A Queen

Chapter 1,261 The ambition and mission of the second clone

Chapter 1261

"Damn it, it was only one-twentieth the time before!"

Ling and Qiu Liang were stunned, but Daili just focused on practicing on her own, whether it was the amazing painting flames or the glory of being first in the competition, she didn't care.

Three days later.

In the training room, Dai Li slowly absorbed the demonic power in his body, condensed it into a black bead, and then pulled the demonic power to temper his physique.

In addition to the body of a dragon and a vampire, her physique already possesses some demonic qualities unique to demons.

It is several percent stronger than before, otherwise it would not be able to withstand eight thousand emperors.

The previous thunder demons and blood demons were all formed by integrating the demonic demons into the blood energy and Lei Yuandu. She didn't dare to use the demonic demon power at first, but she didn't expect that after trying it carefully, she found that she could control the demonic demons. Damn, so...

"This evil force is very dangerous. It can only be diluted into the blood and used with Lei Yuan, but it feels very dangerous to absorb it with the blood."

Blood energy and demon power are two different kinds of power. Blood energy is evil and good at devouring, while demon power is fierce and strong and good at destruction. It is too difficult to fuse these two very arrogant powers together.

The same goes for Lei Yuan...

"If you don't integrate it, you have to waste some time and soul to use it, which is not beautiful." Dai Li thought about her performance during the previous battle, and he was actually a little dissatisfied.

The demonic power is obviously her biggest trump card, but it doesn't play its full role. It can only play the role of a special weapon. In the final analysis, the demonic power is generated and cannot be freely controlled.


Suddenly, Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then thoughtful.

"Since it's not easy to fuse, I'll just take it out. Anyway, Mosha is one of the purest and most extreme powers, and its energy intensity is several times stronger than Lei Yuan. If Mosha is used...for example, a clone ..The power must be extremely terrifying...maybe even stronger than my main body's combat power."

If anyone else were here, they would be scared to death.

Because Daili, who already has one clone, is still thinking about the second clone, which is still the Demonic clone!

Too greedy and too ambitious!

But this is impossible!

"Whether people in this world are distracted or united,

At most there is only one clone, no matter how talented you are. There is only one... It seems that is what those people said."

Daili touched his chin. Narrowing his eyes: "No matter what others say, I'll give it a try."

Just do it, someone immediately started to condense the clone... Ten seconds later...


Someone's arm exploded. Bloody and bloody.

"Damn it, it turns out that the existence of Thunder's clone will interfere with..."

Daili immediately separated the thunder clone from his body, because it had reached the realm of clones, so it was okay to put it outside.

Not much longer. Dai Li's powerful physique is to let her arm fully recover and try again!

half a minute...


three minutes..


ten minutes..


In the end, Daili can only peel off a little bit of the evil power to form part of the clone.

Too difficult. too difficult.

Her soul felt like it was being torn apart.

"It's difficult, it's difficult, it's incredibly difficult. First, my total amount of demonic power is far from enough. Second, my soul power and control ability are not enough. Third, the existence of the second clone must be extremely pure. Even the first clone It must also be pure, so as to ensure that the souls of the three clones can be connected in one line..."

Daili learned a lot of ancient knowledge in Chibi, and his vision was no longer what it used to be. After trying several times and failing, he figured out a very critical and correct point, and there was an incredible result.

"It's not impossible to have a second clone, it's just that almost no one can do it."

almost? This word suddenly popped up in Dai Daili's mind. Her heart moved, and she immediately called up Chibi to read the knowledge in it, but she saw a sentence in it.

"The power in the world is invincible, the body is as flawless as jade, the soul is infinite and can follow the heart, the inspiration is unreasonable and the understanding is the clone of Wuji. This is the art of clone of my great wilderness Wuji"

Dai Li repeated this sentence several times, his eyes flashing... There is a way for the second clone!

As long as she does three things.

One, smelt the thunder clone and its body into pure form! This is flawless body.

Second, to enhance the soul and soul control skills, at least three clones must be easily controlled... I estimate that it must be at least three times as powerful as the current soul.

Third, inspiration is unfounded understanding, which is enlightenment and study...it requires hard work, opportunity and talent.

"Three conditions, plus the power of a demon... that's four! Also, I want to reach the emperor level limit and 300,000 points within this year~~"

Dai Li made a list of five goals, and firmly believed that the fire would come out of the seclusion, and then went to the mission hall of the Demon Palace.

Celebrities are celebrities, and as soon as Dai Li walked into the bright and glorious palace, he attracted the burning eyes of many people.

Of course, these glances quickly turned into respect.

"Lord Jun"

"I've met Lord Jun"

Under the upper three halls, unless they were senior officials above the deputy hall master level, they all bowed to Dai Li. Beyond a large area of ​​bends, within sight, there were no less than one hundred thousand people.

