A Queen

Chapter 1253: Demon Palace Competition, Demon Glacier (Xia Liqiu and Shibi + 2)

Chapter 1253


Daili has never been an inspirational person who thinks that hard work will lead to ultimate victory. She is too realistic.

Reality, what is reality?

Whoever has a bigger fist will get the upper hand!

You have a strong will and refuse to admit defeat, is that useful?

What you want is absolute power!

Since you are going to participate in a big competition, you must increase your strength as much as possible and increase your self-confidence infinitely..

Because the Demon Palace is too big and powerful, and the Sifang World is even bigger and stronger!

"The competition is my first step after entering the Sifang World!"

"How high I can climb... depends on how much progress I have made in these ten days!"

One day, two days, three days... spiritual blood, dragon scales, crazy consumption, the evil power in the body is also changing...

People outside would never have thought that when they were desperately looking for breakthrough opportunities to enhance the power of one county, two counties, or ten counties, one person's strength would be the crazy superposition of hundreds of counties...


Ten days later.

The Demon Palace Grand Bi arrived as scheduled.

When Dan opened the door to the training room, he brought a glass of water and a clean towel, and there were fragrant and hot dishes placed on the table.

Dai Li glanced at the other party and smiled: "Dan, I think your previous customers must have praised you a lot."

Dan smiled: "But I want your praise even more."

"Okay" Dai Li gave him a thumbs up, "Is the competition about to start?"

"There's still one hour left..."

"Are there any guests?"

"There are not many guests, because it is an internal competition and not completely open to the outside world."

Dai Li nodded. Probably during the competition, most of these internal elites would come forward. No matter how much the Demon Palace said, it could not fully reveal its secrets to the world.

After eating and drinking for a while, Daili asked, "Dan, how long have you been in the Demon Palace?"

"Three Hundred Years"

"Then you should know who is in the Demon Palace...you know what I mean."

Dan smiled, took out a piece of paper, placed it on the table, and gently pushed it in front of Dai Li.

"This is Dan's superficial opinion based on his experiences over the years. Please take a look at it."

Ah! This level of service...

Dai Li smiled and picked up the paper to read.

There are many names on the paper, but there are nine in the top row.

"The Nine Sons of the Demon Palace?"

"Yes, the strongest elites in the Demon Palace are also the nine strongest people. They also belong to the first level of the strong. Most of them have official positions and are affiliated to the upper three halls. However, not all of them will return from this competition. At present, only I know that the ninth son Gongsun Zhi has been released from seclusion seven days ago, and the seventh son Ximen Yun has also been released from seclusion... and most of the other masters are stationed in other places."

Geniuses often go into seclusion, and masters often go abroad. This is because the limit of talent has reached a limit, and they can only go out to experience.

There is still room for improvement for young geniuses in retreat, which is mostly in the palace. However, not everyone can come out of this kind of retreat at the drop of a hat...

Obviously Ximen Yun and Gongsun Zhi came out for the competition.

"Nine Sons..." Dai Li glanced at the paper again, and many names other than Nine Sons were recorded in her mind.

Whoosh~~The paper turned into powder.


The Demon Palace Competition was very grand. Although there were very few outside guests, the Demon Palace was already crowded. The giants who were stationed abroad rushed back one by one. The Ice Demon River and the Demon Plain suddenly became a lot more lively...

The competition was held in the Ice Demon River.

Dai Li had just learned this, and now she was standing on the platform of the Demon Palace and looking out. She could see large black shadows on the Ice Demon River, but there were not many arenas...

Dai Li is really good-looking, and she even allowed him to come out with her...

"Let's go"

Because I don’t deliberately rush for time,

The two of them slowly flew towards the Ice Demon River, and there were too many people flying towards the Ice Demon River like them...


One by one they fell on the extremely thick glacier. The cold air was filled with Xuxu ice crystals. It was vast and sharp. This was the Ice Demon River. Beings below the Nascent Soul would die as soon as they entered. Even the Grand Master could only resist. a period of time..

If it weren't for the strong physiques of most of the people in the Demon Palace, there would probably be no Yuanying here.

People were coming and going, but nine groups could still be seen.

Many people from Sichuan were killed, most of them killed Leng Ran. People with Jiang blood are so proud of their blood.

As for Han Feng, he was completely dark and low-key. He seemed to be good at hiding, and he was as murderous as a poisonous snake or a cheetah.

Wan Huo is more normal, but everyone is playing with fire, that kind of arrogance...especially the arrogance towards the lower three halls is very obvious,

Next is Gongli Hall.

Dai Li soon saw Gong Zangxue.

Shen Gong Hall and Li Xin Hall seemed to be separated from each other, but they were not far apart, and there was no communication between them. Dai Li saw that Nie Yongshang was in Li Xin Hall, but he was not in front, but stood in the middle...

Chun Shisanniang is in the Zangyan Palace... Zangyan Palace, one of the three upper palaces, is a truly high-ranking palace. Very few people from other palaces around her dare to stay.

Except for Fen Ba and Immortal.

The people of Fenba were more domineering than Wanhuo. They were domineering and burned everything. Their clothes were completely red with gold maple, which was shocking. Dai Li took a quick look and found that there were many of them that she couldn't see through, but it was young people. How can he see through...The average strength is emperor level.

