A Queen

Chapter 1,262: Li Mo Palace, working hard for the mission!

Chapter 1262

"You also need to pay a certain amount of spiritual crystal fees. One million spiritual crystals for a normal level mission, five million spiritual crystals for a difficult level, and 30 million spiritual crystals for a dangerous level."

It takes so much money to take on tasks! It will probably scare people like Lin Jiangxue to death...

I still remember that when she first arrived in Fenchuan more than a year ago, she was stumped by a piece of spiritual crystal...

Fortunately, she only gave Dan 250 billion spiritual crystals before.

Dai Li sighed inwardly, but under Ximen Yun's bright eyes, he walked to the red light pillar, reached in and took out three dangerous-level scrolls, then went to the side and took out ten difficult-level scrolls.

After paying the money, he left, ignoring the blank stares of others.

"She has received three dangerous levels! There are still ten difficult levels."

"It's so... so domineering!"


Leaving aside the difficulty-level tasks, the three dangerous-level tasks are numbered 992, among which 992 was awarded only in the past few days. The task has the highest points, with a basic score of 1,500. The three dangerous tasks add up. The basic points are almost the same, but the ten difficult level tasks add up to almost the same amount.

Dai Li did not pick the thirteen tasks at random, but specifically found the ones on the road to the Demon City, from the Demon Palace across the Demon Realm to the Demon City at the core of the Demon Realm...

When Dan saw Dai Li coming back from the mission hall, he smiled and said, "I think you are about to go out, sir."

"Hmm...how are your collections going?"

"There are quite a few people in the Demon Palace who are in need of spiritual blood. All the ones on the market have been sold out. We have put up the purchase, and now we have only received 50 million spiritual crystals..."

"The time is still too short...that's all, let's leave it for now"

Dai Li can only be dealt with by Dan. Leave first...

While most of the people in the Demon Palace were still taking on three dangerous-level tasks for Dai Li Haomai, she had already sent notification letters to the few people she knew, such as Chun Shisanniang and Gong Zangxue, and left alone. The devil's palace.

Of course, this guy doesn't have a flying boat, he uses the Demon State that is standard for the deputy palace level of the Demon Palace.

Mortal level magic boat.


The news of Dai Li's departure from the Demon Palace was not widely publicized, but privately some people inside knew that she was not in the Demon Palace.

Among them there must be Chun Shisanniang and others.

"I'm leaving...it's so fast~~I didn't even say goodbye," Chun Shisanniang shook her head and sighed, and suddenly smiled: "I just took on three dangerous-level tasks in one breath. I'm really fat~~"

Some dangerous level tasks are naturally not difficult for them during their combined period. However, the above access conditions are restricted during the combined period... and those without restrictions are too difficult, so even some combined periods have to be relaxed.

The best thing is the extreme emperor level and the extreme integration stage. It will be easier to complete these dangerous tasks...

This will certainly not include generational separation.

But not everyone dislikes her. On the contrary, most people think that this person's survivability is stronger than that of some extreme emperors. After all, the illusion alone is enough to ensure at least 70% of her personal safety.

"She has always been like this. She has never been afraid of anything... But I found out that many spies have been spying on her recently. Once she leaves the Demon Palace, she may not be able to hide it for too long," Yu Linglong said slightly worriedly.

"A lot? Let me take a guess." Chun Shisanniang counted on her fingers: "The one from the Yin family. There's also the Misty Rain Chonglou, the Splitting Cloud... there's also the Feng King... Jie Jie, forget the Feng King. I really don’t understand why Liyun keeps staring at her.”

"I'm also very curious about this. It seems that she was hired to deal with her at the beginning, and now I don't know who is still offering a bounty... Split Cloud's system has always been secretive, and even our people are not involved yet."

"Let it go. The one who should pay the most attention is the Wind King."

"Wind King? It seems like you can't protect yourself now, right?"

"The dog is so anxious to jump over the wall." Chun Shisanniang was as soft as a bone and slumped on the soft blanket, squinting her eyes: "But anyway, she is now attracted by the Immortal Palace. Whether she dies or not is the Immortal Palace's business..."

The words were so cold, but if something really happened, your mistress would definitely be gone very quickly~~


Dai Li did not directly attack the dangerous ones, but tried the difficult ones first. After mastering some difficulty and skills, she released Li Qing and others.

Of course, it's not to use them as thugs, but to let them run errands to spy on information...

"Boss, if you really want to do this, it will cost you a lot..."

Li Qing and Fan Li were all shocked when they learned about Dai Li's plan. Li Qing even started calculating the accounts: "Not to mention other things, the cost of the teleportation array alone will be at least 200 billion..."

Because Daili does not intend to use Mozhou to cross these territories, but intends to teleport the array to and from these mission points.

"Do you think I'm thinking about it? It's mainly because I'm pressed for time... It's been five days now and I've only completed two difficult levels... If I continue to use the magic boat, I can complete these tasks in one year and get thousands of points... This is too slow. The best way is for me to take the teleportation array directly to these mission points. You spread out and spy on the mission targets, and then I take action..."