Dai Li nodded slightly and walked directly to the counter. The pretty beauty inside the counter had already stood up and saluted: "Do you want to receive a mission, sir?"

"Well, it's my first time here. Please introduce me."

Who doesn’t know that Junzili is only 29 years old and comes from a small place outside the Demonic Realm. He has joined the Demonic Palace less than two years ago. He has never been to the Demonic Palace headquarters, so naturally he does not know how to accept the mission of the Demonic Palace headquarters.

But no one dared to laugh at her country bumpkin, and they could only lament her incredible talent. She is only 29 years old...

"Okay, sir, sir, please look over there..." The woman's voice was so clear that she helped Daili introduce. There are light pillars in the entire mission hall, which are divided into five colors: white, blue, red, purple and black. White is normal. Blue is difficult, red is dangerous, purple is extreme, and black is death.

"Normal, difficult, dangerous, extreme, and death, these are the five levels of tasks in my Demon Palace. Different difficulty levels lead to different task benefits."

Dai Li nodded and glanced around. There seemed to be light spots floating in these light pillars.

"Those light spots are the mission scrolls?"

"Yes, the mission scroll is a sign of acceptance. After receiving it, you will shed blood to identify the owner. When you complete the mission, it will give an evaluation throughout the process. Come back and hand in the mission. Our Demon Palace will calculate the recipient's life based on this mission evaluation. mission rewards"

"I understand..." Dai Li felt that this thing is similar to the mission system in the game... "Then can my authority access all missions?"

"Permission is not required for access, but certain conditions need to be met to access dangerous-level tasks and above. It depends on the details of individual tasks."

Dai Li nodded and came to the light screen, watching the woman help her call out a large number of tasks from the task library to check...

If it were other ordinary disciples, where would such a service come from? It would cost some money to access and search tasks, and they would not have such a good attitude.

"Ordinary level... too simple"

Normal-level tasks are suitable for ordinary king-level and emperor-level tasks, but most of them are simple and have less points. The difficult level tasks are slightly okay. There are killing a force without revealing the identity, and searching for a treasure without being killed...

It didn't look easy, but Dai Li only looked at a few and jumped over. The woman's heart moved. Could it be that Mr. Jun doesn't like difficult tasks?

You must know that most emperor-level tasks only stop at difficult-level tasks, and only a few dare to take on dangerous-level tasks...and there are very few people who can complete them alive...

The number of dangerous-level tasks is very small. If there are no less than 100,000 tasks in the entire task library, then nine out of ten are normal and difficult levels. There are almost a thousand dangerous-level tasks, and most of them have been accepted. But the above shows that it can still be accessed..

"Can others take over the tasks that have already been taken?"

"Yes, it just depends on who completes the task first..."

Jie Jie, there are really fights everywhere. The Demon Palace is indeed completely different from other forces. Such an arrangement will increase the struggle among the members under its command, but it can also hone the elites to the maximum extent.

Dai Li was completely focused on mission points and saving time, so he directly skipped these missions that had already been taken, and in the end there were only fifty left...

"Danger level mission 238, there is a Tulopan monk who was suspected of murdering hundreds of elites in our Demon Palace a hundred years ago, and swallowed a shipload of supplies in our Demon Palace, and then escaped. I have been tracing it for decades in the Hidden Smoke Palace, and found out He hid in the country of Lezhu, and took this mission to go to the country of Lezhu to kill the Tulopan monk and destroy the strength he had established in the country of Lezhu... Note, the reward for this mission is basically one thousand points. Before One person has already accepted the mission, but the mission failed and was killed. His strength is probably at the high level of the emperor."

When Dai Li saw this mission, he thought about the location of Lezhu Kingdom in the Demon Realm. He looked at the notes again... then squinted his eyes and continued reading...

Dai Li's eyesight was very fast, and most of his expressions were calm, making it difficult for people to tell the truth. The woman was curious, but did not dare to speculate too much. She let Dai Li go check the mission by herself, and she came to the side to entertain the others... .

This other person is none other than Ximen Yun.

When Dai Li checked and raised his eyes, he saw Ximen Yun looking at her.

Looking at each other, she raised her eyebrows, and Ximen Yun smiled: "Your Excellency Jun is also here to choose a task... Why don't you spend more time in the Demon Palace?"

Whenever you accept a mission, you have to leave the Demon Palace. Most of the people in the Demon Palace go out for training, but this should not include those who have just arrived in the Demon Palace.

However, many people noticed that Ximen Yun was very friendly when talking to Dai Li, as if they were peers.

Obviously, he regarded the other party as the ninth son of the Demon Palace.

——Replaced Gongsun Zhi.

In a broad sense, it has been replaced. It only lacks an official statement from the Demon Palace.

"No, I can't stay idle..." Dai Li said lightly, then stood up and said to the woman: "Just go directly to the light pillar to pick it up?" (To be continued)


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