A Queen

Chapter 1,269 0Foshan, Evil Ghost

Chapter 1269

He also knew that it must be Dai Li who called him, and now that everything is exposed... everything he accomplished in Long Rui Temple will be in vain!

"Of course! Otherwise, do you think I would really risk my life?" Dai Li sneered. When she left the Kasyapa Pavilion, she sent a message to Li Qing and the others, saying that if she left, Tan Xin would also make excuses. If they leave, the possibility that this guy is Jia Zhong is almost 100%, that is, let them go to the senior officials of Longrui Temple to confess...

After all, she is a super newcomer in the Demon Palace, and the matter between the Demon Palace and Zhu Zhong is not difficult to find out. Once her identity is revealed, Long Rui Temple will not pay attention to it, and will definitely check the files to confirm the identity of Zhu Zhong. If there is any question about the origin, compare it with the letter they got from Touro...

Can the senior officials of Longrui Temple just sit back and do nothing?

So, Tan Feng is here!

It came at just the right time, Dai Li wanted to spit on Long Rui Si's face!

Can't you come earlier?

"It's all you, it's all you!!" Just when Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief...

Ji Zhong did not run away, but instead became furious. Perhaps he too wanted to kill the person behind him who gave him an endless sense of crisis, so he was desperate to make the ghost head spit out...

The meeting is the dynasty's separation and pressure.

Damn it!

Can't escape! too close...

Dai Li took a deep breath. She could see that Tan Feng, who was flying rapidly in the distance, had already launched a terrifying dharma image and attacked from the air, but it was too late...

She also saw the horrified faces of Li Qing and others far behind Tan Feng.

Zhao Zhong's angry and murderous face.

And the eyes of the two-faced Buddha reflected her miserable and weak look, as well as the 1008 Buddha statues behind her.

she. 1008 Buddha statue?

That scene might be her last scene in this world, or it might be...

"Backed by thousands of Buddhas, the Buddha's intention is to worship the sect, there is an ancient temple for a thousand years, and a wooden fish for ten thousand years." A thought suddenly flashed in Daili's heart.

In an instant,

All unwillingness and murderous intentions are inevitable.

The eye of reincarnation is certain,

The heart must be the same.

But the hand moved.

With one sword~~~

Thousand Machines No. 25 - Thousand Buddhas Temple!

1008 Buddha statues were instantly rubbed by the Eye of Samsara!

The sword comes out..1008 Buddha comes out!

One sword is a thousand swords, one sword reflects a Buddha's shadow, and thousands of opportunities condense into an ancient temple. It’s the Thousand Buddhas Temple!

Thousands of vampires have murderous intentions. It condenses and stabilizes into a magnificent and dark ancient temple. What kind of sword is that?

Ancient temples suppress evil!

Tan Feng, who had just arrived outside the formation, saw the scene where Gusha's domineering force was so powerful that he suppressed Zhu Zhong directly...

Does such a murderous and restrained Buddha's intention verify a sentence?

——Buddha can also kill people.

Rumble. Zhao Zhong was suppressed from the sky...

now. The attack intensity of Thousand Buddhas Ancient Temple was dull and sweeping. ..


The formation was shattered~~

The breath leaked out. Most of the monks who were in the temple at this moment were keenly aware of it.

They all looked in the direction of Qianfo Mountain and saw the broken formation revealed.

The monks who were suppressed by the Thousand Buddhas Temple...and the people covered in blood...

"It's her." Xie Liancheng saw it, and so did Jie Lianhuan. The two looked at each other.

"It seems that not everyone is here just to relax like us." Xie Liancheng smiled softly.

"Relax?" Xie Lianhuan sighed inwardly.

Liancheng, as smart as you are, it’s impossible not to understand what I mean, but you are so stubborn, what should I do?


"No!!! If I die, you won't even think about it easy..."

Zhao Zhong's wailing before his death shocked everyone in the temple who had just reacted, and then...

With his body in annihilation, Zhao Zhong flicked his palm and threw a blood-red light bead into the entrance of the Nianhua Buddha...

"Haha, all the evil blood beads, all the evil ghosts, wake up~~"

Evil ghosts are evil spirits between ghosts and demons. Although they also belong to the dark side, they are absolutely evil spirits that want to devour souls and are bloodthirsty. Even demons are no exception. They generally exist when the soul is classified into the afterlife. On the road, some of these things are restless and sneak into the human world. Even the demon realm hates this kind of things because demon cultivators are still human cultivators after all. Although their cultivation methods are inferior to those of righteous monks Most of them are much more ferocious, but they are not as powerful as the evil ghosts.

——The main reason is that the evil ghost wants to swallow the devil, which makes the devil cultivators miserable.

So wherever the evil ghost is, he is a character that everyone calls out to beat him up.

Just didn't expect...it would be here, or them!


The evil blood beads of all spirits had been aroused, and when they were thrown into the ancient cave, they released an extremely strong smell of blood. Damn it, this must be the blood of at least a million people!

Jia Zhong and Tu Luo have been doing evil for so many years, probably just to collect this blood and refine it into evil blood, in order to attract evil spirits...

Unfortunately, she ruined the other party's plan midway, and now it's ahead of schedule.

