A Queen

Chapter 1,268 Jia Zhong

Chapter 1268


"Master, haven't you arrived yet?"

"not yet"

"Master Tanlong lives really far away... This is already at the corner of the mountain behind Longrui Temple."

Dai Li had a smile on his face, but a sneer in his heart. This guy really couldn't help it... I'm afraid these years of comfort have made him unaccustomed to such a crisis.

Moreover, he must have seen the Demon Palace tag on my waist and guessed that I was from the Demon Palace... It would be strange if he didn't have murderous intentions.

But where is this place?

Dai Li saw a big mountain ahead...a Buddhist mountain.

The mountain is not very huge, but there are Buddha statues of different sizes carved in it. The largest one is the Nianhua Yixiao Buddha in the center of Longrui Temple. He is located in the center of Foshan, smiling and looking at the open and clear front. The heaven and earth are towering and magnificent, calm and vast.

There are a total of Buddha statues.

Some are subduing dragons and tigers, some are lifting Mount Tai with fists, some are holding flowers and smiling, some are sleeping on couches...there are all kinds of forms.

Duan is the Thousand Buddhas Chaozong.

However, there is a cave opening in the belly of these Buddha statues, which is deep...

"This is...? Master Tan Xin, don't tell me that Master Tan Long lives in the belly of this Buddha statue..."

Daili's tone was a bit joking, but it seemed like a smile but not a smile...

Tan Xin had already stopped, turned around and smiled deeply at Chao Daili: "This is Thousand Buddha Mountain, and it is the secret place of Longrui Temple... The reason why it is called the secret place is because it is full of Buddha's meaning. , can block many soul temptations..."

"So?" Dai Li smiled.

Tan Xin turned his palm over and found an egg-sized bead, which he crushed. Buzz~~

A formation appeared, covering an area of ​​ten miles in front of him.

"As long as I seal this place with a formation, no one will know what happened here." If the previous Tan Xin was an old and kind old man,

So now it is gloomy and slightly hazy.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes: "So even if you kill me, no one will notice that it was you who killed me."


Tan Xin smiled.

"But you guessed it was me...you are really smart...Although there are many talents in the Demon Palace, there are not many young and promising ones like you....You can actually kill Turo, and you can still cover it up with me It only took one day for me to find the letter I had received. It’s amazing.”

"Thank you for the compliment~~ It's just luck," Dai Li responded with a smile. His palms were already clasped on his waist.

"I'm just curious, how confident are you that you can kill me?"

Tan Xin: "Speaking of self-confidence, you Demon Palace is confident... almost arrogant. You must be confident that I can't kill you, that's why you come with me."

"Hmm, your strength is only the third level of the emperor..."

"There is also a difference between the three levels~" Tan Xin pressed her palm, and in her left hand was the awe-inspiring and upright Buddha's light. In his right hand, there is an evil light of blood-red evil energy!

It allows the Demon Palace to not trace it for many years. Being cunning and clever alone is not enough, you also need extraordinary strength.

Obviously, Tan Xin is very powerful...

It is more powerful than the three primary levels that Daili detected with the Eye of Samsara before... Of course, these two completely different Buddhist methods...

"Two-Faced Buddha. Go!"

With a press of his palm, the two Buddha lights merged into a ball of light, which was thrown out by Tan Xin!

Extremely fast...

In the blink of an eye, it transformed into a double-faced Buddha head in the sky. One side is bright, the other side is evil. Dynasty Li roars...

Angry Buddha calls out!


The origin of 400,000 yuan, the mysteries of mortal-level Buddhism, the combination of good and evil Buddhism~~

This kind of power is similar to her power, and it is not based on the superposition of the original energy!

Such Buddha's sound was directly attacked by 35,000 people!


The ground is powdery, the air is dusty, and the sound attack speed is too fast!

At that time, Dai Li could only show his strongest state, burning blood with madness, absolutely destroying the army, etc...

One sword!

drop in the ocean!

The sword can tear apart the sound of Buddha, but it cannot tear apart the vibrato!

Buzzing buzzing~~ Distorted vibrato ripples swept in front of him, Dai Li spread his wings behind him, thousands of wings crossed and rotated, and he defended in all directions!


Boom boom boom!

One second is the collision of sound waves with hundreds of frequencies!

Every second that passes, several sword feathers are destroyed...

A few breaths~~The sword wings are ragged.


The sword wings stretched out forcefully, and buzz~~ the statue of the pure-blood king rose, the sorrow of reincarnation!

The pupils swept across...

Tan Xin couldn't dodge, and his soul was hit. However, his face only turned pale for a moment. He was not seriously injured, but a part of his soul power was reduced.

Soul defense magic weapon! Damn it, this old thief really does have some background!

Dai Li cursed secretly in his heart, but said: "Zhao Zhong, your magic weapon is pretty good... it protected your head! No wonder I let you escape from the Demon Palace back then."

"Excuse me, but your pupil skills are also very powerful. It's a pity that you met me... Even if you know pupil skills, it's useless. Just die!"

Zhuan Zhong has always been cruel and ruthless, so he would never show mercy to Dai Li, but with a flash of light on his body, a blood-red clone appeared~~

Blood Buddha clone!

call out!

Thunder clone appears!

Doppelgänger versus doppelgänger! Body versus body!


