A Queen

Chapter 1,265 Marriage Lot, Blank

Chapter 1265

Daili's smile intensified her charm, and even the man and woman couldn't help but look over. They were surprised at the sight of it, where could such an outstanding person come from...

But their eyes were all glancing at Dai Li's waist.

He said it was a request, but it seemed to have a sense of careless frivolity.

The monk looked at Dai Li, seemed a little confused, and then said: "Donor, do you want marriage?"

This is no nonsense!

"I'm already standing here, what do you say, master?" Dai Li played with the magatama.

Would such a coquettish and cruel person seek marriage? Not to mention that the monk thought this scene was a bit strange, but others also thought that this overly good-looking man was just here to kick things off.

But the outstanding man and woman were a little curious.

"That's all the donor needs to ask for." The monk also smiled meaningfully.

As if I didn't dare to beg, Daili's eyes flashed and he secretly thought that this old man was very powerful and might have seen through some of her lies.

But the same should be true of Longrui Temple, otherwise she wouldn't have to be so polite. She didn't directly break into the temple to pull out the Jia Zhong, but slowly figured it out...

After thinking about it, Dai Li picked up the magatama and found that this magatama cannot be controlled by any energy, but has its own spirituality...


Dai Li flicked his wrist and the magatama was thrown out.

Being so casual confirmed that she was just here to have fun.

But the results were quite surprising.

There were loud bangs and bangs, and each line of the signature was broken by the magatama. The sound of the impact was very domineering, as powerful as breaking bamboo, invincible, and the lines of the signature were broken one by one, but they were broken. But it didn't hook, but fell directly to the ground~~

Everyone was astonished, and the monks were also dumbfounded.

After a while, Daili looked strange and said to the monk: "God is the witness, this has nothing to do with me."

The monk twitched his lips: "I understand... Donor, please pull up your marriage lot."

That tone... was even weirder.

"Is there a marriage sign?" Dai Li felt relieved when he realized that there was indeed a sign on the magatama jade. This will prove that I am not up to anything!

Pull the signature in front of you. Dai Li's expression was one of embarrassment.

What the hell is this?

You're teasing me!

Xu Shidaili's pained expression aroused everyone's curiosity to the top, and the monk couldn't help but come over and take a look...

"Blank sign..."

Dai Li turned over the signature and showed it to the monk. Smile: "Is this foreshadowing that I will die alone in this life?"

The monk did not answer directly, but looked at the signature thoughtfully...for a moment, he said, "Does the donor believe in Buddha?"

"I don't believe it." Daili's answer was so straightforward and firm that both the man and the woman were stunned.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"I only believe in myself. I don't believe in the gods and Buddhas in the sky."

This is not the first time that the monk has encountered people who do not believe in gods and Buddhas. In fact, there are many demons in the Demon Realm who are typical people who do not respect gods and Buddhas. But there are very few people like Daili who exude absolute disbelief both internally and externally, and who seem to take it for granted.

However, the monk was not annoyed and just smiled: "Then the donor does not need to care about this signature."

Do you mean asking for it in vain? Old man, are you sure you're not trying to trick me because you can't figure it out?

Dai Li curled his lips and chuckled. The blank signature in his hand was flicked away, and the signature was flying in the wind. Just as he was about to leave, the monk added: "The donor may not know... the signature on the marriage tree has never been blank." Signature. It was born because of you."

Full of spirit. At that moment, Dai Li even felt like she was bewitched, but in fact, she did turn her head, looking at the marriage tree with leaves fluttering in the wind, blinking her eyes, and suddenly her heart moved.

"Jie, Fan Li, you two go over..."


The two people who thought they had escaped were suddenly shocked.

"Go and ask for a signature!"

"No need, boss~~"

"What you want~~"


"Because I gossip"

Fortunately for Jie, he has always been obedient. Daili just did whatever he said, so he just threw it away and took the signature. When Fan Li saw this, he had no choice but to follow suit.

The three of them turned around and left. The man was about to leave when the woman suddenly grabbed his sleeve and said, "Brother"


"Ask for a signature"

The man was stunned: "Why?"

"If so many people who don't believe believe it, what do I have to fear?"


Please, give yourself peace of mind.

But when the woman was asking for the signature, the man turned around and glanced around, and saw that the blank signature was still flying, falling into a hand with slender fingers and fingertips.

"It's her." The man frowned. The woman who had already asked for the signature turned her head when she heard her brother's voice, so that she could better meet that person's gaze.

Dai Li didn't know that right behind her, the intellectual and calm woman already had a rival.

The opponent made her expression change.

He is also an amazing person.


There are a lot fewer people here than before.

"We've all gone to eat vegetarian food...I heard that the vegetarian food at Longrui Temple is the best in the Demon Realm! Boss, hurry up!"

Li Qing is a typical person who will be fine if he has something to eat. When he saw Dai Li approaching, he was overjoyed: "There happens to be no one here, hurry up!"

Damn it! I didn’t sign!

"Where's your signature? Have you solved it?"

