A Queen

Chapter 1,251 Registered area, 3,000 people (Xia Liqiu and Shibi + one)

Chapter 1251

Of course, they wouldn't have thought that Dai Li's confession was based on - of course there was no friendship, he was an uncle, only family ties but no friendship.


As the deputy of a palace, even if Shachuan Palace is the weakest palace, the treatment that is worthy of being one of the two deputy palaces must be arrogant to all the people under his command. Many members of Shachuan Palace were shocked by Dai Li. When she jumped over the Dragon Gate and figured out how many superior rewards she could get, Dai Li had already obtained the clothes of the Deputy Palace of Shachuan Palace...

Dai Li did not look at the set of black robes sealed in the box in front of him. Instead, he looked at the old man and asked, "Is it the same as the one worn by Vice-Prince Zhang Li?"


“That’s really unfortunate”

These words made the old man's expression slightly weird, and he couldn't laugh or cry. It must be Vice-President Zhang Li who is even more unlucky... Face brushing or something... Vice-President Zhang Li's face could be swiped to the eighteenth level of hell.

The robe can only be regarded as professional attire, the rest...

"Sir Jun, you are the deputy palace master. According to the rules of the Demon Palace, those who take over as deputy palace in the past can be rewarded once. According to the rank of our Shachuan Palace, your deputy palace reward is... twenty thousand-year-old turtles. Thirty billion spiritual crystals, a chance to enter the seventh level of the Demon Palace for free."

There are not many rewards, just three, but each one is very high-end, but the last one...

"Devil pool?" Dai Li asked curiously.

"Well, I forgot, you just joined our Demon Palace not long ago... Maybe you don't know that what countless members outside our Demon Palace desire most is this Demonic Pool."

Dai Li raised his eyebrows: "Please tell me carefully."

"The magic pool is a great treasure of my magic palace. There are nine magic pools in the entire magic palace, divided into nine to first level. The ninth level is the worst. The first level is the best. The magic pool contains powerful magic power. The legend comes from Due to the demonic origin of the demonic realm, any demonic person who has soaked in the demonic pool will be able to stimulate their demonic talents. The stronger the talent, the more benefits they will receive. It can be called marrow cleansing and soul shedding."

"Sounds very good." Dai Li remembered that he had indeed heard some people say that she was so powerful before she entered the Demon Palace. She would definitely be able to do anything once she entered the Demon Palace... She should be talking about this Demon Pool.

"Is this fifth level free? Are these magic pools usually not free?"

"Of course! Sir Jun, do you know how many members there are in our Demon Palace?"

The old man had no doubt at all about Dai Li entering the Demon Palace for the first time.

After all, even outside members are eager for and understand the magic pool in the magic palace. This person doesn't know anything at all.

Stroking his beard, he sighed: "The eight halls of our headquarters have a total of tens of millions of recorded members, and there are also some non-staff personnel and subordinates who belong to the legions. Countless, not to mention those stationed in foreign lands. And they can live there. There are only 100,000 people in the Demon Palace headquarters. From the Ice Demon River to the Demon Plain and then to the Demon Palace, these 100,000 people are the ones who have the best chance of entering the Demon Pool. People from outside want to come to the Demon Palace to accept the Demon Pool. Baptism requires a lot of merit, and people inside also have to spend a lot of points to buy the opportunity to baptize in the magic pool. The ninth level magic pool has 1,000 points. The eighth level has 3,000 points, the seventh level has 10,000 points, the sixth level has 30,000 points, and the fifth level has 7 points. Ten thousand, fourth grade two hundred thousand, third grade one million, second grade ten million, first grade one hundred million.”

One hundred million first class!

What I got was a seventh-level baptism opportunity in the magic pool, so I got 10,000 points for nothing?

Dai Li touched his chin, "How do you get the points? How do you calculate the value?"

Of course the old man knew that Dai Li was interested in these things. In fact, he had to be interested. This was related to the future growth of every person in the Demon Palace.

"Points can only be obtained through three channels, one, treasure redemption points, two, mission reward points, and three, internal reward points within the Demon Palace."

"As for the value of points... let me put it this way, a purple-gold peak-level attack weapon can be sold for about fifty points in our internal sales market of the Demon Palace."


Then my 10,000 points reward for baptism in the magic pool is equivalent to two hundred purple-gold peak attack weapons?

Dai Li was stunned, then smiled: "It seems that the Demon Palace is indeed generous."

"After all, it is the position of deputy palace. Only someone as talented as Mr. Jun can make the palace so generous... By the way, what I just mentioned is the reward you get, and the position of deputy palace has another benefit."


"Once every ten years, we can be divided into a certain part of the total profit of our palace."

"Huh? About how many?"

"I don't know about this little one. Maybe you can ask Mr. Zhang Li."

Dai Li took his reward and the sign representing the deputy palace. After walking out of the inner court, he saw Zhang Li in front of the gate.

Then she asked directly.

Zhang Lixu had already known this person's direct character, so he smiled: "You are really... well, the share I received in the past ten years was 500 billion spiritual crystals, which accounted for about 100% of the total profit of the palace. One, this decade should be about the same.”

"Perhaps I should ask how long it is until this payday is due."

"This is the year, in three days."

"I think this is the luckiest time in my life."

