A Queen

Chapter 1,257: Gather 9,000 people! (The above content is coherent and can be read)

Chapter 1257

A gap! ~~


The main body and the clone take the opportunity to rush out!

Extreme speed, extreme sharpness~~

A flash of light!

Two Fingers and the Light of the Sword has been shipped!

The attack and killing of 20,000 counties was urged again and again!

Invincible slaughter!

One heavy

It seems different!

Thousand Machine Sword is also different!

Blood energy is different, Lei Yuan is different!


"Blood evil!"

"Thunder Sha!"

The vision of the palace masters is so sharp. When the blood energy and thunder appeared, they were the first to notice the aura carried by this energy...

Very scary smell...

Blood evil, thunder evil?

It was clearly not the case before...


Defeat five hundred with two fingers, kill five hundred with one sword!

one thousand!

But the next second...


Daili's clone was killed and annihilated by three powerful second-level emperors who took the opportunity to join forces~~

The main body was surrounded by more than five thousand emperors!

Mostly one weight!


Attack and kill coverage~~


The subject is annihilated!

"It's an illusion! Over there!" Sheng Haoyue said again!

Suddenly, his expression changed!

"No, it's on my side, hurry!"

Dai Li's sword had already stabbed his chest hard!



Sheng Haoyue only felt that the other person's eyes were so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

This is~~~ He was stunned!



Sheng Haoyue's body was bombarded on the ground.

In the distance, some emperors changed their faces. Damn it, the only person who could detect her was killed!

"It's over!"

"With her eye skills and speed, it would be too easy to hide and hunt us..."

A pair of royal eyes! Finally made up my mind!

So, under the astonished eyes of people like Ximen Yun, including the deputy hall masters, or the hall masters!

Swipe, swipe, lengthen the distance, join forces to attack and kill!


A giant attack and killing array with hundreds of edges and corners was pulled out.

A magic palace fusion expert finally couldn't help but laugh: "This Jun Zili's mass killing technique is really powerful, and it actually made these boys have to join forces to attack the French Open!"

As soon as the attack on the French Open came out, Dai Li found that the battle situation had been suppressed.

She had the confidence to fight in the tunnels and grind these eight thousand people to death. Even though there were many second-level emperors among them, she had to admit that she would definitely die if her opponents joined forces so shamelessly.

The power of the masses is great.

Well, although I had realized it before the plan, I didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

"Hey, the Demon Palace still has such tactics?" Dai Li, who was covered in blood, suddenly spoke up, which made the people who were originally frightened feel a very strange feeling.

Have you ever been so surprised? Nearly 10,000 emperors couldn't do anything to you, and you killed nearly 2,000 people... We should be more frightened!

"Junzi Li... You still don't know that the fighting and killing techniques of my Demon Palace are famous in the Demon Realm, and this formation is one of them. However, so many of these guys have joined forces to use this formation to kill you. It's a shame." Shame on you”

The laughter of Master Jiangxue made the emperors who joined forces feel disgraced, but there was nothing they could do, this person was too difficult to deal with, and if he lost, it would be even more embarrassing to let the opponent fight in and out!

"Since she has been embarrassed, she must be killed!"

"Take action!"

Dai Li never dared to underestimate the power of formations, and the strongest siege formation she had ever encountered was in front of her!

So strong that she herself felt in danger.

How dangerous is it?

The soul is trembling~~~

Want to hide,

She can hide, if the soul explodes with all its strength and explodes everything.

But why hide!

From the moment she stepped into Sifang World, she knew that she had to rise to the top and become stronger as quickly as possible, because in Sifang World, those enemies would be aware of her existence faster!

So we can only fight, fight at all costs!

Push yourself to the edge! Go fight for a future!

So there are nearly nine thousand battle posts!

So there is this peak battle!


After trembling three times, the depths of her pupils captured the bright and boundless curves of light in the siege formation. It was boundless and invincible. Not to mention killing her, even the trapping period would be enough...

Suddenly, she realized.

Streamer? Streamline, crossover? Zongheng?

There seem to be countless lines flying around in my mind~~connecting~!

There was light in her soul, and in the blink of an eye, there was light in her eyes.

Bend down, lean down, hold Qianji with one hand, and take a deep breath.

"Three thousand people, eight thousand people, ten thousand people, sixteen thousand people...it's all the same"

"Buddha said dust is infinite and countless. If there is no dust, it is better to ignore it."

Ignore them, ignore them~~

In the world, there are only Qianji and myself!

The sword is out!

One sword, three thousand swords!

It flew out in a completely messy trajectory, with that speed and brilliance, like the most passionate fireworks.

The light is flowing, never ending.

There are trees and flowers, the Milky Way is flowing, and the stars are shining brightly.

A first-level emperor was in a daze, watching helplessly as the sword passed by his face and stabbed the person behind him.

It was a sword stream that bloomed wildly, like a flower.

The sword flow is like stars, like the Milky Way...

It is not Thousand Machine Sword Network, but... Thousand Machine Sword Style! !

It is no longer a spiral trajectory, but is divided freely, like three thousand swords controlled by three thousand people!

When the soul breath was released, the sword flow was already overflowing.

It is a special three thousand sword controlled by the soul pupil master.

One sword is a kill, and one sword is a decisive kill.