The blood energy was too heavy, and Dai Li's vampire fangs couldn't bear it. They were faintly exposed, and the cold aura of the vampire on his body became more and more obvious.

Tan Feng of Long Rui Temple turned green and shouted angrily: "You bastard! He wants to lure out the evil ghosts suppressed in Qianfo Mountain! Where is Protector Long Rui? Show up quickly! You monks are on alert, and those below the imperial level are on guard. Leave Longrui Temple quickly! Speed!"

After a series of angry shouts, various Dharma statues were quickly held in various areas of the Longrui Temple area that were originally very peaceful.

It seems that many fusion masters practicing in seclusion have realized the density of the Dharma. At first glance, excluding those external fusion masters, there are actually no less than fifty fusion masters inside Longrui Temple!


The monks in Longrui Temple were shocked, but they quickly flew out of Longrui Temple, just at this moment...

The entrance to the belly of the giant Buddha was now black and red, and the black air was spiraling, and the sound of a demon roaring in the abyss of hell could be heard...


"I want blood~~"

"The damn Buddha's seal, break it for me..."

One by one. Such roars appeared at the entrances of many Buddha statues.

These evil ghosts try to break the Buddha's seal to get the evil blood.

What would happen if a tiger that had been starved for three days suddenly saw a piece of fresh fat placed outside the cage? Either silently drooling, or going crazy and tearing open the cage...

These evil spirits are the latter.

When a large part of the monks withdrew from Longrui Temple, quack quack! It seemed that something was about to be torn apart. When they turned around, they saw that a layer of runes and Buddha seals on the 1008 Buddha statues were cracked, as if they would be completely unsealed in the next second~~~

"Quickly retreat! These evil ghosts are not easy to deal with!"

"If I leave too late, I'm afraid I'll be swallowed directly..."


Dozens of fusion masters have quickly formed a giant skynet using the Dharma. Block off the entire Longrui Temple.

Just left a gap,

"You have to go quickly. Otherwise, we will seal this place and you won't be able to leave!" Natan Feng repeated it again, causing those who were still watching and slower to come back to their senses immediately.

According to general rules, Daili should not hesitate at all. Turn around and leave.

Neuropathy. Zhao Zhong has been killed by her. The mission was accomplished, the evil ghost was terrifying, and she was seriously injured again. You'd be a fool not to leave!

But now was unusual. When she wanted to run away, her eyes of reincarnation suddenly saw that the place where the evil blood beads of all spirits were thrown was not very deep. It seemed that Zhao Zhong was not strong enough when he was about to die. ,so...

With a flash of his eyes, when Tan Feng reminded Dai Li to leave and run for his life, this man... turned into a stream of light and rushed into the entrance of the Buddha's cave in the middle...

I go!

Tan Feng and other Fusion Stage masters' eyes widened, while Li Qing and others were so scared that they almost peed.


Boss, you don’t want Jiang Zi!

Come back soon~~~~

The two Xie Liancheng brothers were also speechless...Who is this person? So... brave!

"She should be taking the evil blood bead of all spirits...her pupil technique can see the internal situation." Na Na, the young man following Fengshen Yingqi, said,

Fengshen Yingqi: "Humph, I'm quite brave, but I don't know if I have the ability... But it's strange why the host of Longrui Temple didn't respond."

Strange indeed.

At this moment, when the entire Longrui Temple was in chaos, in a courtyard where the abbot was located, there were two people sitting in a pavilion. Outside the pavilion stood three men in black, all dressed in the same black, with expressions on their faces. A dark golden fanged demonic face looked very majestic and terrifying.

But among the people in the pavilion, apart from a kind and peaceful old man with a bald head, there was also a woman...

She lazily leaned on the armchair and said calmly: "The evil ghost is here, won't the host handle it?"

"Good and evil are within oneself, misfortunes are determined by heaven and earth. It is destined that I will not be needed for this disaster."

"Really... It seems that the host is very confident in his sea-viewing skills..."

The woman's smile was very faint, as if she had remembered something. She twisted her fingertips and a white signature appeared.

"I don't know how to interpret this signature..."

Host Long Rui looked at it and was slightly surprised, then looked at the woman: "It doesn't belong to His Highness, right?"

"It's true, but that doesn't mean I don't have it."

The woman's fingertips flicked again, and another signature fell on the table.

It is exactly the same as the other one.

The host frowned deeply.


In the Buddha Cave, Dai Li has already seen the Wan Ling Xie Blood Beads dropped on the ground. It is said that the thing is definitely a top treasure for the vampires. It is difficult to find it even with a lantern, and Dai Li does not suck blood himself. It has been a long time, and most of them buy spiritual blood bottles for practice, and rarely drink human blood.

One is that she doesn't want to hurt innocent people, and the other is that she is afraid that she will turn into a complete vampire demon and may also hurt the people around her... After all, the world is too tempting, and people like Ye Ziqing have extraordinary physiques and spiritual powers. Blood was extremely delicious, and once she got used to it, it would be difficult to suppress it in the future, so she endured it and tried not to suck human blood alive. On the contrary, she was more elegant than the people under her command in the Vatican.

But now the evil blood beads of all spirits were created by Tu Luo and his disciples. It has nothing to do with her cause and effect. Instead of taking advantage of these evil ghosts and helping the evil spirits to do evil, it is better to give them to her! (To be continued...)


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