A Queen

Chapter 1,264 Longrui Temple

Chapter 1264

It was a very prosperous town, quite large in size, with tens of thousands of homes. The streets were neatly connected, and there were decent shops. Some Buddhist monks wore cassocks and walked back and forth. There were also many pilgrims passing through.

The atmosphere of Buddhism and Taoism is very strong.

Li Qing: "Hey, I really didn't expect there to be a place like this behind the terrible mud and sand in Sand Shen Valley."

Jinli Stream is one of the most dangerous places in the Demon Realm. There are countless flying sand, rocks and quagmire. It is difficult to fly in the air, so you can only walk on land. However, there is often mud and sand on land, so only this special horse can walk on flat ground...

Such a special and dangerous situation cannot stop a large number of pilgrims coming from all directions in the Demonic Realm, and even people from outside the Demonic Realm...

Daili and the others paused here for a moment, and saw hundreds of people riding horses passing in front of them.

However, once these people pass through generations, most of them will subconsciously turn their heads and look back, and then look again...

What a handsome man!

Wearing a straight pure black robe and a maroon robe, they are all strong colors no matter how you look at them, but they form the most obvious beauty with this person who is as pale as jade.

In the land of Buddhism, such a coquettish person is naturally very conspicuous, so many pilgrims along the way were extremely curious and speculative about Dai Li. Unfortunately, few people could come forward to strike up a conversation. First, this person's aura was too coquettish. , not easy to get close to, and secondly, the sign on her waist...seems to be someone from the Demon Palace.

The Demon Palace is so arrogant that ordinary people cannot afford to offend it.

So these people only dare to look, but don't dare to say anything.

"Let's go. If you don't go, you will be left behind..."

Dai Li and others dismounted their horses when they arrived in front of Longrui Town. All the horses were taken away and kept by the dedicated postmaster, because it was not allowed to mount horses and travel through the town. It was too disrespectful.

This horse was also bought to cross that special dangerous area, and it would be troublesome to enter the town. Dai Li and others were eager to let others take care of their horses.

After dismounting, Dai Li looked up and saw the gate plaque of Longrui Town hanging high above his head. It was upright and full of Buddhist spirit. Dai Li took a look and turned to ask Miao Yuxuan: "Can you still find your own home?"

Miao Yuxuan had always been in awe of Dai Li, a strong man who was many times more beautiful than any woman. Hearing this, he replied softly: "Remember... I will go back to see my mother later. Seniors..."

She wanted to say thank you.

I feel like I have said this many times. I don't know how to express my gratitude.

Perhaps after being imprisoned for so many years, she was different from before.

senior? Daili would not tell this girl that at her age she might be able to be her grandmother...

"Go ahead"

Dai Li said lightly. Miao Yuxuan nodded, turned and left..

"This girl is lucky. Her family is in a place like Longrui Temple, and she has the protection of these Buddhist and Taoist masters. She will not be bullied because of her poor strength..."

But if you were really lucky, you wouldn't have been captured at Longrui Temple...

It makes me sad just thinking about it.

This is Longrui Temple!

"Let's go. Go and see Longrui Temple."

Longrui Temple is different from other arrogant temples. It does not rely too much on mountains and deep valleys. Instead, it is located very casually, at the east end of the town. It occupies a large area, with deep ancient temples connected to natural and beautiful gardens, as well as ponds, lakes and bamboo forests. The natural and calm green mountains and green waters seem to be embraced by it.

Buddhist temples have no doors and are completely open. There is an endless stream of pilgrims coming and going, but it is not a huge crowd because the place is so big. When scattered, it gives people a sense of tranquility but not coldness.

"What a beautiful place" Fan Li sighed.

Even a towering ancient tree is full of spiritual charm, growing very tall, with lush branches and leaves. The leaves provide shade, and even this bright and slightly hot weather seems to have a bit of intoxicating coolness.

"It's such a big tree, even thirty people can't hug it." Li Qing was the most lively. He immediately rushed over and looked up at the huge tree crown.

The crown of the tree is actually not particularly high. At first glance, it looks like it is about to be pressed down, which makes people scared and curious at the same time.

Dai Li stepped forward and looked at the ancient tree...and was suddenly shocked.

“They are actually thousands of years old trees”

As long as the trees that last thousands of years have spirits, even immortals will respect them more, because the trees are truly nourished by heaven and earth. If you don't respect them, heaven and earth may not treat you well.

So one thousand-year-old tree can guarantee a place's stability, let alone so many...

Dai Li was a little more curious about Longrui Temple, and followed the flow of people towards the central main hall.

But this main hall is a bit strange... it has no roof or walls and is completely open to the air. On the surrounding nine-step platform, pilgrims step up the nine steps one by one. There are many people kneeling down on the ninth step to pray for fortune-telling and worship Buddha.

The ancient Buddha is very big. It is not made of gold or anything else, but made of rocks. It is ninety-nine feet tall. It has a smile on its face and holds flowers in one hand with a smile.

Dai Li did not believe in Buddhism. He only glanced at it and then looked away. He did not take seriously the beliefs of the people next to him, so he just wandered around lazily... On the other hand, Li Qing, a sweet potato, behaved very urban and rural. He rolled his fat body and worshiped Buddha. Please sign...

As soon as the signature was brought, Daili asked: "What signature do you want?"

Li Qing was a little coy: "Marriage, I hope I can meet a girl who can know and love me forever~~"

Daili: "Don't embarrass the Buddha, okay... This is more difficult than asking the Buddha to make the world peaceful."

Li Qing: "...."