Li Qing and others could only nod when they heard this. Besides, it was easy to make money and everything, but the most important thing was points.

"Two hundred billion... If I enter the Immortal Palace, can you imagine how much dividends I will receive? The deputy master of Shachuan Palace only has 300 billion spiritual crystals. This is on the books, and I am only in name. How much do you think Zhang Li can earn?"

The others were silent, Daili just stretched out a finger.

"One trillion...a year, at least!"

She earns 300 billion yuan in ten years, while others earn 1 trillion yuan a year. This is the difference between a seasoned veteran and a newcomer.

But once Daili joins the Immortal Palace, the benefits and status improvement he can get... are amazing!

"Damn it, we have to do it! Boss, we support you. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough spiritual crystals. If we do it, we will grab every vote... There are many rich people in this world!"

Li Qing immediately thought of the robbery business.

Dai Li glared at him: "What nonsense are you talking about! How could we do this..."

After a pause, she said seriously: "Just do this kind of thing quietly, don't say it out loud..."

Well, learned!

A few people were so clumsy that they took out a big map and used Dai Li's position in the Demon Palace to investigate a lot of information, and then...


The vampires have always been famous for their concentration and resilience. To hunt a prey, you have to do one thing well, and that is to concentrate. The spiritual crystals are reduced with the transmission of the teleportation array at a terrible rate of consumption, one task at a time. It is also completed one by one.

Every time tens of billions of spiritual crystals are consumed to teleport to a place, someone does a lot of work there, and a lot of the reduced spiritual crystals are given in return, and then they are teleported...

Ten days later.

In a remote wilderness of Lezhu Kingdom, in a large red temple, a bald monk wearing red clothes fell softly to the ground. There was a sword between his eyebrows, and the demon on the sword quickly annihilated his soul. , there was still some unwillingness and resentment in his eyes.

Not far away, Dai Li sat down on the ground, covering a hole in his chest with his palms, and blood gurgled out.

"Damn it, this monk is so awesome."

The fighting outside continued, but when they learned that Monk Turopan had been killed, the morale of these evil monks had been greatly reduced, and they were eager to escape one by one. How could these people be willing to do so? Although these evil monks were all powerful and king-level Quite a few, but the progress of people like Jie is also terrifying. There are many king-level people, and the number of people is huge. The human sea tactics and desperate play style can also forcefully gnaw down the opponent's ten thousand people...

The scene was very bloody and brutal.

Li Qing and others, covered in blood, flew into the temple and saw Dai Li, who had his arm cut off, his body bleeding, and his breath was extremely weak.

They were suddenly shocked. They had to know that the dangerous mission before had not injured Dai Li so seriously. Is this monk so powerful? The ultimate emperor?

Obviously what they found out is that this guy is only at the peak of the second-level emperor level, and he can't support the third-level emperor level.

"Boss, you..."

Dai Li shook his head, sat cross-legged on the ground, took a deep breath, and said: "We were all deceived by him... No wonder the third-level emperor in the Demon Palace suffered a big loss from him. This guy is a third-level emperor." Although his strength is in the early stage, his clone is also a third-level emperor, and he has a weird magic that can plunder the blood of these corpses for his own use. If I hadn't reacted quickly and used the pupil technique to create an illusion to confuse his mind, he would be dead right now. It’s me”

A close call, a close call indeed.

Death is close at hand.

Li Qing and others also breathed a sigh of relief. While Dai Li closed his eyes to recover from his injuries, they went over and blasted the evil monk.

Speaking of these monks, they have no psychological burden at all, because these sanctimonious monks are lewd and obscene in private, secretly robbed many girls and raped them, and killed people and took wealth to refine corpses. There are no less than hundreds of thousands of corpses buried under the entire Red Temple. There are many evil deeds, especially this Tulopan monk, who is the culprit... He can go to the eighteenth level of hell.

When Dai Li opened his eyes, Li Qing and others had already cleaned up the scene. There was not a single body left, oh, only that of Monk Tulopan.

"Boss, are you okay?" Li Qing and others who were practicing cross-legged stood up as soon as they saw Dai Li wake up.

"Well, almost...":

almost? Li Qing and Fan Li were stunned.

"you sure?"

Li Qing's eyes moved down and landed on Dai Li's chest...but he was slapped away by Jie.

However, the hole in Dai Li's chest has indeed been completely repaired, and all the wounds on his body have been fully restored...

It's only been half a day, and the dying wounds are intact?

It would have taken hundreds of years for other emperors to cultivate.

The difference is huge...

"Has this place been accounted for?"

"Not yet, we just put our hands here and haven't gone into the inner court yet, but I'm sure there are no other remnants left behind."

Dai Li nodded, walked to the body of Tulopan monk, took off his storage ring, and took a look at the items inside...

"Yes, this sweet potato is indeed black. It actually robbed so much property... Our travel expenses have been repaid." (To be continued)



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