A Queen

Chapter 1,252 Demon Pond, Demonic Evil!

Chapter 1252

"Yes, it's also in the direction of the Magic Mountain, but it's in the Demon Palace. Sir, whatever you want to buy or sell, you can do it there... This trading market is connected to the inside of our Demon Palace, and you can also purchase and sell it. Hanging for auction..."

"That's good. I have something for you to do."

"Sir, please speak"

"I need spiritual blood and various dragon scales... Just buy all the spiritual crystals here. If you can't buy them, then just buy them. As for myself... I will go to the magic pool. , wait until I come back."

A little away from Dai Li's fingertip, a ring floated out. Dan took it and looked at it, and was suddenly surprised, three and a half billion spiritual crystals!

It seems that this legendary master who has just joined the Demon Palace but has a very shallow foundation has a very deep background... With such a generous hand, he must have assets worth no less than 100 billion...

"Okay, sir, I'll do it right away."

As soon as Dan left, Dai Li took a sip of tea and left, going to the magic pond.

Originally, this person had the attribute of passively causing trouble, but since most of the geniuses were in retreat during this period, she was allowed to come to the magic pool unimpeded.

However, the various huge residences along the way, which seemed to have changed due to the temperament of the owner, made her feel ambitious. Each of these residences represented a noble status, each one was full of majesty and powerful formations, and she enjoyed the magic palace. The highest honor, they are the core members...

With power and glory within her reach, she cannot fall behind!

When they arrived at the place, Daili's footsteps paused.

In front of you is a huge platform.

The ninth-level magic pool is nine magic pools, located on this platform with the position of nine stars. Each magic pool is different in size. The higher the level, the smaller it is. The seventh-level magic pool is not small. It's a hundred meters in diameter, like a small lake.

There are many strong men from the Demon Palace stationed at the edge of the platform. They are the Demon Soldiers. Besides the Demon Soldiers, there are two people who are obviously the leaders. They are sitting lazily on the chairs... one is taking a nap without any posture, and the other is... Knit a sweater.

The arrival of Dai Li attracted the attention of the man knitting a sweater. He looked up and said: "Ouch. Someone is here... I don't know you, beauty. New here? I've never seen you before."


The feeling of ruining the three views.

Dai Li pursed his lips and handed over his deputy palace sign.

The man was just thinking about the result when he inserted one hand into the long-haired woman who was taking a nap. He has an average face, but is very capable. With lazy eyes open, he pointed at the sign with his finger, and after a while, he straightened up. He said calmly: "Jun Zili, the new deputy palace master of Shachuan Palace, was awarded a free trip to the seventh-level magic pool... Do you want to enter the seventh-level magic pool?"

"Yes...but I want to ask if there is a time limit for this."

"Of course!" The woman glanced at her: "Once in three days. If you exceed the time, you will be sent out of the magic pool. Follow me."

Three days... won't delay the competition. Dai Li felt relieved, and was secretly surprised that such a reward only lasted for three days, and was only a seventh-level...

Dai Li was surprised, but he followed the woman to the edge of the seventh-level demon pool.

As far as her eyes could see, she could see several figures looming in other magic pools, wrapped in clouds and mist.

“It seems that not many people enter the magic pool.”

"Not much?" The woman glanced at her again: "They're all down there."


Standing beside the seventh-level magic pool, the woman took out a seven-diamond crystal core and inserted it into the groove of the pillar beside the seventh-level magic pool.


The light spread and the water in the pool surged a little.

It was a completely black body of water, very restrained, with no other aura. Daili didn't know what kind of special substance it was, but since it was famous in the Demon Realm, it should be pretty good.

"Go down"

Lifting his feet a little, he jumped into the pond, like a fish, without splashing a single splash.

As soon as she jumped in, the man knitting a sweater suddenly appeared next to the woman: "It's rare to see such a beautiful girl... New here? Never seen her before."

"He's new... 29 years old, emperor level... no wonder the palace is so generous." The woman raised her eyebrows, but the man was surprised: "29?! This talent is better than the top-notch ones in our upper three palaces." It must be superior, only those few can compare to..."

"But you are too young... you have been left behind, and because of your extraordinary talent, you are easily ostracized and attacked... It's not like you don't know how fierce the battle in the upper three halls is, with both young and old fighting..."

The two of them were talking by the pool, but Dai Li felt that there were many people under the pool, at least no less than a thousand people. These people were all being baptized by the magic pool and were unresponsive to foreign objects...

"Eh? Am I the only one who can retain my sanity?" Dai Li guessed that this was because her soul was particularly powerful, and... those people seemed to be in pain, and their bodies were refined by the magic water to remove impurities...

But her physique is far superior to these people, and her feelings are also different.

But these demonic waters are flowing towards her crazily...

