A Queen

Chapter 1,250: Kill Deputy Palace Prince Sichuan!

Chapter 1250

And these old elite geniuses who can stay in the Shachuan Palace to cultivate for the most part are naturally not weak. They will naturally play all kinds of tricks on Murong Qiu Shui, who is still relatively weak at the monarch level.

Of course, Dai Li glanced at her... most of these people were at the king level in strength, well... they were to her the same as Murong Qiushui was to them.

Daili's original intention was to go directly to see the master of Shachuan Palace instead of wasting time with these "juniors", but they didn't allow it!

"Murong Qiushui, I heard that your place in the Qishan Road assessment has been replaced by someone else... It must be this beauty."

The man stared at Dai Li from a distance, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "You can't tell how powerful he is."

Murong Qiu Shui almost thought about it. For some reason, he clearly had grudges against Jun Zili, but now he felt like he wanted Jun Zili to help him teach these people a lesson.

So he looked at Daili.

Dai Li crossed his arms and glanced at the man: "So you want to try?"

"Of course, if you lose... you come to my room tonight, or I go to your room!" The man grinned, and everyone in the hall burst into laughter, and many of them even booed, "I, I, I, I Two!”

"Oh, beauty, I'm the third one!"

"I'm fourth! Come one by one"

The so-called demonic way means that the demonic nature is arrogant and lawless...

Dai Li suddenly remembered that her old and arrogant uncle had said that most people in the magic way had a very casual attitude towards good-looking women...if they liked them, they would have sex...

It’s really bold!

Dai Li smiled, and the whole hall was filled with light. Then Murong Qiu Shui and others watched the man being kicked out by Dai Li in such an emotion...

Breaking into more than a dozen sturdy and bulky exercise equipment...

Bang bang bang!

Boom, boom, boom!

With one breath, Daili stood on the completely cracked ring, his hands still clasped across his chest. Said: "You are welcome to come to my room and discuss the mysteries of the human body and life together. You can stay up all night... By the way,

My name is Junzili"

This scene and this sentence fell into the eyes of several senior executives in colorful clothes who walked out of the inner courtyard.


An old man smiled.

"Haha, you bastards. You usually have eyes higher than your head. You don't know that the person in front of you killed nearly a hundred emperor-level things ten days ago! Just you... a single pupil technique can kill you in seconds!"

"Come, Zili, the master of the palace has been waiting for you for a long time. Come quickly..."

That enthusiasm was completely different from the usual harshness and ferocity, and everyone in embarrassment on the ground was shocked.

After the old man left, he asked several other senior officials.

"Master Zhang, that person is really..."

"You'll find out later"


When I went to see the master of Shachuan Palace. Dai Li heard the old man say that he was the deputy master of Shachuan Palace, named Zhang Li. Same as that scumbag, but obviously the old man is better in terms of power.

Zhang Li was obviously very optimistic about Dai Li, and he was vaguely polite and said, "Zi Li. Although you come from Suicide Sichuan Palace, your talent is too strong, and you performed well on the ancient dragon boat again this time. Duan Ze has already informed the matter. Hall masters, the hall masters are very impressed with you. In addition to your performance in the Qishan Road assessment... If you become a successful person in the future, you must not forget to kill Chuan Palace~~"

Although it was a bit of a joke, Dai Li smiled: "I know this when you are a man and never forget your roots."

As expected, he was an extremely smart person. Zhang Li smiled and nodded, "We're here."

The door was closed. As soon as the two of them reached the door, the door opened automatically...


A man was already there, sitting in a medium-sized upper position. When he saw Dai Li, he smiled.

“Really excellent”

I don’t know if it’s about Dai Li’s appearance or something else..

Anyway, this man's tone was frank, and Dai Li accepted it readily. He stepped forward and said, "I have met the palace master."

"Sit down"

The master of the Shachuan Palace is young, tall and full of austerity, but it has not always been like this. At least he is very kind to Dai Li. After a few words of greeting, he said: "I know everything about you. The other palace masters also know that and are very optimistic about you, but it was your performance that attracted the attention of the Third Palace...I will take you to see the people from the Third Palace later."

It seems that the distinction between the upper three halls and the lower five halls is really clear. Even the dignified hall masters are accustomed to calling them the upper three halls.

Dai Li was secretly attached to his heart and nodded slightly: "Then I'll trouble the palace master."

"Let's go"

The palace master waved his hand, and Dai Li felt like he was swept up by a black wind...

In a moment, they appeared in front of a huge palace. It was no less than a thousand times larger than the Shachuan Palace, and the towering door plaque was a thousand meters high from the ground.

Dai Li thought he saw Nantianmen...

It's a pity that the plaque reads: Devil's Palace.

The main hall of the Demon Palace?

So proud.

The master of Shachuan Palace was obviously very respectful to this palace. He didn't even take Dai Lifei in, but walked in step by step, with Dai Li following behind. Not to mention the building itself, she was even more amazed by some of the people she saw in front of her. ..

Emperor level, emperor level, emperor level, the worst is also the emperor level, I saw quite a few of them during the integration period...

