A Queen

Chapter 1,270 The Wanling Xie Blood Bead is in danger!

Chapter 1270


Someone was smart and brave, and rushed into the hole with his hands and feet. At this moment, he reached out and grabbed the bead...

"You bastard, put it down!"

"You despicable person, put down the evil blood beads!"

"Put it down, drop it!"

The evil ghosts inside who were still working hard to break through the Buddha's seal became even more arrogant without the evil blood beads, because they had been stimulated and awakened, and now that they were stimulated by Dai Li, they became even more angry!

Daili was not afraid of these evil ghosts at all, and raised his middle finger towards the ugly faces of many evil ghosts revealed in the Buddha seal film!

Turn around and leave!

Angry, so angry!

The demons roar...

Dai Li had already rushed out of the cave entrance, and Tan Feng and other masters were surprised and delighted when they saw it.

"Succeeded?" Tan Feng asked urgently. If the bead is recovered, maybe there will be no danger...

"No, I didn't see it." Dai Li opened his eyes and lied.

Just finished.


The seal of Buddha is broken~~~

The evil ghost finally bursts out!

Evil spirits, demons, demons, demons, and all kinds of ugly shapes emerged from each hole!

Baring his teeth and claws, he roared to the sky.

"Give me back the evil blood beads~~~"

Tan Feng and others: "...."

You are so good-looking, why are you so shameless!

But they would rather the beads be put away than be swallowed by these evil ghosts...otherwise they would be even more terrifying.

"The evil ghost is here, everyone, please excuse me!" Tan Feng gave an order,

The protectors of Longrui Temple all took action, and the masters in the integration stage also took action...

That was a very terrifying attack!

Faced with the evil ghosts that rushed out of the 1008 Buddha Cave. The evil ghosts are of varying strength. The ones at the emperor level are very strong. The first and second levels are at the peak level. There are also three levels, and there is also a particularly large combined level one... .

Daili didn't care about this, she had already rushed towards the only gap in the formation opened by the fusion masters...

The gap is slowly closing.

She flew over and waved towards Li Qing and the others: "The wind is tight, pull it!"

Li Qing: "What do you mean?":

Fan Li: "It's terrible to be uneducated. Let's run away, you fat man!"

However, before the three of them started to run, they saw the man who had just been trying to pull him... followed by thousands of ferocious evil spirits.

In an instant, someone was surrounded.

Damn it, you didn’t take that bead, who would believe it!

At this moment, Dai Li was covered in blood. He was seriously injured in the first place, but now he was surrounded by thousands of evil ghosts. He had a narrow escape from death because Li Qing and the others were too delusional.

It’s simply a doomed situation!


With a sweep of the Eye of Reincarnation, Daili wanted to take advantage of these evil ghosts to escape in the void where their souls were weakened...

But there are thousands of evil ghosts pressing forward...

There seem to be only five thousand evil ghosts in total...

I just divided two thousand here!

Can you give those in the combined period some presence? ! !

She exclaimed, Damn, isn’t it just a bead?

How long have you been locked up and you are so horny?

Someone who couldn't help but complain flipped his wrist and used Thousand Machine Sword style...


Block, block, and block again, but the sword flow was quickly broken by these ferocious evil ghosts, and the thunder method was also blasted.

However, her few blood energy and Lei Yuan were decreasing at a flying speed...

I can't find any opening to escape..

Tan Feng and others want to help... The evil ghosts in the integration stage are entangled...

Just when Dai Li was about to be swallowed~~


An almost transparent cover covered the top of her head, Peng! After blocking several evil ghost attacks, an invisible force tied her waist, buzzing~~ covering her body and pulling her...

Can they be pulled out and encircled?

Yes, because that power actually has repulsion!

The evil ghosts were pushed away by the strange force of repulsion... Dai Li was directly pulled out of the siege!

Pulled directly to the ground in an attic.

Snap, Dai Li landed on the ground, his body was bleeding continuously, a small patch of blood was stained on the ground, and his skin and flesh were torn...

With her defense like this, you can imagine how dangerous the fierce battle would be.

However, she didn't seem to care about her embarrassment at all. She just gave Xie Liancheng a fist and said, "Thank you, Miss Xie, for saving your life."

"It doesn't have to be... it's just convenient." Xie Liancheng really didn't care. In her opinion, although this person had a perverse style and was unstable, he was probably an interesting person. She would be saved if she could.

But he didn't know that Dai Li had remembered it in his heart, but without saying anything, he planned to leave...

"Since she's seriously injured, it's better to stay here... Liancheng, protect her." Xie Lianhuan stepped forward and the person flew out!

As soon as he made a move, the stream of light swept across his hand, and it seemed that countless flying knives were like a swarm of bees, forming star blades in his hand. He attacked with various combinations of flying knives. The lethality was very good, and both the first and second level emperors could be killed instantly.

What a powerful Jie Liancheng, he is worthy of being the top young master in the Demon City, and he is also the number one among the younger generation in the Demon City...

Dai Li weighed it in his mind and found that there was still a lot of gap between him and his opponent. The opponent was at least a third-level high-level emperor, and maybe even an extreme emperor.

It's not that I lost anything in terms of talent, it was just that I was slower.

