A Queen

Chapter 1,260 Painting Flames in the Golden Age

Chapter 1260

It's not that no one died, on the contrary, many people died. When Dai Li saw those corpses, he couldn't help but sigh: "We are born from the same roots, so why bother?"

"What if these people are your enemies and are not of use to you?"

"Kill it!"

My uncle said it!


When all the battle posts turn gold and no other battle posts are generated, it means that the competition is over.

"The competition is over, please hand over the golden battle cards you received."

Everyone handed over their war papers... naturally the most people were separated.

The combined stage is strong, but not many of them can match a pair of nine thousand combined stages, so it's a tragedy.

Among the emperors, there are three-level emperors, but no one has that kind of mass killing power, so it's a tragedy.


"Junzili, with nine thousand battle posts, ranked first in the competition"

This is a sure thing, and then some other emperor-level masters will follow, but most of them only have a few hundred battle posts.

Among them, Ximen Yun and Yin Nianzhao were very conspicuous. Of course, Li Shang came later and did not make many moves, but he also got three hundred battle tickets.

Other famous emperors, such as Li Tuo, performed well at this level.

The so-called big competition is to select the strong and outstanding ones and eliminate the weak ones, just like panning for gold.

Obviously these people are the chosen elite.

The first place in Daili's name is not just because of its attractive name or the ability to become famous. In fact, Daili is more interested in its rewards.

She got a reward of 10,000 points! These 10,000 points knocked Dai Li unconscious... Is this 10,000 points?

"Nine thousand battle posts, it's a new record. If you were first in the imperial class in the past, you would only get 5,000 points. This year is an exception..."

"Yes, but even if Junzili has these ten thousand extra points,

There are still 290,000 points, reaching 300,000 points within one year... It is simply a myth! "

"It's too difficult... The Master of the Immortal Palace probably hit her on purpose, but I'm sure he's optimistic."

Regarding other people's discussions of envy, jealousy and hatred, Daili actually has only one reaction.

"I really want to compete twenty-nine times again"

Is this person speaking human language? Do you know how many right arms you have chopped off?

However, the reward for the first place is not only 10,000 points, but also one free time each for the ninth, eighth and seventh level magic pools.

Ouch, I give you a pillow when you feel sleepy. It’s so considerate!

When the master of Fenba Palace added something meaningful to Dai Li: "I think this will be very useful to you..."

The joy of generation and separation froze in an instant.

Well, it seems that these palace masters have figured it out.

But to Dai Li's surprise, these palace masters did not come to chat with her... Maybe she misjudged it, the demon is not that important in fact...

Dai Li could only think so, but after the competition, the palace masters and some low-key giants all left. She was surrounded by a large number of people from the Demon Palace, congratulating and making friends with countless people.

A person who does not go to the three palaces is better than a person who goes to the three palaces.

Because even people from the Third Palace took the initiative to befriend her...

"I thought it would take her a few years to rise to the top in the Demon Palace Headquarters... It seems I underestimated her." Chun Shisanniang was drinking wine and watching this scene from a distance with some emotion.

Yu Linglong: "There is more than one person who underestimates her, but I think, aunt, instead of lamenting now, it is better to wait for the future... to see how she stirs up the spring water in the Demon Palace again."

"Hey, I like this."

Just when the people from Ice Demon River were about to leave or continue chatting...

"what is that?"

Everyone turned around and saw white clouds floating in the distant sky to the east. Under the blue sky, there were silver meteors shooting out. There were hundreds of them in rows, and they shot up to thousands of feet. After high altitude, crack!



It's like fireworks, but it's like splashing ink, oil painting!

Fireworks like oil paintings are so bright and thrilling, green mountains and green waters, the back of a lonely pavilion, egrets flying over a clear lake...

The scene is further rendered, and it is a solitary smoke in the desert, with a majestic red horse running wildly, stepping on the flying yellow sand...


Pictures are painted in the sky in an incredible way...like fireworks, appearing and disappearing, fleeting, but giving people the most beautiful feeling.

But the most impressive thing should be the huge dragon boat at the end that shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds. The misty white clouds parted like water waves, and a tall, slender, but handsome woman slowly walked to the railing and stretched lazily. Waist, just at that time... the sun was shining.

An eternal scene.


When Dan followed Daili back to the registration area, he said: "There were many people looking at you just now."

"She looks good"

"I think it's because of the back view."


Dai Li felt that it was not a good thing for a housekeeper to be too difficult and too smart, so he turned his head and rolled his eyes at him: "Dan, are you teasing me?"

"Don't dare"

"Very good. I'm in a good mood now. You should say something to make me happier."

"Your 300 billion spiritual crystal dividends should have been credited to your account. You can check your Demon Palace account."

Dai Li was really happy, he smiled, and quickly handed over the 250 billion spiritual crystals from the Demon Palace to him: "Now it's your turn to be busy... I'll go to the Demon Pond, see you later."