When they walked towards the main hall, Dai Li heard a voice that seemed to be right next to his ears.

"Shachuan, you're finally here..."

Dai Li raised his eyes and saw that there were already several people in the main hall ahead, each sitting on the majestic and huge throne.

There must be other palace masters among them!

The most convenient place is the three palace master thrones. Unfortunately, there is an empty seat on the top throne. The Immortal Palace Master is no longer there. There are only Fenba and Zangyan Palace Masters. However, the faces of these two palace masters cannot be seen clearly. They can only be seen. To the stirring hazy fireworks on the cold black throne.

"Here we are, is this Junzili?"

"It turned out that the person I learned was a man, but I didn't expect that it was a little girl later..."

"You're only 26, awesome."

“Really awesome”

After Dai Li stepped in, these Demon Palace giants started chatting and laughing one by one without waiting for her to speak, as if they knew everything about her.

It should be well understood.

Dai Li stood quietly, and these remarks stopped only after the master of Fenba Palace spoke.

"Jun Zili, 26 years old, kills the emperor...is that right?"

"It's 29" Daili's answer was this.

The giants present were stunned. Then several people laughed, "I forgot that you were on the ancient dragon boat for three years, that's 29." Fen Ba's voice was deep, but it was loud and domineering, making people dare not resist.

"29 years old, with combat power comparable to that of a second-level emperor, killing hundreds of emperors in a group... Not bad. Really good... and his performance in the ancient dragon boat battle was outstanding. How do you think our Demon Palace should reward you? you"

Am I allowed to award whatever I want?

Dai Li complained in his heart and ruffled his short hair with his fingers. Smile on the face: "Just do whatever you want"

Just do whatever you want, this woman is not afraid of life at all.

Also, from the data point of view, this Jun Zili is a lawless master.

"Shachuan. Your Shachuan Palace still lacks a deputy palace."

"Yes, the one before made a mistake. He has been killed."

"Then make up for it, Jun Zili, and from now on you will be the Vice-Prince of Shachuan."

Directly jump to the deputy palace? Dai Li was surprised, but he was not very happy about the subtitle. But I'd better take it.

Just as he was about to thank him, Fen Ba continued: "That is the function of this department, which is different from other ordinary members. Based on your extraordinary talent, I will give you the title of disciple of the Third Palace. We will decide after the return of the Immortal Supreme." Which palace do you enter?"

Does this mean leaving a name for later use? Although the other palace masters had known this result, they still couldn't help but sigh.

They can only be people from the upper three palaces, and they cannot directly bring in Zang Yan and Fen Ba, because they are afraid that the Immortal Palace will be dissatisfied, and they obviously value Junzili very much.

That's why you're so cautious.

Dai Li didn't know the depth of it, he just thought it would be enough to join the Shangsan Palace.

"Thank you very much, Master." After thanking Li Li, the meeting was completed. The Master of Zangyan Palace suddenly spoke.

"You and Thirteenth Niang have known each other since childhood?"

Um, is the master of the Zangyan Palace a woman?

Dai Li was surprised, but still said: "Yes, but it's not like I was a child... I was already 14 or 15 at that time."

Isn’t that called small?

The palace masters who were thousands of years old all felt a little pained.

"Thirteenth Mother told me that you are a born demon! When I saw you today, it turned out to be true...work hard, I hope you will be the one in the Demon Palace in the future."

The voice of the master of the Zangyan Palace was soft and ethereal, making people daydream, but he left without a sound.

When the other giants saw this, they also left, but they were all wondering why the usually indifferent Master of Zangyan Hall suddenly spoke up... So did Chun Shisanniang say something nice?

Thinking of the troublesome Chun Shisanniang, many giants felt that it was unnatural. Who made the Zangyan Palace the most special palace, and the Chun Shisanniang with a special status in the palace was even more troublesome.

After the meeting is over, the follow-up matter will be announced to the entire Demon Palace.

These palace masters were all high and mighty and would not care about such things. After everyone left and the building was empty, an old man came to Dai Li in front of him: "Master Jun, please come this way."

Once promoted to a high-level position, this title will naturally change. What's more, Daili is not just a deputy palace secretary, everyone knows that this position is an identity assigned to her by the Demon Palace, and there is unlimited growth within it...

Dai Li was respectfully led to the inner court by the old man, and outside...the entire Demon Palace was informed of a news.

Restless, very restless.

It's not that there are no people who directly become deputy palace, nor that there are no younger generations who are promoted to deputy palace, but that there are no young people who have never heard of being awarded such a high position just after entering the Demon Palace headquarters.

Even if there is, it seems to exist only in the mysterious and noble interior of the Shangsan Palace, not outside.

In layman's terms, it means that Daili's counterattack has reached the extreme level of grassroots dominance. But for people like Duan Ze... no one dares to treat randomness as grassroots. The sudden appearance of the Black Leaf Demon General doesn't seem to be random, but Daili's reaction is also very magnanimous, saying that it is nothing special. Friendship... This person has always been straightforward and will not lie easily, so people like Duan Ze still believe him. (To be continued)


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