"It is indeed evil force, no, it should be said to be evil evil force. It also contains wisps of extremely dark matter that should be the original evil evil..." Only after Dai Liru entered the magic pool can he feel the horror of these black waters. It was the overthrow of All the evil spirits were more than ten times stronger than the evil spirits in the seventh ring in Chibi Battlefield. The most important thing was...she could sense tiny, but very scary black substances.

The original demon!

"Whether it is the vampire body or the thunder clone, they are all related to evil... This magic pool is very useful to me!"

Dai Li has always known that her way is not compatible with benevolence and moderation. Killing the blood evil is her way. This is the nature of the blood race, and Lei Lei also follows the path of killing evil. In this case, the effect of this magic pool on her is even stronger!

She was so calm that she immediately sacrificed the clone out of her main body. The main body and the clone sat cross-legged in the pool face to face, their dual cores rotating, absorbing the evil force crazily, and the thunder clone did the same...


As time passes, one person emerges from the pool, their time is up...

After coming out of the pool, they sat by the pool, all with strange expressions.

As soon as they saw the man and woman approaching, they all stood up.

"I've met Lord Ling and Lord Qiu Liang."

Ling glanced at them: "Your time hasn't come yet. Why, you can't bear the demon?"

The tone was a little cold.

Each of these people looked embarrassed, and one of them said: "It seems that the evil spirits below are many times more powerful than before..."

Excuse, Ling rolled her eyes, but Qiu Liang was suddenly stunned, stared at the pool, and said: "Ling, look at it."

What to see?

Ling turned around and saw Qiu Liang's gaze at the edge of the pool wall. The water level suddenly dropped by one meter!

Both of them were shocked...

Then they all looked at Chizi and quickly took out a book in their hands.

Ling waved her hand, and the pages of the book flipped over. After a moment, she held down the book and frowned: "There are still seven hundred people below... I don't know which one is so powerful~~"

"One? Impossible." Qiu Liang shook his head, "It should be many...forget it, let's wait until they come out."

On the third day, Dai Li came out of the water and saw a group of people standing on the pool. He was startled, but his eyes flashed and he went to the edge of the pool.

Of course, most people didn't recognize Dai Li. They were just amazed by the stunning beauty in the water just now. After Dai Li came to the edge of the pool, Na Ling looked over and said, "You are on time."

"I've always had a good sense of time, but what are you doing?"

Dai Li looked at so many people and Ling narrowed his eyes: "The consumption of the magic pool is only ten thousand times faster than usual... Three meters of water were consumed in just three days."

"Eh?" Dai Li looked shocked, "Who is it? No wonder I always feel something is wrong down there...it's very dangerous."

When Li Dai said this, Na Ling's suspicion suddenly faded a little, and he looked at her deeply: "Yes, such a genius. If he is known by my sect, he must be reused."

Dai Li didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not. Maybe the Demon Palace would value her because of her extraordinary ability to absorb the evil force, but he would also be more curious about her... The double blood and spirit are her secrets. It must not be exposed, so it is better to hide such high-profile matters.

So at that moment, Dai Li showed a look of envy that was not obvious but could still be seen...

After watching the excitement for a while, she left the magic pool with many people, and her performance was not outstanding. Although many people were surprised that she had a deputy palace sign on her waist, they all came up to talk to her. .

Dai Li maintained his aloof attitude and left quickly.

She had to go back and digest the huge evil force absorbed by her blood and spirit...

"Is it her?" Qiu Liang asked from the side.

"I don't know... the possibility is not high. After all, she is too young... but there are not many powerful people in this pool. There are about twenty people. Put her on the list for follow-up observation."


Three days is a short time, just a blink of an eye for a cultivator, but when Dai Li returns to his registered residence, Dan has been waiting for a long time.


"Yes, sir...this is spiritual blood and dragon scale materials worth 35 billion. This is the list. Please review it, sir."

"No need to check, you did a good job...this is your reward"

Dai Li directly threw away 10 million spiritual crystals, then swept the ring containing spiritual blood and other materials on the table with his sleeves, and entered the training room in a flash.

Act vigorously and resolutely.

Dan looked at the ring in front of him with a surprised expression.

For such a small thing...a reward of tens of millions of spiritual crystals?

Is that too generous?

After thinking about it, Dan took tens of millions of spiritual crystals and found other servants... He kept five million for himself and divided the rest.


In the training room, Dai Li took out the huge spiritual blood resources and dragon scales... and counted them. There were ten thousand bottles of spiritual blood, but they were all the spiritual blood of monsters above the distraction level, and the dragon scales... ten million pieces.

"The world in the four directions is really vast, and there are far more sub-dragon beasts than outside... If they were outside, they wouldn't be able to purchase them even if they had spiritual crystals."

Dai Li took a deep breath, "There are still ten days...work hard!" (To be continued)

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