A Queen

Chapter 1,266 Sword Fighting in the Zhaitang (Rao Yue and Shi Bi+)

Chapter 1266

Daili: "What Fan Li said makes sense, but it doesn't mean there is no trace at all."

As for what traces it was, Dai Li didn't say, and Li Qing and Li Qing didn't have time to ask, because someone came to their side, and of course they came too late. Dai Li's table happened to have one seat, but there happened to be only one seat. .

——There are two people on the other side.

There is a young man who is very gorgeously dressed, with rich clothes and jade crowns, and the other is a middle-aged man, slightly cold and low-pitched, following quietly behind him, obviously a subordinate guard...

The arrogant young man glanced around and naturally saw two women with very outstanding looks. His eyes flickered and he glanced at the only seat. Then he pointed with his hand and said: "You, get up!"

Li Qing opened his eyes wide and pointed at himself: "Me?"

Dai Li: "You are so fat and there is no one else around you, so don't look at it."

Fan Li: "Of course it's you, but it's strange that it's not you who won the bid this time."

Daili: "It's very strange. I feel like a fat man lying down with a gun while I watch with joy."

Li Qing: "You guys are just looking around! I am yours, boss! This pretty boy is obviously here for you."

It seemed reasonable. Dai Li turned his head to look at the young man. He didn't say anything, just looked at him lightly.

The so-called superior person uses his power to overwhelm others and intimidates others with his magnanimity. Daili is a little bit interesting at this moment, when she doesn't say anything but looks straight at you.

Others just feel unnatural and depressed.

If others are like this, what about the person involved?

The handsome young man drinking tea looked slightly sad and narrowed his eyes.

The young man frowned. He didn't expect that the fat man's master, who had very low strength, would give him such palpitations, but his subordinates were so weak. The master's strength shouldn't be that great either.

The young man who was originally a little wary because he couldn't see Daili's strength, at that time, the balance in his heart was tilted...

"Master," the middle-aged man behind suddenly said.

It's a reminder.

He realized that Dai Li was not someone to be trifled with...it gave him a very dangerous feeling.

However, just by his reminder, the young man became heartbroken and looked at Shang Daili: "What, you want to make room for me?"

Li Qing, Fan Li: "Haha"

Seeking death!

Just as the hehe sound escaped the mouths of the two of them, the young man suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was distorted, and countless blood snakes were coiled around him...

"Ah. Snake!"

The young man's hands and feet waved in fear. The man behind was shocked when he saw this, psychedelic magic?

He hurriedly stepped forward: "Let go of the young master!"

Dai Li ignored him and just held up his teacup...


The man had no choice but to pull out the big sword on his back and slashed it down!

That big sword is no ordinary sword. It is an epee made from heavy mountain spirits. One sword is as heavy as a mountain. If you add in the increase of sword energy, etc., the strength is extremely frightening. And this man is obviously an epee swordsman.

But he didn't use Jianyuan because Longrui Temple was a quiet place. There has been a rule for a long time: fighting with Yuanli is prohibited, why not ban fighting?

Because the original intention of Longrui Temple is that human nature likes to fight, and prohibiting fighting is to suppress this nature and follow nature. I can't help you fight, but you have to control the degree and don't use Yuan force...

But when Daili learned about this rule before, he understood it this way: Just don’t damage the public property in our temple.

So this man is obviously also afraid of Long Rui Temple. Even if Yuan Power is not used, Dai Li naturally does not use it either.

It is the purest force. With the simplest sword.


The shadow of the sword fluttered, but someone noticed that the man's epee didn't reveal even the slightest sword energy, which was enough to prove that this man's swordsmanship was extraordinary. However, this only highlighted how terrifying the young master who was sitting peacefully drinking tea was. .

"Not even a drop of water is revealed, what a strong swordsmanship"

"It's better to say speed and insight...terrifying"

How many people in the hall were paying attention to this sonorous sword strike, so there would naturally be discussions.

Li Qing and others sneered. Their boss was a pervert who could control half a million flying swords while distracted. With the help of pupil skills, he could only fight with swords?

Don’t even think about it if your swordsmanship is not above Three Thousand Swords!

Just when the man was suppressed from all sides, a light suddenly flashed around the neck of the young man who was confused by the illusion, and there seemed to be a sonorous breaking sound. Then the young man suddenly came back to his senses, directly pulled out the green sword on his waist and stabbed towards Dai Li. ~!

Dai Li once heard a famous swordsman say that for a swordsman, you can see the whole picture by looking at one sword. You can tell how good his sword is by looking at his first sword.

At this moment, the young man's sword showed everyone that his swordsmanship was far inferior to that of the middle-aged man.

But now that two people are facing each other with swords drawn, the pressure on this stunning young man is probably going to be great.


Dai Li's wrist seemed to be shaking, and the shadow of the sword fluctuated randomly from side to side. At first glance, there seemed to be thousands of swords in the 30-degree shaking, but if you look closely, there were only two swords, but in fact it was one sword. !

One sword, bang! Snapped!

The long green sword was directly thrown away, and when the big sword was thrown away, the man took a step to the left, grabbed the hilt of the sword, pulled it, and came back!

The force that comes back from the sword is like a rainbow!

But it is to attack him!

