A Queen

Chapter 1,258 9,000 people play 1 game (Orange slightly astringent and Shibi+)

Chapter 1258

What made him even more resentful was that this newcomer's talent was so terrifying and so sharp. He was infinitely more talented than him...but so what!

This does not mean that she is qualified to put me down now!

In anger, Gongsun Zhi smiled instead: "How brave...Junzili is indeed as rumored...but you have to think carefully, I am not comparable to these rabble."

"It seems that the choice is yours...to accept it or not." Dai Li's eyes were fixed, with a breathtaking courage.

Soul Master...If you didn't have the talent of a Soul Master, why would I ever be afraid of you! !

Gongsun Zhi gritted his teeth slightly, he didn't want to accept it because this gentleman was too dangerous and he wasn't sure...

If you lose, it will be tragic!

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t answer!

In an instant, with a touch of his hand, his soul was sacrificed!

If you have to take it, you might as well take it more cheerfully!

As soon as the battle post was received, everyone present was in an uproar!

Nine Thousand Battle Posts, the son of the Ninth Demon Palace, this gentleman is too crazy to do this, but who dares to say that he is not passionate!

"Kill, kill, kill, fight, fight, fight!"

People nearby were shouting and shouting...

It felt like I was in the Colosseum in Rome for a second.

Dai Li was calm as always, but Gongsun Zhi was under great pressure, and murderous intent arose one after another!

The flying fan rotated, his eyes were cold, and he closed his fingertips. While everyone was still cheering, Dai Li seemed to have not reacted yet...

A clone comes out, an independent clone! As soon as they came out, they joined forces!

Is it the joint skill of the clone body?

Buzz~~The flying fan expands, and the black wind comes!

The most powerful poison!

It was even stronger than the previous attack on the enemy Ximen Yun, reaching an attack of 25,000 counties!

This guy is indeed insidious! Ximen Yun was astonished as he watched the giant black wind rush away...

Three Thousand Sword Styles were invincible in group kills, but single attacks were still beyond their capabilities. Gongsun Zhi also thought of this and felt that he should still have a good chance of winning.

But he never expected that... Daili had another trump card!

When the blood begins to burn, the blood energy transforms, and its intensity directly increases tenfold...

The blood of the transmutation king, the third transformation!

Jump up, turn your wrist, the sword spins in a circle, turns into a sickle, and jumps!

Nirvana returns to the sword!


The Blood Moon Scythe cut through... the black wind was torn apart like a black curtain~~~

The second after it was torn open, the knife had already reached the front of the giant fan, cut!


The giant fan was torn apart directly!



Shattered like a broken mirror!

No, it’s a mirror clone!

Gongsun Zhi actually has such a unique trick! That's right, his clone wasn't a clone with a special talent before. Dai Li thought it was a little strange, but he didn't expect it to be a special mirror talent! It has the function of a stand-in puppet...

Ha, it is indeed insidious! I would rather lose to Ximen Yun than expose this trump card!

Dai Li was slightly surprised. His body was covered by the shadow of the huge fan behind him. Everyone saw that the real giant fan had merged with Gongsun Zhi and turned into countless fan blades, like a metal bone beast, coming to kill!

But at that moment, a thunderbolt appeared instantly on the bone beast, pressing down from top to bottom with a palm, and two thunder fingers on the fingertips!

And the body of Dai Li rises from the bottom up!

Gongsun Zhi is very strong, stronger than the strongest among more than 8,000 people. The most interesting thing is to fight against the strongest.

The flying Dai Li curled his lips. In today's competition, her goal has almost been achieved, and there is only one left...

One of the nine sons who counterattacked the Demon Palace!

The clone, the true meaning of martial arts, is the master of martial arts! Open your body!

The main body will definitely break the army! open!

Buzz~~~Absolute murderous intent,

An absolute sickle, with this absolute counterattack...

In conjunction with the lightning falling from the sky...

The main clone is not something you can cooperate with~~

"Break it for me!"

That sickle has a black light on its blade!



There is a kind of fireworks that is black. Daytime fireworks are black.

It bloomed high in the sky, smearing the white clouds and blue sky, trembling the sky, and precipitating many murderous intentions.

The light scatters..咻咻 mourning.

Daili's clone fell to the ground at the same time as the main body, and Gongsun Zhi also landed at the same time. His body was in tatters, and the defensive armor on his body was dim.

Extraordinary defensive inner armor and an indestructible turtle shell could not prevent Gongsun Zhi's defeat.

He was defeated, defeated in full view of everyone.

Ximen Yun raised his eyes and saw that his black robe was fluttering, his whole body was bathed in blood, and the auxiliary hall sign was dripping with blood, but his face was as pure as ever. He was truly a person who made people feel frightened.

Just like the Blood Hell Demon Luo - Xiao Bai who was not far away suddenly thought.

Over at Zangyan Palace, a fusion master smiled at Li Chang: "It seems you are about to feel a sense of crisis."

"Yes" Li Shang smiled lightly.

It is indeed a great sense of crisis.

A large number of people were quiet. The guests were thoughtful and had different expressions. They were all waiting for the next development.

For example, how to clean up this mess.