Tragic, too tragic. One is a third-level emperor, and the other is at the peak of the second-level emperor. However, they can rely on extraordinary assistance to leapfrog the challenge. They are even the same. They can fight hundreds of moves in one second, and the tricks are endless. Out~~~

Perhaps those tourists visiting other pure places in Longrui Temple never imagined that such a battle would break out here.

A heroic fight~

Dai Li didn't expect that Zhu Zhong would be so powerful, and Zhu Zhong didn't expect that Dai Li would be so difficult to deal with. Both sides underestimated the other's strength, and this battle was bound to be a chaotic one...

Until Nazhong's eyes suddenly flashed, and both the clone and the main body came closer...

Dai Li was shocked, what did he want to do!

Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssth of blood-red Buddha light is pressed down on the palm of Zhu Zhong’s palm!

The main body offers golden Buddha light!

Similar to the previous attack...but...

This is the joint secret skill of the main body and the clone!

This thing is the most perverted thing. Daili himself wanted to study it, but he was short of time and didn't get to that point. Therefore, it has never been successful, but Zhao Zhong is different. He is an old emperor who has been around for thousands of years. Even if he is not as cutting-edge as her, he has accumulated a lot of foundation. This joint secret skill is one of them...

"not good!"

Daili retreated quickly...

But the complete and huge double-faced Buddha has appeared, half of it gold. Half of it is blood red. The weirdness penetrates people, and the mouth opens...

Just spit out an extremely ugly black blood ghost head!

In the blink of an eye, it was blasted in front of Dai Li.

Sword wings block?

After only blocking for three seconds, he was directly blasted away...


Dai Li crashed into a Buddha statue. The Buddha statue was fine, but the bones on her body were crackling and her back was bloody and bloody...

As soon as my eyes became blurry, another ghost's head was already smashing down in front of me...

call out!

Dai Li dodged to the side. The ghost head hit the side, and the evil energy collided and rebounded on her body. It made her energy and blood suddenly unstable.

What a powerful double-faced Buddha!

Zhao Zhong was already proud and controlled the double-faced Buddha to spit out ghost heads one after another...

There are more and more ghost heads crisscrossing in the air, resulting in fewer and fewer places for Dai Li to dodge. He was hit continuously, and there were many scars on his body...

In a panic, Daili was even more embarrassed than in his previous battle with Tu Luo...

But it's the same as before...

Her counterattacks were also very sharp and brutal. Zhu Zhong also suffered a lot and was injured...

It's probably because Daili's blood tank bleeds faster. If time passes, she will definitely be the first to be hanged!

We have exhausted all possible means and cannot continue like this...

Otherwise she might not be able to survive until then...

"You can't stop it...go to hell!!" Zhuan Zhong smiled ferociously and sacrificed a ghost head that was several times larger than Dai Li, who was covered in blood. He took the other seven or eight ghost heads with him, and the strongest one was the ultimate killer. Hit?

Dai Li blinked...

Under the ghost's head, Dai Li rushed forward!

Zhao Zhong was surprised, but he didn't hide, because those ghost heads had already crashed into Dai Li...


Ghost head biting~~

The flesh and blood were torn off hard~~

You are really looking for death. Zhao Zhong shook his head, suddenly!

Thousand Machine Sword Style~~

Countless sword streams, puff puff puff!

Involved and entangled with these ghosts~~

Opening a path, Dai Li rushed out of the Ghost Head Formation and arrived directly in front of him!

The thousand sword streams pulled out by one sword were restrained by her with most of her soul power, and she flicked her arm!

Inject the murderous intention to destroy the army!


Breaking the Army Sword Style!

boom! ! ! !

The ghost head swallows up Dai Li, and the Pojun sword flow swallows up Zhu Zhong, just right...


An area of ​​ten miles in diameter was covered by the impact flow, sweeping and covering it along the semicircular formation film...

Then the dust settled.

With a clang, Qian Ji was thrust into the ground. Dai Li held the sword with one hand and supported the stone wall behind him with the other hand, breathing slowly, and his breath was full of blood...

The blood in her body was already surging...

Because the opponent is too strong, stronger than all previous enemies.

The third level of imperial level in Forty Thousand County... she just couldn't bear it anymore, this was the gap.

Still too weak.

Dai Li closed his mouth, and the tip of his tongue was filled with the smell of dry blood. He looked up and saw the same miserable Jia Zhong in the sky. His body was covered with flesh and blood, and his face was full of ferocity. Because of the ferocity, the double-faced Buddha he directly controlled was also ferocious. , the ghost head spit out from the mouth is also bigger...

"Damn it, damn it, you made me hurt so badly... You will definitely die..."

Zhao Zhong pointed his finger, buzz~~The ghost head slowly spit out from the mouth of the Double-Faced Buddha...

The blood light dispersed, reflecting the entire ten-mile space red.

at this time...

In the distance, there was a sudden roar!

"Stop it!"

That was a shocking shout, and across the long distance from the other side of Longrui Temple to this side, it was like the sound of Buddha shaking the world, and the entire Longrui Temple was shaken!

what's the situation!

At the foot of Qianfo Mountain, when the sound came, the formation trembled, and Zhao Zhong's expression changed, but he roared: "Bastard! You actually called Tan Feng, you were delaying time before!"

Tanfeng is one of the protectors of Longrui Temple, a dignified monk in the integration stage, so his strength is naturally unmatched by him. (To be continued)



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