperor, actually saw it.

This pupil skill talent is too terrifying.

"Since you know it's not easy, why do you still accept it? Do you like that Yaoluo so much?"

Fortunately, Gong Zangxue didn't directly ask Dai Li if he liked Yin Shang, otherwise the people in the Demon Palace would have had another target for gossip.

"I really like it...it would be a pity if it withered..." Dai Li said with a smile, paused, and then asked, "If I sell it, how much can it cost..."

Can't you be a little more serious and maintain your goddess image for a while?

Then Yin Shang must be blind!

"Let's talk about this later, our Demon Palace is about to arrive."

Daili Xunsheng looked around. Ahead, there were thousands of rivers like iron horses and glaciers, surrounded by the beautiful and clear Yuxiu landscape. The core was the majestic building complex... backed by a huge and towering black mountain.

There is no need to describe it. The temporary station in Fenchuan alone is so majestic and grand, not to mention this headquarters. When Chun Shisanniang asked Dai Li how he felt when he saw this magic palace, Dai Li's answer Is such that.

"Big, black, and tall!"

Big heels are natural, and Daili is even more curious about this black color.

All the buildings in the magic palace are pure black, black without any flaws.

Dark, brooding, domineering.

"The entire Demonic Palace is made of black hellstone, so of course it's dark."

"In the front is the Ice Demon River, in the middle is the Demon Plain, and in the back is the Demon Mountain... These are all within the scope of the Demon Palace."

"A river in front of the door, a front yard and a back garden?"

“That’s understandable”


Very good, Dai Li nodded, and then watched their flying boat fly towards the Demon Glacier. When passing there, two huge ice and snow towers suddenly appeared above the edge of the glacier.

"Who is coming?"

"Duan Ze" Duan Ze waved his hand, and his palm reflected a medium-sized light pattern in mid-air. You can understand it as a verification code. The magic soldier on the giant tower swiped the light pattern on his palm, which was a wave of his hand. : "Let go!"

Only then did Dai Li realize that there was actually a very strong defense system inside the glacier, which he thought was empty.

She quickly opened her eyes of reincarnation, and with a sweep, she saw that starting from the edge of the glacier, looking inward, there was a huge glacier tower standing every ten thousand meters, and between the towers, there were invisible The power of the formation, which is like transparent glass, can only be entered through the formation switch between the towers...

"The guards are so tight...is the entire Demon Glacier like this?"

"No, that's the case on the periphery and in the center of the glacier. The Demon Glacier is also where we, the Demon Palace people, experience and live. Look below."

Dai Li looked down and saw the dense glaciers and rivers below. Astonishingly, there are strange-shaped houses, very scattered, scattered here and there, and some are large in size...

"The residence of the members of the Demon Palace?"

"Hmm, only the recognized members of the Demon Palace can live in the Demon Glacier, and are called Glacier Demon Soldiers. And so on. The ones who live in the Demon Palace are the higher-level magicians, and the ones inside... .They are the core members who live directly in the Demon Palace. Most of them are people from the upper three palaces, as well as senior officials from the lower five palaces..."

There is a clear distinction between strong and weak, superiority and inferiority.

"What about the magic mountain?" Dai Li looked at the magic mountain behind the magic palace.

"The Magic Mountain... inhabited by either the strongest people in the Devil's Palace, or the most sinister and sinful people in the Devil's Palace."


Dai Li was talking to Chun Shiniang, and time passed quickly. Finally, we arrived at Feizhou Square on the left side of the Demon Palace.

This square is similar to the square in the neutral zone.

It was very big. Dai Li followed Gong Zangxue and others off the flying boat. It seemed like she was the only one who came to the Demon Palace for the first time.

People like Xiao Bai were brought here several times a long time ago. Most of them came to participate in public activities in the Demon Palace. The rest of the time they were mostly out of town.

And people like Duan Ze didn't just recruit Dai Li, an elite. In fact, they recruited many people. Even those people are not of a level that can be brought directly to the Demon Palace headquarters.

"If you are from Jingjing Yuan's level, it is certainly acceptable. The rest... are not qualified," Gong Zangxue said lightly. "There are quite a few good people who emerged from the Qishan assessment this time. However, most of them belong to a specific force, and some casual cultivators who do not belong are not very enthusiastic about the force."

"Didn't those Wanqi Jianhan get any of them?" Dai Li's expression and eyes expressed one meaning.

——You are so shameless!

Duan Ze and others thought that they were no match for her, so they did not say anything and led Dai Li directly to a palace in the Demon Palace.

Dai Li looked at the plaque and said Shachuan.

"You are the one who kills the Sichuan Palace. I have to bring you to the Sichuan Palace due to emotion and reason. Then the palace master will take you to meet the adults of the Shangsan Palace. You can go in by yourself later."


Duan Ze's mission was considered over, and he quickly led Xiao Bai and others away. Chun Shisanniang and others did not stay much. The group of people dispersed in a hurry. In the end, only Dai Li, Murong Qiu Shui and dozens of others were left. A person who killed Chuan Dian.

Well... there was no one taking the lead, so it was obviously up to Daili himself to take the lead.

It’s really a typical devil’s palace style.

"Go in." Dai Li curled his lips and walked in. Murong Qiu Shui and others behind him did not dare to speak, but followed obediently.

In fact, they are very grateful for letting things go. People are like this. When a person is so powerful that you can't catch up with him on a rocket, jealousy and resentment are superfluous.

Shachuan Palace is very large, and there are many pavilions and sub-halls inside. As soon as Daili entered the gate, there were many people from Shachuan Palace coming and going. It seemed that the people from Shachuan Palace had very sharp and cold auras. , I really don’t have much enthusiasm for a person with a strange face like Dai Li. If it weren’t for the fact that this face had some redeeming value, someone would have directly attacked him right now...

"Who are you? Come to Shachuan Hall!" A shirtless man walked up. Dai Li noticed that the murals on both sides of Shachuan Hall were all patterns of killing battlefields, and the square in the middle hall was full of various exercise equipment. There is also a ring, where many men are shirtless, and although the number of women is much smaller, they are all very cold and fierce, wearing sleeveless tights and trousers, fighting fiercely with some male cultivators on the spot... .

Bang bang bang, tough in close combat.

Is this the weakest Shachuan Palace?

Dai Li's eyes flashed and he said: "The newcomers of Shachuan Palace, as for the following ones, don't you recognize them?"

Only then did the big man notice Murong Qiushui. (Mr. Murong burst into tears. The person in front has such a strong presence, has he already overwhelmed me?).

"It's you, that little Murong... Jie Jie, your strength is still so weak... no wonder I can't recognize him."

Dai Li knew that before Murong Qiushui was named the number one in Shachuan Palace, it was just because he was outstanding among that age group. If it were magnified into the entire Shachuan Palace... it would still be inferior. (To be continued)


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