A Queen

Chapter 1,267 Tan Xin

Chapter 1267

Fan Li, who still started to collect a lot of information about the Demon Realm, reminded him through a message: "Sir, there are some special families in the Demon Realm, similar to the seven major families, but they are not from ancient times, but are new and cutting-edge families derived from later times, but they are also very old. Well, according to the history of the New Era, one generation is one hundred thousand years. The public family mentioned before can be regarded as three generations of nobles. This chain of explanations comes from the Jie family. The Jie family has always been called the Biling clan in the Demon City. Legend has it that they The spiritual sense of heaven and earth is very good. Bloodlines of all generations can awaken special talents, similar to the girl in Tsing Yi, but not as advanced as Mingyue Bodhi, but it is also very terrifying."

It is said that he is not as powerful as Mingyue Bodhi, but he can be called a ninth-generation noble. This surname is naturally top-notch in the magic city. You must know that the third-generation public family is not weak.

But since this man’s name is Jie Liancheng, then this beautiful woman’s name is Jie Liancheng?

Dai Li looked at each other, and then glanced at the pretty woman opposite Xie Liancheng. This woman was vaguely hostile to the brother and sister named Jie, and she was even more arrogant...

Jie Liancheng ignored her and just drank the soup slowly, while Jie Lianlian looked calm and ignored the looks of other people on the table. He just poured a cup of tea and said: "Feng Shen Ying Qi, Ming people don't talk about the future." The matter has not been finalized yet, so it is too early to say this.”

Fengshen Yingqi sneered, "It's not that the decision has not yet been made, but you are struggling to your death, Xie Liancheng..."

Suddenly, she stood up and glanced at the Jie family brothers and sisters with some sarcasm, humming: "My Fengshen family wants everyone they can't get! Jie Liancheng, you can't escape..."

After that, she rolled up her sleeves and left.

The dull young man beside him stood up and walked away with him.

The two members of the Jie family were also good-tempered, and one of them drank tea calmly. Wipe your mouth...

It seems that Fengshen Yingqi's tyranny towards them is just a passing moment...

However, Daili smiled.

"Feng Shen...Fan Li, I don't need you to tell me this. The Tianwu clan in the Demon Realm has a bloodline talent called Tianwu. It is said that it can be cultivated into a natal immortal weapon, which is very powerful." As for the Fengshen family, they are ten generations of nobles with extremely powerful bloodlines, and can only be compared to single-digit families in the entire Demon Realm."

Ten generations of nobles. They are giants in the Demonic Realm, so the nobles of the same generation and those ten generations of nobles can suppress them...

Even the huge and powerful Demon Palace must be cautious when dealing with nobles of ten generations. After all, this kind of talented race has been passed down for millions of years.

Who can guess the background behind it?

As the vegetarian food was slowly being eaten, everyone was getting ready to get up and leave. But naturally it is not to leave Longrui Temple.

This temple is so huge and contains countless Buddhist and Taoist principles and precious documents. Part of it is open to the public and anyone can see it. Most of the people who come to Longrui Temple come here for this reason.

Naturally, the four Daili people also went.

Kasyapa Pavilion is one of the Buddhist scripture pavilions. The lower floor is open to the public. Needless to say, it is huge. In the world of Xianxia, ​​everything is possible.

As soon as Dai Li entered, he saw a lot of people coming and going and the huge bookshelf. I took out thick ancient books and read them, mesmerized...

There are limited seats, and some people even sit on the ground to watch...

There are some emperor-level masters among them, but there is no one in the integration stage. ..

"I just asked, masters in the fusion stage are worthy of respect. Longrui Temple has specially opened the second floor for them, and they can watch for free for one day. However, there is still an endless stream. There are at least 30 fusion masters upstairs. In the process of enlightenment..."

Fan Li's words made Dai Li touch his chin and smile: "No wonder no one dares to provoke Longrui Temple in these years. I'm afraid there are also connections from the integration period at work. Come on, Longrui Temple is not wrong, even if you don't find anyone... ..”

Four people also swarmed into these people, but their target was not some ancient Buddhist scriptures that might be beneficial to their way of cultivation, but...

"What are those four people looking at?"

"I don't know...it seems to be the Heart Sutra copied by the monks at Longrui Temple."

"Crazy, what's the use of that thing... Are you trying to flatter Longrui Temple on purpose?"

"That pretty boy looks so good."

Some people were curious but noncommittal about the four Daili people. Many people even thought that they were doing this to flatter Longrui Temple, but they didn't know that the four Daili people had other purposes.

"There is handwriting on those four letters... Let's look for this handwriting to see if the Heart Sutra copied there matches."

This is naturally a method, and it is even quite reliable. At least it is a method that must be tried for the four Daili people who have no clues in front of them. Of course, it is also possible that the extremely sinister Jia Zhong used fake handwriting... It's just possible.

The four of them ignored the sneers of others and just tried hard to read these Heart Sutras...