His clothes instantly rustled, and the sharp whistling sound was washed away. After fully controlling the sword, he was horrified to see the young man covering his bloodless but severed wrist.

There is no blood, but the muscles and veins are severed, but the energy is useless~!

Why is this?

Just because the skin on the wrist was cut open, the sword force directly penetrated into the skin and cut off the tendons. What a terrifying control and soul power!

With a clanging sound, Dai Li's sword was sheathed, making no sound, not even the slightest bit of sword aura was exposed, and the previously intimidating aura was completely gone.

One release and one recovery, very calm, which is everyone's style.

The man's expression changed and he took a breath. He inserted the sword directly into the scabbard behind his back and looked deeply at Chao Daili. .

"Sir, thank you for your mercy."

"Xiao An, what did you say!" The young man was about to yell angrily, but when he saw Dai Li's hand moving slightly, he was startled and hid behind Xiao An.

Dai Li picked up the tea and tasted it again. Lowering his eyes: "The word "mercy" doesn't suit me...it's just because you can't kill people here."

The expressions of Xiao An and the young man changed again. Before Xiao An could say anything, the young man said coldly, "You are well known in the Demon City. I will be waiting for you in the Demon City in the future."

This is equivalent to this - Damn you, don't pass by my door in the future, otherwise...

As soon as he said this, he was about to take the people away...

This walk should also be done with great momentum. It's nothing more than a harsh word. By the way, I want to reveal my good identity~~

Indeed, many people were surprised when they heard this, but it seemed to be common sense. After all, this middle-aged man was not weak in swordsmanship. The strength is also at the third level of the imperial level. With such a guard, this young man must be from a noble family.

But...the only thing that is not common sense is~~

Dai Li stood up and shook his sleeves. He stopped in front of Gonghu Xiao and Xiao An and clasped the sword with his fingers.

Smile: "No need to wait~~I changed my mind"

What is death!

This Gong Xiaoxiao is really good at tricks~~How did he know that the person in front of him didn't like others playing tricks on her?

Are you arrogant? I am more cruel than you!

Then it becomes tragic.

Gonghu Xiao was completely embarrassed. Where does this lunacy come from? Let me just tell you, do you need to be jealous?

Xiao An also had the urge to crash to death.

Seeing Dai Li's expressionless face, he was about to let the miserable young master's blood splatter on the spot.

Some monks not far away looked calm and put their hands together. His eyes were staring.

Obviously he will take action at the last minute.

The atmosphere became eerie for a moment. If you look around, you can see that most people are frightened and fearful. Or they are just curious and watching the fun, but there are always a few people who are outstanding or simple and natural.

Everyone is watching. All...

“The food is here”

A quiet and elegant voice floated over. Dai Li turned around and saw the noble and elegant man under the marriage tree. He looked at her with deep eyes and smiled slightly: "It's just an unimportant person. If you miss her because of this, It’s a pity that Longrui Temple’s vegetarian dishes are... Young Master, what do you think?”

He is an interesting person and has great self-confidence. The public family does not seem to be weak in the magic city where aristocratic families gather, but the other party does not care at all in his words.

Dai Li put down the hilt of his sword, crossed his long legs, sat down again, clasped his slender and beautiful knuckles lightly on the table, and smiled freely at the other party: "It makes sense, eating is more important."

This is stealing Li Qing's lines.

However, the storm was apparently calm, but the publican Xiao glared at the gentle man, turned around and left in dejection.

There were boos from behind.

Immediately, the eminent monks of Longrui Temple came and went one by one to deliver vegetarian dishes. They were indeed delicious, plain and fresh, and unique in style. Most of them were natural delicacies from the mountains and forests. After being cooked by experts, the deliciousness was simply unparalleled, especially for someone like Dai Li who has tasted both Chinese and Western food cultures. People couldn't help but take a few more bites, Daili was amazed, and others obviously wouldn't refuse such delicacies.

The man opposite him lowered his head slightly and helped the woman get a bowl of soup. He spoke softly and smiled slightly, "I told you, the craftsmanship is much better than those in the capital... I should have brought you here earlier. "

"It's not too late." The woman smiled softly. There was no deliberate elegance in Chixiang, she was just very casual. She had the kind of natural good looks, which was different from the Western aristocratic etiquette like Dai Li. On the other side, another pretty girl The woman looked at the two people opposite her coldly.

"Jie Lianhuan, although the vegetarian food in Longrui Temple is good, it is not unique in the world. When your sister marries my eldest brother, not to mention the food in this Demon Realm, even the food in the entire Sifang World will be delicious."

Huo, what a loud tone!

But what made many people present's expressions change even more was the name Jie Lianhuan.

"Untie the chain?" Dai Li narrowed his eyes, as if he had heard this name before~~

Before she left the Demon Palace, she was also afraid that her special attributes would remain as effective as before, so she specially used her authority to copy some of the Demon Palace's records about the Demon Realm, but she was either busy practicing or busy these days. He was practicing without even looking carefully. (To be continued)

ps: I got into a fight with my family today and I was in a bad mood. I just started typing at night. However, I originally had three updates saved. If I use them up, I will add this one as an extra update~~~ Imperial Treasure is going to be very late, so don’t wait. Got it


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