A man stared at the large amount of blood and corpses on the Demon Glacier and sighed: "She...killed a lot of people."

"Yeah...although it's powerful, but...it's too cruel."

A big competition in the Demon Palace directly slaughtered so many people. No matter how generous the Demon Palace is, it cannot treat people so lightly. The most important thing is that most of the people killed were emperor-level.

Therefore, many low-level Demon Palace members watching the battle were curious about how the Demon Palace would handle this matter.

But the strange thing is that some powerful giants have strange expressions, they seem to be smiling but not smiling, and they seem to stop talking...

Until the Lord of Fenba Hall said: "I will play a game with you with nine thousand people, Jun Zili, I will remember your name."

If the previous summons in the hall were a routine matter and a habitual way of showing respect to emerging talents, then this moment was the time when they were truly remembered.

It was Jun Zili, not Jun Zili, one of the many geniuses in the Demon Palace.

She is an independent individual, different from other geniuses.

The words of Lord Fenba shocked many people, and many Fusion Stages couldn't help but wonder, this situation is...

Chun Shisanniang narrowed her eyes, glanced at the tragic situation in front of her, and curled the corners of her mouth slightly.

It's indeed a very good game.

"Palace Master, this Junzili is indeed powerful, but he has also killed many of our Demon Palace elites, causing great losses to our Eighth Palace." Gongsun Zhi spoke out, without showing his resentment or unwillingness, but as fair and gentle as possible. The tone says...

"Kill?" Palace Master Fenba asked strangely, while the other palace masters... laughed!

The sound of laughter spread throughout the Ice Demon River.

On the guests' side, many people were suspicious, but there were also a few who shook their heads fiercely.

One of them said: "The soul master... is so ghostly..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Daili looked so calm that he used his eyes of reincarnation and scanned...


Many people felt their heads swaying for a moment, and then saw in front of them...

The corpses disappeared one after another, replaced by people who were in the fog, with broken arms but not dead...

Astonishingly, they were some of the nine thousand people who had been defeated and massacred before.

"How is this going!"

"They were not killed!"

"how come.."

The entire audience was probably shocked and stunned, and even Xiao Bai and others found it difficult to accept it. It was as if they thought they had returned home, but in fact they were still sitting in front of the computer in the office.

It’s like being possessed!

But for a moment, they heard the faint words from the master of the Zangyan Palace: "Soul illusion... confuses people and disturbs the mind~~ Jun Zili, your soul ability has reached the level that you can construct a complete illusion. I know a strong soul , you are extremely talented, but you only achieved this when you were over a hundred years old, and you...are 29 years old, amazing!"

If the master of the palace can openly praise his greatness, he must be very powerful, not to mention that this palace master is one of the masters of the upper three palaces!

Everyone was in an uproar but dared not speak.

Gongsun Zhi's face looked strange, so he was also deceived into the illusion. Everything before was...

"Before, you used illusions to make me think I was defeated by you! Jun Zili, you are so insidious!"

When Gongsun Zhi said this, Li Shang frowned, while Yin Nianzhao and Ximen Yun had very strange expressions.

Does this person mean that he thought he was not defeated by Jun Zili, but was only deflected by the illusion?

Dai Li looked back at Gongsun Zhi, slowly put Qianji into the sheath, and explained slowly: "Look at your right hand."

Gongsun Zhi lowered his head and saw that his right arm was empty.

He, like those others, had his right arm cut off.

The illusion is imaginary and the right arm is not real. In other words, he was indeed defeated.

"You were not defeated by me...but you were defeated by me and then deceived into an illusion."

Someone was so rude that he had to make up for it!

Both physical and mental trampling.

Gongsun Zhi: "..."

Everyone could hardly breathe.

"It's not surprising that her soul realm can control illusions, but her illusions can enchant millions of people here? Only people above the integration stage can see the reality?"

"No, not necessarily during the integration period."

He was born in a fusion period, and he happened to be a master in the early stage of fusion. He smiled bitterly and waved his hand: "I didn't see it from the beginning to the end, and I was psychedelic from the beginning..."

Being enchanted by an emperor... this feeling is really...

This can only prove that Jun Zili's soul is powerful and has reached the integration stage.

"The soul is so powerful that the time to merge with you is just a matter of time. Very good. Our Demon Palace is very happy to have a genius like you join us. We said before that we would wait until the Master of the Immortal Palace comes to decide your place in the Upper Three Palaces. So now... we can move forward." The voice of Master Fenba was obviously a little happy, which was a little different from the seriousness and coldness of the past.

According to the words of the guests, the Demon Palace stepped on shit and somehow deceived a genius who was terrible in all aspects in a small place outside the world.

With this talent... he will definitely become a giant in the Demon Palace in the future, and it is not impossible to even be a candidate for the palace master.

All she lacks is time.

But then, a problem arises.

Go to the three halls, just the three halls, don’t think about immortality, Zangyan or Fenba... which one are you going to enter?

Dai Li felt that several palace masters were looking at him. In terms of strength, Fen Ba was naturally stronger, but Zangyan Palace Master seemed to have sided with her several times... and the one with Chun Shisanniang again. Hanging. R1152

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