Even so, Dai Li would not admit defeat. At this moment, seeing Jie Lianlian blocking the sky above, she felt a little more at ease.

"Heal your wounds," Xie Liancheng said calmly.

"Okay, excuse me, girl."

After all, his situation was too dangerous, so Daili didn't refuse and just sat cross-legged on the ground to recover from his injuries...

The reason why I didn't escape was because the gap had been closed just now, unless Tan Feng and others opened it, or the formation was blasted away...

However, the people in Longrui Temple are not all filled with the Heshengqi and Daili people at the moment. In fact, there are quite a few people who stay, including no less than a hundred tourists.

Among them, the people at the table who had eaten vegetarian food together before Dai Li were all there.

Li Qing and the others had already arrived to protect Dai Li. They were surprised when they saw the scene of fighting in the sky.

"Let me go, that sloppy old man just now turned out to be the Ultimate Emperor."

"So are Fengshen Yingqi and her guards."

Fan Li saw the dark blue lightsaber held out by Fengshenying Qi in the sky. It was a very powerful weapon. It was almost a super intermediate weapon or above. He had killed with one sword. The light carried by the sword seemed to have a special effect. As if they were dizzy and sucking blood, those evil ghosts were struck by a sword, and most of their bodies froze, and then they were slaughtered by her...

"Devil Soldier Tianwu, is this Demon Soldier Tianwu?"

Even more tyrannical than their bloody soldiers!

Of course, Dai Li's Thousand Machines power is not weaker than the opponent's, but the opponent is the Ultimate Emperor after all, and the power he uses is even more terrifying.

Except for the combined stage, Jie Lianlian and Fengshen Yingqi, as well as the dull young man and the sloppy old man are the strongest in the sky, and they can be called the most powerful emperors.

But compared to the evil ghosts who continue to use the hole, the situation is getting more and more urgent...

Daili was so anxious that he quickly opened his eyes.

Jie Liancheng's eyes flashed when she saw Dai Li sitting down and getting up within ten minutes. She could see that Dai Li's injuries had healed by 30%!

Ten minutes, 30%?

This recovery speed...

Could it be that he has some kind of restorative treasure? It would be terrifying if his own physique was like this. I am afraid that it is not just the blood of nine generations of nobles...

"Devil Soldier Tianwu..." Dai Li was only slightly surprised when he saw Demon Soldier Tianwu, and then he used the Eye of Reincarnation.

But it is not used to sweep away those evil ghosts, but to look at the Thousand Buddha Cave.

Her expression was very serious.

"We have to get out of here...there's something very scary coming out of that hole."

I can't say much about her strength, but in terms of soul and perception, she can definitely arrogantly outshine everyone here, even if she is inferior to her in many combined stages.

So when Dai Li said it, he didn't cover it up, and most people here could hear it.

Fengshen Yingqi didn't quite believe it, but Jie Lianhuan looked at the entrance of the cave...

Jie Liancheng has already taken off, and as Dai Li and others fly towards the place where the gap exit is closed...

It was at this time~~

Peng, Peng, Peng, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the entrance of the Buddha's cave in the middle. .

Then, a huge evil ghost with a body like a lava spirit body, a shell of cracked black sand, and a head like a demon slowly walked out of the cave entrance.

The body is like a cow, but it walks upright.

Ten meters tall.

It stood in front of the cave entrance and looked around coldly at the entire space of Longrui Temple. Its palm-sized pupils shocked the hundreds of thousands of people outside Longrui Temple's formation.

Old man, this is...

"The King of Evil Ghosts is second only to the Mahayana. He actually came out." There was no trace of blood on Tan Feng's face.

It's over, not to mention the emperor level, even the nearly 100 fusion stage ones here will be swallowed by the other party...

"Unlock the formation and let it go! Every one of them can escape. We can only wait for the adults to come."

Those who can be called adults by those in the combined stage can only be the top masters of the Demon Realm - those Demon Generals!

Uncle, come and save me!

When the evil ghost king's eyes fell on her, Dai Li's expression wrinkled together. She wanted to send a message from a million miles away and call her domineering uncle, but it was too late~~

"You dare to snatch the sacrifice of my evil ghost king, you are seeking death!"

Zha Zhong said that Dai Li was looking for death and was killed by Dai Li. Many people said that they were all killed by her, but... kill the evil ghost king?

Please give me another fifty years.

Dai Li met the Evil Ghost King's eyes and said seriously: "Well... is it still too late for me to pay you back?"

What do you say? ! Tan Feng wanted to tear open a big hole and throw this brat who made people laugh and cry out directly.

After listening to the fat man's analysis before, he thought that the master the fat man was talking about should be a serious, serious, and extremely smart genius.

A genius is a genius, but his style of painting is different and changes from time to time.

The evil ghost king was bound to get the evil blood beads of all spirits, so he directly stretched out his ghost claws with bright red burning flames. Although the movement was slow, he was in front of Dai Li in the blink of an eye!

I go!

what to do!

It seems that no one here is a match for this thing... By the way, what about this Long Rui Temple, and the host! !

Dai Li will never be able to defeat this thing even if he breaks through again, so...r1152


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