Dai Li smiled as he spoke, and Zhang Li also smiled and shook his head: "Compared with the income from spiritual crystals, points are more useful. At our level, we have more or less trillions of spiritual crystals on our bodies. The spirit beasts can't swallow much, and they can't buy good things. After all, high-value treasures can no longer be measured by spirit crystals... they are just superfluous."

Trillions... Dai Li curled his lips and said, "In fact, before I came to the Demon Palace, my assets were less than tens of millions of spiritual crystals."

Um... Zhang Li was shocked.

"But Mr. Zhang is right. Points are indeed more useful, and spiritual crystals should still be of some use to me now." Dai Li had already made the calculation in his mind, but he heard Zhang Li say: "The spiritual crystals are easy to use." It’s nothing, but you are young and much better than us... At least there are many ways to get points, whether it is the Demonic Domain Trial Tower or the opportunity to get rewards... Anyway, you will be the Demon in half a month. There is a competition within the palace, this is your chance."

Dai Li nodded and suddenly asked: "Demon Realm Trial Tower? In the Demon Realm? Is it also affiliated with our Demon Palace?"

"No, the points in the Demon Palace are linked to the points in the Demon Realm..." Zhang Li was just about to say something when he saw a woman in purple robes flying over. Chaodaili shouted, "But Junzili?"


"I am the reception envoy from the Third Palace, and I am here to take you to the Third Palace to register your name."

So fast. Dai Li smiled slightly, said goodbye to the friendly Zhang Li, and then left with the beautiful woman.

Zhang Li could only look at her back and shake his head in envy.

Perhaps he is now the deputy deputy palace with real power and is much more powerful than someone like Dai Li who only receives a salary in name only, but only he knows the advantages and disadvantages.

After all, there is a huge gap between the flying dragon and the dragon lying in the pond.


Registering the name is very simple, just register the information and add a signature, and then save a soul. It's done in the blink of an eye. The woman in palace clothes carefully looked at the form filled out by Daili, her eyes flickered slightly, and her face showed a smile: "This time it will be easier. After a while, when you officially join one of the three halls, the procedures will be complicated. A little bit...but now you are a registered member and have the authority to live in the Shangsan Palace. Of course, you can also return to Shachuan Palace..."

Only a fool returns to kill Chuan Dian!

At the top of the Demon Palace. Being next to the magic mountain, Dai Li originally thought it was just a geographical difference, but when he came in, he discovered that the energy inside the upper three halls was completely different from that below.

The demonic aura of Heavenly Dao is thousands of times more than those in areas such as Shachuan Palace. It also contains a kind of power that makes Dai Li's soul very excited.


Dai Li was suspicious in his heart, but he made a decisive decision. As expected, the beautiful woman said: "No need. I live in there..."

"Okay, I'll take you there now"

There are relatively few members in the Shangsan Temple. But everyone is very good, the young one must be a genius, the old one must be a peerless master, but Daili meets very few people along the way.

"There is only half a month left before the internal competition in the palace. Most people are practicing..." The beautiful woman obviously has a lot of affection for people like Dai Li who are both outstanding in appearance and talent. After a few explanations, he took her to an attic.

"This is your temporary residence"

It was quiet and elegant, but not secluded. Dai Li saw that there were many loft manor houses nearby.

After looking at it, she smiled with a hint of meaning: "It seems that there are quite a few people who have remembered their names."

The beautiful woman nodded: "There are currently three thousand people on record. They are all geniuses and strong men selected from the lower five halls and outside. It's just that they can't join the upper three halls in time. Among these three thousand people, At most, there are only ten people who can be favored by the Shangsan Palace, and more than half of them have lived here for no less than five hundred years..."

Is it a five-hundred-year-registered state?

Dai Li was surprised and even more impressed by the magnificence of the three upper halls of the Demon Palace.

"But according to my observation... you are the best one, and you are also the one who will be admitted to the Shangsan Palace 100%. It's just because the adults in the Immortal Palace haven't come back yet, so they are on hold. You are not the same as these people. the same"

"A woman's intuition?" Dai Li asked back.


The beautiful woman left with a smile, Daili shrugged and walked into the attic.

Someone was already waiting for her in the attic.

The ten servants of the Demon Palace are all king-level.

"grown ups"

These people are humble and respectful, with some warmth in their eyes...

Dai Li sighed softly in his heart, this is just a name registration, if he is truly a member of the Third Hall... he will not be allowed to go to heaven.

"Come in your leader"

Daili was used to being the boss, so he walked directly into the hall, followed by the tallest young man behind him.

As soon as he came in, he took the initiative to introduce his name.


"Needless to say anything else, as long as you don't commit any crime, I don't care about you...but I have something to ask you right now."

"Excuse me sir"

"Where is the magic pool?"

"At the foot of the Magic Mountain, sir, you can just walk straight towards the Magic Mountain, but along the way you will pass by the residences of many His Highnesses in the Shangsan Palace..."

Dai Li naturally understood the meaning behind Dan's words and nodded: "Then is there a trading market inside our Demon Palace?" (To be continued)

ps: I was supposed to add an update last night, but the system got stuck and I was depressed, so I couldn’t send it out successfully. Let’s add two more updates today, which is the fifth update you haven’t seen for a long time.


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