A Queen

Chapter 1,259 One year, one condition!

Chapter 1259

It’s really hard to choose~~

Dai Li touched his chin and was about to speak...

"She can't enter the Third Palace yet."

The sudden interjection made all the seven palace masters surprised. It also made Gongsun Zhi's eyes light up and he looked up.

The person speaking is not the Immortal Palace Master who has the greatest say!

Could it be that he didn't like Jun Zili and wanted to strangle him?

Gongsun Zhi and many other geniuses were overjoyed, the sky has eyes!

Dai Li rolled his eyes, this immortal old man must be blind. I am so magnificent and talented that I am not allowed to enter the Third Palace. Have I ever offended you?

Still...too good, lonely as snow.

The two palace masters, Zang Yan and Fen Ba, didn't say anything. They both looked at the Immortal Palace Master...

quite a while.

The ancient and vast voice of the Immortal Palace Master continued.

"Jun Zili, continue to record your name for later use."

Hey, Dai Li frowned. Her thoughts were all gone. She thought she could directly enter the upper echelons of the Demon Palace. Damn it!

Maybe the Demon Palace...

Just when someone is thinking about finding a new job.

"When you reach the Ultimate Emperor level and reach 300,000 Demon Realm Points within one year, you will directly enter my Immortal Palace."

The whole place was silent, suffocating, and unbelievable...

In the Immortal Palace, there are all the most powerful people in the Demon Palace. There are many supreme ones, and the weakest ones have to be high-level fusion ones~~ so some are special.

Now, the Immortal Palace has taken a liking to Jun Zili!

Are you kidding!

Zang Yan and Fen Ba Palace Master remained silent, perhaps secretly complaining in their hearts that Immortal actually took the initiative to rob someone! Could it be that he couldn't help it because of the fishy nature of this girl?

Only one person reacted more tactfully, that is, the person involved: "Is it 30,000 points a year... or is it the ultimate king for a year?"

"Tie-to-tie conditions, you must complete them all."

"Then what if I can't finish it..."

"Then you can choose another palace."


It's like a private agreement between Dai Li and the Immortal Palace Master. One proposes, the other agrees, and then it's OK!

No matter how messy other people are.

Of course, after OK, the Immortal Palace Master seemed to still have a little interest in Jun Zili.

"Jun Zili, as far as I know, your style has always been to kill decisively and show no mercy. Why are you holding back today?"

The Immortal Palace Master's voice is somewhat deep, it can invade people's souls, and it is also extremely frightening.

"Why..." Dai Li added lightly, then looked directly at the dull black crystal face of the Master of the Immortal Palace, and smiled: "Since it was determined from the beginning that I can control them, they will be used by me, and Why kill him?”

How to say this answer...

It became the most stunning brilliance and brilliance of this Demon Palace Competition.

It also means that a young Bai Zhanji who has just arrived has climbed up to the core group of the Demon Palace vigorously and often unscientifically.


After the competition, the excitement remains the same, whether it's Gong Zangxue's combined cultivation, Bai Jin's silent poison killing, or the bloody battles of elites like Xiao Bai...

Daili was completely idle. He brought a chair from nowhere and sat next to Chun Shisanniang, eating melon seeds...

While joking, he also complained about the competition between some monks from the Demon Palace...

The more he complained, the happier he became. In the end, he asked a strong man from the Ice Demon River to take out some bacon and fresh fish from his home not far away, and then moved them out of the stove...

eat! Eat eat! Eat shit on you!

The strong man was obviously so squeezed by Chun Shisanniang that he was crying a little bit, cursing and fanning the flames to cook fish soup...

"That woman worked so hard today. She has resisted for three fusion periods." Dai Li looked at the fierce fusion battle in the distance, feeling a little puzzled.

"Didn't you realize that those several integration stages were all from the Lixin Palace?"

Dai Li suddenly came to an end,

No wonder, this woman is also fierce. She supports a Divine Gong Palace by herself, and even competes with the Lixin Palace.

But this woman is indeed a talented evildoer.

"I bet a cucumber that it won't take a hundred years for her to swallow up the Lixin Palace."

Dai Li's words were very serious, even though he was chewing melon seeds in his mouth.

"Oh, you know this? Why?"

"By all means, I can help her get it done in a hundred years!"

It's been a hundred years since she was able to fit together. Dai Li has this kind of confidence!


Chun Shisanniang was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "I think she must have heard it...she is very happy at the moment~~"



Dai Li was frightened by the loud noise coming from the distance. Looking over, he saw the huge glacier that had been pierced...

The vast glacier was penetrated by her.

Two people: "..."

Such intense joy.

"By the way, who is that girl?" Daili asked Chun Sanniang with his mouth full.

Chun Shisanniang didn't need to turn around to know who she was asking: "Li Shang, our beauty who hides cigarettes...she ranks third."

"Third? Who is first and second?"

"Of course the first one is me...the second one is, guess what!"

"It shouldn't be the Master of Zangyan Hall..."



"Do you know that you have offended your palace master like this?"

"I know. But it doesn't matter if you know. I'm the biggest in Zangyan. No one dares to mess with me." This tone is formidable.