I just turned the page without reading it twice... This is a real page-turner!

You have to read each book one by one!

The more others watch, the more certain they are that these are four sycophants, and they are particularly unprofessional sycophants.


Two hours later, other people no longer paid much attention to the four people who persisted in "flattering", but there were ten more Heart Sutras next to the four Daili people.

"Damn it, there are ten people with handwriting similar to it..."

Li Qing cursed, but Dai Li turned a deaf ear until someone arrived.

He was the management monk on the first floor of Kasyapa Tower. He looked a little old but very kind. He came forward with a smile and said, "It's rare to see someone with such respect for the Buddha and his mind..."

He obviously saw the ten Heart Sutras next to Dai Li and smiled: "Although this Heart Sutra was carefully copied by the monks of Longrui Temple, it is just a daily practice and cannot be considered a masterpiece. If the four of you need it, Tan Xin will do it for you." How about choosing to meditate on the Heart Sutra of the Great Buddha?"

I go!

Flattery is useful! This management monk actually did this!

The people who had not hesitated to laugh at Daili and the four people before were unspeakably envious and jealous at the moment, but Daili smiled: "Master is joking, the four of us are just casually observing, but we do compare the Heart Sutra. I am interested... and want to read the transcripts of many monks in Longrui Temple, so as to connect all rivers..."

Tan Xin praised a few more times, and then left... Apparently she had a good impression of the four Daili people.

But Fan Li sent a message: "Sir, what did you just do..."

Dai Li's words just now clearly revealed some motives. If you are interested, you can naturally guess their intentions. This Tan Xin...

"Are you...?"

"There is something wrong with Tan Xin," Dai Li said calmly, "I asked you to spread the news about Lezhu Temple before, so it's impossible for Zha Zhong not to know about it, plus I just put aside the ten copies of the Heart Sutra, He must have sensed that we got his letters and used this to search for the handwriting... If he used real handwriting, then we must be anxious, and if it is fake handwriting, then we should be even more anxious."


"Handwriting cannot be simulated just by looking at it. You must at least be very familiar with and close to the person being imitated. Therefore, if you check the connections around these ten people and cross them, you will definitely be able to identify one person. But if it is real handwriting, he will be We can evade that someone else imitated him. If it was a fake handwriting, and we found him, he would not be able to defend himself. After all, sometimes things that are too easy to confirm are not believed by others, and things that are not sure and doubtful make people unwilling to let go. "

Li Qing and the others suddenly realized, Fan Li narrowed his eyes: "So he must come to explore our reality... The first person who can't help it... is probably Zhao Zhong!"

So this Tan Xin is very questionable.

"Well, there's a lot of doubt about him right now...just keep that in mind for now. The three of you continue, and I'll go take a look around."

Dai Li left the Heart Sutra area. With her sensitive soul power, she could naturally detect that Tan Xin, who was sitting in the registration area, paid attention to Li Qing and the others from time to time... and occasionally looked at her.

Haha, for what they did before, most people would think that they were flattering, and there would be no admiration. Even the most intelligent people would notice that they have ulterior motives, let alone be so hypocritical...

There is most likely something wrong with Tan Xin.

But... maybe she still needs to reveal something to make the other party lose his mind.

Therefore, Dai Li found Tan Xin and asked to read an ancient book that recorded many monks from Longrui Temple entering the temple. Tanxin was shocked and said apologetically: "Sir, I'm sorry, this is the internal information of Longrui Temple and cannot be disclosed to outsiders." vent..."

"All right"

Dai Li showed a disappointed look, pondered for a moment, turned around and told Li Qing and others that she would leave first to find someone to ask some questions. This was not transmitted. In private, she and Li Qing communicated other words, and then left. Go to Kasyapa Pavilion...


Where did Dai Li go?

The direction she walked was to the place where the abbot and other eminent monks were. It was quiet and deep. Because she was worried about these eminent monks, no one came here to disturb her.

This is where Dai Li came from...


"Donor, Donor"

There was a shout from behind.

Dai Li turned around and saw that Tan Xin was not far away. He reminded her anxiously: "Almsgiver, this is a resting place for me, the abbot of Longrui Temple, and others. Ordinary people are not allowed to enter... Don't go in."

"Yeah...but I have to find them. I have something to do." Dai Li frowned.

"It's better not to go in, otherwise you will offend many protectors and they will kill you directly...I don't know why the young master...is it like you just said that you want to check some information in my temple?"

"It's rude, but I have to say yes."

"In this case, Tan Xin can only give you one suggestion. You can go to Master Tan Long from Longrui Temple. He is responsible for such matters."

"Won't you be killed?"

"No, he does not live in it, but has found a quiet place... Please come with me."

"Then I'll trouble Master Tan Xin..."

Dai Li was so grateful that he said to Tan Xin, but Tan Xin smiled and said nothing, and took Dai Li to the deep west... (To be continued)



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