Li Qing, who had been successfully beaten by his boss, rolled his eyes, "Don't believe this. I just asked, the lottery here is very good, especially there is a marriage tree in the temple. The marriage lottery drawn from it is always successful... .Boss, do you dare to come with me? I will go under the tree to get the signature, and you go and ask for it!"

Ouch, do you want to trick me again?

Daili raised his eyebrows calmly: "I don't think you can do this kind of thing alone... We are a team..."

Then Fan Li and Jie were also coerced by the CEO to go there together.

Dai Li originally thought that the marriage tree was a bit unreliable, but when he saw this tree, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

No, it should be said that something deep in her soul stirred.


Damn it, I can't help but feel excited about a tree!

However, this marriage tree is not tall, just like a century-old banyan tree, with tangled roots. The bark of the tree above is ancient and deep, with a sign hanging on the lush branches and leaves. Under the tree, there are several bald monks interpreting the sign...

What a long queue!

At a glance, there are at least 5,000 to 6,000 men and women waiting to get their signatures issued or to ask for them.

"Are there so many young people these days?" Dai Li and others were speechless.

But Li Qing became even more happy about this: "With so many people, it must be accurate!"

"If you eat too much, you will definitely be fat, just like you. Just because there are many people doesn't mean it's accurate. Still like you!"

"Boss. Will you die if you don't hurt me for a day?"


Dai Li and his group were very conspicuous, especially Dai Li and Li Qing, a wretched fat man and a stunning young man. Such a conversation is obviously hilarious.

Of course, the person in line was Li Qing. He wanted to get his signature signed, so it wasn’t too difficult to get one. Dai Li and the others went directly to the other side and saw a pretty girl throwing a jade hook... There was a red thread behind the jade hook. One end of the red thread is in the girl's hand.

Does the red thread bring about marriage? It's interesting.

Dai Li and the other two people looked on and saw the jade hook flying out with a red line, but it was not a straight line. Instead, he swims like a fish under the huge marriage tree, passing through a strip of text...

The girl seemed a little nervous, watching the jade hook miss one signature after another...

"So nervous. Didn't she control that jade hook?" Fan Li looked at the woman curiously.

"She is nervous and the people around her are even more nervous."

There was indeed a handsome young man beside the girl, looking straight at the magatama


Magatama finally bumped into a signature. And with one click of the hook, he took off the signature,

"The marriage is here, let's do it." A monk next to him smiled.

The girl hurriedly signed the document

The people next to me were curious and eager to try.

There seems to be an element of adventure and curiosity in people's bones. Even if you don't believe it, you still want to know what kind of signature you will get.

Dai Li was about to step forward to play when he suddenly heard some conversations not far away.

"Liancheng, don't you try?"

"Marriage is determined by God. It is nothing more than predicting or determining whether a good match is God-given, but it cannot change anything. Why do you still need to sign it?"

Both voices were very pleasant, and this conversation made many young men and women next to them stunned.

Dai Li looked over. He was wearing a brocade robe and a jade crown. He was so handsome and gentle that no woman in the world could bear to refuse him. His expression was a little helpless, and there was a slight sadness hidden between his eyebrows, but His hands were clasped behind his back, and he had an intimidating and restrained demeanor, but he softened in front of this woman.

The woman was wearing a smoky blue dress with a moon-white ribbon around her waist, and a beautiful jade embedded in the middle. She had a very good appearance, and her temperament made her look very intellectual. However, her eyes were wise and cold, and she was obviously not the young and naive girls next to her. They are comparable.

The monk smiled when he heard this and said to the woman: "The donor is a true-hearted person with a wise mind, but he is also a little sad. Can I allow this poor monk to say more?"

"Junior is shallow and I'm sorry. Master, that's all."

"In a marriage sign, what you seek is not the future or authenticity, but peace of mind."

Praying to Buddha is just for peace of mind, but how many people can do that?

"An Xin" the woman frowned slightly helplessly, looked at the marriage tree and sighed quietly: "If I really ask for marriage, I'm afraid many people will be uneasy."

Sure enough, he was a secretive person. Many people saw clearly. Looking at the calm and elegant posture of this woman and man, he was obviously from a noble family, and his aura was not obvious at all. He must have a good background.

Just when this man and woman made everyone feel sad, the girl who had asked for a signature had already put down the magatama, and was about to ask who was still asking for a signature. A hand stretched out and took it.

Those hands were so beautiful that even she, who was not bad looking, felt ashamed and subconsciously raised her eyes.

"Girl, go and get the signature. There are more and more people. As for this signature, I'd better ask for it." (To be continued)

ps: I saw the comments in the comment area. This is not the first time I have seen such comments since I wrote the book. Now I have a good attitude and a thick skin. I told you from the beginning that I often make typos and logic. It’s confusing and can’t withstand scrutiny. I only write what I want to write. If I’m wrong, I’ll try my best to correct it (well, you know, I’m lazy and pretend to be dead sometimes). I won’t comment on what you wrote, and I don’t expect you to feel it. This is a very good novel. I just want to say that I am really just serious about using my hobbies to support myself. You can read it if you like it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it. It’s just like when you go shopping and pass by a store. , if you see the products inside and think they don’t look good, don’t look at them or buy them if you don’t like them. But please don’t be picky. Only those who have written books know that writing books is not easy. No matter it is good or bad, you can complain in your heart or laugh at it with your friends. , but if it is not a quality problem, it will be harmful to others, please don't say it in front of other people's stores, because they still have to open their doors for business~~ Just Jiang Zi, it seems like this is the first time I have made such a speech~~ My personality is too soft, Let others do what you want, but occasionally you will feel uncomfortable because it is not easy to code by yourself.

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