"Are you her mother?"

"She is my sister. She is like a mother. It is not wrong to say she is a mother."


Dai Li sprayed.

No wonder, no wonder Duan Ze and the others couldn't stand up in front of this man.

After complaining in his heart, Dai Li said: "The conditions given by the Immortal Palace Master... 300,000 points seem to be very difficult."

“Not very difficult”

"Eh? Please give me some advice."

"It's always difficult"


Chun Shisanniang smiled when she saw the earthy color on Dai Li's face, but the fire-burning expert next to her interjected: "Don't listen to her nonsense. Although 300,000 points is difficult, that's normal." Speaking of which... there are other ways to quickly earn points."

"Uncle, please give me some advice!"

"You can go to the Demon Realm Suppressing Tower, and you can even go to the Demon Realm Heavenly Demon Mountain. You can get a lot of points from them, hundreds or thousands of times more than the usual channels, and they are relatively safe. That is, you can't get more points just by doing more. , but it depends on your current ability... As for how it is, you will know if you see it yourself."

This uncle is obviously not good at talking, and he won't talk much.

Dai Li's eyes lit up and he touched his chin: "Are they all from the Demon Realm? Where are they?"

"Magic City" Daili has a sense of sight as if he had heard about Shanghai.

However, the Demon City is the core of the Demon Realm, the most terrifying and dangerous place, but also the most prosperous. About half of the powerful people in the Demon Realm travel to and from the Demon City.

Even in the Demon Palace, strong men often come and go...

"Are these places from the Magic City?"

"Of course, these are set by our Demonic Alliance. Demonic Domain Points are also points used within the Demonic Alliance. Our Demonic Palace is one of the original members of the Demonic Alliance, so many Demonic Palace points are also equivalent to Demonic Domain Points. They are chained, and the Demonic Alliance The headquarters is in Magic City”

In fact, in a large sense, the Magic City represents the Demon Realm. Dai Li heard it from many people on the ancient dragon boat, but she didn't expect that she would have to go to the Magic City so soon.

"Then there are no ways to quickly gain points in the Demon Palace? For example, those tasks?" Dai Li also wanted to use the method he used in Fenchuan to accumulate Demon Realm points...

"Do you still want to use the same method as before?" Chun Shisanniang's eyes were like fiery eyes, and she saw Dai Li in every minute: "With your people alone, millions of people are just delivering food... from the Demon Palace Headquarters The weakest mission can only be completed by being at the peak of the king level. It is useless if there are more people, and the most points are a few points. Most tasks are more than a dozen points, the more difficult ones are tens or hundreds, and the most difficult ones are only thousands... There are also ten thousand.”

"Ten thousand!" Dai Li's eyes flashed.

"Most of the emperor-level people can't reach the 10,000-level limit, so you're going to do it? You're going to die!"

This is really not polite. What about the promised fight?

Daili means curling one's lips.

"Come on, I am lucky to have lost my life. Whether I can fulfill this condition depends on this year..." Dai Li said this, but in his heart he was working hard to complete it.

"Oh, you really have to work hard. After all, you took the risk to recruit nine thousand people just to soar into the sky. Now, although you have not been able to directly enter the Third Palace, you have been appreciated by the Lord of the Immortal Palace... Haven't you noticed that Gongsun Stop the way those people look at you?"

Dai Li glanced over and saw Gongsun Zhi's jealousy, and of course the unpredictable looks in Ximen Yun and Yin Nianzhao's eyes.

It's because you are unwilling to do so.

"In terms of strength, most of the nine sons are above you. Gongsun Zhi is the weakest and is close to the third level. The other two are at the third level. As for the others... you can imagine, but so far there is only one person who can enter the Immortal Palace. , but the other two are immortal names just like you."


"Pangban and Cheliao, the third and second sons of the Demon Palace"

"The first one is the only one who entered the Immortal Palace?"


Chun Shisanniang seemed to have some warning, but she said in a low voice with deep meaning: "Don't look at Gongsun Zhi being dealt with by you, the others are not easy to mess with. Needless to say, the three you have seen in front of you, Yuan Xiqing, Zhuo Xiaobai, Zi Cheyou, Pang Ban, and Que Liao have been famous for a long time. Even the inside of the Demon Palace does not know what their strength is, but they have accumulated at least five or three hundred thousand points in the Demon Realm, but that It is the result of their accumulation for many years. When they first entered the Demon Palace or when you were your age, they did not have your strength and potential. Maybe this is the reason why the Immortal Palace Master chose you... I remember that Ruan was chosen by Picked like this”


"Well, the number one among the nine sons of the Demon Palace was only 30 years old at that time, which was the period of integration."


30 years old, the period of integration?

You must have been cheating since you were born, let me go!


Gongsun Zhi, Yin Nianzhao, Ximen Yun, Li Shang, and Daili have already seen four of them. Daili is a little curious about the details of the other six, but Chun Shisanniang has always liked to do "you ask, you ask, I I won't tell you unless you let me touch it." This is such an immoral thing.

Therefore, Dai Li, who has always been pure and self-respecting, could only suppress the doubts in his heart... and quietly watched the fierce battle in Dabi until the end. R1152

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