Jie Jie is really a pervert, no wonder he is known as the Third Palace.

Of course, the strongest point... the Immortal Palace.

Um? People from the Immortal Palace...

no one?

"Many of the people who mentioned the Immortal Palace before are not here..."

Dai Li was looking over when suddenly someone nearby called her suspiciously.

"That's Junzili, right?"

Dai Li, who was standing alone and watching the excitement, was immediately noticed by many people.

Jun Zili, a famous figure in the Demon Palace a few days ago... a super new talent who was granted permission to enter the Shangsan Palace...

"She is Jun Zili?"

"is her"

"I heard she is number one on Qishan Road..."

"What does it mean to be number one on Qishan Road? Her performance on the ancient dragon boat is what the adults value."

"At the age of 29, I have the ability to resist the second-level emperor, and one can defeat hundreds of first-level emperors... it's amazing!"

Awesome, indeed awesome!

There was a mixture of exclamation and praise, as well as fear.

Most people in the Demon Palace had to affirm Dai Li's tyranny.

Because they were not even at the Nascent Soul stage when they were 29 years old, but as a result, others were able to kill hundreds of emperors...

This is the gap.

There are too few people who are qualified to question and challenge her. Looking at the three palaces, there are not many people, so she is said to be a super newcomer.

Dai Li walked into the Shachuan Palace under his burning gaze.

"Haha, it seems you are already famous." Zhang Li, the old man, was a little gloating.

Dai Li glanced at him and smiled: "Are you sure it's not because we are standing together wearing the same clothes?"

What does it mean to pale in comparison, what does it mean to turn into dregs in seconds...

Zhang Li immediately felt the sympathy of others looking at him...


Compared to the unrivaled beauty and graceful figure, Zhang Li was indeed turned into dust in seconds... but his mouth was twisted in helplessness: "You are blabbering now, how miserable will you be when we wait for the competition?"

"Why?" Daili was surprised,

"Famous reputation is tiring, and anything as good as Lin Feng will destroy it... You have no foundation at all in the Demon Palace, and you were booked by the Shangsan Palace as soon as you arrived... Not to mention how much sense of crisis the people inside the Shangsan Palace have, just The three thousand people in the registration area are enough to treat you as a thorn in your side and a thorn in your flesh..."

“Sounds scary”


"but I like it"


Zhang Li was shocked, but he only saw Dai Li's side face, with a faint smile and deep eyes.

Suddenly...he realized how big the gap was between himself and this terrifyingly young genius.

On the other side, Dai Li took Dan aside and asked him to write down all the people who deserved some attention here.

Dan didn't know why, but he glanced at her briefly, then turned around and agreed.

Dai Li did not let Dan work alone. She herself quickly scanned the countless people in front of her with her samsara eye...

Gongsun Zhi, Dai Li saw him in Fenba Palace. He was a handsome young man who looked like a woman. His eyebrows were slightly hazy, and he was fanning slowly in his hand... Dai Li felt that this man was a bit of a snake. In the Ice Demon River, The ground is fanning...

Ximen Yun is also from Fenba Palace. He is dressed in a blue shirt and is handsome and affectionate. From the moment he saw him, Daili saw him flirting with ten different female demon cultivators... and he glanced at her several times... very provocatively. .

A snake spirit disease, a big stallion~~are all the nine sons of the Demon Palace like this?

Dai Li saw the eighth son.

Yin Nianzhao from the Hidden Smoke Hall could only vaguely see a side face, handsome but cold and very taciturn.

It’s unimaginable that such a person would be in the same palace as Chun Shisanniang!

And when Daili was looking at other people, others were also looking at her.

"Thirteenth Niang, she is Junzili who was dragged to our Demon Palace by you. She looks really outstanding. Why did you let her go to Shachuan..."

"I would rather let her come to us to hide the cigarettes. However, she was too weak before. Now she is stronger, but it is difficult to hook up with her...and her personality is not suitable for our industry."

Zangyan mainly monitors punishments, and there are too many dirty and rigorous methods. People like Dai Li who can't tolerate sand in their eyes are afraid that they will bring down the entire Zangyan Palace, so Chun Shisanniang never mentioned it, of course...

This guy didn't forget to have a black man behind him.

"The most important thing is that a certain hall master of the Divine Gong Palace won't allow it!"


A certain palace master who was silently shot touched the back of his hand, glanced at Chun Shisanniang not far away, and curled his lips. Sooner or later, this woman will be dealt with...


An icy vortex coiled at the top of the sky, cutting through the space and emitting a sharp and sharp noise, which was more irritating to people's eardrums than the ringing of bells. Everyone looked upward and saw the eight floating thrones, just above, at the front. .

Absolute driving attitude.

Dai Li finally saw the master of the Immortal Palace. He was a majestic and huge body, a man made of pure black hell crystals. He was sitting on the largest and highest throne, looking down at all the living beings below...

Even if you pull out a few of these sentient beings, they can control the wind and rain outside.

The appearance of the first palace master made Dai Li feel a little uneasy, but he was surprised. R1152

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