He left vigorously and resolutely again.

Dan stood there and watched for a while, then suddenly smiled: "I worked so hard...Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose, or~~"

However, being able to use the finest extraordinary smoke spirit to draw flames from thousands of miles away is just for celebration. With such timeliness and care, one must have an extraordinary status. People like that are not easy to ignore, my lord~~

To be able to know everything in a short period of time, it is obvious that the guests or people in the Demon Palace are from each other, otherwise they would not know so quickly. Of course, what is even more terrifying is that the grand fireworks were arranged in a short period of time... .

No matter how I think about it, I find it unbelievable, and I also feel that this man has great authority.

But few people know that in fact, Dai Li really didn't take it to heart. He was not troubled or frightened. He only had a simple appreciation of the painting flames at that time, and the dumbfounding of the person behind him.

Even on Earth where entertainment culture and love culture are extremely developed, Daili knows that this method is indeed the ultimate in romance, but she never thought that it would be a one-on-one relationship...

But it was just a thought at the time. At this moment, Daili's mind was filled with the devil's pond!

"First place, Jun Zili, worked very hard, no wonder he achieved extraordinary results." Ling smiled when she saw Dai Li again.

A real smile.

There are no people in the magic pool at the moment, because most of them are on the side of the Ice Demon River.

"Thank you~~ I came to enter the magic pool"

"You know, ninth level or seventh level?"

"Let's wait nine."

Of course from the worst.

Ling still sent Dai Li to the Ninth Devil Pond to watch her jump...

When people disappeared, Na Qiu Liang was amazed: "Both of us were mistaken. We thought he was a little wolf with a good growth rate, but we didn't expect that he was a tiger with full wings... I guess those nine thousand battle posts were all intentional on her part." "what he did"

"Even fools can see it. If it weren't for being so bold, the Master of the Immortal Palace wouldn't look at him differently."

"But there was something strange about the magic pool before..."

"The palace masters know what they are thinking"


In a large hall, the giant statues of three hall masters stand like tripods.

"Since ancient times, people who can absorb more demons have higher demonic talents. Our Demon Palace has always used this to judge the talents and training of the children under our command, but absorption is one thing. It can be directly used in a short time. There are only a handful of demons that can be used for their own purposes. In the past five thousand years, only one Ruan can drain a seventh-level demon pool in one day. Now there is one more Junzili, which is great."

The immortal voice was low and echoed in the hall.

When Fen Ba heard this, he complained: "It's good that you set such difficult conditions for him... You didn't listen to those boys outside. I thought that the Lord of Fen Ba was the worst, but it turns out that the Lord of the Immortal Palace is the darkest." "

Who would have thought that the cool and arrogant ultimate president Fenba Palace Master outside would imitate the tone of the disciples outside and complain...

Zang Yan laughed brightly and said, "Second senior brother, don't blame the senior brother for robbing you... Didn't you say anything if you didn't see me~~"

"You didn't say, that's because that girl is having an affair with your sister! She's half a member of the Hidden Smoke Palace, unlike me~~ A Ruan was dragged directly into the Immortal Palace back then, but a gentleman Li... shouldn't be dragged in , but it was placed in front of my house to prevent entry, really!"

Immortal seemed a little helpless and said: "Don't be angry. This is the rule set by the master. Anyone with such talent must enter the Immortal Palace as soon as possible to be trained as a ruler of the Demon Palace. If you stay in Fenba Palace, you can only It will just slow down the speed of progress..."

"Hey, I'm going!"

Fen Ba's eyes look like they can spit fire.

"As for why she is not allowed to enter immortality now, it is because she is not originally from our Demonic Realm, and has not practiced the methods of Demonic Dao. She has too little penetration into the Demonic Realm. If she directly enters immortality, she will be too hard to break. We need to let her hone her skills outside for a year..."

"I'll just call you a scumbag. That condition was really deliberately set up to trick her! Three hundred thousand points a year, you can say it out loud, Ruan was just like that back then."

Ruan is also an amazing myth in the eyes of the palace masters.

Well, it should be said that it is a myth that astonishes the entire Demon Realm.

Obviously, Junzi Li is far inferior to Ruan.


Three magic pools, nine days. After nine days, Dai Li left the seventh level magic pool.

She was a little worried because she had sucked a lot of water out of the three magic pools...but Ling and the other two were stunned as if they didn't see anything, as usual.

Dai Li felt weird in his heart, and thought to himself that maybe the palace master had turned a blind eye, or there must be other geniuses in the Demon Palace who had done such things, so he should get used to it.

As soon as he thought about it, Dai Li calmed down and left the magic pool swaggeringly.

As soon as she left, Deling and Qiu Liang rushed directly to the seventh-level magic pool. When they saw it, their expressions were weird.

"Animal, this person, she sucked up one-tenth of the seventh-level magic pool" r1152


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