Dai Li asked, and Li Qing quickly replied: "It's solved! Sign it~~"

As soon as the voice fell, the young shota monk who interpreted the lotus rolled his eyes and said, "I haven't figured it out yet. I just watched it for a long time."

You coward! Even if you are cowardly, you still lie!

Just trying to frame me!

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and raised his lips, pointed his finger at the seat, and said coldly: "Sit down and help me!"


With a pop, Li Qing's fat butt sat directly on the chair and quickly handed the signature to Monk Shota.

"Master, you are so young, like a child, how can you figure it out?"

The monk didn't speak. He just glanced at the signature and then looked at Li Qing with a very strange expression...

"What, can't you figure it out?"


Monk Shota quickly became expressionless: "There is no love in this life."


This is a lottery, Li Qing's expression fell.

"But if you have delicious food in your heart, your life will be complete."

Li Qing: "..." What does this mean?

Dai Li smiled. He slapped him on the shoulder: "Actually, this is a top sign, which means that as long as you have food to eat, you can live a happy life."

Fan Li; "Boss, it sounds like your words are describing pigs."

Daili: "It's not likeness, but it is"

puff! The people who had not left or were walking next to them all smiled when they heard this. These people were very close to each other, but the stunning young master was obviously the master, so he would joke like this with his subordinates?

Quite special.

Li Qing was so badly damaged that he wanted to vomit blood. He directly pulled Fan Li to sit down: "You come, you come! Let's see what kind of marriage you can create!"

The monk looked again. His expression became even weirder. He looked at Fan Li and said, "Your marriage is not to a woman."

Then a man? Daili and Jie were both stunned.

"F*ck! I knew it! You really did something evil to me... I knew it!" Li Qing covered his chest and looked heartbroken.嘤嘤嘤~~

Fan Li stood up expressionlessly, then dragged a certain fat man to the corner and started a fight!

Next came Jie. Jie did not sit down, but gave the signature directly to the monk.

With just one glance, the monk smiled: "This is the place of lifelong piety. You are also a man, but the king is above you to protect you for this life."

Jie nodded, he understood what the other party meant.

Daili also understands that the blood contract brings absolute loyalty. And someone like Jie, who has no interest in love, may regard her as his only belief, and she is regarded as his love in the signature?

Well, the ultimate loyalty of the lower vampires is deeper than ordinary love.

"I'm done. Let's go eat." Dai Li put his hands behind his back and turned around lazily. She happened to meet the man and woman who met under the marriage tree. The man and woman were very polite, and they just nodded at her and passed her by.

Dai Li was suddenly curious about what was written on the signature in the woman's hand.


The Zhaitang is located in a very large side hall. There are twelve side halls in total. They are all Zhaitang. They are not open-air, but have no partition walls. The surrounding scenery is elegant and beautiful, with a faint fragrance of flowers. All pilgrims can sit in and enjoy the meal. The four people from Li said they were here to eat vegetarian food, but they actually wandered inside for a while. In fact, they were not just wandering around, but looking for traces of Jia Zhong.

However, there are 100,000 monks in Longrui Temple alone, and that person is good at disguise. Hundreds of years have passed, and he still doesn’t know what he looks like, and where it is so easy to find. Daili and the others can only get some information about the temple before stepping in. I walked into the ninth restaurant during meal time and saw that it was packed with people!

"I knew I would be late...Eh~~" Fatty Li seemed to be bleeding profusely, very frustrated.

"Hey what? There's still room over there."

It's strange that there are only five people sitting at a table by the window, and there are five seats missing.

Wow, I guess no one dares to sit down.

But Dai Li walked slowly in front of these five people and smiled: "Everyone, has anyone decided on this position?"

Five people, including a man and a woman in the marriage tree, and three others - two men and one woman.

There are two men, a young man and a middle-aged man. The young man is very dull and taciturn, always silent, and has a beautiful presence, while the middle-aged man is a bit lazy and decadent, sitting and drinking all the time and ignoring others.

The woman looked pretty, but her eyebrows had a sinister look and she was not easy to mess with.

When Dai Li asked, most of the five people looked over.

The pretty woman rolled her eyes at her, and there was a flash of light in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. Instead, the man opposite said calmly: "There is no one here, young master, just do what you want."

Of course Dai Li took it easy and sat down directly with Li Qing and the others.

They didn't pay attention to the vaguely weird atmosphere among the five people, and the four of them focused on transmitting messages among themselves.

Li Qing: "Boss, although Zhao Zhong is very likely to stay in Longrui Temple, it will be difficult to find him in Longrui Temple after changing his name."

Fan Li: "There are too few clues. This person is also insidious. I'm afraid he won't leak any traces."

Li Qing: "Otherwise, let's go directly to the head of Longrui Temple, that is, the abbot, and ask him."

Fan Li: "Stupid! If the people in Longrui Temple knew that Zhao Zhong was among them, why would they wait for us to arrive? Just execute them internally! And we can't search too obviously, so as not to alert the snake." (To be continued )


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