Along the path of the Three Thousand Sword Stream, beautiful sword flowers blossomed.

Three thousand swords, killing three thousand people!

All kinds of swordsmanship and all kinds of assassination stunts!

Puff puff!

One sword strike and his right arm was broken!

The right arms were cut off directly by the flowing light!

The main body defense armor can't stop it at all...

Real chopping of melons and vegetables!


As soon as the three thousand swords flowed out, more than eight thousand people who had originally suppressed Dai Li with a group fight were embarrassed!

What the hell is this?

"This swordsmanship... is really good!" The palace masters didn't seem to know what to say.

The deputy palace master was also embarrassed.

Is this the rhythm of defeat?

The entire Demon Palace seemed to be embarrassed.

The Master of Jiangxue Palace who spoke out just now was also embarrassed.

Three thousand swords, three thousand people defeated!

Eight thousand people were reduced rapidly!

Three Thousand Sword Style, the most powerful offensive and killing swordsmanship belonging to Dai Li, I finally understood it!

All the previous sword skills are directly integrated into it, and the three thousand sword style can be controlled freely...

Kill kill kill!

Unrivaled sword style!

It is so powerful and invincible that the main body is so powerful that it kills all parties, and the Thunder Finger of the thunder clone is also invincible...

Eight thousand people were killed and scattered, and their clones were slaughtered one by one.

Duan Ze and others were speechless. Perhaps the scene in front of them far exceeded their expectations, or perhaps they finally saw the scene they had imagined.

——She was finally lawless.

Killing until a group of people had to roar: "Back!!!"

Blah, blah!

One by one, they fled frantically to the outskirts of the Demon Glacier!

The ice and snow are flying, and behind them is the sword flow that is more ubiquitous than the ice and snow, expanding, expanding, expanding!

The war situation also continued to escalate. Naturally, the previously huge and terrifying army of more than 8,000 people also poured out like a torrent that collapsed a dam...

A complete failure!

Suddenly, the flow of the sword stopped. To everyone's surprise, Dai Li held the sword in one hand, with the end of the sword hanging down, and raised his eyes to glance at the torrent of people fleeing in terror...

Her eyes slowly swept over, and a wave of CEO style named Hengdao immediately swept through thousands of troops and was domineering. She slowly suppressed the entire audience. She raised her hand slightly, with her palm upwards. Her fingertips were stained with someone's blood, and they were bright red. Desire...

Below, the defeated... clattering, large battle posters flew up...

Like birds and kites, they flew obediently around her, a high pile...

All gold.

She didn't say anything, but looked at the people who were escaping. The sharp edge of the sword pointed at their backs, as if she could sprint out in the next second.

Understood in seconds!

Definitely understand it instantly!

Those embarrassed people immediately threw away the war cards in their hands, one by one...

It was quickly stacked on top of the tall pile of war posters.

Only ten second level emperors were eliminated.

The combat power of these three emperors is around 20,000 counties, and there are still some that are beyond that. At this moment, they are hesitant or full of murderous intent.

In terms of actual combat power, they are not afraid of Jun Zili, but... the Three Thousand Sword Style is too terrifying, and the Eye Technique is too terrifying. Even if the strongest combat power is not as good as them, the actual force is stronger than them.

It is very likely that they will be counterattacked, so they are not confident and dare not force the enemy. But to hand over the battle card obediently is undoubtedly admitting defeat, so they are not willing to accept it!

"Eight thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine, if there are ten of you, that's eight thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, there is still one missing."

Missing one, what does it mean?

The beautiful woman who was responsible for handing out war invitations was still in a daze. Suddenly she pointed her finger in the air, and a stream of light shot through her. She was startled, and subconsciously stepped back... but she saw the stream of light shooting directly into her. Into the box, clatter!

Draw a battle card!

The battle post flew out...

It flew into Dai Li's palm, she twisted it with her fingertips, penetrated deeply into the soul mark, and then flicked her wrist.

"Then one more! Nine thousand!"

Nine, the infinite number! Nine thousand, a noble number!

So Jun Zili means to challenge one person to gather nine thousand people?

And this person is...

The war post floats and floats and continues to float...

Floated in front of someone.

Ximen Yun... looked shocked!

Um...looking at Gongsun Zhi not far away opposite.

"It's Gongsun Zhi!"

"It's actually him! One of the nine sons of the Demon Palace!"

"It can only be him. I think that Jun Zili is also a super rookie, so she is naturally qualified to ascend to the position of the Nine Sons. She just joined, and we never thought that she would have such ambitions."

"Yes, Gongsun Zhi happens to be the ninth son and the weakest. He should be her first target."

Having seen Jun Zili massacre more than 8,000 people before, no one felt that Dai Li was overestimating his own abilities by challenging Gong Sun Zhi. Instead, he felt a sense of palpitations in his heart.

The cutting-edge people are so sharp that they can never exceed the number of two palms in the history of the Demon Palace. Among them is Junzili.

And Gongsun Zhi... seemed to have been overpowered.

Even if they haven't fought yet.

Gongsun Zhi was very upset. He was already very unhappy when he lost to Ximen Yun before. However, Ximen Yun was originally the seventh son. He was ranked higher than him and was always more powerful than him. If he lost, he would be defeated. But this gentleman left. ...

Newcomers from outside are so presumptuous! R1152

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